
DragonBallZ vs One Piece New Version (Read 118760 times)

Started by kenshiro99, December 16, 2018, 10:48:46 pm
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DragonBallZ vs One Piece New Version
#1  December 16, 2018, 10:48:46 pm
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    • Brazil
Hello everyone
After a long time away here at MFG, I return here to bring the newest version of Dragon BallZ vs One Piece game, developed by DBZvsOP team, friends who have decided to take part of this journey with me.
The game does not have all the chars, but these have seen as we have been concluding and making available to you, as if it were a DLC, as well as new stages, balancing among other novelties.
The game has 12 chars, a little less than the previous version, because the whole system has been changed, the most significant is the buttons, that of 6 became 4, being the z button to assist and ec to change , making it much easier to play. In addition, new hits and chars that were not in the previous version, in addition to new stages, counting on exclusive 3D stages developed by Jafar, one of them an unpublished, the West city coming straight from DBFZ that you find in the stages folder.

The chars available in this version are:
Freeza (Boss)
Cell (Boss)
Blackbeard (Boss)
Doflamingo (Boss)
And we already have the next DLC chars, which will be Akainu, Broly (who will also be bosses), Zoro and Trunks, the latter different from their first version, will be available soon here in the MFG and the future official website of the project that is still under development.


Arrows = move the char

A = Light Kick
S = Strong Kick
D = Partner Change/Quick Change ( Quick Change turn to partner during a combo, requires 1/5 powerbar )
Q = Light punch
W = Strong punch
E = Partner Assist
Enter= Taunt


D+strong Punch = Launcher
D, DF, F + Strong Punch + Strong Kick = Hyper Move Assist (Need 3 powerbars ) ( can do during a Hyper move, need 1 power bar )
FF/BB = Foward Dash/Back Dash ( can do with 2xPunch Button + foward or back ) ( AIR OK )
Super Jump = D,U ( can do wit 2Xkick button and after Launcer move )

I would like to thank everyone involved in the project and have made this game possible.
Here you also find the Hi-res version of the previous Demo developed by Ramon Garcia and Yolomate, thank you for having dedicated to creating this exclusive version.

 I hope you have fun and do not hesitate to give us your feedback.



Last Edit: December 16, 2018, 11:51:46 pm by kenshiro99
Re: DragonBallZ vs One Piece New Version
#2  December 16, 2018, 10:58:08 pm
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    • Argentina
I hope you gave me credits for using my small portraits. I'm too lazy to download the full game to figure it out :P

Great job though :)
Re: DragonBallZ vs One Piece New Version
#3  December 16, 2018, 11:06:03 pm
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    • USA
Awesome news guys! I can't wait to test this out as soon as I get back home
Re: DragonBallZ vs One Piece New Version
#4  December 16, 2018, 11:25:00 pm
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    • Belgium
Hi-res demo dl is down...
Re: DragonBallZ vs One Piece New Version
#5  December 16, 2018, 11:52:01 pm
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    • Brazil
Re: DragonBallZ vs One Piece New Version
#6  December 16, 2018, 11:52:45 pm
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    • Brazil
I hope you gave me credits for using my small portraits. I'm too lazy to download the full game to figure it out :P

Great job though :)

Sorry, my friend, I forgot. But thanks for the help too.
Re: DragonBallZ vs One Piece New Version
#7  December 17, 2018, 02:02:48 am
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  • Raging Fist
Oh man this is very SWEEET! I love how you added some nostalgic bliss to this!
I can't wait to see what the future holds in store for htis game. Keep up the awesome work and hook me up if you're in need of some awesome pals :D
Re: DragonBallZ vs One Piece New Version
#8  December 17, 2018, 06:45:13 pm
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  • Mugen museum creator
  • former mod here :p
    • Belgium
Re: DragonBallZ vs One Piece New Version
#9  December 18, 2018, 04:15:09 am
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thanks for this man!
Re: DragonBallZ vs One Piece New Version
#10  December 18, 2018, 05:17:45 am
  • ****
Huh, been actually wanting to do something for this little funny game for a while, still time for it?

Also, yes, this is the best use of these sprites, sounds good, looks good and plays good.
Re: DragonBallZ vs One Piece New Version
#11  December 19, 2018, 12:17:25 pm
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    • Brazil
My friend, I dont like so much 4 Button character, but for a Full game, for This game is Very good  Idea, i realy apapreciete you and the time here!

Thanks for release!

But I still have a doubt:
This Freeza in the vídeo Will be released?
Re: DragonBallZ vs One Piece New Version
#12  December 19, 2018, 05:07:15 pm
  • *****
My friend, I dont like so much 4 Button character, but for a Full game, for This game is Very good  Idea, i realy apapreciete you and the time here!

Thanks for release!

But I still have a doubt:
This Freeza in the vídeo Will be released?
Do not request unrelated characters in a release thread.

I hope you gave me credits for using my small portraits. I'm too lazy to download the full game to figure it out :P

Great job though :)

Sorry, my friend, I forgot. But thanks for the help too.
You should update the readme to reflect this if you haven't already.
Re: DragonBallZ vs One Piece New Version
#13  December 20, 2018, 01:04:03 am
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  • Dark Man X
This is amazballs!!


Re: DragonBallZ vs One Piece New Version
#14  December 20, 2018, 07:36:23 am
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    • USA
Sorry, my friend, I forgot. But thanks for the help too.
You should update the readme to reflect this if you haven't already.

oops thats my bad i forgot to mention that to kenshiro lol
Last Edit: December 20, 2018, 08:28:11 am by Walruslui
Re: DragonBallZ vs One Piece New Version
#15  December 21, 2018, 02:17:20 pm
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    • Brazil
I finished the game, played and test, my opinion about the game is this:
All is perfect the unique thing that i don't like was 2 things:
Why change the chars to only 4 buttons??? i really don't like this. This type of chars is much better with 6 buttons.
Please come back again with 6 buttons.
And the AI of many chars is much intensive, i can not get breath in arcade mode, if possible reduce this a little or do a patch with less AI comands.

Anyway the unique thing that really need be changed is the 4 buttons to 6 buttons again.
Please friend Kenshiro99 do this, if possible.
Because you got famous with your commissioned jobs and public chars in Stilo MVC who always have 6 buttons.  :help:

Note: This is my personal opinion.
:bison: IF YOU WANT SOME SPECIFIC CHAR IN HI-RES=FILTERED SPRITES SEND ME A MESSAGE IN MY E-MAIL WITH THE LINK OF CHAR THAT I CONVERT TO HI-RES (Observation is a very cheap price :yes: and the result is very good]. Here is my e-mail: :bison:

My youtube channel:
And If you want Suport me / Encourage me, donate here: :bison:
Last Edit: December 22, 2018, 04:16:27 pm by Ramon Garcia
Re: DragonBallZ vs One Piece New Version
#16  December 21, 2018, 02:51:02 pm
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I finished the game, played and test, my opinion about the game is this:
All is perfect the unique thing that i don't like was 2 things:
Why change the chars to only 4 buttons??? i really don't like this. This type of chars is much better with 6 buttons.
Please come back again with 6 buttons.
And the AI of many chars is much intensive, i can not get breath in arcade mode, if possible reduce this a little or do a patch with less AI comands.

Anyway the unique thing that really need be changed is the 4 buttons to 6 buttons again.
Please Kenshiro99 do this.
Because you got famous with your commissioned jobs and public chars in Stilo MVC who always have 6 buttons.  :help:

Ramon, sent your Gmail for me in my Gmail. O cant sent messege tô you
Re: DragonBallZ vs One Piece New Version
#17  December 21, 2018, 05:53:22 pm
  • *****
Asking them to recode their entire fullgame to 6 buttons is ridiculous. Stop it. I will only warn you once.


Re: DragonBallZ vs One Piece New Version
#18  December 22, 2018, 07:14:44 pm
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    • USA
I finished the game, played and test, my opinion about the game is this:
All is perfect the unique thing that i don't like was 2 things:
Why change the chars to only 4 buttons??? i really don't like this. This type of chars is much better with 6 buttons.
Please come back again with 6 buttons.
And the AI of many chars is much intensive, i can not get breath in arcade mode, if possible reduce this a little or do a patch with less AI comands.

Anyway the unique thing that really need be changed is the 4 buttons to 6 buttons again.
Please friend Kenshiro99 do this, if possible.
Because you got famous with your commissioned jobs and public chars in Stilo MVC who always have 6 buttons.  :help:

Note: This is my personal opinion.

Re: DragonBallZ vs One Piece New Version
#19  December 22, 2018, 07:52:22 pm
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  • Elite Gaming Specimen
    • USA
Oh Yeah! Will defintely give this a spin and report any bugs i find here if any. Congratulations on the new version release.
Penguinz0 said:
"Oh its all happening! Everything that's ever existed is happening at once!"
Re: DragonBallZ vs One Piece New Version
#20  December 23, 2018, 12:44:48 am
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I'd rather have JoJo's Bizarre Adventure vs One Piece.