
The Draculina Thread (NSFW) (Read 122656 times)

Started by Corey0142, February 22, 2014, 04:58:32 pm
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Re: The Draculina Thread (NSFW)
#101  March 01, 2014, 12:02:57 am
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As fore what they look like-
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In fact, how's this for a name:

Lady Portia Augustine

Not bad, for which one?
"No weapon formed against you will have any success, and you will condemn any tongue that rises up against you in the judgment"- Isaiah 54:17
Re: The Draculina Thread (NSFW)
#102  March 01, 2014, 12:05:48 am
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Re: The Draculina Thread (NSFW)
#103  March 01, 2014, 12:13:49 am
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As fore what they look like-
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

In fact, how's this for a name:

Lady Portia Augustine

Not bad, for which one?

I was thinking for Draculina since she looks older than Millarca. Oh and yeah, Vampiress is INSANELY overpowered and really tall for some reason. She has a move that if you execute it then it's basically a horizontal screen nuke. Seriously, that move almost always ends the fight. It's a wild animation and stuff, but damn does it make for samey gameplay. I know I went on a rant about balance before, but as far as that goes, with Draculina, she can and has lost against other characters so I wasn't as worried about her. Vampiress on the other hand, holy shit, yeah she is DEFINITELY overpowered. I made her tier 3 like right away.

I asked MmmMachi about it and I'm not sure I understood the response X~X. My guess was that it was an older attempt of his. I tried scaling down her sprite when playing her to see if that might affect hit-boxes and stuff (look I'm a noob ok?) but I don't think that made a difference.
Re: The Draculina Thread (NSFW)
#104  March 01, 2014, 02:41:32 am
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Open her Constents file and look for a setting called "Size", set her xscale and yscale to 0.4. 

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I think thats about right. But every sword move will still reach to the the other side of the screen lol.
"No weapon formed against you will have any success, and you will condemn any tongue that rises up against you in the judgment"- Isaiah 54:17
Re: The Draculina Thread (NSFW)
#105  March 01, 2014, 03:04:21 am
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Open her Constents file and look for a setting called "Size", set her xscale and yscale to 0.4. 

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I think thats about right. But every sword move will still reach to the the other side of the screen lol.

Oh yeah I already scaled her down and reached the same exact conclusion that you did: 0.4 size.

     Posted: March 01, 2014, 04:09:38 am
So I was just playing my version of Mugen and I came across this boss character who is called something like Gilgrumesh or something similar to Gilgamesh. And he can easily hang with Draculina and her moveset since he's insanely fast and powerful. My one advantage over him is Draculina's life-suck ability that also fills her power bar. But I definitely don't feel likes she's unbalanced against a character like this.
Re: The Draculina Thread (NSFW)
#106  March 01, 2014, 05:55:29 am
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Hmmm, I'll have to check that guy out.

Once I get Vampiress's sprite problem figured out, I'll switch out that (well you know) on her chest for a "The Thing" style mouth with teeth-

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"No weapon formed against you will have any success, and you will condemn any tongue that rises up against you in the judgment"- Isaiah 54:17
Re: The Draculina Thread (NSFW)
#107  March 01, 2014, 06:55:55 am
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Hmmm, I'll have to check that guy out.

Once I get Vampiress's sprite problem figured out, I'll switch out that (well you know) on her chest for a "The Thing" style mouth with teeth-

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

There's a post about him on this very forum:

      Posted: March 02, 2014, 04:52:57 am
Found another character who not only can easily hang with Draculina  but is so damn fast and unfair that I had to stop playing and take a look at the character file. Her name is Angelia Avallone and she has a very annoying design. She fights at the same time with this biker guy and they both clock you the whole time so that you are move-paralyzed and are basically taking damage the whole time. She can chain her air-juggling attacks with a finishing move while the other guy prepares some kind of area attack down below for when you land. It's bullshit. Say what you will about Draculina being fast and perhaps unfair, there are DEFINITELY more than one character out there that is worse than her. As far as I'm concerned about Draculina's move set, with some characters I might argue that it isn't fast enough. With some at least.


I was able to beat Angelia Avallone with the help of one of the characters. It wasn't Draculina, but it was a character just as cheap as Angelia. I beat her with Vampiress. But she still had managed to do a helluva lot of damage on Vampiress (which doesn't happen often) so that should just tell you how insanely difficult Angelia is.
Last Edit: March 02, 2014, 05:25:02 am by Altrunchen
Re: The Draculina Thread (NSFW)
#108  March 07, 2014, 09:11:16 am
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I found the Dracula(Castlevania style) fireball on one of my flash drives if anyone wants it. it's not fully hi-res it's just sized up a bit. I'll pm you a zip file with the fireball gif in it.
Re: The Draculina Thread (NSFW)
#109  March 07, 2014, 04:13:53 pm
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I found the Dracula(Castlevania style) fireball on one of my flash drives if anyone wants it. it's not fully hi-res it's just sized up a bit. I'll pm you a zip file with the fireball gif in it.

Awesome! Do you think you could post a screen cap or the images here so we can have a look?

Also, I think Sky79 might want the images, but you'll have to ask him/her.
Re: The Draculina Thread (NSFW)
#110  March 09, 2014, 01:44:28 am
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Well, if you're thinking about old school Castlevania, yeah, no prob.

But why? She's already peojectile heavy.
"No weapon formed against you will have any success, and you will condemn any tongue that rises up against you in the judgment"- Isaiah 54:17
Re: The Draculina Thread (NSFW)
#111  March 09, 2014, 02:25:08 am
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well the image is in a .gif file so I'd just have to pm whoever wants  it for Draculina
Re: The Draculina Thread (NSFW)
#112  March 09, 2014, 02:42:09 am
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Ok, hows this name sound- Nerezza Portia Bathory
"No weapon formed against you will have any success, and you will condemn any tongue that rises up against you in the judgment"- Isaiah 54:17
Re: The Draculina Thread (NSFW)
#113  March 09, 2014, 03:12:39 pm
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Re: The Draculina Thread (NSFW)
#114  March 10, 2014, 01:59:05 am
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"No weapon formed against you will have any success, and you will condemn any tongue that rises up against you in the judgment"- Isaiah 54:17
Re: The Draculina Thread (NSFW)
#115  March 10, 2014, 02:14:39 am
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honestly? If you drop the rest, Bathory sounds perfect.
Re: The Draculina Thread (NSFW)
#116  March 10, 2014, 04:22:35 am
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Sweet, thanks Iced
"No weapon formed against you will have any success, and you will condemn any tongue that rises up against you in the judgment"- Isaiah 54:17
Re: The Draculina Thread (NSFW)
#117  March 10, 2014, 04:44:02 pm
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honestly? If you drop the rest, Bathory sounds perfect.

I dunno...It makes me think of  bathtubs...

I like Portia better, especially since she's so fast like a Porsche ;).
Re: The Draculina Thread (NSFW)
#118  March 10, 2014, 04:56:03 pm
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Bathory was a noble woman that was found to bathe in blood of beautiful girls.

Seems perfect to me.
Re: The Draculina Thread (NSFW)
#119  March 10, 2014, 05:33:08 pm
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    Bathory was a noble woman that was found to bathe in blood of beautiful girls.

    Seems perfect to me.

    I dunno...the name just sounds kind of...well...corny. I mean I get that there's an apropos connotation with the name, but it just lends itself to the nickname "Bathy" and idk that just sounds kind of lame :\.

    The backstory behind the name, however, is very cool and definitely fitting for a vampire.

    What about naming her Bathsheba, which means "daughter of the oath"? Since she's a vampire, we could make a backstory that says that she took an oath to serve a vampire mistress (vampiress probably) and subsequently became a vampire herself, being given the name Bathsheba. It could be said that prior to the oath that she was named Bathory and that her vampire name was based on it?

    Now that I think about it, it'd be cool if we could make an intro and closing story paragraph for her character...huh...

          Posted: March 10, 2014, 05:44:42 pm
    I think we could actually make a little storyline that ties all three of these characters into one narrative:

    • Vampiress (order 3/3): Queen Vampire
    • Draculina (order 2/3): 2nd in command to Vampiress
    • Millarca (order 1/3): Draculina's apprentice

    To help in portraying the characters. The first alignment describes what the character was like before the events of the game. The second alignment describes what they are like during the events of the game.
    • Vampiress: Lawful Evil changes to Chaotic Evil
    • Draculina: Lawful Evil changes to True Neutral
    • Millarca: Neutral Evil changes to Chaotic Neutral

    • Vampiress attacks the village of human Draculina.
    • The local priest wards off Vampiress with his holy powers.
    • Vampiress curses the village, saying that every 1000 years she will return and claim the youngest female child for her own purposes.
    • Human Draculina is taken as Vampiress flees the village.
    • Draculina is raised by Vampiress and eventually made a vampire at the age of 26.
    • Over the next 1000 years, Draculina acts as Vampiress's lietennant, carrying out her whims and orders loyally.
    • Vampiress sends Draculina to her old village, having never told her the truth, to abduct a young girl.
    • Draculina oblidges and takes human-millarca.
    • Vampiress makes Millarca a vampire at the age of 19.
    • 250 Years pass as Draculina trains and mentors Millarca.
    • Millarca learns the truth behind Draculina's past as well as her own and informs Draculina.
    • Draculina and Millarca are enraged with Vampiress and turn against her, fighting her for revenge.
    • Vampiress is caught off-guard and defeated temporarily but flees before Draculina and Millarca can finish her.
    • Draculina and Millarca begin their search for Vampiress across the world and are willing to fight anyone in their path to get their revenge.
    • Meanwhile, Vampiress seeks out victims to drain the life energy from so she can attain her full power once more and punish her treacherous slaves.

    What do you guys think?[/list]
    Last Edit: March 10, 2014, 05:58:08 pm by Altrunchen
    Re: The Draculina Thread (NSFW)
    #120  March 10, 2014, 06:27:06 pm
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    • me? yes i am newbie
    Meh, ok.

    But after 'we' get the other version up and running. That way her first sprite set will be more of a hentai patch, Heck, You might like the gameplay more, once all that needs to be done is finished. That said, I've been thinking on names, for her and Vampiress. The forum is right, they should be changed, if anythiung so that when people search for her, they 'know what they're getting', if you know what I mean-

    Bathory (Last name)

    For Vampiress:
    Hecate (Last name)
    Desdemona (Last name)
    De'_Medici(Last name)

    i would name her Bathory because there is pretty cool hentai comic "Elizabeth Bathory" by Raulo. as well as cool song by ghost or venom ;) (also reminds me of the "Countess" boss from diablo 2).

    p.s up^ what the heck? Alignment? it's not d&d hehehe..
    Last Edit: March 10, 2014, 06:34:48 pm by Teitan