
CVS Decapre (ver 1.43) - Updated 14.2.2021 (Read 80018 times)

Started by tJun, June 27, 2020, 08:55:56 am
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CVS Decapre (ver 1.43) - Updated 14.2.2021
#1  June 27, 2020, 08:55:56 am
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I have decided to complete this character that has been a long overdue project.

And finally here is CVS Decapre. This character has a Capcom vs SNK 2 system style with grooves.

Most of her moves are mostly taken from Ultra Street Fighter IV (some with modifications due to lack of sprites) and I have also included extra moves from Ultra Street Fighter IV Omega Mode. I am not very good in coding (and I have never played the original game) so this is my best attempt to convert a SFIV character to CVS style.

Decapre's strategy revolves around her great speed and unpredictable cross-ups, along with the use of her Psycho Power-infused daggers. Her unique attack "Scramble" is used to mix up her opponent in a variety of ways. Her supers have different utilities, each being better for different situations.
She is a charge character, therefore many of her moves require charge motions.

More images
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Updates (latest 14.2.2021):
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Please take a look at the README!! file for more info especially on moves, combos and cvs gameplay.

CVS Decapre updated on 14.2.2021 (version 1.43)
CVS Decapre (version 1.43) : *link updated 14.2.2021*

Decapre (no groove and no charge) (version 1.43) : *no groove, no announcer voice, no score indicator, no charge version*

CVS system and announcer removal patch (with groove select system) by DW :

You can permanently fix to a groove or totally remove the grooves with this patch, which u can find here :

Feel free to check out my previous characters.
CVS Mature:
CVS Psylocke :
CVS Poison :

I probably will not be updating this character so frequently unless there are major bugs. Please do report to me if any bugs are found and I will try to fix them as soon as possible.

Many thanks to those who provide feedback for improvement of this character.

Thank you and take care!!
Last Edit: February 14, 2021, 02:56:37 pm by tJun
Re: CVS Decapre
#2  June 27, 2020, 09:09:51 am
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  • A.K.A. NED
  • I like to draw fighting game characters...
Great! She looks nice!
Time to test!

Thanks for sharing this long time project!
Re: CVS Decapre
#3  June 27, 2020, 12:53:09 pm
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    • USA
I found a few bugs after testing a few minutes:
-The first attack message still appears after getting hit by Psycho Stream or blocking it and hitting the opponent with any attack right after.
-The back dash animation stops before she touches the ground when walking backwards.
-Strafe Dagger command is too restrictive and doesn't work.
-Cannon Strike command doesn't work with with A.
I will still do detail and aesthetic feedback for the rest.
Re: CVS Decapre
#4  June 27, 2020, 04:51:02 pm
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Re: CVS Decapre
#5  June 27, 2020, 04:58:06 pm
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I found a few bugs after testing a few minutes:
-The first attack message still appears after getting hit by Psycho Stream or blocking it and hitting the opponent with any attack right after.
-The back dash animation stops before she touches the ground when walking backwards.
-Strafe Dagger command is too restrictive and doesn't work.
-Cannon Strike command doesn't work with with A.

Much appreciated for the feedback. I will fix them in the next update.

For Strafe Dagger, I don't have problem executing the move. If you find it difficult to combo this from normal moves, perhaps can change the command into double quarter circle motion.
Re: CVS Decapre
#6  June 27, 2020, 05:53:09 pm
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Re: CVS Decapre
#7  June 27, 2020, 05:59:48 pm
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    • Peru
Amazing! Thank you so much!
Re: CVS Decapre
#8  June 27, 2020, 06:05:33 pm
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    • Germany
A can see the amount of love you put into this character. Congratulations! I can perform Strafe Dagger without any issues at all, the problem might be that it's listed as qcbx2+ punch in the readme when it should be the Sonic Hurricane motion.

- A lot of sprites (most notable the gethits) use palette 11000 so she's jumping from color to color all the time.
- I can see the future and tell you that keyboard users are going to complain because they cannot perform delta DCM (happened to me with Blanka). As with most of charge characters, a buffering system would suit her so well you can't imagine. If you don't have the time to do this I suggest you to add a little tutorial of how to perform deltas in keyboard (hold DB, never ever everrelease down->release back+press foward->press back->press up+kick) in the notes section.
- I can't connect Scramble>Break after hitting Psycho Stream. Can Lvl 3 Psycho Stream get the 9 hits back, please? :< It would really help for some combos.
- Mind buffing her dash a tiny bit? I'm not sure if it's Psycho Stream being faster than usual or her fast being slower but you should usually be able to outspeed the projectile with ease.

Thanks for sharing this character!
Re: CVS Decapre
#9  June 27, 2020, 07:49:46 pm
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CVS Decapre version 1.1 released.

Character has been updated. Download link has been changed. An update log is included in the README!! file.

*Highly recommend to take a look at the Basic Combos under my README!! to learn how to play and perform combos*  :mhappy:
Last Edit: June 27, 2020, 08:17:20 pm by tJun
Re: CVS Decapre
#10  June 27, 2020, 08:05:58 pm
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A can see the amount of love you put into this character. Congratulations! I can perform Strafe Dagger without any issues at all, the problem might be that it's listed as qcbx2+ punch in the readme when it should be the Sonic Hurricane motion.

- A lot of sprites (most notable the gethits) use palette 11000 so she's jumping from color to color all the time.
- I can see the future and tell you that keyboard users are going to complain because they cannot perform delta DCM (happened to me with Blanka). As with most of charge characters, a buffering system would suit her so well you can't imagine. If you don't have the time to do this I suggest you to add a little tutorial of how to perform deltas in keyboard (hold DB, never ever everrelease down->release back+press foward->press back->press up+kick) in the notes section.
- I can't connect Scramble>Break after hitting Psycho Stream. Can Lvl 3 Psycho Stream get the 9 hits back, please? :< It would really help for some combos.
- Mind buffing her dash a tiny bit? I'm not sure if it's Psycho Stream being faster than usual or her fast being slower but you should usually be able to outspeed the projectile with ease.

Thanks for sharing this character!

Thank you~  :sugoi:  I did put a lot of effort and time into this character. And I appreciate your feedback a lot.

-I have updated the character and enabled combo from Scramble -> Break after Psycho Stream connects but only for level 2 Psycho Stream (C-groove and EX-groove only) otherwise it will be way too overpowered and it wouldn't really feel like CVS-style.
-Psycho Stream has been changed to 9 hits at max level (I'm glad you pointed it out).
-Regarding the palettes, I realised too that some of the sprites do have a different palette, but that is because I got the sprites from the SFF that chuchoryu edited from Pullo's character. However, I don't really see any change of colours in-game. But I don't think I will be fixing this issue for the now, as it is going to be very time consuming.
-For charge characters, I have learned to execute charge motions on keyboard because I have always played using keyboard. But I don't have a tutorial for this. Haha. But to be honest, I don't really like charge characters. To tell u the truth, I initially made Decapre a non-charged character but decided to changed back to be accurate to original game source.
-Which dash are you referring to? The forward dash or run? I think both are ok, can outspeed the projectile without much difficulty.

Thank you guys.

@Charles_2011  @joeld
Last Edit: June 27, 2020, 08:43:43 pm by tJun
Re: CVS Decapre
#11  June 27, 2020, 08:47:51 pm
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When performing a neutral short-hop her jump anim seems to start repeating itself instead of animating like it does when she does something like a normal jump.
Also just curious not requesting or anything but are there any plans to do something like give her an EX mode based off of her Omega mode changes in USFIV?
Double also I think this is a pretty neat version of Decapre.
Re: CVS Decapre
#12  June 27, 2020, 09:53:12 pm
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It's been 9 years and it was worth the wait. Glad to see another amazing person returning on MUGEN scenario.
Don't mind few issues like the "First Attack Message" tJun, i did the video before the update. :v
Thanks a lot for this great version of Decapre.

A can see the amount of love you put into this character.

Very indeed KC. Finally we have a proper Decapre on this style. :)
Re: CVS Decapre
#13  June 27, 2020, 10:32:00 pm
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    • Brazil
the char is excellent, but I suggest a patch for keyboard players because the lv3 command is almost impossible to execute
Re: CVS Decapre
#14  June 27, 2020, 11:02:05 pm
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The opponent can air recover out of her Target Combo 1(the launcher) and Break(Z) for Scramble (Ground to air).
Re: CVS Decapre
#15  June 28, 2020, 06:26:34 am
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*Minor updates*

CVS Decapre version 1.22 released.

Decapre with no groove and no charge version released.

- Download link for character updated.
- Download link for patch (charge and no charge versions) available in the first post.


CVS Decapre version 1.21 released.

- Download link for character updated.
- Download link for patch available in the first post.


CVS Decapre version 1.2 released.

Character has been updated. Download link has been changed. An update log is included in the README!! file.

Also included a small patch to change commands to non-charge motions. Changes to new commands can be found in README!! But I will post it here in case anyone cannot find it.

New commands (No-charge motion)
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty


Thank you @Memes never die/Manby for addressing the issues. Regarding making a full omega mode, it would be fun to do but I don't think I will be doing it anytime soon. Another issue is lack of sprites, especially "Black Widow" and the new alternate attack <- + HK.

Thank you, 【MFG】gui0007 for the great showcase video.

Thank you, @reporter vesgo. Please download the new version from the updated link and apply the small patch to change to non-charge motion.
Last Edit: June 28, 2020, 04:10:24 pm by tJun
Re: CVS Decapre (ver 1.22) Updated 28.6.2020
#16  June 28, 2020, 07:29:34 pm
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    • USA
Man, this character is fun. I love how smooth she feels and pulling off her moves feels great. The only thing I noticed that hasn't been mentioned [the only other thing being the palettes issue] is that sometimes when I try to cancel Level 2 Strafe Dagger into Psycho Sting, I'll end up getting Rapid Dagger instead, despite the fact that I'm very clearly doing the input for Psycho Sting. I'm using the non-charge input patch, just in case that matters and isn't a present issue regardless.

Edit: Bug report update, two things I noticed while playing through Arcade mode with her:

- This doesn't always happen so I'm not sure what causes it but sometimes during either version of DCM, her slash effects sort of seem to fall off the screen rather than just disappear.
- When you game over with her in Arcade mode, rather than a dizzy or lose animation playing on the "Continue" screen, she'll play an intro and then her idle animation instead.
Last Edit: June 28, 2020, 10:39:24 pm by PRØJECT.13
Re: CVS Decapre (ver 1.22) Updated 28.6.2020
#17  June 29, 2020, 12:29:07 am
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    • Peru
Thank you again, TJun for this, for the character and the updates. Decapre is one of my favorites characters in USFIV and now, have this character in my Mugen is really cool. I hope you continue working in this kind of chars.
Re: CVS Decapre (ver 1.22) Updated 28.6.2020
#18  June 29, 2020, 02:58:30 am
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    • USA
-You need to make more use of clsn constant. There's no reason why her mid body clsn during her stance should move. Her gethit clsns should share with her respective stance and crouch clsns. It's also more efficient code wise.

-Your conflicting FX is a bit jarring imo. Some of them are hi-res, others are not. You might as well just make them all hi res. I'm not talking about system FX(like dust and stuff), I mean her energy FX.

-Speaking of which, for her Psycho Crusher like super, the FX gains the wrong sprpriority and goes behind her. A lot of these FX, you should probably consider encasing(doubling) her in the FX with one in front, one behind, half transparency. Like for the aforementioned P.Crusher move.

-Forward roll feels strange momentum wise and is honestly somewhat of a hindrance because of this.

-Looking at the hitbox for her grab, and considering you're using Waru's chars as template, I'm hoping she can't grab opponents who land on the other side of her like Waru's can. A good way to make sure she can't, is to not have that extra large hitbox for it.

-Looks like you may still have a few pal issues left. Like when she turns her back winpose, one of her pigtails has the wrong shade for outlining. There may very well be more... However, I might be inclined to help out with this. Well, in a sense... I want to see how a CS will look on her. I'll post up a concept when/if I get around to it.

-You know, instead of linking to a very old patch that removes all the announcer/points stuff, you could just null it out yourself and provide that cns as an alt? TBH, the fact that those patches would work for a char you've just made in 2020 is a bit...disheartening. I've done this myself, if you want me to provide it? It doesn't lock someone in a grove either. They'll still be allowed to pick w/e groove they desire.

I'm not very familiar with the char, but she does feel well done overall. Good job. It's cool to see you still around, tJun. I have yet to do any arcade runs with her. We'll see if I run into anything else. I hope to see more from you, and progression into more modern ways of doing things.
Re: CVS Decapre (ver 1.22) Updated 28.6.2020
#19  June 29, 2020, 04:22:21 am
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    • USA
Three more things, two bug updates and a little nit-picky kinda thing:

- The palette glitch seems to only be something that happens in the Fighter Factory Training Mode. It doesn't occur while playing through MUGEN normally, at least on my end.
- If Decapre gets grabbed by DuckSS' edit of N64Mario's Omega Zero, specifically the gun grab, she'll do her crumple animation KO but never get back up.
- The nitpicky thing deals with one of her winposes, specifically the one where she removes her mask and teleports away. It feels a bit off to have her do that during something like the first round of a match. It'd be best if it was saved as a match-ending winpose instead.
Re: CVS Decapre (ver 1.22) Updated 28.6.2020
#20  June 29, 2020, 01:26:40 pm
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-You need to make more use of clsn constant. There's no reason why her mid body clsn during her stance should move. Her gethit clsns should share with her respective stance and crouch clsns. It's also more efficient code wise.

-Your conflicting FX is a bit jarring imo. Some of them are hi-res, others are not. You might as well just make them all hi res. I'm not talking about system FX(like dust and stuff), I mean her energy FX.

-Speaking of which, for her Psycho Crusher like super, the FX gains the wrong sprpriority and goes behind her. A lot of these FX, you should probably consider encasing(doubling) her in the FX with one in front, one behind, half transparency. Like for the aforementioned P.Crusher move.

-Forward roll feels strange momentum wise and is honestly somewhat of a hindrance because of this.

-Looking at the hitbox for her grab, and considering you're using Waru's chars as template, I'm hoping she can't grab opponents who land on the other side of her like Waru's can. A good way to make sure she can't, is to not have that extra large hitbox for it.

-Looks like you may still have a few pal issues left. Like when she turns her back winpose, one of her pigtails has the wrong shade for outlining. There may very well be more... However, I might be inclined to help out with this. Well, in a sense... I want to see how a CS will look on her. I'll post up a concept when/if I get around to it.

-You know, instead of linking to a very old patch that removes all the announcer/points stuff, you could just null it out yourself and provide that cns as an alt? TBH, the fact that those patches would work for a char you've just made in 2020 is a bit...disheartening. I've done this myself, if you want me to provide it? It doesn't lock someone in a grove either. They'll still be allowed to pick w/e groove they desire.

I'm not very familiar with the char, but she does feel well done overall. Good job. It's cool to see you still around, tJun. I have yet to do any arcade runs with her. We'll see if I run into anything else. I hope to see more from you, and progression into more modern ways of doing things.

Thank you for the valuable advice.

-I understand what you mean. Regarding the clsns, most of them are from based on another character that I used as a base and I'm not particularly concerned with them as I don't see this issue affecting gameplay. But I will try to fix the grossly inaccurate ones as much as I can detect.
-For the fx, I admit some are hi-res and some are not. However I am no spriter and I cannot produce the hi-res fx that I desire sometimes. Therefore I resorted to using what I can find from other characters. This is something I hope to change but it's quite difficult with my limited skills, unless someone offers to help make them.
-Since I am using waru's template, most likely the grab problem will be the same. I know some of his code and system may be not be perfect, probably obsolete in current standards. But this most likely require full re-coding, which I may not be able to work on with my capabilities plus I am not really good in coding. But I appreciate your input on this.
-I will fix the pal issue on her winpose and others if I can find. I would appreciate as many help as I can get on this.
-The groove removal patch is old and still works. I started working on this character quite a long time ago and it was abandoned until I decided to complete her. I didn't really intend to provide a non-groove version but since many preferred it, so I provide it in the link. I don't think this would be a priority for me to make a patch now. But if you can provide it, I would be thankful.

Btw, if you are interested to make Decapre, feel free to use anything from this character. I'm sure you will create a much better one.   :grin3:

Man, this character is fun. I love how smooth she feels and pulling off her moves feels great. The only thing I noticed that hasn't been mentioned [the only other thing being the palettes issue] is that sometimes when I try to cancel Level 2 Strafe Dagger into Psycho Sting, I'll end up getting Rapid Dagger instead, despite the fact that I'm very clearly doing the input for Psycho Sting. I'm using the non-charge input patch, just in case that matters and isn't a present issue regardless.

Edit: Bug report update, two things I noticed while playing through Arcade mode with her:

- This doesn't always happen so I'm not sure what causes it but sometimes during either version of DCM, her slash effects sort of seem to fall off the screen rather than just disappear.
- When you game over with her in Arcade mode, rather than a dizzy or lose animation playing on the "Continue" screen, she'll play an intro and then her idle animation instead.

-Are you referring to the psycho powered slash effects (not the hitsparks)? Sometimes the sprites will misalign but not totally fall off the screen. I think it's probably because I took a shortcut in coding them. Since its just an aesthetic issue, maybe I might work on it once I settled the more important ones.
-I don't have a problem with the lose animation on the continue screen. I tried it with basic winmugen and mugen 1.0. Is it a problem related to your screenpack?

Three more things, two bug updates and a little nit-picky kinda thing:

- The palette glitch seems to only be something that happens in the Fighter Factory Training Mode. It doesn't occur while playing through MUGEN normally, at least on my end.
- If Decapre gets grabbed by DuckSS' edit of N64Mario's Omega Zero, specifically the gun grab, she'll do her crumple animation KO but never get back up.
- The nitpicky thing deals with one of her winposes, specifically the one where she removes her mask and teleports away. It feels a bit off to have her do that during something like the first round of a match. It'd be best if it was saved as a match-ending winpose instead.

-Yes, the palette issue is noted when I am making this character on fighter factory. No palette issues in-game, however. Not a priority to fix for now.
-I tried it out and figured that the problem is mainly due to Omega Zero's "Opponent Collapse state" (State 825). That state may not be compatible for certain characters such as mine. You can just tweak a little bit of your triggers and it should work. But I can adjust my character and it should work.
-Winpose : your idea sounds good.

Thank you
Last Edit: June 29, 2020, 04:52:06 pm by tJun