
Silvy Garnet? (Read 313534 times)

Started by Pin, March 02, 2018, 04:34:48 pm
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Re: Silvy Garnet?
#41  September 13, 2024, 12:59:53 pm
  • **
  • Thanks for the purple stars!
Hello, Been awhile again.
   Thanks for such alot of words to appreciate.
Never thought it'll be this something of a notice here on what im doing.

But sorry that i'm only managed to reply here this late.
Since it felt that it somewhat takes a year for keeping up some new progress here so far.

So yeah, to wrap stuff around here:
  I think i've already made the backwards animation earlier which is already similar(mostly reusing the leg)?. maybe that'll be fine i suppose.

  Will adjust the hair when i'll started compiling them later on.
I do think it might look jarring as well in some of the animations i've done so far. so ill consider it.
  i guess ive been too caught up discovering to animate hair animations before.
probably someday that'll utilize this more in some way for sure.

  Not sure if i'm confident on trying out making effects to be exclusive for this character.
Something that really haven't done it yet. so dunno. but hope it's all worth on how the animations are somehow.
  which there might some stuff that i may not be able to promise upon the later on.

Going through the current progress, here are all the samples for her initial supers that ive managed so far:
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

And an additional attempt for an another idle. based from her second mode(i think it's also now a install super):
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

So yea. i think this might be my final update for my progress here so far. Mostly misc. stuff that are mostly remaining this time.
i'll probably include them once i'll get them done for the initial release for this project.
might take awhile within some new adjustments. but hope it'll go well when i'll start compiling them.

While for that remaining progress. I will also try to attempt for contacting the main creator for this character if all of this are alright
on what i've been doing so far. i'd like to keep my respect for using this character for attempting to rework it.
Best of luck if i could able to communicate it well. even if it's going to be in different language. thanks.
Re: Silvy Garnet?
#42  September 13, 2024, 05:22:07 pm
  • **
    • Argentina
The Sprites look great, Thanks for Sharing your Progress!
Re: Silvy Garnet?
#43  September 14, 2024, 06:42:51 am
    • USA
Wow, talk about the great timing! I was feeling particularly stressed out today at work and reading this after coming home, this is the best news I’ve heard all day!
I feel so giddy with excitement!

Silvy’s animations are looking super smooth and stellar. Pretty seamless movement transitions as far as I can tell. Fantastic work! I do like how that one particular super (the 3rd one), in which she slices her opponent with one hand, has her finishing with a bit of a dramatic flare pose/action as she pauses a brief moment before delivering the final blow.

I noticed that besides Silvy’s hair and outfit, you even added motion physics to her socks as well. A small but neat detail that helps add to the overall charm.
That attempt of another idle stance for her second mode is cool as I can see it is the same stance that Hanma used for Eve Stein’s default idle pose though Silvy’s left arm going up and down with that much motion like that seems a little strange and maybe a bit on the jarring side but that’s just me. Takes a little getting used to though I suppose you may still do some updates to it for the final production.

Hmm, honestly, I’m not sure how well your attempt will be with contacting Silvy’s original creator Hanma as I noticed that his/her Japanese blog ( seems to be radio silent of any updates for at least a number of years now but nevertheless, I wish you best of luck. (I have no idea if Hanma has any other forms of social media besides this blog.)

I feel as though if I were in Hanma’s shoes, I would be thoroughly impressed and humbled by the progress you’ve made so far. I mean, learning that someone else, being so interested in a custom character creation you made so many years ago, would try their hand at making a modernized rework/update of it would be very surprising to hear. Hopefully, if there is a response, Hanma will give you his/her blessing going forward.

Your reworked Silvy is shaping up to be really awesome! Thank you very much for the surprise update, Pin! I’m eager to see how the final project turns out to be! ^^


Re: Silvy Garnet?
#44  October 18, 2024, 06:40:27 am
  • **
  • Thanks for the purple stars!
I'll be closing this thread since now considering the initial completion for this character.
Further updates and new sprites will going to be in the release thread in the future.
Still keeping this thread as an archive of sorts especially with the unused animations from the previous progress.
It's been a long ride on making it happen. Thanks alot