
Hard Knockdown implementation (Read 513 times)

Started by primordialgunna, June 11, 2024, 12:26:16 pm
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Hard Knockdown implementation
#1  June 11, 2024, 12:26:16 pm
  • *
    • USA
So, I added Quick Stand to my character in Statedef 5110 to work as a tech on a Soft Knockdown. But, i soon figured out that i can just simply mash really hard on the buttons to Quick Stand. What causes this? I don't know where to even look or if this can even be overridden.

Secondly, how do I go about coding in Hard Knockdowns? More importantly how do i make it so the game can identify hard and soft knockdowns..
I identify as High/Low. So don’t get it mixed up.
Last Edit: June 14, 2024, 01:44:52 pm by primordialgunna
Re: Hard Knockdown implementation
#2  June 14, 2024, 01:44:23 pm
  • *
    • USA
I actually found a way to make my very own KNOCKDOWN custom state, which you can customize to your liking.

I will be replacing 5110 and making it a StateDef that determines which knockdown state the player should be placed in when they hit the ground.

; Knockdown Decider ✦
[Statedef 5110]
type    = L
movetype= H
physics = N

; this state is used to send the character into the death animation.
[State 5150, 1]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = Time = 0
triggerall = !alive
value = 5150

; this state places the character into the Hard Knockdown if they were hit by a Diagup/Back attack with a fall = 1.
;Hard Knockdown
[State 5150, 1]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = Time = 0
triggerall = GetHitVar(animtype) != 4
value = (enter stateno here)

; this state places the character into the Soft Knockdown if they were hit by a Up attack with a fall = 1.
;Soft Knockdown
[State 5150, 2]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = Time = 0
triggerall = GetHitVar(animtype) != 3
value = (enter stateno here)
I identify as High/Low. So don’t get it mixed up.