
Blazblue Cross Tag Battle (Read 33176 times)

Started by GaziraAgain, June 08, 2024, 10:50:38 am
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Blazblue Cross Tag Battle
#1  June 08, 2024, 10:50:38 am
  • ****
Hello everyone, finally here I bring you the conversion of the lifebars of the game Blazblue Cross Tag Battle. They can only be used in Ikemen Go since I have used many of the new options it has.

Apart from the lifebars there is the possibility of adding the Distortion Bg and the Hyper Finish Bg of the original game to the chars (many thanks to Hexioum for both animations, saludos!)

In the 0_Extras folder you can find the 52 portraits and a tutorial how to add them to each char. Of course, the code is designed for chars that use the OHMSBY style as a base, I have not tried it with others.

I'm going to continue uploading Distortion portraits for characters that don't appear in the original game and quite possibly also portraits for the lifebars.

If you have any questions you can ask in the post, I hope you like them!

-Ikemen Go team
-All of you who download the lifebars
Last Edit: June 08, 2024, 10:54:40 am by GaziraAgain
Re: Blazblue Cross Tag Battle
#2  June 09, 2024, 02:07:29 pm
  • Uhhh.... Idk even know
Re: Blazblue Cross Tag Battle
#3  June 10, 2024, 09:51:34 pm
  • ****
Thank you very much for the portraits but they are not well done. You need to create 3 layers, the first is the normal one, you create a second and move it 10 pixels down and 15 to the left, clean it and create another layer. The last one goes with a white/black effect and 75% transparency, the second with stroke/inside and 95% opacity. Try this way to see how it goes.

I bring you Distortion portraits for the chars that have come out but are not in the original game, in this first pack you will find:



Persona 4 Arena


Under Night In-Birth


I have been adding the code to dozens of chars and I have found in a few that some small changes need to be made, such as in some of the P4A game that have their own statedef or chars like Taokaka or Mika Returna that change at the beginning:

;Distortion BG
[Statedef 8985]
physics  = N
ctrl     = 0
Anim = 7199

and you need to leave this part:

[State 1200, 6]
type = explod
trigger1 = !time
anim = 7199
id = 7100
postype = left
pos = -10, 120
facing = 1
sprpriority = -2000
bindtime = -1
ownpal = 0
ignorehitpause = 1
persistent = 0
pausemovetime = 9999
supermovetime = 9999

If anyone has a problem patching chars, let them say the char in question and the author and I will upload the helpers.cns file, ok? See you soon!
Re: Blazblue Cross Tag Battle
#4  June 10, 2024, 09:58:52 pm
  • **
  • The Blind Furry
  • I’m new to this and I’m blind
    • UK
Is there portraits for Tails (Resentone), perchance?
Re: Blazblue Cross Tag Battle
#5  June 11, 2024, 06:58:13 pm
  • Uhhh.... Idk even know
Thank you very much for the portraits but they are not well done. You need to create 3 layers, the first is the normal one, you create a second and move it 10 pixels down and 15 to the left, clean it and create another layer. The last one goes with a white/black effect and 75% transparency, the second with stroke/inside and 95% opacity. Try this way to see how it goes.

oh ok ok thanks for the tip ig
"idk about the black and white layer i just use pc ibis ._."
Last Edit: June 11, 2024, 07:14:19 pm by Yioomm
Re: Blazblue Cross Tag Battle
#6  June 11, 2024, 11:15:47 pm
  • ****
Is there portraits for Tails (Resentone), perchance?

I don't have it, but I do it one for the next time ok?

oh ok ok thanks for the tip ig
"idk about the black and white layer i just use pc ibis ._."

I don't know, I always work with photoshop, with this it's very easy to do.

Now I give you 21 Distortion portraits for the game Melty Blood type Lumina, I think there are all characters.

Next Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax, see you soon!
Last Edit: June 11, 2024, 11:19:10 pm by GaziraAgain
Re: Blazblue Cross Tag Battle
#7  June 12, 2024, 06:35:36 am
    • USA
Hey so i was trying to make a lifebar portrait but when i boot it up and see that the character portrait is not up there can you give a example of this
Re: Blazblue Cross Tag Battle
#8  June 12, 2024, 08:36:55 pm
  • ****
Hey so i was trying to make a lifebar portrait but when i boot it up and see that the character portrait is not up there can you give a example of this

Are you sure to put the portraits in 9000,31 (main) and 9000,32 group? I test the portraits and record the video and works well. Tell me something.

And here 20 Distortion portraits for all characters from Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax:

And here you can find Tails Distortion portrait:

Next Million Arthur Arcana Blood, see you soon!
Re: Blazblue Cross Tag Battle
#9  June 13, 2024, 05:50:47 am
  • Uhhh.... Idk even know
Last Edit: June 13, 2024, 06:08:58 am by Yioomm
Re: Blazblue Cross Tag Battle
#10  June 13, 2024, 08:47:43 pm
  • ****
Your Distrotion portraits looks really nice now!

Today I upload 12 Million Arthur Arcana Blood portraits, need to do Eternal Flame but I loose the image and it's not in the Eiton rips... if somebody have the .png image please send it to me.

Coming soon with Guilty Gear Xrd Distrotion portraits.
Re: Blazblue Cross Tag Battle
#11  June 14, 2024, 04:38:35 pm
  • **
    • Canada
So for Persona 4 characters we leave the Statedef 8020 alone right?
Re: Blazblue Cross Tag Battle
#12  June 14, 2024, 06:18:56 pm
    • USA
what do i do to add the lifebar portraits both the big and small one? which 9000, ?

EDIT figured it out, now how do i add the distortion portrait? testing this out with resentone saber.
Last Edit: June 14, 2024, 07:06:58 pm by SionEnjoyer
Re: Blazblue Cross Tag Battle
#13  June 14, 2024, 09:14:51 pm
  • ****
So for Persona 4 characters we leave the Statedef 8020 alone right?

Bingo! I find in a few characters that have a statedef named Aura in it's helpers distortion code, you need to leave too. But maybe the 90% works with the standard code.

what do i do to add the lifebar portraits both the big and small one? which 9000, ?

EDIT figured it out, now how do i add the distortion portrait? testing this out with resentone saber.

Lifebar portraits are in 9000,31 (Main) and 9000,32 (Small). Distortion portrait go in 9000,12. You need to copy7paste the animation in the .air file and the Distortion Bg and Hyper Finish Bg code in the Helpers file of every char. You need to delete the char's code and copy the new one.

Time for 16 Guilty Gear portraits with Xrd artwork:

There will be nice do the Nitroplus Blasterz portraits but I can't extract them from the game, I can but grayscale images... Like Eternal Flame, if somebody can rip them and send it to me then I do the ports. Next Belial and Katalina from Granblue Fantasy Versus.
Last Edit: June 14, 2024, 09:18:50 pm by GaziraAgain
Re: Blazblue Cross Tag Battle
#14  June 14, 2024, 09:32:16 pm
    • USA
So for Persona 4 characters we leave the Statedef 8020 alone right?

Bingo! I find in a few characters that have a statedef named Aura in it's helpers distortion code, you need to leave too. But maybe the 90% works with the standard code.

what do i do to add the lifebar portraits both the big and small one? which 9000, ?

EDIT figured it out, now how do i add the distortion portrait? testing this out with resentone saber.

Lifebar portraits are in 9000,31 (Main) and 9000,32 (Small). Distortion portrait go in 9000,12. You need to copy7paste the animation in the .air file and the Distortion Bg and Hyper Finish Bg code in the Helpers file of every char. You need to delete the char's code and copy the new one.

I see, thank you. i managed to follow the instructions but i seem to be having a issue still where the astra finish effect appears for a split second after doing the distortion move. there a way for me to fix that?

that or by any chance do you plan to upload the cns helper files for all the characters to use eventually along with a pack of lifebar icons?
Last Edit: June 14, 2024, 10:43:48 pm by SionEnjoyer
Re: Blazblue Cross Tag Battle
#15  June 15, 2024, 12:56:48 am
  • ****
I can't upload the files because are not made by me. But it's something easy I think. For the Distortion you only need to look the 3 parts that the code have and look into the original code, then replace it. This parts are:

;Distortion BG
[Statedef 8985]


;Distortion Effect
[Statedef 7000]

And finally...

;Distortion BG End
[Statedef 8986]

Re: Blazblue Cross Tag Battle
#16  June 15, 2024, 12:08:43 pm
    • USA
I can't upload the files because are not made by me. But it's something easy I think. For the Distortion you only need to look the 3 parts that the code have and look into the original code, then replace it. This parts are:

;Distortion BG
[Statedef 8985]


;Distortion Effect
[Statedef 7000]

And finally...

;Distortion BG End
[Statedef 8986]

i still seem to have the issue where the astral finish BG appears in the end of doing a distortion move. i tried doing what you told me in the instructions but it would not fix it. i am referring to the background that has red, blue, purple, and yellow with the spinning circle around every time i do a distortion/super move, when it should only be appearing if i KO a opponent with a distortion move.

EDIT: nevermind i fixed it.
Last Edit: June 17, 2024, 03:43:52 pm by SionEnjoyer
Re: Blazblue Cross Tag Battle
#17  June 17, 2024, 06:13:05 pm
  • ***
    • USA
@GaziraAgain So I followed your instructions on adding the distortion portraits to characters and I am not seeing the results and I don't know what I am doing wrong. I am using a custom version of the cross tag lifebars I commissioned to newagemugen and I am trying to get  the distortion portraits to work with it unless they only work with your lifebars. This is my version of the lifebars by the way:
Last Edit: June 17, 2024, 06:22:43 pm by Shadic12
Re: Blazblue Cross Tag Battle
#18  June 17, 2024, 06:56:45 pm
  • ****
Distortion BG and other elements are in the gofx files, you can play with your lifebars but you need to replace this 2 files, then copy the code to characters and will work.

Hey SionEnjoyer I'm glad you got it!
Re: Blazblue Cross Tag Battle
#19  June 17, 2024, 07:08:22 pm
  • ***
    • USA
@GaziraAgain Thank you I will test this once I am off of work. If there is an issue I will be sure to reach out to you.
Re: Blazblue Cross Tag Battle
#20  June 23, 2024, 02:16:02 am
  • ***
    • USA
@GaziraAgain is the Distortion Portrait 9000, 12 x axis = 0 and y axis = 0?