
Supergirl v2 (Read 23758 times)

Started by Toni, April 11, 2017, 09:31:25 pm
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Supergirl v2
#1  April 11, 2017, 09:31:25 pm
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Yeah, that's right. Supergirl is back, and she includes some updates!

Improved graphics!
Almost all sprites have been reworked and some especially wonky ones outright replaced. She's also got some sweet new animations.

Improved (hopefully) gameplay!
She has been rebalanced and a new move has been added to her repertoire. It almost looks as if I knew what I was doing this time.  :sugoi:

I hope you'll like her. Download her here:

 :dadadadaa: :dadadadaa:
Includes both versions for WinMugen and Mugen 1.0, the latter of which being the default now.

(Oh, and just to avoid any confusion, please note that this is strictly an update to my own take on Supergirl and doesn't include any of the moves or modes that other people have added to their own versions during these years, so please don't expect Red Lantern mode and the like here.)


Re: Supergirl v2
#2  April 11, 2017, 10:00:40 pm
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Re: Supergirl v2
#3  April 12, 2017, 12:38:04 am
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I'm glad you're back. I am particularly a fan, of just your version. I did not like the unofficial updates.

Thanks for the update.  :yuno:
Re: Supergirl v2
#4  April 12, 2017, 12:58:23 am
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Great work;

Makes me wanna showcase her on my channel again.
Slow and steady wins the race, but there is a darkness... growing inside of me...

And if you provoke it...

I will slay you all.

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Re: Supergirl v2
#5  April 12, 2017, 06:18:52 am
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Thanks guys!  :megusta:
Re: Supergirl v2
#6  April 12, 2017, 06:24:36 am
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You seem to have the only legit Supergirl. I'm downloading right now.
Re: Supergirl v2
#7  April 12, 2017, 10:02:54 am
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So far so fun. I'd like to see some better/more sound FX be used. Like the 1100/1150 moves, instead of the regular leg whiffing sound for the jump, even the super jump sound might be better. She just feels empty or something without sound FX.
One little touch I think that would be neat is her walk backwards and walk forward should lift up a little off the ground. It looks like she's dragging her toe. You could lift up the animation, set the loop, and then make a float back down animation to put in statedef 0.
I'd like to see the ultra where she punches the ground, I'd like to see it take up the whole screen. It should be massive imo. She is Supergirl after all.

The sprites are great. I think the "Get ready" could use some movement in the mouth. You could probably just copy/paste some of the ones you already have. She just opens her mouth like she's shouting so it looks a little off.

Other than these few nit-picky things I think Supergirl is a solid character. She's occupied the last free spot on my select screen!!
vVv Ryuko718 Updated 10/31/22 vVv
Re: Supergirl v2
#8  April 12, 2017, 11:37:58 am
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really, nice work
Re: Supergirl v2
#9  April 12, 2017, 12:29:00 pm
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Thanks a lot! :)
I'd like to see the ultra where she punches the ground, I'd like to see it take up the whole screen. It should be massive imo. She is Supergirl after all.
Hmm, I'm actually not the biggest fan of fullscreen supers for non-boss characters. And with characters like Supergirl, it's so easy to give in to temptation and make them overpowered, which is something I tried to avoid.
As for your other criticism, yeah, I definitely see what you mean. Still, I'm just happy that most of your concerns seem to be cosmetic in nature instead of horrifying gameplay bugs. :sweatdrop:
Re: Supergirl v2
#10  April 13, 2017, 02:01:49 am
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great work on supergirl update
Re: Supergirl v2
#11  April 13, 2017, 02:05:32 am
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Thank you :)
Re: Supergirl v2
#12  April 14, 2017, 12:59:50 am
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  • Why do the avatars have to be so damn small :c
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- Mid pos is in her vag. Head pos is alright, but it should be a little higher.
- It looks as though she shrinks in her backwards and forwards walking, and she gets a more masculine build.
- The LP Heat vision really should not hit low. Plus, it's -1 on hit while the MP version is +5 on hit. It seems odd since they do the same amount of damage.

She's a little less of a shoto this time around, which is good. Still trying to find infinites, but I've got nothing so far.
Re: Supergirl v2
#13  April 15, 2017, 05:41:19 pm
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- Mid pos is in her vag. Head pos is alright, but it should be a little higher.
- It looks as though she shrinks in her backwards and forwards walking, and she gets a more masculine build.
- The LP Heat vision really should not hit low. Plus, it's -1 on hit while the MP version is +5 on hit. It seems odd since they do the same amount of damage.

She's a little less of a shoto this time around, which is good. Still trying to find infinites, but I've got nothing so far.
- Whoops. Fixed it now.
- Yeah, I'll freely admit that some sprites look a bit inconsistent (and the walking sprites are definitely not the worst examples of her changing size). This may be something I'll address in a hypothetical version 3.0 a few years from now (:P), but right now, I can't really find the motivation anymore to work on her sprites any longer, truth be told. I'll still fix coding issues where needed, though.
- That's the entire point of LP heat vision: to provide an alternative for the regular MP version that hits low but has worse startup and recovery. The damage output being the same for all versions of heat vision is completely intentional.

Thanks for the critique. :)
Re: Supergirl v2
#14  April 16, 2017, 12:47:31 pm
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I started to like Supergirl after the tv show, and the upcoming Injustice 2 game. Now this is perfect time you released this awesome chick. Way better than the version I already have. Thanks man.
Re: Supergirl v2
#15  April 22, 2017, 02:33:22 pm
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Wow Toni!!! :)

Finally u did an update of her!!! She was amazing but now she is even more!!! :)

Its good to have u still in the Mugen action!!!

Thanks a lot man!!!

Love to see u working on other chars as well!! I am huge fan of your work!! :)

All these years I had your version in my Mugen (not the edited ones as I dont like that)!! :)

Re: Supergirl v2
#16  April 22, 2017, 04:06:27 pm
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I liked the first version also, now it plays even better. Also great spriting skills!

Wie sagt man so schön? Weiter machen! ;D
look at my sprite rips  HERE
look at my TMNT Project HERE
My Contribution to mugen: Stages: 897 | Chars: 8 | Fullgames: 1 | Spritesheets: 85
Re: Supergirl v2
#17  April 22, 2017, 07:44:20 pm
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Thanks guys :)