
All Chars Update(2018 & Beyond) (Read 583921 times)

Started by DivineWolf, May 31, 2018, 06:25:07 pm
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Re: All Chars Update(2018): Athena
#61  June 18, 2018, 07:35:21 pm
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Eh... I'll see if I can include it. Psy's CS is pretty extensive. I'll have to add several colors too... :-\
Re: All Chars Update(2018): Athena
#62  June 20, 2018, 02:13:51 am
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So, after looking over Vans' Rugal for the HCB/HCF motions, the only big difference is that he's using the shortcut expression of it(there's also a bit more time and bigger frame window, but I ain't doing that). I usually don't like doing this, except for double HCB/HCF motions, because the shortcut will conflict with certain other commands. Though I suppose I can adjust accordingly and the shortcut is easier to perform.

So, I just updated my Akuma with the shortcut HCB input. PLEASE test and let me know. I'll wait before I apply this to Athena and others as needed.
Re: All Chars Update(2018): Athena
#63  June 20, 2018, 04:46:26 am
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Hey thanks for taking the time to actually look into this and trying to adres it, I just tired akuma HCB motions work perfectly but if I press hp one time and lets say mash DFDF i'll get a hp and dragon punch just by pressing HP once also trying to chain into  jumping HK HP to low tatsu I get the fire ball at the end( that was a thing with the old setup too),  that's the only issues I found, if its too much of a hassle just figure out the best setup for you and i'll try to fix it myself once you''ve settled into whats good for you. Thanks again and  I do apologize if i'm putting more of a workload on you guys.
Also I will set up a a input display program and record my inputs on screen just to show you guys what im actually pressing cause just watching footage wont be as good.

My control setup is like this
Arrows for movement  ASD for punches ZXC for kicks Enter for taunt.
This is the keyboard im using
Last Edit: June 20, 2018, 04:58:28 am by PeXXeR
Re: All Chars Update(2018): Athena
#64  June 20, 2018, 04:29:33 pm
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but if I press hp one time and lets say mash DFDF i'll get a hp and dragon punch just by pressing HP once

This can be done with any char that uses neg edge. It may just be easier to do with Akuma, because of the frame window allowance.

also trying to chain into  jumping HK HP to low tatsu I get the fire ball at the end( that was a thing with the old setup too)

Maybe the same with the frame window thing. Though I can do this w/o a fireball, because I don't hold or press forward after jumping or when landing, as there's no need to. Still, I figure I should change the frame window based on the complexity of the moves themselves, along with the timing in the CMD. Instead of using a universal 8 frames window for everything.

No need to apologize. I want the feedback so I can get it down. I tweaked Akuma again with the aforementioned tweaks. Try him out again and let me know please.
Re: All Chars Update(2018): Athena
#65  June 20, 2018, 05:12:27 pm
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Ok thanks  just tested Akuma again, feels smooth still getting a punch and a dragon punch sometimes just by pressing HP once but to a far lesser extent.  You are right If I dont hold fwd while jumping in I can hit the low tatsu to super tatsu etc but the OP does not stand still and holding fwd while jumping I feel helps with combos in some situations.
I feel its very close like, just the window thing being a bit to large on some of the moves but thats it.
HCB works correctly he responds fast, its just some of the moves appearing when they should not.
Re: All Chars Update(2018): Athena
#66  June 20, 2018, 07:33:31 pm
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Made some adjustment again. Try him again and let me know. The mashing DF thing is not that much of a concern, because why would you mash anyway? If I go any lower on DPs, you won't be able to do them consistently.
Re: All Chars Update(2018): Athena
#67  June 20, 2018, 09:23:31 pm
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a question how are you playing mugen fullscreen or widnowed ?
I'll edit this post with feedback in a bit
Re: All Chars Update(2018): Athena
#68  June 20, 2018, 09:52:57 pm
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Not sure what that has to do with anything, but fullscreen.
Re: All Chars Update(2018): Athena
#69  June 20, 2018, 11:04:57 pm
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Ok Ive uploaded a video with my inputs on screen, I showed Terry and Rugal in the begining so you can see how this looks on a keyboard. OK its still the same but with the latest update the HCB motions work like 1/8 times.
I should not be getting a dragon punch by crouching for an uppercut and then mashing df while I pressed punch one time(for the uppercut)
Still getting the hado  ball when trying to chain into any kick while holding fwd.

youtube has a speed setting you can slow down the footage by clicking on  the bottom right and making it 0.25
I really hope with the inputs on screen you can get a better idea

Hope it helps, thanks again.
Edit: If need be I can put USF4 or KOF2002um on there with the input thing on, or anything else for that matter if it helps.
Last Edit: June 20, 2018, 11:39:30 pm by PeXXeR
Re: All Chars Update(2018): Athena
#70  June 21, 2018, 03:54:35 am
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Again, why would you mash F/D while doing cr.HP? You're purposely fishing for stuff in that regard. By mashing F/D, you're actually getting the DP motion randomly, combined with neg edge on HP when releasing it. It's a random chance thing and you shouldn't be mashing dir during hits anyway. Although I see something in Vans Rugal that I'll try and introduce.

I see now. Especially when playing with a keyboard, you're not actually doing a HCB. You're stringing your fingers across like a piano, F D B. No DF/DB. Unfortunately, the only sure fire way I can make sure that you don't get accidental fireballs, is by coding it as a true HCB motion(which it is currently). "F DF D DB B." This means you have to press DF-DB to get the move, so holding forward during cl.HP > Tatsu registers fine. This is why you should use a controller. Still, Rugal and Terry don't have moves that conflict with HCB/F. By you holding forward, which despite what you think doesn't help connect, you're performing F D B when trying to do the Tatsu. If you're not close enough for cl.HP to hit upon landing from a jump attack, holding forward isn't going to make it connect. Not truly, it won't be a real combo, just something you're doing in practice.

Let me give you an example with Vans' Rugal. He can cancel from his cr.HK. Try cancelling from cr.HK > God Press with meter. You'll get the super variant every time, even though you're just trying to do the normal G.Press. Because of the shortcut method for HCB/F, when cancelling from cr.HK, I have to go to F from D after tripping p2. This will register as D > F. Then when I go back from F to D >B, this is all registered as D > (F > D > B) so I get the super instead.

Akuma has a lot of commands that conflict with the shortcut method for HCB/F, if you're holding the dir to perform it. If you're holding F, then try to do D > B, it's gonna be F > D > B. I can make the window smaller, the timing more strict, but as long as you hold forward, it will always be the case. Since the command is a more complex one(more than Tatsu), I can't make the window too small, or you won't be able to perform it. Try this; In the tinybuffering.txt, there's a set of code that looks like this:

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

Change the number 10 to a higher value. This will increase the allowance window of the input. Try 13 first. If you still can't do it, try 17/18. If you still can't perform it, I guess a true HCB just doesn't vibe well with a keyboard. I'll keep looking over some things though. Maybe adding dir holding restrictions like Vans has done will help. I'll have to experiment some more later.
Last Edit: June 21, 2018, 04:00:28 am by A$AP DW
Re: All Chars Update(2018): Athena
#71  June 21, 2018, 07:58:03 am
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I will mess about with it when I come back from work and report on how it goes, also thanks for the explenation.
As for me fishing for stuff that is true, I have worked as a beta tester for mobile games before so Ive been going at it trying to break it and find every fault I can, sorry, I just how im used to test stuff, I admit its useless in the grand scheme of things but at the same time I feel it helps reporting stuff like that. I played YamoriX's Ikemen full game and it took me 30 seconds to find a stage clipping on the right side and it was 1pixel :/ stuff like that.
Thanks again.
Last Edit: June 21, 2018, 08:07:47 am by PeXXeR
Re: All Chars Update(2018): Athena
#72  June 21, 2018, 04:40:05 pm
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Odd. I can do half circle motions without problems on keyboard raw or comboed in the old and new versions.
Current Project: ????? ???
Re: All Chars Update(2018): Athena
#73  June 22, 2018, 12:49:15 pm
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Made some adjustment again. Try him again and let me know. The mashing DF thing is not that much of a concern, because why would you mash anyway? If I go any lower on DPs, you won't be able to do them consistently.
I have difficulties doing his Ashura Senku after this update, he often do Ex Special moves most compared to the previous version

My real life is coming soon........!
Re: All Chars Update(2018): Athena
#74  June 22, 2018, 04:37:02 pm
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Ashura Senku now strictly demands F,D,DF / B,D,DB. (Too strict)
Inputing F,D,DF,F \ B,D,DB,B now registers as a quarter circle motion (D,DF,F / D,DB,B)

This problem didn't exist in the older version.
Current Project: ????? ???
Re: All Chars Update(2018): Athena
#75  June 22, 2018, 06:47:28 pm
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Odd. I can do half circle motions without problems on keyboard raw or comboed in the old and new versions.

I can't. Though I can barely do a QCF on a keyboard. I'll leave the shortcut HCB/F motions in every char I make, so people can adjust accordingly. However, I don't do stuff with a keyboard in mind. So those that do play with it, will just have to do the best they can.

I have difficulties doing his Ashura Senku after this update, he often do Ex Special moves most compared to the previous version

Ashura Senku now strictly demands F,D,DF / B,D,DB. (Too strict)
Inputing F,D,DF,F \ B,D,DB,B now registers as a quarter circle motion (D,DF,F / D,DB,B)

This problem didn't exist in the older version.

Don't worry, I'm going to change all that back soon. Was just experimenting to see what was going on in PexxeR's regard. Now that I know it's the keyboard, that's on him/anyone who uses a keyboard. It's not my concern in the grand scheme.


Changed it back for Akuma. Along with updating Athena and KFM with the few tweaks I did for Akuma's timings.
Last Edit: June 22, 2018, 07:37:17 pm by A$AP DW
Re: All Chars Update(2018): Athena
#76  June 24, 2018, 01:47:37 pm
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I know this may seem a little off-topic, but I wish you would give Robert his Muei Shippuu Juudan Kyaku, maybe as a Level 2.
Re: All Chars Update(2018): Blair
#77  June 25, 2018, 06:13:34 am
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Blair has been updated. Eliza is next.
Re: All Chars Update(2018): Eliza
#78  June 27, 2018, 09:16:11 pm
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Eliza has been updated. Hiryu would be next, but I want to get a few things done on him first. Like including his MB and updating his SFF to the template. While I attempt to do this and see about something else for him, I'll just skip over him for now. Jill will be next.
Re: All Chars Update(2018): Eliza
#79  June 28, 2018, 07:52:34 pm
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Just tried Eliza, she's great. Everything works as it should, just a question though has the canceling from double reppuken to a ranging storm change, I mean the window its a bit more strict (which is fine) but just curious.

Same for Dame everything works as it should, good job.
Last Edit: June 28, 2018, 07:58:54 pm by PeXXeR
Re: All Chars Update(2018): Eliza
#80  June 28, 2018, 08:14:49 pm
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Glad to hear it. I updated all the others with Vans' advice as well with the HCB/F commands. As for Eliza's cancelling window from D.Reppuken: No. None of that was changed for any of my chars I have currently updated. I'll be sure to say so if I do anything like that with any char. Their specific char updates are in the OP.