
What Year would you say is the best year for video games? (Read 3723 times)

Started by QuakeWalker, September 28, 2024, 06:43:57 am
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What Year would you say is the best year for video games?
#1  September 28, 2024, 06:43:57 am
    • USA
imo 2004 was a dope year for video games, ik i left out some of the games like tony hawk's underground 2, viewtiful joe 2, or other games i never heard or forgot that came out that year (lmk what games that came out in 2004 i left out)

Re: What Year would you say is the best year for video games?
#2  September 28, 2024, 07:05:38 am
    • USA
I know i put mostly sports games (since i love sports). Since not everybody is into sports. but i'll still leave the image out there.