
Avengers: United Battle Force (Read 575169 times)

Started by O Ilusionista, May 14, 2013, 05:02:48 pm
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Avengers: United Battle Force
#1  May 14, 2013, 05:02:48 pm
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  • A living Mugen dinossaur :)
  • 25 years of Mugen O_o
    • Brazil
This game started as a study case from Doom, who worked with me on Bullseye, so he could learn how to code for OpenBOR. It turned into a full game, but I don't know if it will be release publically, its up to Doom to decide.

The idea is to make an Avengers (though some non-avengers chars will appear) based on the old Arcade game, which we loved so much, but won't be a perfect copy.

The title is a working title, and can be changed later.

Features (not everything is avaliable yet):
- 2 players (although 3 players could be done)
- Specials and air specials
- Hyper moves (consumes all the powerbar)
- Vehicles
- Traps, plataforms, holes and other beat em up things
- NPC chars
- Unlockable chars
- Alternate routes
- While I am a rookie on OpenBOR coding, I promisse to be a cool game to play :)

What could be done:
-Weapons system, if I manage to code it well.
-Aerial Rave, like on versus games

Roster (subject to change):
the following are completed ... though perhaps we add or modify something ...

Those characters are in progress ...

I think also is in progress Iron Fist and Storm...

other who will join later:
- Vision
- Iron Fist
- Black Panther
- Black Widow
- Antman
- Psylocke
- Wolverine
- Hulk
- Colossus
- Nightcrawler

Some which could appear, as a playable or NPC
- Wasp
- Fantomex
and some others


Select screen

In game (GUI is a WIP)

More news to come :)
Last Edit: May 23, 2013, 08:21:53 pm by O Ilusionista
Re: Avengers: United Battle Force
#2  May 14, 2013, 05:16:57 pm
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Cool man.
Re: Avengers: United Battle Force
#3  May 14, 2013, 07:43:04 pm
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  • A living Mugen dinossaur :)
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    • Brazil

- Burn effects for all chars and enemies (thanks Pierwolf)

- Robotic hit sounds for Warmachine and Ironman
- New Soldier enemy (the most common one)

- Guard now actually...guards

- General improves on the stage - Doors were resized, the stage is wider and have some new edits. Plus, this is the new sub boss: Forklift. When you beat him, a normal Soldier will jump to fight you (but if he wasn't able to fight with you with a Forklift, what he can do by himself anyway, lol)

(I think they doesn't likes the Avengers...)

- Each char has a new unique icon. And looks, Hawkeye has a fan, lol

- Whenever you see a char on other palette, watch out: with new colors, comes new moves. Green gunner, for example, shoots twice.

- TMNT fans will remember what happens if you pass in front of a car :)

(the shadow is wrong, I know)

- This will lead to a branch

- New playable char: Ant Man

I am loving to work on this mod :)
Re: Avengers: United Battle Force
#4  May 15, 2013, 07:34:04 am
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this is very cool: can't wait to try it
good job, it looks beautiful from the screens :)
Re: Avengers: United Battle Force
#5  May 15, 2013, 08:39:44 am
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Looking good so far. Count me interested in giving this a try once it's done. :)  Can't wait to see which villains make an appearance, too! (Any clues? :D )

One of the things that irks me about a lot of BOR mods/games is the pacing of the stages; namely, a lot have sections that last way too long for their own good, making it more tedious than beat-em-ups already are by nature.  I got bored by a few mods because of that, and I'm sure I wasn't the only one to feel that way.  I definitely think that finding the right balance can be something to take into consideration. :)
Re: Avengers: United Battle Force
#6  May 15, 2013, 04:46:26 pm
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  • A living Mugen dinossaur :)
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    • Brazil
Thanks guys.

One of the things that irks me about a lot of BOR mods/games is the pacing of the stages; namely, a lot have sections that last way too long for their own good, making it more tedious than beat-em-ups already are by nature.  I got bored by a few mods because of that, and I'm sure I wasn't the only one to feel that way.

Me too. Some mods (and even official games) are a bit tedious over the time. I am trying to make the experience a bit better, with branches, traps, enviroment effects/attacks, and to make the chars different from each other. I give new moves based on the colors of the chars, so its not the same char over and over.

Btw, new chars are joining the party: Black Knight and Beast

Doom had done a wondeful job with Black Knight!

After some tests, finally Hulk will be joining
Re: Avengers: United Battle Force
#7  May 16, 2013, 10:34:57 pm
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  • A living Mugen dinossaur :)
  • 25 years of Mugen O_o
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I've been working to make Ironman and Warmachine different from each other.
So there are new aerial moves

Smart bomb (wip)
Re: Avengers: United Battle Force
#8  May 16, 2013, 11:56:15 pm
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There is one thing that I have been meaning to ask you. It is about the anti-Avenger graffiti in your 1st stage. Is it necessary?
Re: Avengers: United Battle Force
#9  May 17, 2013, 12:17:31 am
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I dont understand the question.
Re: Avengers: United Battle Force
#10  May 17, 2013, 01:09:37 am
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Neither I.
Re: Avengers: United Battle Force
#11  May 17, 2013, 02:12:07 am
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oh i like this, reminds me of that avengers arcade game back in the 90's
Re: Avengers: United Battle Force
#12  May 19, 2013, 08:17:12 pm
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Sorry for such a late reply O, I got your PM but didn't get around to viewing this until now.

And holy fucking shit!!

This project looks amazing!! It reminds me of the title "Captain America and the Avengers" that came out in the 90's. The presentation is slick and stylish, and I like your attention to detail sprite wise. I sincerely cannot wait to get my hands on this. Very, VERY cool. :lugoi:
All of your Mugen Portrait needs may be found HERE.

I'd like to report two robots on the MFG forums: One is EXShadow. The other is Saikoro.
There should be a Saikoro plugin for Photoshop.
Re: Avengers: United Battle Force
#13  May 20, 2013, 03:59:28 pm
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  • A living Mugen dinossaur :)
  • 25 years of Mugen O_o
    • Brazil
About the playable characters ... the following are completed ... though perhaps we add or modify something ...

These characters are in progress ...

I think also is in progress Iron Fist and Storm...

Many people ask more playable female characters ...
So I do some designs ... All are fairly simple ... If some brave spriter is interested in helping with any of them ... please tell us.

I have also made ​​these designs. They are available for editing...

We have more ideas ... These are just some about playable character. You may submit designs if desired.

Important: before taking a WIP ... you should talk to Doom or me.
Re: Avengers: United Battle Force
#14  May 22, 2013, 06:16:29 pm
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I've been busy, but I made a new enemy

And I am working on the select screen
Re: Avengers: United Battle Force
#15  May 23, 2013, 01:52:29 am
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There is one thing that I have been meaning to ask you. It is about the anti-Avenger graffiti in your 1st stage. Is it necessary?
I dont understand the question.
Neither I.
He means the GO AWAY AVENGERS, and NOW DIE AVENGERS in post #3.

Re: Avengers: United Battle Force
#16  May 23, 2013, 03:03:37 pm
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  • A living Mugen dinossaur :)
  • 25 years of Mugen O_o
    • Brazil
yeah, lol :)

New training stage

the chars can fall from the train

New select screen

With some info about the chars. The only bad thing is that now the game is stuck with 2 players option, so the 3 player version won't be possible.

Started to work on hyer moves. To make things more unique, some hypers will do one hit with big damage (can kill normal enemies on a single hit), others will have less damage, but will cover the whole screen.
Re: Avengers: United Battle Force
#17  May 24, 2013, 01:42:56 am
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About that 3 player option: Why don't you ask zvitor? One of his Open BoR projects is 4-players.
Re: Avengers: United Battle Force
#18  May 24, 2013, 02:59:17 pm
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  • A living Mugen dinossaur :)
  • 25 years of Mugen O_o
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I know how to do it, it just will require too much work and will make us to redo a lot of stuff. Plus, that select screen won't be possible, because there would be no space to do it.
New players [WIP]:

Major Victory and Storm:

Designs of new characters. They are not WIP, even ... should be accepted and edited after ... lol

Dagger [everyone knows this sprite !!] and Black Panther:

And finally I want to share with you a couple of enemies, they are WIP.

Starhawk and Slaymaster:


Little progress: managed to handle multiple layer stages, so each layer moves on its own speed and makes it different from the original games

Mugen stage makers: OpenBOR have some cool options for stages, like water effect (raster), mirror and even Mode 7.
Last Edit: May 24, 2013, 03:18:02 pm by O Ilusionista
Re: Avengers: United Battle Force
#19  May 25, 2013, 06:30:26 pm
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    • Colombia
wow... nice work man!! i really like those sprites and game idea!! :D have you thought about spiderman?? i mean i found these sprites that might fit this style...
Re: Avengers: United Battle Force
#20  May 25, 2013, 06:42:48 pm
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Little progress: managed to handle multiple layer stages, so each layer moves on its own speed and makes it different from the original games

i would suggest recoloring the background because i easily recognized it as the first stage in megaman x