One thing I noticed on
this page was Ryu's new Hashogeki move, that new short range fireball from the gameplay clip based on his V-Reversal from SFV. The SFV version he steps into the move, like it was one of KOF Ryo's supers that Ryu wasn't quite forming correctly, but with his SF6 version I was struck by how on the back foot he is in his posture now when throwing that out in the clip, the flourish of the arms, the open hands...
It's got me thinking: is Ryu's Hashogeki the result of Chun Li teaching him kung fu and him adapting a version of her Kikosho? Is that how he finally conquered the Satsui no Hado, by incorporating lessons from Chun Li into his own ansatsuken? Is that new super, Shin Hashogeki, going to be the full body sized bubble we've seen from Chun Li in recent games, or even the screen filling bubble from Alpha?