
Spark list (Read 5216 times)

Started by recruta42, October 21, 2007, 03:24:32 pm
Spark list
#1  October 21, 2007, 03:24:32 pm
  • **
  • Call me Private42.
I will put here the spark list located inside fightfx that is used only for fighting effects like attacks, defense, run, etc. I won´t put static effects like lifebars, powerbars, numbers and others...

You call this stuff inside the game using explods or helpers and putting an "F" in front of the animation like this example for calling a slahs attack spark when you hit:

[State 200, Hit 0]
type = Explod
trigger1 = movehit
anim = F5
ignorehitpause = 1
persistent = 0
sprpriority = 5
ownpal = 1
pos = 40, -51
scale = .5, .5
postype = p2
facing = 1
vfacing = 1

If you want to donate or do some cool sparks for the project feel free to contribute...The effects must be free to use and don´t post others authors stuff here!

Fighting spark list:

State 0 - Normal blow (swordless)
State 5 - Slash attack 1
State 6 - Slash attack 2
State 10 - Blood attack 1
State 11 - Blood flow 1
State 12 - Blood defended (used when defended a sword attack while unarmed)
State 13 - Blood attack 2
State 20 - Blood screen (when hitting a slash attack)
State 40 - Defense 1
State 41 - Defense 1 unarmed (defending a swordless attack)
State 50 - Jump start (leaving the floor)
State 51 - Jump land (landing on the floor)
State 61 - Running (while running on ground)
State 62 - Running stop (when stopping from a ground running)
State 80 - Flame 1 (while on fire)
State 100 - Hyper screen
State 110 - Hyper spark 1


State 0 - Normal blow (swordless)

State 5 - Slash attack 1

State 6 - Slash attack 2

State 10 - Blood attack 1

State 11 - Blood flow 1

State 12 - Blood defended

State 13 - Blood attack 2

State 20 - Blood screen

State 40 - Defense 1

State 41 - Defense 1 unarmed

State 50 - Jump start

State 51 - Jump land

State 61 - Running

State 62 - Running stop

State 80 - Flame 1

State 100 - Hyper screen

State 110 - Hyper spark 1