
Project EF-12 (a free customizable 3D fighting game engine) (Read 695974 times)

Started by Makunouchi Ippo, September 25, 2013, 02:43:21 am
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Re: Project EF-12 (a free customizable 3D fighting game engine)
#41  September 26, 2013, 12:43:18 am
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This looks interesting, I have some experience with 3ds max so i wonder how creating stuff for this engine will be like? I'm guessing you would either need to do animations yourself or import them from other games.
youre a fucking meme. another borewood. REIWOOD. SHIP CONFIRMED.
I will force feed Dark Pit right into your ass if we ever play on wi fi.
i think this a dark souls of a mugen forums.
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Re: Project EF-12 (a free customizable 3D fighting game engine)
#42  September 26, 2013, 01:20:18 am
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Got an impression from NeoGaf (I haven't had time to try it myself).

Most of it is what you'd expect, but two notable issues is that:
1. Limits cannot be set on where characters can go on a stage (like Tekken) unless there is a ring-out zone.
2. Hit detection is based around spheres attached to bones.

While obviously this engine is more 3D fighter-friendly, it wouldn't be hard to add these two elements. Maybe it's because of everyone's limited knowledge of the engine thus far.

On a positive note, manipulating data is seamless and it's not as prone to glitching as mugen.

I wonder if this means that the classic KI 1 and 2 3D stages could be used for this, or maybe even be "upgraded" with additional details

Are 2D sprite based  characters in 3d stages a la MVC2 possible too?

The first shouldn't be a problem at all (provided the file types are supported).
The second, idk (from what I know, its Maya/Blender/Softimage only). If not, people can give it the GG Xrd treatment anyway (doesn't replace the real sprites, but whatev).
Last Edit: September 26, 2013, 02:28:55 am by Niitris
Re: Project EF-12 (a free customizable 3D fighting game engine)
#43  September 26, 2013, 02:05:54 am
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Re: Project EF-12 (a free customizable 3D fighting game engine)
#44  September 26, 2013, 03:32:48 am
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RIP Mugen.

This has me interested.
Re: Project EF-12 (a free customizable 3D fighting game engine)
#45  September 26, 2013, 05:37:38 am
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the way hit detection is being handled sounds really bad and is a big turn off for me.
Re: Project EF-12 (a free customizable 3D fighting game engine)
#46  September 26, 2013, 05:42:26 am
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RIP Mugen.

This has me interested.
Same with me
Positive SIDE is this engine might be useful for the guy who is making Mugen Fighters 3D megamix and Overall  ITs gonna be harder to make models, compared to mugen. Then again I can finally imagine storyboards and stages etc.....
Esaka rules Beat that.... Or Just Get outta my way
Re: Project EF-12 (a free customizable 3D fighting game engine)
#47  September 26, 2013, 05:47:54 am
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Re: Project EF-12 (a free customizable 3D fighting game engine)
#48  September 26, 2013, 06:07:23 am
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Re: Project EF-12 (a free customizable 3D fighting game engine)
#49  September 26, 2013, 06:11:13 am
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This has certainly caught my interest. I'm looking forward to its future.

On a side note, has anyone tried to download this yet? (Registration required)
Attempting to register on the download site just gives me a server error.
Re: Project EF-12 (a free customizable 3D fighting game engine)
#50  September 26, 2013, 06:41:03 am
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I want to see an English translation and/or trailer in English before I get interested in this thing.  Also, I hope they can provide some good info or software to do the 3D models instead of using what's already available online. Like what PS1's Fighter Maker thing was like, but more options and more customizable.
If this software is going towards a target audience who have little to NO 3D modeling experiences whatsoever, they better have something for us. ;)

Though I never really liked 3D fighting games anyway. 2D fighting games are easier to make IMO. Though Virtua Fighter was good, only for like 2 or 3 games worth. Though I guess games like SFIV is okay.

"You must defeat my flaming
dragon punch to stand a chance."
Re: Project EF-12 (a free customizable 3D fighting game engine)
#51  September 26, 2013, 06:44:13 am
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Re: Project EF-12 (a free customizable 3D fighting game engine)
#52  September 26, 2013, 06:51:19 am
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ITs gonna be harder to make models, compared to mugen.
Making 3D models is way faster than drawing individual sprites. Stop trying to sound smart when you're ignorant as hell.

He was speculating that it's harder not faster. Which technically it is much harder to create a 3d character considering you have to take into account. Modelling/texturing/rigging/weighting and since this is a game engine the geometry has to make sense. This means, no stray verts, no unclean edgeloops. Everything has to be organised in such a way that the engine can process it correctly unlike portfolio work where you can go bananas with the mesh at no expense.
Re: Project EF-12 (a free customizable 3D fighting game engine)
#53  September 26, 2013, 07:07:01 am
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It's not even harder unless you're going all crazy with Zbrush to bake a normal map out of a hi poly.
And I know you have to rig and paint weights, that still takes less time than hand drawing a bunch of sprites, not to mention that the process is less tedious.

unlike portfolio work where you can go bananas with the mesh at no expense.
Yeah uhh, no.
Go to GDC and show your portfolio, most professionals will ask to see your mesh' wireframe (They'll also check you mesh's density and look for proper edgeloops to avoid texture stretching) and ask about the polycount, texture size and other minor optimizations like packing your spec or gloss maps as alpha channels instead of leaving them as separate files.
Re: Project EF-12 (a free customizable 3D fighting game engine)
#54  September 26, 2013, 07:14:04 am
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  • Me Bouncy
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the way hit detection is being handled sounds really bad and is a big turn off for me.

What's weird about it? That's how 3D Fighters in the 90's do it. Ever play Fighter Maker on PSX? Show's you how it's done.

And IIRC, MK9 uses the same style of hit detection as 3D fighters use, despite being a 2D fighter.

how it would work?? like making stick figures?? Sounds bad.

Play Tekken 3.
Re: Project EF-12 (a free customizable 3D fighting game engine)
#55  September 26, 2013, 07:14:58 am
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And IIRC, MK9 uses the same style of hit detection as 3D fighters use, despite being a 2D fighter.
Seems like it with what the weird hitboxes option in Training mode shows, but that's probably not really accurate anyways. :P
Is finding MUGEN to be more enjoyable to play when you're not wearing clothes an underrated opinion?
Re: Project EF-12 (a free customizable 3D fighting game engine)
#56  September 26, 2013, 07:15:55 am
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RIP Mugen.

This has me interested.

Are you nuts?? Mugen will always be around for 2D fighting goodness, at least in my opinion. This interesting 3D engine will not replace Mugen... It'll merely compliment it. As awesome as Street Fighter IV is, it's a completely different ballgame than II, even both of them are based off of the same governing idea of being a fighting game. And both easily stand apart. The same thing will happen when this gets released. It's like comparing apples to oranges.

This looks cool for sure. But Mugen will always be my favorite.
All of your Mugen Portrait needs may be found HERE.

I'd like to report two robots on the MFG forums: One is EXShadow. The other is Saikoro.
There should be a Saikoro plugin for Photoshop.
Re: Project EF-12 (a free customizable 3D fighting game engine)
#57  September 26, 2013, 07:19:28 am
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As awesome as Street Fighter IV is

SF4 is not awesome.

This 3D Mugen engine is gonna BLOW UP. Have you seen how many people play with XNLARA on DeviantArt using 3D models from everything ranging from Dead Or Alive to Resident Evil? People are gonna go NUTS with this.
Re: Project EF-12 (a free customizable 3D fighting game engine)
#58  September 26, 2013, 07:38:27 am
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I never liked 3d fighting games to begin with. SFIV is obviously 3D models that is fighting in 2D aspect, and I never really liked Tekken. The fighting in that game seems a bit iffy to me. Project EF-12 is merely just an extension of fighting simulators/engines and I guess we have to wait out and see how far it goes.
Last Edit: September 26, 2013, 08:02:29 am by SXVector
Re: Project EF-12 (a free customizable 3D fighting game engine)
#59  September 26, 2013, 07:55:11 am
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It's not even harder unless you're going all crazy with Zbrush to bake a normal map out of a hi poly.
And I know you have to rig and paint weights, that still takes less time than hand drawing a bunch of sprites, not to mention that the process is less tedious.

unlike portfolio work where you can go bananas with the mesh at no expense.
Yeah uhh, no.
Go to GDC and show your portfolio, most professionals will ask to see your mesh' wireframe (They'll also check you mesh's density and look for proper edgeloops to avoid texture stretching) and ask about the polycount, texture size and other minor optimizations like packing your spec or gloss maps as alpha channels instead of leaving them as separate files.

I must firmly disagree with you there, unless of course you have prior experience which in that case this should be a cakewalk. But I am directing this at those who have no prior experience. The amount of hard work involved "baking normal maps" aside, building a model requires practice and patience UV mapping the model alone is time consuming enough before even texturing it which could take an untold amount of time depending on your knowledge in photoshop or any other third party rendering programs. These aren't the only demographics involved in modelling either especially when it pertains to working within the parameters of a game engine.

Lastly you misunderstood my second point entirely. I was refering to the polycount and edge flow constraints.
Last Edit: September 26, 2013, 08:02:54 am by fofai
Re: Project EF-12 (a free customizable 3D fighting game engine)
#60  September 26, 2013, 08:05:55 am
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  • Me Bouncy
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The issue I see with this thing is... well, animating the 3D Models. Most 3D fighters use motion capture with actual martial arts. I can't imagine trying to port a Tekken character over perfectly would go well... plus there's getting all the important frame data and collision data from the actual game.

It'll be like Fighter Maker but with more freedom.

But I still expect it to look like this