
Game introduction & characters roster (% updated on 11.apr.2014) (Read 272037 times)

Started by CCIronmugen, October 04, 2011, 04:14:46 pm
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Game introduction & characters roster (% updated on 11.apr.2014)
#1  October 04, 2011, 04:14:46 pm
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  • You ain't nothing but a hound dog
Last update : 29.jul.2015

Creation history :

As most of you may know (or not) I was working since 2004 on a project called "Ultimate Garou". This project has been cancelled due to a very big mess in my files and different coding style (I, like a Pokemon, had an evolution... yes). The main meaning of this game was to take the Fatal Fury story and add a big Art Of Fighting touch and include KOF characters and two loli characters from Power Instinct. UG had 5 boss characters : Ryo Sakazaki (Mr.Karate), Takuma Sakazaki (Unknown - the promoter of the tournament), Kusanagi (a clone sent by NESTS to fuck-off everyone) and the Jin twins from Fatal Fury 3.

During my vacations some years ago... Like 4 years ago, yes. I have though of making "KOF" characters with different gameplay etc etc... In fact I had in mind the AOFF project. But since I still had the UG project running I never started it.

And one day, after many years of... doing nothing on UG, I started to rip the sprites of Ryo Sakazaki and made him with "different" gameplay. Little by little I made other characters from either Fatal Fury and Art of Fighting (all taken from KOF) and now I'm advanced enough to say I can make a WIP topic.

By the way the canceled UG project can be found in my UG site. A beta can be downloaded.
UG will be reborn after AOFF and few KOF rebout characters.

Game story :

The story is like a time paradox unlike KOF who fucked up both games stories for the sake of Kyo Kusanagi. Well kinda like Samourai Spirits characters in SNK vs Capcom Chaos, they have a time travel or whatever you want to call that.
The Art of fighting characters are taken from after Geese 's defeat by Ryo in the old Geese Tower while Fatal Fury characters are taken from the second 's tournament (except for characters taken from Fatal Fury 3 and up).

Gameplay :

All KOF players, don't be waiting for "yet another KOF-Mugen game". Even though peoples might dislike the gameplay of AOFF... I just wanted to do as I always wanted to. <3
Red = taken from AOF ; Blue = taken from FF

1. Power bar : You start the fight with full power bar. Each special attacks will cost you a bit of it. Reaching a certain level of power will make your special attack weaker. There are 3 levels of power : strong, medium and weak. Some special attacks can't be done at medium and/or weak levels (ex: Terry's Round Wave is exclusively for strong power level while his Power Dunk can be done at strong and medium, but not at weak).

2. Desperation moves : Chô Hissatsu Waza can be done at full bar (or at least more than 80%). It can be blocked but will guard crush and make your opponent fall on the ground. Desperation Moves require the same power level but will require low life. They are unblock-able.

3. Portraits : Portraits are shown like any 2D fighting game. The only change is when your character has low life : the portrait will change. It allows you to know when you can pull off a Desperation Move. Characters like Yuri Sakazaki have another special portrait when they are defeated in the 2nd round.

4. Attacks and combos : In AOFF you use 3 buttons for attacks : weak, medium and strong. Pressing them in some orders will give you pre-programmed combo attacks (like : A then B then C). All characters have those combos, but not necessary the exact same commands.

5. Taunts : Taunting the opponent will make his power bar to decrease. The amount of power removed depends on the time you stay taunting. You stil can move yourself from taunting.

6. Dash : Pressing forward twice will make your character dash forward. During a dash you can do a long jump or a "dash attack". Holding forward will make your character dash further.

7. Dodge : When you are defending an attack by pressing back, you can do a "dodge attack" by pressing forward+A. Same can be done after recovering from an attack. Note than this attack works like a full dodge and even allows you to dodge Joe Higashi 's unblock-able Advancing Screw.

8. Crouching : All characters can crawl. Just press forward while crouching.

9. Charging your power : Press A+B to fulfil your power bar if you don't want to wait the slow auto-charging.

10. Recovering : When you are falling, you can recover after some attacks. This one is taken from KOF.

11. Back dash : Back-dashing also make you dodge anykind of attacks.

12. Faints : Pressing (or holding) down and then pressing B+C make your character do a faint. It can also be used in a combo.

Characters :

Okay... As said before, characters are exclusively from Fatal Fury and Art of Fighting. I'll give you a short list and will update it because it's not fun if you already know all the roster. :(
Also, I'm giving some infos about the sprite-set used and the percentage. Note that "sprite-set used" is more like the main source. But not necessary ALL sprites of the character come from this game.

Art of Fighting

* Ryo Sakazaki (Kof98 sprites - AOF3 voices - 99%)
* Robert Garcia (Kof98 sprites - AOF3 voices - 99%)
* Takuma Sakazaki (Kof98 sprites - AOF2 voices - 99%)
* Yuri Sakazaki (Kof97 sprites - AOF2 voices - 99%)
* King (Kof98 sprites - AOF2 Japanese voices - 99%)
* Kasumi Todoh (Kof96+99 sprites - AOF3 voices - 99%)
* Lee Pai Long (NGBC sprites - AOF2 voices - 99%)
* John Crawley (edited sprites - AOF Japanese voices - 99%)
* Eiji Kisaragi (KofXI sprites - AOF2 voices - 99%)
* Mr.Big (Kof96 sprites - AOF2 voices - 99%)

Bonus characters :

* Young Geese - 99%
* Mr.Karate - 99%
* Loli.Karate - 99%

Fatal Fury

* Terry Bogard (Kof98 sprites - FF3 voices - 99%)
* Andy Bogard (Kof97 sprites - FF3 voices - 99%)
* Joe Higashi (Kof2000 sprites - FF3 voices - 99%)
* Mai Shiranui (Kof98 sprites - FF3 voices - 99%)
* Kim Kaphwan (Kof sprites - RB1 voices - 99%)
* Tung Fu Rue (NGBC sprites - RBS voices - 99%)
* Li Xiangfei (Kof99 sprites - RB2 voices - 99%)
* Ryuji Yamazaki (Kof2003 sprites - FF3 voices - 99%)
* Billy Kane (Kof97 sprites - RB1 voices - 99%)
* Wolfgang Krauser (Kof96 sprites - RBS voices - 99%)

Bonus characters :

* Nightmare Geese - 99%
* Wild Wolf - 98%
* Drugged Billy - 60%

Etc :

* Portraits - 15%
* Intro - 0%
* Endings - 0%
Damn, that's a lot of 0%! :P

Note that the story mode 's boss character will be Wolfgang Krauser.

Mr.Karate (Takuma) and Kim Sue Il disapeared from the project. I also wanted to add bonus characters like Kyo and Haohmaru but come on...
On a side note, Loli Yuri and John Crawley have been given to KoopaKoot and Vans for a regular MUGEN version of them with KOF gameplay.
Last Edit: July 29, 2015, 01:12:20 am by CCIronmugen
Re: Game introduction & characters roster
#2  October 04, 2011, 06:45:40 pm
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Hey I like it but ...... If you have any assistance required...if you do...can you tell me I would help you. :)
Esaka rules Beat that.... Or Just Get outta my way
Re: Game introduction & characters roster
#3  October 04, 2011, 07:07:22 pm
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By the way, I-m assuming all the stages are located in South Town, right?

In the case of AOF Stages, which have larger sprites are you doing any special editing, or are you using them as they are?
Re: Game introduction & characters roster
#4  October 04, 2011, 07:39:26 pm
  • Snow!Snow!Snow!
What a project ! This is the real deal for all AOFF gamplay lovers.

Many interesting ideas, I validate !  ;)
Re: Game introduction & characters roster
#5  October 04, 2011, 07:49:25 pm
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How are you going to alter the portraits?
Re: Game introduction & characters roster
#6  October 04, 2011, 10:52:39 pm
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  • You ain't nothing but a hound dog
Segatron : thank you ^w^

Walt : most of them. Yes. But to keep a Fatal Fury 2 touch I'm keeping KOREA (bleh) stages, Germany etc... As for AOF stages they are resized or not, depends on the stage.

War.... KinKi Kids : You lucky bastard you can play it whenever you want. :P

Uche_of_MFG : Instead of using MUGEN 's basic portrait stuff, I use "explod" controller in the character. It just needs the right triggers.
Re: Game introduction & characters roster
#7  October 05, 2011, 12:11:57 pm
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Iron I am so glad to see this project!! I am a little bit sad for UG too, but that's life,

This new project seems really interesting, good luck with it!

Re: Game introduction & characters roster
#8  October 05, 2011, 04:17:19 pm
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Me like.
Godspeed Iron.
That’s when I thought, “good grief”
Just ain’t my belief
Until I saw the holes
Inside his hand
Re: Game introduction & characters roster
#9  October 05, 2011, 04:43:01 pm
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Nice to see this - I'd noticed this new section yesterday when it was still empty and was intrigued, but seeing you handling this is the real good news.

Nice to see AoF's power management system applying here - IIRC, in AoF power regenerated by itself, if at a really slow pace, will that apply here too? I have my own take on merging AoF and classic FF's take on power and access to supers (lower life -> higher regeneration rates and something like HaohShoKoKen costing more than specials but less than a DM, which would be a full power bar), but then again, if supers are as effective here as they were in AoF, this way probably works best.
Also liking the RB-ish control system, always nice to make sure you can make at least 1 combo when trying out a new character.

No Geese (for now)? The WA take on his original defeat lets him get away with being alive, just badly beat.
I'm kinda surprised the WA Ryo edits aren't making it here though, I rather liked those, which wouldn't be hard to work with the FF timeline, along with NGBC Robert sprites (haven't seen him in screenshots yet, so I wonder...).

Good luck with this, I'll be keeping an eye on it. :)
Re: Game introduction & characters roster
#10  October 05, 2011, 10:03:25 pm
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  • You ain't nothing but a hound dog
Garuda : Thank you! Good to see you around. ^w^

Thedge : Godspeed XD XD XD But sometime Godlazy too =P

Loona : Didn't know you're still around. Good to see. =) To answer your question, there are some secret characters but I just can't spoil now. You'd probably understand soon. As for the auto regeneration of power, I have included it (as said in "9."). But I didn't make it faster at low life.
Re: Game introduction & characters roster
#11  October 05, 2011, 10:08:33 pm
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The return of the great Ironmugen... and with some true "back-to-the-roots" concepts that should be interesting to see.

What sprite style will be used?
Re: Game introduction & characters roster
#12  October 06, 2011, 03:43:36 pm
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  • You ain't nothing but a hound dog
Jesuszilla : ^w^  I use KOF sprites. Maybe I should add more details about it in the characters list like which version of the sprites I use etc...

Btw first post updated. Added infos on back-dash and faints.

EDIT : also added in the first post more details about the characters in the char list.
Last Edit: October 06, 2011, 03:48:14 pm by kamenashi_kun
Re: Game introduction & characters roster
#13  October 06, 2011, 04:46:50 pm
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Art of Fighting - Robert Garcia (Kof98 sprites - AOF3 voices - 99%)
Fatal Fury -  Andy Bogard (Kof97 sprites - FF3 voices - 99%)
Are you using any of Scal's materials? (or was it the other way around?)

Are you planning to use Robert's Alt stance? ;D
Re: Game introduction & characters roster
#14  October 06, 2011, 07:11:51 pm
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  • Jurassic creator
  • You ain't nothing but a hound dog
Yes I'm using Scal 's characters. :P
And yes, I'm using your alt. stance. ^w^

Hi you can sendme a beta of you game?
i like old games!

I forgot about leechers. :D The same who made me release my Kof95 stuff.
Re: Game introduction & characters roster
#15  October 06, 2011, 08:48:33 pm
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Re: Game introduction & characters roster
#16  October 06, 2011, 10:12:32 pm
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  • You ain't nothing but a hound dog
Yes it is. I have asked this guy to make a video for me. ^^
Re: Game introduction & characters roster
#17  October 06, 2011, 10:21:50 pm
  • *****
  • Lazy spriter
  • Demon in heaven gotta carry a knife
    • Bolivia
Ou... :(
I wanted my Robert sprites to be part of this.
I hate you walt-o. :shakesfist:
That’s when I thought, “good grief”
Just ain’t my belief
Until I saw the holes
Inside his hand
Re: Game introduction & characters roster
#18  October 07, 2011, 04:09:50 pm
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Hey Iron, are you planning to make the story mode  have dialogues between characters, like SVC?

Also, are you planning on doing Intro / Ending Storyboards for the charas? I know I always wanted to help you with UG, but the only thing I could give you was the Kyo Kusanagi loading screen, and even then I believe I could have made a better job on it. I've learned to work with layers now, using Graphics Gale, and like you said, I suffered an evolution :P

I think I could give it another try if you need any artworks. I could simply draw by hand and retrace with layers into clean sprites, or I'll use this excuse to start trying with my tablet hoho. Let me know what you think.
Re: Game introduction & characters roster
#19  October 07, 2011, 06:15:40 pm
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  • You ain't nothing but a hound dog
I still don't know about dialogues... It's like 50/50 in my mind. XD

But yes they'll have an ending storyboard. Separated in two parts : 1/ watching Krauser jump off his castle and 2/ personal ending. I though of doing Terry (and maybe Ryo ?) 's first part longer... maybe.
Re: Game introduction & characters roster
#20  October 09, 2011, 12:49:05 am
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Hey Ironmugen, nice to see you working on a project again

I have a community with nearly 2500  fighting games fans and artists at deviantart and could ask there for support for your project in the form of fan art like portraits ..some sprite editors are in the community as well ..maybe i can get some interested, should i do that? and if you have a idea about the look of fana rt for this project?

greets and kudos for all your past mugen works