
Palette Selection Schemes (Read 5799 times)

Started by PotS, September 02, 2007, 08:20:02 am
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Which do you prefer?

"Mugen" style
13 (50%)
Same as original game/char
13 (50%)

Total Members Voted: 26

Palette Selection Schemes
#1  September 02, 2007, 08:20:02 am
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    • Portugal
Been meaning to try this poll for a while, so here it is.

"Mugen" style
You press A to get the default palette, B for the second and so on.

Same as original game/char
Example: Ryu's default palette would be picked with X (weak punch) like in Capcom games, instead of Mugen's usual A button.
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Re: Palette Selection Schemes
#2  September 02, 2007, 08:26:39 am
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  • A frame here, a pixel there.
I'm used to light punch being the default palette.
Re: Palette Selection Schemes
#3  September 02, 2007, 08:28:46 am
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    • Brazil
same as the original game. i still don't get why did not elecbyte had button 1 to be A and not X. (that is the way it is on most arcades).
Re: Palette Selection Schemes
#4  September 02, 2007, 08:31:04 am
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    • Portugal
Wow, after making this poll I just realized that a lot more chars use the "Capcom" style than what I thought. Never gave it much thought, maybe I should start using X as default as well.

i still don't get why did not elecbyte had button 1 to be A and not X. (that is the way it is on most arcades).
You can help with Ikemen GO's development by trying out the latest development build and reporting any bugs on GitHub.
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Re: Palette Selection Schemes
#5  September 02, 2007, 10:02:35 am
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Make X default or die trying.
Re: Palette Selection Schemes
#6  September 02, 2007, 12:02:40 pm
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Actually I use A as default. I'm just use to pressing that key and it looks more neat in the .def when it's like ..

pal1 = Ryu.act
pal2 = Ryu-2.act
pal3 = Ryu-3.act
etc ...

Instead of
pal1 = Ryu-2.act
pal2 = Ryu-3.act
pal3 = Ryu-4.act
pal4 = Ryu.act
etc ...

Well, whatever. I'm a bit weird. =x
Re: Palette Selection Schemes
#7  September 02, 2007, 06:18:50 pm
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Now I'm used to A being the first button too. But I recall that it was strange to me the first time playing MUGEN when I pressed X and got someone's alternative color. It took time to get used to MUGEN's pal order. But now I'm not sure what should I do with my Kyo. Maybe I should start a poll? Or this topic will help me.
Re: Palette Selection Schemes
#8  September 02, 2007, 06:23:23 pm
  • ******
    • Portugal
You can help with Ikemen GO's development by trying out the latest development build and reporting any bugs on GitHub.
My Mugen and Ikemen content can also be found here.
Re: Palette Selection Schemes
#9  September 02, 2007, 10:24:30 pm
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i use A=Default

ABC = 123
XYZ = 456

seems easier that way to me, cause A is first in the alphabet, so why not in the palette selection?

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Re: Palette Selection Schemes
#10  September 02, 2007, 11:58:42 pm
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  • I like to sing with the radio.
I'm used to A as the default P1 palette as well.

I'm ruined. Played MVC yesterday and selected with light kick and like a moron couldn't for the life of me figure out why Gambit had a goddamn grey trenchcoat.

Then I realized what I did and wept for awhile.
Re: Palette Selection Schemes
#11  September 03, 2007, 12:15:41 am
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    • Portugal
same as the original game. i still don't get why did not elecbyte had button 1 to be A and not X. (that is the way it is on most arcades).

It must have seemed likely to Elecbyte that at least a few characters would never use the top row - IIRC TESTP's Shinobu only used A, B and C, for example.

At least with some characters you can get away with this ambiguity - Ryu's default in SSFT2 is quite different from his classic colours, and some character present both in RB1 and RB Special had major palette changes in their default colour, so you can get away with picking any of those defaults for A and the other for X.
Re: Palette Selection Schemes
#12  September 03, 2007, 09:12:03 am
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  • Cute Bounty Hunter
Same as origin for me as well.  I mean if we're recreating characters from other games, why not recreate their palette scheme as well? ;)
Re: Palette Selection Schemes
#13  September 03, 2007, 09:40:50 am
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    • France
Now I'm used to A being the first button too. But I recall that it was strange to me the first time playing MUGEN when I pressed X and got someone's alternative color. It took time to get used to MUGEN's pal order.
Now that I'm used to Mugen's pal order, I prefer sticking to it.