
Dcat's TMNT WIP Thread (Read 195194 times)

Started by Dcat, July 02, 2020, 04:53:24 am
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Re: TMNT April O'Neil WIP
#21  July 06, 2020, 05:24:03 pm
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Classic April always showed aptitude for driving and operating heavy machinery so I'd love to see her  utilizing the News Van, News bike, and News helicopter in her specials.
Re: TMNT April O'Neil WIP
#22  July 07, 2020, 01:57:49 am
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She could swing her mic in simillar fashion to relento rotates his baton.

This is good  kinda like a  horizontal spin attack that does multi-hit. Ooh like Jojo's clacker attack. and she could maybe get a bit acrobatic with it like a baton or ribbon twirler. Varied button presses for different strengths kinda like Fei-Long's Rekka Fist in Street Fighter, Yes!

Classic April always showed aptitude for driving and operating heavy machinery so I'd love to see her  utilizing the News Van, News bike, and News helicopter in her specials.

I've got some screencaps of her purple NewsBike from an episode where they introduce Casey Jones I think

I like this idea of using the Turtle Van as well. Maybe a super that utilizes that intro screen of her driving the van with turtles in the reflection of the driver's side-window. I'll have the van hit the enemy then cut to a splash screen of April smirking while the opponent flies off into the air hurt in the side mirror reflection.

I CANNOT WAIT! Dcat and I are gonna go crazy!!! hehehehehehehehehehehehehhe
Me too! I'm trying as hard as I can to work on these sprites for you so we can get started, man!

Re: TMNT April O'Neil WIP
#23  July 07, 2020, 02:05:26 am
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Maybe give her a super from the TMNT cartoon when she was evil at around the 1:47 mark she'll glow blue and will shoot lightning across the stage.
Re: TMNT April O'Neil WIP
#24  July 07, 2020, 05:09:30 am
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I've got some screencaps of her purple NewsBike from an episode where they introduce Casey Jones I think

Great start!  Besides "Casey Jones: Outlaw Hero," other episodes I remember that feature the News Bike are "Burne's Blues" (briefly), "Mr. Nice Guy" (she looks really cool in that one), and "Attack of Big MACC" (doesn't wear her safety helmet in that one).

The coloring mistake on the bike's rear fender!

I put this together a few years back just as a tribute to April's amazing road skills:
I wanted to work in a little of her helicopter skills (both flying and maintenance) but couldn't fit the song length.

Maybe give her a super from the TMNT cartoon when she was evil at around the 1:47 mark she'll glow blue and will shoot lightning across the stage.

There is a classic toon parallel of evil energy-blasting April, seen in the "Lost Queen of Atlantis" episode where April wears a mystic cult gem which makes her believe she is an ancient Atlantis Queen and gives her all the powers associated with the title:
Last Edit: July 08, 2020, 05:40:30 pm by oldmanwinters
Re: TMNT April O'Neil WIP
#25  July 09, 2020, 07:21:29 pm
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She could swing her mic in simillar fashion to relento rotates his baton.

This is good  kinda like a  horizontal spin attack that does multi-hit. Ooh like Jojo's clacker attack. and she could maybe get a bit acrobatic with it like a baton or ribbon twirler. Varied button presses for different strengths kinda like Fei-Long's Rekka Fist in Street Fighter, Yes!

Hey, here's an overkill idea...

April riding her newsbike and swinging her mic cord around like Ghost Rider!
Re: TMNT April O'Neil WIP
#26  July 09, 2020, 10:51:18 pm
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I like it, Ghostrider seems like a good character to look at for some of her specials the chain lashing combos he does are pretty insane!

New attacks done

Slow but steady, the more I do of these the more she seems to shape up.
Re: TMNT April O'Neil WIP
#27  July 10, 2020, 07:10:27 pm
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Re: TMNT April O'Neil WIP
#28  July 11, 2020, 01:18:39 am
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Will you use her voice in any of the attacks, sort of like the Kirby mic ability/Sindel's scream attacks, or some kind of attack where let's say she starts at a 0 level news rating but after combos her news ratings go up, and this could in turn work sort of like Frank West's ability in how they handled him in MVC3 with the combo/camera system. Where if you happened to reuse some of the same sprites but either better reach/equipment, that way if there are some extra ideas you can implement them into the upgrades.

You could probably incorporate some scratch based super as well, like Wolverine? just some thoughts, new attacks look great!
Re: TMNT April O'Neil WIP
#29  July 16, 2020, 03:59:26 pm
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^ I like this idea for the news rating... but I've never really been good at nerf-ing characters though. If it was something where she wasn't utterly useless without the specific certain parameters being met, it sounds like a good idea. Saw a tutorial on Frank West and it said that everything from his attack range to his jump distance was restricted based on the leveling system, it could add for some complexity though. And a departure from my other characters since I don't really do secret move gauges or power charging...

Got a new attack done inspired by Mariah from JoJo +  my spinning mic variant

a peek at the color seperation

Re: TMNT April O'Neil WIP
#30  July 17, 2020, 12:58:44 am
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It would definitely be up to you to determine how complex, I don't know if it would need to be as involved, maybe just affecting the range/strength but if you were down to see how it would be with experimenting how it would affect other parameters like maybe attack speed, jumps, wall/floor bounces for combo extension, and such like with Frank at least it gives you room to mess around with.

You could potentially have it so that she, like Frank would start from lowest level and progressively move towards the highest, or, just have it work kind of like the style meters in DMC where she actively has to stay in combat to maintain her level, or she progressively loses it for playing too defensively, or just for getting hit, so it rewards maybe more of an aggressive play style? I think there's definitely potential
Re: TMNT April O'Neil WIP
#31  July 18, 2020, 01:43:10 am
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You could probably incorporate some scratch based super as well, like Wolverine? just some thoughts, new attacks look great!

I would love some Cat Mutant April references! Maybe she gets a "super mutant" state for a few seconds and calls in a tiger to assist her like in the episode?

Last Edit: July 20, 2020, 07:00:34 pm by oldmanwinters
Re: TMNT April O'Neil WIP
#32  July 18, 2020, 11:36:04 pm
    • Australia
Better to make her look like nice-looking April from Tournament Fighters Game

Last Edit: July 19, 2020, 12:03:20 am by mnusfera
Re: TMNT April O'Neil WIP
#33  July 19, 2020, 07:41:45 pm
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Wow, that CS is looking very good. I didn't think she would be able to get something with very many options. Looking forward to see what pals get made for her. I like the idea of a mic leveling system, though not the mutant cat thing. To the best of my knowledge, that was just a one off episode. It'd be a very obscure reference overall. It's also not something she could do at will, it just happened.

I do like the idea of using the Turtles van, or even her own Channel 6 vehicles for supers. The leveling mic mechanic wouldn't have to be as involved/complex as Frank West's. It could be just directly linked with her mic specials and super(s). You can even make a nice play on the system, calling it like: "News Ratings". Giving it a lighter cap too. Like 3-5 being the max.

The higher the level, the more powerful her mic specials/supers can be. Like for example, that mic whip attack you referenced to from the Rescue Palooza game. The higher her rating level, the more damage and reach that attack could gain.
Re: TMNT April O'Neil WIP
#34  July 20, 2020, 06:07:57 am
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Yeah I think in general, the idea of having some extra sprites you can toss in as references for the variations would be neat. Possibly even affecting her win screen, where if she ends on a different rating you can get a better victory animation where she's more celebratory or upset depending on what her final rating is when she wins the fight. I think it would be a nice thing to play around with for sure. I don't think it should be as complicated as Frank's either, but as I said I don't know if it should be a consistent thing myself, where her ratings level would stay, or have it rewarded/removed based on playing more offensively or defensively, I'm not a character creator myself but I genuinely want to see what this turns out to be.
Re: TMNT April O'Neil WIP
#35  July 21, 2020, 07:11:11 pm
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I like what we have so far. Given that a coloring book was given a wink to for Krang's crossbow, maybe look into some of the accessories from her variant action figures for moves? I think some of them would look pretty neat. I like the ideas posted so far.
Last Edit: July 21, 2020, 07:24:35 pm by Miru962
Re: TMNT April O'Neil WIP
#36  December 21, 2020, 02:19:09 am
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Sorry guys I'm not really capable of completing this project. Not feeling my Mugen mojo lately, I'll try to deliver another character instead...
Re: TMNT April O'Neil WIP
#37  December 21, 2020, 02:52:40 am
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[Gets email notification that subscribed thread has received a new post]

[Sees that the new post is from DCAT!!!]

[Reads Dcat's post]

Seriously, though, work on the stuff that makes you happy.  I always appreciate your post, and I wouldn't be nearly as interested in the MUGEN community, if it wasn't for all your contributions over the years.  I'm thankful you have shared as many April sprites and animations as you have.

I sent you a PM which I think you'll appreciate!

Last Edit: December 26, 2020, 12:14:30 am by oldmanwinters
Re: TMNT April O'Neil WIP
#38  December 21, 2020, 03:17:10 am
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Follow me on twitter! @djhannibalroyce
Re: TMNT April O'Neil WIP
#39  December 21, 2020, 05:23:56 am
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The least you could do is release a beta/alpha version others could finish, or make it a collab with someone else. Now I wonder what this other project must be...
Re: TMNT April O'Neil WIP
#40  December 21, 2020, 05:41:35 am
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Its a completely valid reason Dcat. No reason to force yourself if your heart isnt into it. Ive always been a big fan of your work and I def know anything you work on will be amazing!