
[Theme Thread] KOF XII Sprite thread (Read 1995519 times)

Started by Formerly Hoshi, April 21, 2010, 10:07:34 pm


Re: [Theme Thread] KOF XII Sprite thread
#1921  January 22, 2017, 09:52:47 am
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I liked how the original arms look, jun isn't really exaggerated at all and her arms looked just fine, the new arms. especially with how the bicep looks tucked in and way smaller than the elbow just look odd
Re: [Theme Thread] KOF XII Sprite thread
#1922  January 22, 2017, 10:27:14 pm
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I prefer what Niitris originally did, better arm proportions, clothes and lightsource. But the crotch area Hatter did is more feminine.

It reminded me of one of Fei Yantoketsu's works:

I can't say that Fei's are 100% KoF XII styled so I gathered some official sprites that may help you with the pose and shading, I recommend to use several references even if you do a single sprite:

Re: [Theme Thread] KOF XII Sprite thread
#1923  January 24, 2017, 05:13:27 pm
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I forgot all about the sprite rips, I just kept using google for reference. :/
I figured small arms wouldn't work as well for any of Tekken's chars, since energy blasts aren't common. Also was a convenient excuse for not being able to improvise.

Made some small fixes and I got it to about as good as I can. Thanks for the support everyone.

Re: [Theme Thread] KOF XII Sprite thread
#1924  January 25, 2017, 05:07:24 am
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Shading is actually pretty legit looking in this last sprite. All that's left is to work on the base line art.

The hands need a lot of work and you could probably adjust the face and overall pose slightly so that it's less stiff while still remaining somewhat faithful to the original pose (you have to compromise sometimes when doing conversions. Especially 3D to 2D or viceversa).

Overall great job!
Re: [Theme Thread] KOF XII Sprite thread
#1925  March 07, 2017, 05:46:07 am
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Hey guys!

Ninon Beart(Another F)
Re: [Theme Thread] KOF XII Sprite thread
#1926  March 07, 2017, 05:53:34 am
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  • ey b0ss
I love how you handled the face/robes (with its details)/hair in this one.Good work as always
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Re: [Theme Thread] KOF XII Sprite thread
#1927  March 07, 2017, 06:25:54 am
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Oh wow! That is a very lovely looking Ninon o_o
Re: [Theme Thread] KOF XII Sprite thread
#1928  March 07, 2017, 04:27:31 pm
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Re: [Theme Thread] KOF XII Sprite thread
#1929  March 07, 2017, 07:58:22 pm
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Re: [Theme Thread] KOF XII Sprite thread
#1930  August 29, 2017, 07:47:41 am
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this thread is still alive right? just not that active? i'm new to mfg, only posted two sprites in the z2 thread ever. but i did make a kof sprite of God Rugal a bit over a year ago. it was my first and currently only one, so i figure i'd post it now and get some tips

it's just a frame of CVS G. Rugal that's been resized and pixeled over. used efex's rugal and omega rugal for the face shading
i like pixels


Re: [Theme Thread] KOF XII Sprite thread
#1931  August 29, 2017, 09:04:19 am
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holy shit that looks spot on. i literally have no nitpicks which is something I'm good at doing, it just looks great.
Re: [Theme Thread] KOF XII Sprite thread
#1932  August 29, 2017, 09:10:05 am
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If i have to nitpick: Hair could have been a bit more white and his (viewer) right hand looks more like a glove than a bloodied hand. Otherwise, looks really good for a year old sprite you made.
Re: [Theme Thread] KOF XII Sprite thread
#1933  August 29, 2017, 04:19:35 pm
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The last point to consider is the lightsource. I think you kept the CVS one when you resized the sprite. CVS lighsource comes from straight above while KOF sprites have the light coming from an angle (top right, if the character is facing right).

Awesome sprite and awesome application of shading, nonetheless!
Re: [Theme Thread] KOF XII Sprite thread
#1934  August 29, 2017, 07:22:08 pm
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    • Philippines
thanks guys! gonna keep all that in mind when i get to making some more sprites in this style
i like pixels
Re: [Theme Thread] KOF XII Sprite thread
#1935  October 29, 2017, 10:56:08 pm
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stand almost finished

for those who wants to see more about all the process and project:

edit with more

this is the actual stage of the shader

i think the shader is almost on her maximum, i explore all the options, adjusts, shadow types, and all the scripts and i no think this will get more better than this, only more adjusts on some colors and i will start to studing her animations
and this is the firsts adjusts to make a concept

Last Edit: November 07, 2017, 10:55:04 pm by Anderson Masters
Re: [Theme Thread] KOF XII Sprite thread
#1936  November 29, 2017, 11:36:33 am
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Hello, I read this post at the beginning of this year and I was impressed with your sprites, so I decided to try to make one

Kazuki Kazama from samurai shodown:

(p.s: thanks to methiou and EnlightendShadow for the tutorials and the other people who did mini tutorials)

translated with goolgle.
Last Edit: November 29, 2017, 11:45:26 am by xiryu
Re: [Theme Thread] KOF XII Sprite thread
#1937  December 03, 2017, 06:18:15 am
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I already posted this before but I've made several improvements since then which I believe merit reposting.

Hope you like it!
Re: [Theme Thread] KOF XII Sprite thread
#1938  December 03, 2017, 02:36:24 pm
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His back must be hurting from bending like that 24/7 lmao.

Looks wonderful, man. Good job.
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Re: [Theme Thread] KOF XII Sprite thread
#1939  December 03, 2017, 07:39:16 pm
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Well... he's kind of in a possessed frenzy during this time but it makes you wonder what he's thinking when he recovers his sanity: "Where am I? My back hurts like hell... what the hell have I been doing? Helping someone move?" LOL (somehow the CVS version is even worse in terms of "ergonomics"... his spine looks all... collapsed).

The sprite just needs KOF XIII-style effects for the fog coming out of his mouth, but I don't know how to make those. If someone would volunteer those, I'd be grateful.
Re: [Theme Thread] KOF XII Sprite thread
#1940  December 31, 2017, 07:03:21 pm
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