
SF3 New York Subway *384x224 (Read 5832 times)

Started by inktrebuchet, February 16, 2025, 01:51:55 am
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SF3 New York Subway *384x224
#1  February 16, 2025, 01:51:55 am
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This Stage is a mix of Alex and Ken's stage in Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike. Check notes below for all features.


How to install:
This stage uses lua code for real world time and has an extra 'common' folder for if any other stages with round shadows are made. To install the stage simply unzip this file in the main directory. (the same directory as Ikemen_GO.exe)
If you aren't use to full paths for stages it's "stages/NewYorkSubway/NewYorkSubway.def"

Readme Notes:
This stage is not standard mugen/ikemen size. It's Capcom size. 384x224

This stage is not Fighter Factory friendly!
   -Fighter Factory does not like high animation numbers and will overwrite the def file.

This stage was made for Ikemen GO version 2024-05-06 or whichever version introduced modifybgctrl.
   -New features have since been added and this stage could be made more easily now. (note the 60,000+ animations in the def file)
   -No explods were used for this stage. At the time background palfx wouldn't affect explods and this was a solution to that problem.

This stage comes with a lot new features not seen in Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike. Those features are listed below.
   -Working clock that matches New York Time.
   -The subway in on a real schedule.
   -The colors of this stage changes with the hours of the day. So depending on the time of day, it will look different.

This stage comes with custom round shadows. Some notes about them are listed below.
   -these aren't just simple round shadows They are accurate to Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike, observe how they are able to overlap without changing transparency.
   -To disable round shadows open the stage def file and follow the directions in the [constants] section.
   -If you notice shadows that you don't like, that means the character's helper does not have it's shadows disabled or the helper needs it's shadowoffset adjusted in it's Constants section.

This stage is missing some background animations. The cans on the right side are missing and the behavior of the existing ones is incomplete.

WorldClock.lua is incomplete. Keep an eye out for it to be updated along with this stage in the future.
Last Edit: February 16, 2025, 08:47:35 pm by inktrebuchet
Re: SF3 New York Subway *384x224
#2  February 16, 2025, 11:03:09 am
  • ****
This stage comes with a lot new features not seen in Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike. Those features are listed below.
   -Working clock that matches New York Time.
   -The subway in on a real schedule.
   -The colors of this stage changes with the hours of the day. So depending on the time of day, it will look different.
this looks like a pretty interesting feature  :8): I am curious to see if it works in other countries' timing too  :P wished I had the chance to try it

My real life is coming soon........!
Re: SF3 New York Subway *384x224
#3  February 16, 2025, 12:51:22 pm
  • ****
    • Argentina
For quite some time I was wondering if any similar featuring could be implemented in the backgrounds taking into account geolocation and time zones. I constantly forget to ask my comrade LasombraDemon about this.
So all sounds good here. Let's check and see what happens...
Re: SF3 New York Subway *384x224
#4  February 16, 2025, 08:47:11 pm
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This stage comes with a lot new features not seen in Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike. Those features are listed below.
   -Working clock that matches New York Time.
   -The subway in on a real schedule.
   -The colors of this stage changes with the hours of the day. So depending on the time of day, it will look different.
this looks like a pretty interesting feature  :8): I am curious to see if it works in other countries' timing too  :P wished I had the chance to try it
Lua can check universal time as well as local time. By using universal time you can calculate any timezone no matter your location. So the stage will always have the correct time for New York and the train will always be on schedule.

Updated the first post with a little more info on why this stage was made in a special way.
This stage was made for Ikemen GO version 2024-05-06 or whichever version introduced modifybgctrl.
   -New features have since been added and this stage could be made more easily now. (note the 60,000+ animations in the def file)
   -No explods were used for this stage. At the time background palfx wouldn't affect explods and this was a solution to that problem.