
Cutting your opponent in half (Read 30839 times)

Started by Basara Bogard, June 16, 2020, 01:16:22 am
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Cutting your opponent in half
#1  June 16, 2020, 01:16:22 am
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It's not a mistery I'm still working in my ClayFighter project (maybe if I made enough chars, I could make a fullgame in a future, not bad). Well, apart of finishing Butch and updating Tiny, I'm working in 2 of the 4 Claytalities (CF renditions of MK fatalities) that I thought couldn't be done in MUGEN: Squeeze Claytality and Knock Off Top half (aka Cut in Half). The former I achieved it thanks to the state 7780 (Bloated Up), but the latter is the one I'm still struggling for, which is about this thread.

As I did with the Pre-Claytality pose (5305), I want to make a custom state that can be added in your AIR without the need of extra coding in a char. I took the 5350s since those states aren't used already. I'm still struggling with the Claytality itself, but I nominated these states for the cut-in-half move:
  • 5350: the lower part of the body on the ground, a single sprite set in -1 with the feet
  • 5351: the upper part flying to the air after the cut. Can be done with -1 for a single sprite or with various sprites to show how it moves. For the claytality effect, it's the upper body moving in 360° in a loop but can be done with the part only thrown as the standard 5050
  • 5352: the lower part in the ground after falling from the sky. Can be just one sprites or few of them, but the last (or the only) part should have -1
  • 5353: (not used yet) the lower part also is thrown as the upper part, same principle than 5300
  • 5354: (not used yet) the lower part in the ground after being thrown, same principle than 5302 (but could be recycled the 5302 anim with this number too). Thinking to do this one and 5303 for some final moves made by Darkstalkers' Bishamon (as with certain moves he cut in half their opponents in the games)
  • 5355: (not used yet) being cut and both parts united again, common in ClayFighter series with certain "cutting" attacks as Blob's Buzzsaw, Blue Suede Goo's hair moves and Earthworm Jim's worm whip. Thinking to do this with another CF chars as Shadowtak did with his chars but without adding extra code to the chars (as I did with Jim and BSG)
I want to make this thread to discuss about implementing this in chars or if it was implemented already (mostly seen in MK chars for their fatalities AFAIK), this will help me in not just to improve my CF chars and add proper claytalities to them, but making a compatible state with other chars just by adding these animations on the AIR without any special code, just as I did with the state 5305 (still seeing if I change it to 5310 instead).

Well, let's start this, so you can help me with my chars and I can give you a new and usable custom states to be added into your characters ;)

EDIT: I just realized I put 5300s instead 5350s, sorry XD
Last Edit: June 18, 2020, 03:20:14 am by Basara Tiny
Re: Cutting your opponent in half
#2  June 16, 2020, 01:21:09 am
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 I remember achieving bisection with Sayaka via having the background red with two red boxes to cover over P2 and the explod copy of them to give the illusion of such  The explod scales to their size constants for more consistency. It may not be 100% reliable if the target character in question is scaled on something like localcoord or within their coding itself instead of their size constants.
Re: Cutting your opponent in half
#3  June 16, 2020, 01:30:50 am
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Interesting I thought that was made in another way. What I want to achieve is something like this since the franchise is everything but bloody or with that kind of FX (different to much of "claytalities" out there that are real copycat of MK)
Re: Cutting your opponent in half
#4  June 16, 2020, 01:50:32 am
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Re: Cutting your opponent in half
#5  June 16, 2020, 01:57:07 am
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I know, but specifically 5300, as well these other ones but there's nothing yet about 5350-5359 used yet

EDIT: Seeing if I can change to 6100s or 8000s if I decide to move from 5350s
Last Edit: June 16, 2020, 02:10:14 am by Basara Tiny
Re: Cutting your opponent in half
#6  June 16, 2020, 04:06:04 am
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Re: Cutting your opponent in half
#7  June 16, 2020, 04:09:35 am
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Yes, even I got the direct link in my markers XD thanks to that I got other solutions, like the Bloated Up state for the squeeze claytality

EDIT: This is what I made until now
I'm struggling now with the upper part dissapearing (code stuff) and the already mentioned thing of neverending win after "Claytality" (which should end the round after the applauses but continued until MUGEN ends time), which I didn't recorded here
Last Edit: June 16, 2020, 04:28:00 am by Basara Tiny
Re: Cutting your opponent in half
#8  June 17, 2020, 08:06:46 am
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Make absolutely sure your opponent is in statedef 5150 during the claytality otherwise the round will never end. It needs to be a modified state 5150 to override your opponent's as well since they're not laying dead in a way that MUGEN characters are normally expecting. So what I do is make the opponent targetstate into my character's custom state 5150 where they will stay in their previous custom dead animation which is how I'm able to say, have an opponent die while standing as seen here with my Hibiki.

As for the disappearing torso, make absolutely sure that the torso changes to its landing state when it hits the floor and that the y position is set to 0 at the very start of the landed state.
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Re: Cutting your opponent in half
#9  October 28, 2020, 02:08:37 am
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Basara, there are now Darkstalkers standards for slicing foes up, thanks to Ghostfox12, which you may want to use for your Clayfighters instead of adding more animations to the list;

Cutting - Darkstalkers series:

7700. 7701, 7702 Head-to-Toe Cut laying on ground

Your character's been split from head to toe as they lay down on the floor. Animation 7700 is the half of their body that is not facing the screen, and the inside of it is to be shown. The half slides away along the X axis via animation timing, and then slides back into position, lasting about 55 ticks. There should be no contact boxes included, and there should be a 20 tick pause before it slides back into position. 7702 is the same, except there is no slide back into position, which is used when the slice is a finisher attack. Animation 7701 is the inanimate half of the victim's body, which remains the same in both cases.  The inside of the body should be somewhat detailed, but not too gruesome, unlike Mortal Kombat. Try to add funny details to the sliced body; like Bishamon's tertiary mouth.

7710, 7711, 7712, 7713 - Cut at waist while standing and then falling after.

Your character is now split at the waist, much like Clayfighter standard 10910, but more complex. 7710 is your character's lower half standing on the ground and flinching back, sometimes displaying a stub of flesh. 7711 is your character's upper half flipping through the air; this half rotates around while reeling in pain. 7712 has the lower body collapse to the ground. 7713 has the character's lower half flying away before landing on the ground; these poses should look similar to standard liedown poses. None of these need hurtboxes whatsoever.

7720, 7721, 7722, 7723 - Cut at waist on the ground

The character has been sliced at the waist while on the ground. 7720 is the upper half reeling in pain as it slides forward. 7721 is the lower half reeling in pain and sliding back. 7722 is the upper half reeling in pain and then collapsing to the ground defeated.  7723 is simply the lower half laying on the ground defeated. A stump of flesh is also shown, showing some of the character's insides. Again, don't make this too grisly.

I think the lower half standing on the ground would have to be new, though. Or you could find a way to freeze the animation on the standing frame by using the "Elem = 1" controller.

Also, where did you get that fancy-looking list of optional animation standards? I've never seen that list before.
Last Edit: November 21, 2020, 06:02:13 am by Miru962
Re: Cutting your opponent in half
#10  November 10, 2020, 06:11:09 am
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Whoa!! Now this is interesting (and also I retook my Bishamon), thank you very much :D I'll check it out and test them for my Claytalities
Re: Cutting your opponent in half
#11  August 13, 2021, 03:21:08 am
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Finally it is done
Working on Octohead and Nanaman and adding them their cut-in-half sprites for the SFF, I rechecked out this thread and the new states and working hard on the code, as well basing on those states to make something... AND IT WORKED!! so the compatibility with 7710s anims are real. Just implemented on Jim, but now I'll add the new claytalities to various of my chars now.

Thanks to all for your help in all this time, and thanks Miru (and Ghostfox12, of course) for the idea, very appreciated :coollove: