
Sabaki Ryuuken -ReHyped- for Win MUGEN & 1.+ (Read 17315 times)

Started by dura7ll3ur, 11 years ago
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Sabaki Ryuuken -ReHyped- for Win MUGEN & 1.+
#1  11 years ago
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    • France
Ok. Almost 3 weeks of tweaking, editing, researching for this -many times requested character to edit-.
So what's this "ReHyped" crap? Just a fun and original touch to a mugen character that deserves it.

Ryuuken (by aZCal) went to be a basic ToSix edit but the crazy I am finally decided to practically re-do/revamp everything.
The sprites base was good for a start, but everything else were a 'beautiful' dockyard.
The first thing to do was to make a new stance, I am not the best spriter as Balthazar or Diepod but I'm satisfied with the frankensprited one I did. Once the stance done, as I always say, I used my brain to move on and gave the character everything I could.
Changed his voice for Mitsurugi's japanese voice from Soul Calibur 2.
And made a bunch of new specials and hypers based on : Infinite's edits (Takuma, Rock, ShenWoo, Nash), Chang's Sokaku, Kdng's Unkoman, HM's Moko... my work would be nothing without their work.
Mr Infinite gave me a hand with pals which are too hard to do for my colorblinded eyes. Hope to see more palettes...

Screens :

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

Video :

UPDATE 14.08.08 : New better stance finally!

Download :
Last Edit: 10 years ago by duracelleur
Re: Sabaki Ryuuken -ReHyped- for Win MUGEN & 1.+
#2  11 years ago
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Is this on the same line as Ryu? I hope this becomes a series of characters! But the link doesn't work.
Re: Sabaki Ryuuken -ReHyped- for Win MUGEN & 1.+
#3  11 years ago
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I've been waiting on this for such a long time, seeing that the original Ryuuken was an awesome boss/cheap character on my roster back in the WinMugen days (Yes, he was cheap and all sorts of screwy in his coding, but I love the Ascended Mugen series, that was right around the time I actually started trying edit stuff, and became active in the community really) but he was always a personal favorite, going off of the video, he looks pretty fantastic, I love what you've done with him, I like the voice, the specials are pretty basic and look well done, some of the supers are kinda crazy, but hey they work for me ... I really like what you've done with him, I'm glad I can put the small portrait and big portrait I had friends on here make for me to use again, and have him join my roster!  This made my week in mugen sir, thank you!  :-)  :bows:
Re: Sabaki Ryuuken -ReHyped- for Win MUGEN & 1.+
#4  11 years ago
  • ******
  • Portrait Prodigy EX+
Holy crap!! I still have the original version of this in my Mugen!! What I loved so much about Ryuuken is his ability to swap into each of his stances on the fly. It is really great to have an updated/edited version from your capable hands.

Is this on the same line as Ryu? I hope this becomes a series of characters! But the link doesn't work.

Are we supposed to have forum access to download your stuff?? I ask because I had trouble downloading Neo as well.

Either way, thanks for another solid contribution. :2thumbsup:
All of your Mugen Portrait needs may be found HERE.

I'd like to report two robots on the MFG forums: One is EXShadow. The other is Saikoro.
There should be a Saikoro plugin for Photoshop.
Re: Sabaki Ryuuken -ReHyped- for Win MUGEN & 1.+
#5  11 years ago
  • ***
    • France
Holy crap!! I still have the original version of this in my Mugen!! What I loved so much about Ryuuken is his ability to swap into each of his stances on the fly. It is really great to have an updated/edited version from your capable hands.

Is this on the same line as Ryu? I hope this becomes a series of characters! But the link doesn't work.

Are we supposed to have forum access to download your stuff?? I ask because I had trouble downloading Neo as well.

Either way, thanks for another solid contribution. :2thumbsup:

No forum access, the link is on Skydrive. Same line as Ryu yeah.
Re: Sabaki Ryuuken -ReHyped- for Win MUGEN & 1.+
#6  11 years ago
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  • Portrait Prodigy EX+
Sweet deal. Thanks for the heads up; I'll be downloading them for sure. ;D
All of your Mugen Portrait needs may be found HERE.

I'd like to report two robots on the MFG forums: One is EXShadow. The other is Saikoro.
There should be a Saikoro plugin for Photoshop.
Re: Sabaki Ryuuken -ReHyped- for Win MUGEN & 1.+
#7  11 years ago
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  • Super Mario Fighters 3 resurrected.
    • USA
Re: Sabaki Ryuuken -ReHyped- for Win MUGEN & 1.+
#8  11 years ago
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I got you on palettes to sir.
Re: Sabaki Ryuuken -ReHyped- for Win MUGEN & 1.+
#9  11 years ago
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  • Limited time to use Infinite power !
    • France
- Many attacks are misaligned. Feet move all over the place during the attack instead of staying static (the one on the ground at least).
- The new stance is a pretty bad idea IMO, because it doesn't flaw at all with all of his basics. Each time he goes from stance > standing attack > stance, the transitions are very bad.
- Crossed arms Intro is misaligned Y-wise, he goes up in the air after a few ticks.
- Why do all supers deal the same damage? Why not having some being Lv1, Lv2 and Lv3 supers. Because of this, they all feel pretty much generic and don't have their own purpose.
- air diagonal hadouken doesn't have any launch sound.
- Small portrait doesn't work on the select screen.

I could give more in-depth feedback, but this character is obviously to be used just for fun, mashing buttons and performing random hypers.
I laughed at the Attack of the Mechs super, that was awesome lol.
Re: Sabaki Ryuuken -ReHyped- for Win MUGEN & 1.+
#10  11 years ago
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    • USA
Re: Sabaki Ryuuken -ReHyped- for Win MUGEN & 1.+
#11  11 years ago
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  • Food and Woman!
Now I thought at first it was Evil Ryu lol!
Re: Sabaki Ryuuken -ReHyped- for Win MUGEN & 1.+
#12  11 years ago
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my nigga my nigga my niggA. feedback ina bit
Re: Sabaki Ryuuken -ReHyped- for Win MUGEN & 1.+
#13  11 years ago
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  • Wataaaaahhhhh
    • France
Wow, great ideas here, can't wait for your next release !  :D
Rahhhhhhh, AI is so hard to deal with !!!!
Re: Sabaki Ryuuken -ReHyped- for Win MUGEN & 1.+
#14  11 years ago
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  • AfroSamurai
  • Nothing personal. It’s just revenge.
    • Germany
ok im not a coder so remeber this is user feedback:

-really dont like his new stance (looks a bit odd i think)

-the new super (with all these robots in the background) doesnt seem to ''fit in'' since it looks a bit futuristic and he could be a badass boss char for cvs games and so on (maybe swap with a super-ryuuken-kamehameha shit or something ) :D

-the super move where he first hit his enemy then a pink fx fireball hits the enemy - does it relly have to be pink?
i mean...ryuuken shouldnt shoot pink balls..(would be better if all of his fx were like in the same color like the golden ones and blue)

- he feels a bit stiff..i mean when i fight him against any other good coded mvc,cvs,vyn,pots or infinite char hes waaayyy to slow in his attacks and the cpu's beating da shit out of me

-same for his A.I...he doesnt have any A.I..just standing around getting hit and 1-2 single punches does not fit well to a boss like ryuuken

- could use some different variation on super moves power... the super where he ''summons'' oni etc looks really great but it cost just 1 superbar and does wayyyyy to little damage..maybe make some moves like lvl 2 or 3 supers

-like the pink fireball...oni etc shooting a rainbow-hadouken? ehmmmm... -_-*

with a few more edits and twerks this could be such a great char...but immo hes feeling a bit like : yeah then i took this one and add these and make him that..but its not feeling like he ''fits'' togehter...worst point immo is his feeling to be stiff...could use some more speed and combo abillitys like the infinite or vyn chars (superjump and running animation would be also nice)

sry my english is not the best i hope you understand :)
thx and be blessed

edit : btw did you got my PM ?
Last Edit: 11 years ago by argyone
Re: Sabaki Ryuuken -ReHyped- for Win MUGEN & 1.+
#15  11 years ago
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-like the pink fireball...oni etc shooting a rainbow-hadouken? ehmmmm... -_-*
That's not a Rainbow Hadouken, that's a Master Spark. *inserts random smiley*[/touhoufanboy]
But all jokes aside, I do have to agree that the robot assault super looks out-of-place and random. In short words, it doesn't fit Ryuken's theme of being a shoto-kan/karateka/whatever.
===My discord servers===
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Re: Sabaki Ryuuken -ReHyped- for Win MUGEN & 1.+
#16  11 years ago
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Re: Sabaki Ryuuken -ReHyped- for Win MUGEN & 1.+
#17  11 years ago
  • ***
  • AfroSamurai
  • Nothing personal. It’s just revenge.
    • Germany
-like the pink fireball...oni etc shooting a rainbow-hadouken? ehmmmm... -_-*
That's not a Rainbow Hadouken, that's a Master Spark. *inserts random smiley*[/touhoufanboy]
But all jokes aside, I do have to agree that the robot assault super looks out-of-place and random. In short words, it doesn't fit Ryuken's theme of being a shoto-kan/karateka/whatever.

thats what i meant :D
sometimes i dont know how to say in english sry
and what da hell is a master spark? :D
Re: Sabaki Ryuuken -ReHyped- for Win MUGEN & 1.+
#18  11 years ago
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-like the pink fireball...oni etc shooting a rainbow-hadouken? ehmmmm... -_-*
That's not a Rainbow Hadouken, that's a Master Spark. *inserts random smiley*[/touhoufanboy]
But all jokes aside, I do have to agree that the robot assault super looks out-of-place and random. In short words, it doesn't fit Ryuken's theme of being a shoto-kan/karateka/whatever.

thats what i meant :D
sometimes i dont know how to say in english sry
and what da hell is a master spark? :D
Looks like someone doesn't know Touhou Project.
Anyway, now let us talk about Ryuuken again, okay?
===My discord servers===
Unlimited Force HQ:
Mega Man Megamix Engine Help Server:

Touhou database (by Ryouchi):
you are all small and can't grow manly sideburns
Re: Sabaki Ryuuken -ReHyped- for Win MUGEN & 1.+
#19  11 years ago
  • ***
  • AfroSamurai
  • Nothing personal. It’s just revenge.
    • Germany
ok so here is some more feedback:

-since im no coder i dont know if this is something special or easy to edit but i noticed he can get beaten in the air very easy.
like when you playing against some pots or infinite chars i m unable to move or guard in the air and almost everytime i jump i get hit and whooped my ass up
kinda saying he has an a weakness to air combos..

same for time lying on the ground--

god damn...just noticed on my 4th playthroug HOW MANY supers he have hahahahha :D
i really enjoyed all of these moves but somehow i think they are toooo many of them for lvl1 supers..

maybe you could make a new scheme like : lvl 1 D,DB,FB,x-z (lion attack)
                                                                              lvl 2 same as above (do it twice) x+z (Raging storm)

Lvl 3 supers i would suggest c+z thing but swap ''youdontknowitbutyouralreadydead'' with ''unleash the ryuuken it looks much more like a lvl3 super..

btw unleashtheryuuken could use some pause because when your enemy is not totally retarded  every human beeing and alsmost every AI could cancel his move because of the long waiting time until the move hits unless youve done a stunning move before (but ryuuken has no stun move)
so you can make it a reversal move or just make the enemy freeze when he ''loads'' his attack

what about adding supercharge? i think the unleashtheryuuken-stance when he hits the enemy would fit perfectly for that :)

still think u should erase the attackofmechs move completely since it really looks out of place.
the uppercut move from nash is unessecary too i think (but thats only my tase)

oh yeah and maybe you could swap the d,b,z twohand-warp-attack with the one from vyns evilryu (same command) when he loads his energy and tackles his enemy?
would play and look much better.

the supercombo move where u use the ''bullettime'' like in matrix and he kicks his enemy against the wall could be faster...looks like a bit lagging not slowmo immo..also the ''flashing'' in the backgrounds doesnt look good at all in my would be better without it i think

gouakuma (aka shadowakuma) move has a reeaaallyyy short range...maybe you can make this one a reversal move or make it more range?

still thinking the masterspark should be changed since it always irritates me like: damn such a good super attack and then this rainbow thing..
sry but just looks like gayuuken :D
also you could give 1-2 seconds more when the pictures of oni etc are away so when can actually see Oni Gouken etc and not like:
baaamm here we are and swoossshhhh we are away :D i d like to enjoy this epic moment :D

same as above for the udontknowbutyourealready dead pink fx...really looks odd

he has no normal hadouken move?

he definatly needs superjump and running for more combo abilitys...
and by superjump i mean the ability to double jumpo and dash in air not just like now
(think your regular superjum is very high and in-fight hard to pull off if you compare to infinites creations f. example)

so i think thats all ive noticed for the moment :)
hope you can do something with these feedback
Last Edit: 11 years ago by argyone
Re: Sabaki Ryuuken -ReHyped- for Win MUGEN & 1.+
#20  11 years ago
  • ***
    • France
- The new stance is a pretty bad idea IMO, because it doesn't flaw at all with all of his basics. Each time he goes from stance > standing attack > stance, the transitions are very bad.
I am truly satisfied with it right now. The only thing that bothers me is the static legs...

- Crossed arms Intro is misaligned Y-wise, he goes up in the air after a few ticks.
Thanks! Updated.

- Why do all supers deal the same damage? Why not having some being Lv1, Lv2 and Lv3 supers. Because of this, they all feel pretty much generic and don't have their own purpose.
My generic point of vue.

- air diagonal hadouken doesn't have any launch sound.
- Small portrait doesn't work on the select screen.
Thanks! Updated.

I could give more in-depth feedback, but this character is obviously to be used just for fun, mashing buttons and performing random hypers.
I laughed at the Attack of the Mechs super, that was awesome lol.
You're obviously right for the fun part. I am not a hardcore or perfectionnist figthing gamer.
Je pressens un léger sarcasme dans ton "that was awesome", me trompe-je...(?)

-the new super (with all these robots in the background) doesnt seem to ''fit in'' since it looks a bit futuristic and he could be a badass boss char for cvs games and so on (maybe swap with a super-ryuuken-kamehameha shit or something ) :D
Different point of vue. You can disable that hyper in the cmd file (you don't have to be a coder to do that).

-the super move where he first hit his enemy then a pink fx fireball hits the enemy - does it relly have to be pink?
i mean...ryuuken shouldnt shoot pink balls..(would be better if all of his fx were like in the same color like the golden ones and blue)
lol now I only see this pink shit because of you.

-same for his A.I...he doesnt have any A.I..just standing around getting hit and 1-2 single punches does not fit well to a boss like ryuuken
I'm not a AI coder...

thx and be blessed
Thank you too.

I really like what you've done with him, I'm glad I can put the small portrait and big portrait I had friends on here make for me to use again, and have him join my roster!  This made my week in mugen sir, thank you!  :-)  :bows:
Without your insistance Ryuuken won't be there... Thanks!

Today's update is just a critical update. I will work when I've time on the gameplay and the sprites alignment later (or not).