
[Resentone Thread]: 3 Characters Released (23/06/2024) (Read 1057457 times)

Started by Resentone, January 22, 2022, 05:49:50 am
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[Resentone Thread]: 3 Characters Released (23/06/2024)
#1  January 22, 2022, 05:49:50 am
  • ***
  • Resent Oneself
  • Long live the night!
    • Indonesia

These characters are made using OHMSBY hypothetical Cross Tag Battle playstyle. Their moveset, and Info can be found on the character folder which also includes credits for the things that I use when making these characters.

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

Video Preview:
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My Drive Folder:

Check out My site for WIP stuff:

Pre EXA Characters:

Spoiler: My next character will be... (click to see content)
Last Edit: June 23, 2024, 06:14:15 pm by Resentone
Re: Rentaro Satomi Release
#2  January 22, 2022, 08:22:25 am
  • ****
u r so fast!

will download and try :)
Re: Rentaro Satomi Release
#3  January 22, 2022, 09:12:28 am
  • ****
  • I'm 100% Team OHMSBY now.
    • USA
-The head.pos and mid.pos are off.
-The walking animation does not need step sounds.
-The counter message doesn't appear on jC when it hits while the opponent is attacking.
-5BB and 66A would sound better if it was a medium slash sound than a light one. ​
-The hitspark and guard spark of 5AAAA, 5B, jC and Gunfire Ex (Ground) is misaligned.
-Gunfire Ex (Straight) is a typo on the movelist.png.
-The hit sound on 5C is not the same as 2C and his air throw.
-The swing sound on forward, backwards, running throw and Inzen-Kokutei-Unlimited Burst plays after it hits the opponent.
-The air throw doesn't have the swing effect that was used in 5C and Shoukahanameishi.
-Uncharged Uki Rouchou has the wrong attribute flag (V instead of S).
-There is no normal ground shockwave and sound when he stomps the ground during Uki Rouchou and sliding dust on the end of the 2nd hit.
-The last hit on the charged Homura Kasen, Uki Rouchou and Rokuro Kabuto doesn't have envshake when the vignette effect plays.
-The effects on Homura Kasen and Rokuro Kabuto follow him after rapid canceling.
-The ground shatter effect on Rokuro Kabuto doesn't have a normal ground shockwave and envshake when it hits the ground.
-The last hit of Unebiko Ryuu has no increased cornerpush and is not listed on the movelist.png.
-All versions of Shoukahanameishi is missing the old air dash effect on the startup and have the wrong attribute flag (V instead of S).
-The swing effect on Shoukahanameishi still continues playing after he touches the ground.
-An uncharged Rokuro Kabuto feels stiff when it hits them.
-All of his force breaks gain meter when they make contact with the opponent.
-There is no sliding dust on the end of Homura Kasen and Homura Kasen Full Burst.
-The startup of Final Strike should have the old air dash effect and sound the moment he starts running as he moves too fast.
-There is no jump effect every time he jumps on Final Strike and all of the effects follows him after rapid canceling.
-The guard spark of Inzen-Kokutei-Unlimited Burst is misaligned when it's blocked.
-The astral heat text on Inzen-Kokutei-Unlimited Burst doesn't appear fully on the screen.

By the way, how do you make your movelist.png and what program do you use to do so? Ichida doesn't know how to do that and I'm curious to know how as well.
I will still do detail and aesthetic feedback for the rest.
Last Edit: January 22, 2022, 09:31:58 am by ZolidSone
Re: Rentaro Satomi Release - Hotfix Update (22/01/2022)
#4  January 22, 2022, 01:33:52 pm
  • ***
  • Resent Oneself
  • Long live the night!
    • Indonesia

Everything except effects still played after rapid cancelling (I need to take a deeper look on how to fix this) has been fixed.  Go ahead and redownload him.

22/01/2022 - 1.0.1
- Fixed misaligned head.pos and mid.pos.
- Disable walking sounds (You can re-enable them by deleting Null on Rentaro's common.)
- Tons of aesthetic fixes.
- Adjustment to some wrong Attributes on certain specials.
- Unibeko Ryuu is now included in the movelist.
- Fixed Unebiko Ryuu not having an increased cornerpush.
- Fixed uncharged Rokuro Kabuto long hit time when it hit an opponent.
- Fixed jC counter message not playing.
- Fixed Force Breaks gaining power when hitting an opponent when it is not supposed to.

Big Thanks to SolidZone for testing!

By the way, how do you make your movelist.png and what program do you use to do so? Ichida doesn't know how to do that and I'm curious to know how as well.

I use Adobe Photoshop to make My own, I can send you My PSD if you want.
Last Edit: January 22, 2022, 06:42:12 pm by Resentone
Re: Rentaro Satomi Release - Hotfix Update (22/01/2022)
#5  January 22, 2022, 02:38:52 pm
  • ***
    • Philippines
I found some errors while testing him.

-Homura Kasen, Uki Rouchou, and Rokuro Kabuto deals less damage when you hit an opponent with counter. It does the same thing when charged.
-Homura Kasen Full Burst doesn't bounce the opponent on the wall when you rapid cancel.
-Rapid canceling Final Strike consumes 1000 meter instead of 500.
Re: Rentaro Satomi Release - Hotfix Update (22/01/2022)
#6  January 22, 2022, 04:44:52 pm
  • ***
  • Resent Oneself
  • Long live the night!
    • Indonesia

22/01/2022 - 1.0.2
- Fixed Unebiko Ryuu Hitdefs and making it work with the increased cornerpush.
- Fixed all Special Moves to have an increased damage when countering an opponent.
- Fixed a bug where Homura Kasen - Full Burst did not make the enemy bounce when using Rapid Cancelling.
- Fixed a bug where Rapid Cancelling used on Final Strike eats 1000 power instead of 500.

Thanks to Paulo S for testing, without him. I won't be able to figure out what the 2nd Hitdefs are for lol.
Re: Rentaro Satomi Release - Hotfix Update (22/01/2022)
#7  January 23, 2022, 01:14:02 am
  • ****
  • I'm 100% Team OHMSBY now.
    • USA
2nd feedback:
-The hitspark and guard spark on jC and Gunfire B is still misaligned.
-The hitspark and guard spark on 66A should be the same position as 5AA.
-The hitspark and guard spark on Gunfire and Gunfire EX (Straight) could be aligned slightly a tad higher so it's right at the line.
-You don't need to have more than 3 hitboxes on certain animations such as the standing one and could use adjustments (There's no need for them to be precise).
-Homura Kasen and Homura Kasen Full Burst should slide a little bit at the end of the animation instead of coming to complete stop.
-The sliding dust on all versions of Homura Kasen, Homura Kasen Full Burst and charged Uki Rouchou when it hits is nowhere close to his foot (And also align a few pixels down for Uki Rouchou).
-The sliding dust on charged Homura Kasen, Homura Kasen Full Burst and all versions of Uki Rouchou is too large (It should be the same size as the run stop animation).
-For the ground shatter effect on Rokuro Kabuto, it's supposed to be the normal one used from the fightfx (However, the one used for Uki Rouchou is fine).
-The get hit recovery on the opponent is now too quick on uncharged Rokuro Kabuto (He is unable to block as he's wide open for attack due to him not returning to his standing animation yet. It make sense when it was blocked, but not when it successfully hits).
-The old air dash effect on Shoukahanameishi is too large (Like the same size as OHMSBY's Kuroko's Sexy Teleport).
-Final Strike is missing the shockwave used on Uki Rouchou when he stomps and the landing sound effect every time he touches the ground.
-The A version of Unebiko Ryuu doesn't need increased cornerpush as it's only preferred when it does multiple hits (It's so you don't put the opponent into an infinite as reversals can't be blocked in the air).
-For the effects still appear when rapid canceling Final Strike, refer to Unebiko Ryuu as they're fine when you do.
-Also a personal preference, but I don't like that big portrait as it doesn't fix the 120 x 140 ratio (The hair on the top cuts off).

Also, it's ZolidSone now. The Z and S are supposed to be reversed.

I use Adobe Photoshop to make My own, I can send you My PSD if you want.
Sure, I was mostly curious where those D-pad, A, B and C icons were from. I also help make the small portraits for Ichida, so I can help you with that as well so you don't have to use the character sprite. But I need a sample of the small portrait you want in black and white as that's how I make them. I would mostly prefer the one used on the character select screen from the source game.
I will still do detail and aesthetic feedback for the rest.
Re: Rentaro Satomi Release - Update (23/01/2022)
#8  January 23, 2022, 06:13:45 am
  • ***
  • Resent Oneself
  • Long live the night!
    • Indonesia


23/01/2022 - 1.0.3
- Lots of aesthetic adjustment
- Fixed some moves counters deals less damage than it should be.
- Changed Homura Kasen x velocity, so it doesn't do a complete stop.
- Changed some Effects to the one from the original game.
- Uncharged Rokuro Kabuto now has an increased hittime.
- Changed some helpers into an explod (as it should be).
- Fixed Final Strike effects still played when using Rapid Cancelling
- Adjustment to Big Portrait.
- Hitbox is now more simplified.
- Unebiko Ryuu A no longer has corner push.
- Fixed wrong hitsparks on some specials (jC is still slightly misaligned as I couldn't get it to align properly).

Sure, I was mostly curious where those D-pad, A, B and C icons were from. I also help make the small portraits for Ichida, so I can help you with that as well so you don't have to use the character sprite. But I need a sample of the small portrait you want in black and white as that's how I make them. I would mostly prefer the one used on the character select screen from the source game.

I've sent you a message.
Also the icons are from OHMSBY movelist.png as stated in My readme.

I will shift my Main focus on making Shiki Tohno now since I keep postponing on making him to fix Rentaro.
Rentaro will still get updates, but I will put him aside for now so I can learn more about coding mugen.
Last Edit: January 23, 2022, 06:49:18 am by Resentone
Re: Rentaro Satomi Release - Update (23/01/2022)
#9  January 23, 2022, 07:46:55 am
  • ***
    • Philippines
Another errors:
-When you counter hit an opponent with Final Strike, it deals same damage as non-counter one, even in NoY active. I compared it with OHMSBY's Akatsuki (Kamikaze), and Ichida's Akiha (Scarlet Mistress - Cage Hair)
-Unebiko Ryuu B pushes you back from opponent if you hit them on corner.
Re: Rentaro Satomi Release - Update (23/01/2022)
#10  January 23, 2022, 08:06:20 am
  • ****
  • I'm 100% Team OHMSBY now.
    • USA
-Unebiko Ryuu B pushes you back from opponent if you hit them on corner.
His reversals still must have increased cornerpush as the opponent can't block them in the air. Using them excessively near the side of the wall can result to an infinite even if it's recoverable and have no way of blocking it.

I've sent you a message.
Also the icons are from OHMSBY movelist.png as stated in My readme.
Thanks, I also sent some feedback on the way. Oh, guess I missed that and looked aligned very well. So I though you got them from some program.
I will still do detail and aesthetic feedback for the rest.
Re: Rentaro Satomi Release - Update (23/01/2022)
#11  January 23, 2022, 12:20:03 pm
  • ***
  • Resent Oneself
  • Long live the night!
    • Indonesia
Another errors:
-When you counter hit an opponent with Final Strike, it deals same damage as non-counter one, even in NoY active. I compared it with OHMSBY's Akatsuki (Kamikaze), and Ichida's Akiha (Scarlet Mistress - Cage Hair)


23/01/2022 - 1.0.4
- Fixed Final Strike not dealing more damage when countering.
- Some Adjusmtent to aesthetics.

-Unebiko Ryuu B pushes you back from opponent if you hit them on corner.

Like Zolid Said, it's working as intended.

Re: Rentaro Satomi Release - Update (24/01/2022)
#12  January 24, 2022, 03:00:42 am
  • ***
  • Resent Oneself
  • Long live the night!
    • Indonesia
-Unebiko Ryuu B pushes you back from opponent if you hit them on corner.

Actually no, after Zolid told me and after I did further testing. you're actually right there is a bug. sorry about that.


24/01/2022 - 1.0.5
- Both A and B versions of Unebiko Ryuu now has bigger hitbox and effects. it can now properly counter opponents instead of whiffing even though the hitbox clearly hit the opponents hurtbox.
- A versions of Unebiko Ryuu has been corrected to have cornerpush.
- 2 New Big portraits from ZolidSone.

Hopefully this will iron out most of the bugs and errors. but if you encounter another, do let me know.

Last Edit: January 24, 2022, 03:52:07 am by Resentone
Re: Rentaro Satomi Release - Update (24/01/2022)
#13  January 24, 2022, 09:49:03 am
  • ****
  • I'm 100% Team OHMSBY now.
    • USA
Actually no, after Zolid told me and after I did further testing. you're actually right there is a bug. sorry about that.

Hopefully this will iron out most of the bugs and errors. but if you encounter another, do let me know.
Yeah, I had to look at other characters again to make sure as usually a reversal is on the B command only. But there is a possibility that have an A variant and the cornerpush does apply to both.

Sure, but I'll come back to him later so you can prioritize Shiki Tohno. There is a few more minor aesthetic errors and still figure out the misaligned hitspark and guard spark of jC. So until then, that's all for now.
I will still do detail and aesthetic feedback for the rest.
Re: Rentaro Satomi Release - Update (26/01/2022)
#14  January 26, 2022, 07:46:46 am
  • ***
  • Resent Oneself
  • Long live the night!
    • Indonesia
Small bugfix.

26/01/2022 - 1.0.6
- Fixed a Bug where Astral Heat did not kill the opponent on Ikemen GO.
Re: Rentaro Satomi Release - Update (26/01/2022)
#15  January 27, 2022, 12:26:07 am
  • ***
    • Philippines
Yet another error that I missed:
Charged Homura Kasen is recoverable when you hit it with counter, while the non-counter one is unrecoverable.
Re: Rentaro Satomi Release - Update (27/01/2022)
#16  January 27, 2022, 01:50:14 am
  • ***
  • Resent Oneself
  • Long live the night!
    • Indonesia
Last Edit: January 27, 2022, 01:55:02 am by Resentone
Re: Rentaro Satomi Release - Update (27/01/2022)
#17  January 30, 2022, 08:14:17 pm
  • **
    • USA
Hey Resentone, how are you doing dude? I saw your recent progress on wonderful bot Shiki and he looks pretty good. Also if you don't mind me asking a couple of questions, how has your skills developed while working on various Mugen characters like Angel Yuuki, the spiriting process of the Crossing Void alternative sprites, and your recent work on Rentaro Satomi? And also do you have a backstory to your name or was it just something that you created on the fly?
"If you take three glasses of water and put food coloring in them, you have many different colors, but it's still the same old water. Make the connection."
Re: Rentaro Satomi Release - Update (27/01/2022)
#18  February 01, 2022, 04:44:00 pm
  • ***
  • Resent Oneself
  • Long live the night!
    • Indonesia
Hey Resentone, how are you doing dude?
I'm quite busy lately, but I'm doing just fine.

how has your skills developed while working on various Mugen characters like Angel Yuuki, the spiriting process of the Crossing Void alternative sprites, and your recent work on Rentaro Satomi?
I got the basics down and know what's what, but still a total noob.

do you have a backstory to your name or was it just something that you created on the fly?
It's nothing special. When I was making my username, I was looking for a word that starts with an R, the "one" at the end is to count on how many accounts I made when making one for a gacha game. So if I made an alt, I can just name it "Resentwo" and so forth.

Re: Rentaro Satomi Release - Update (27/01/2022)
#19  February 06, 2022, 04:39:13 pm
  • **
    • USA
Hey dude, seen your clip of Shiki and it looks pretty cool, very stylish combos. Also if you don't mind me asking, do any of your characters have AI or is that something your still working on?
"If you take three glasses of water and put food coloring in them, you have many different colors, but it's still the same old water. Make the connection."
Re: Rentaro Satomi Release - Update (27/01/2022)
#20  February 06, 2022, 05:28:52 pm
  • ***
  • Resent Oneself
  • Long live the night!
    • Indonesia
Rentaro does have an AI, and I plan to make one for Shiki.
Rentaro's AI doesn't perform big combos to balance out his Gunfire and Distortion Drive spam, but His AI still acts very similarly to OHMSBY AI.
Last Edit: February 07, 2022, 02:32:49 pm by Resentone