
[Ushi & Dantes Update]: Melty Blood: Type Lumina - Game Rip (Read 1918322 times)

Started by Resentone, October 01, 2021, 12:35:16 pm
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Re: [Effects, Cut-ins Update]: Melty Blood: Type Lumina - Game Rips
#21  October 04, 2021, 03:14:52 pm
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f***** THANK YOU! Resentone

if you take any donations dm me , just to show some gratitude.
Re: [Illustrations Update]: Melty Blood: Type Lumina - Game Rips
#22  October 06, 2021, 04:06:57 am
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  • Resent Oneself
  • Long live the night!
    • Indonesia
An update is here.

- Added Ending, Guest Art, Talk, and Win folder within the Art folder.
- Added Stage folder, contains stage texture. Game data scripts are not included.

Next one will be a pallete related update. If you want something added that's not yet included in the folder let me know.
Last Edit: October 06, 2021, 04:10:00 am by Resentone
Re: [Illustrations Update]: Melty Blood: Type Lumina - Game Rips
#23  October 06, 2021, 03:20:10 pm
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My first custom palettes.
They're based of the maid twins from Re:Zero.
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This is fate.
Last Edit: October 06, 2021, 10:42:45 pm by Evergarden
Re: [Illustrations Update]: Melty Blood: Type Lumina - Game Rips
#24  October 07, 2021, 06:00:12 am
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    • Norway
How to interpret the RGB values of images in the sprite folder? I thought it means which pixel in palette should I take color from, but it doesn't seem to be correct.

Also, could you also upload the original DDS files (8bit gray-scale before CS)?  I managed to dump the dds from pc version but I couldn't get the order right.
Re: [Palletes Update]: Melty Blood: Type Lumina - Game Rips
#25  October 08, 2021, 01:40:34 pm
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  • Resent Oneself
  • Long live the night!
    • Indonesia
Pallete update is here.

- Base Color, Base CSed Pallete, and Custom Color folder has been added. These folder are located inside the Pallete folder. Previous cluster of palletes has been removed.
- Added more palletes (Around 26 in total).
- Base color of every characters has been added.
- CSed Basepal of every characters has been added, you can use these to make custom colors easier.

My first custom palettes.
They're based of the maid twins from Re:Zero.

They're pretty good.

How to interpret the RGB values of images in the sprite folder? I thought it means which pixel in palette should I take color from, but it doesn't seem to be correct.

Also, could you also upload the original DDS files (8bit gray-scale before CS)?  I managed to dump the dds from pc version but I couldn't get the order right.

Sorry but, While I do rip the files from the game. I'm not the one who ripped and edit these sprites into their current state. Perhaps, You can join the melty blood discord and ask them yourself.
Last Edit: October 08, 2021, 01:55:36 pm by Resentone
Re: [Palletes Update]: Melty Blood: Type Lumina - Game Rips
#26  October 09, 2021, 02:34:40 pm
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  • Self-proclaimed best creator!
Yo, Resentone!
I made even more custom palettes!
This is my last time that I've done custom palettes just for you.
I had so much fun!
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This is fate.
Last Edit: December 09, 2021, 10:47:03 pm by Evergarden
Re: [UI Update]: Melty Blood: Type Lumina - Game Rips
#27  October 17, 2021, 10:48:20 am
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  • Resent Oneself
  • Long live the night!
    • Indonesia
I was planning to update this thread last week but something came up, so this update is long overdue.

- Added the UI folder, contains lots of UI related files
- Added Font, Battle UI Face, Icon, Icon Chibi, Plate, and Plate_T folder. folder names are pretty self explanatory. located inside the UI folder.

Yo, Resentone!
I made even more custom palettes!
This is my last time that I've done custom palettes just for you.
I had so much fun!

Nice, thank you for making these. I will be adding them on the next Pallete update.
Last Edit: October 17, 2021, 10:52:35 am by Resentone
Re: [UI Update]: Melty Blood: Type Lumina - Game Rips
#28  October 18, 2021, 03:12:40 pm
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  • Self-proclaimed best creator!
Actually, Resentone, I have a few more.
Now I'm done. For real.
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Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
This is fate.
Last Edit: October 27, 2021, 06:50:34 pm by Evergarden
Re: [UI Update 2]: Melty Blood: Type Lumina - Game Rips
#29  December 15, 2021, 10:04:46 am
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  • Resent Oneself
  • Long live the night!
    • Indonesia

- Added a lot of UI related stuff.

Planning to overhaul the palletes again, but I'm pretty occupied right now. Perhaps I'll do it when I'm done finishing this thing I'm working on.
Re: [UI Update 2]: Melty Blood: Type Lumina - Game Rip
#30  January 13, 2022, 05:13:09 am
  • ***
  • I swear I've been working on Geese all this time.
  • Kind of POTS style editor, except not really.
Do these rips have all the announcer voices for the different characters? I ask because I'm having trouble telling from the file/folder names.
Re: [UI Update 2]: Melty Blood: Type Lumina - Game Rip
#31  January 13, 2022, 09:52:06 am
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  • Resent Oneself
  • Long live the night!
    • Indonesia
Re: [UI Update 2]: Melty Blood: Type Lumina - Game Rip
#32  January 13, 2022, 10:15:43 pm
  • ***
  • I swear I've been working on Geese all this time.
  • Kind of POTS style editor, except not really.
Re: [Aoko & Dead Apostle Noel Update]: Melty Blood: Type Lumina - Game Rip
#33  January 14, 2022, 03:40:47 pm
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  • Resent Oneself
  • Long live the night!
    • Indonesia
Aoko and DA Noel is here! Well, the sprites atleast.

- Aoko Aozaki and Dead Apostle Noel sprite has been added on the Sprite Folder.
- Aoko Aozaki and Dead Apostle Noel chibi has been added on the Chibi folder.
- Aoko Aozaki and Dead Apostle Noel base color has been added on the Pallete folder.

No audio, animated cg, etc. Reasons being the Unpacker has not been updated, and the DLC for the Switch dropped on the 17th. So we'll have to wait until then.
Last Edit: January 15, 2022, 05:17:02 pm by Resentone
Re: [Aoko Aozaki & Dead Apostle Noel Update]: Melty Blood: Type Lumina - Game Rip
#34  January 18, 2022, 09:59:54 pm
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  • Self-proclaimed best creator!
Actually, the creator of the Unpacker just updated the tool, so you should be fine ripping everything from the PC version.
This is fate.
Re: [Aoko & DA Noel Sounds Update]: Melty Blood: Type Lumina - Game Rip
#35  January 19, 2022, 06:56:03 am
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  • Resent Oneself
  • Long live the night!
    • Indonesia
Actually, the creator of the Unpacker just updated the tool, so you should be fine ripping everything from the PC version.

Thank you for the heads up, so here's the update.

- Sound folder of MBTL PC Version 1.14 has been added.

So, I got some bad news. My switch broke, so I won't be able to rip the texture effects, and some of the dds files.
These files are compressed in a pat file on the pc version, and I have no idea on how to do memory editing using HxD.
Unless someone send me a dumped Switch MBTL Update Version 1.13, I will not be able to rip them and put it on the Drive.

But I do have some alternatives for the cut ins.

this will take a while since it's pretty time consuming but there's really no other way.
Last Edit: January 19, 2022, 07:08:19 am by Resentone
Re: [Aoko & DA Noel Effect Update]: Melty Blood: Type Lumina - Game Rip
#36  January 20, 2022, 12:13:39 am
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  • Resent Oneself
  • Long live the night!
    • Indonesia
Animated cut ins of Aoko and DA Noel is here!

- Cut ins and Effects of Aozaki Aoko & Dead Apostle Noel has been added. They're located in "Effect>Cut-In" folder.

Big Thanks to @Evergarden for sending his dump over! Because of him, I was able to get the cut ins and effects.
Re: [Aoko & DA Noel Effect Update]: Melty Blood: Type Lumina - Game Rip
#37  February 05, 2022, 09:11:29 pm
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    • USA
Hey guys! I've been appreciating your hard work so far. Has there been any plans to upload the Dead Apostle Noel and Aoko Talk cutscene sprites?
Re: [Aoko & DA Noel Art Update]: Melty Blood: Type Lumina - Game Rip
#38  February 06, 2022, 04:08:10 pm
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  • Resent Oneself
  • Long live the night!
    • Indonesia
Hey guys! I've been appreciating your hard work so far. Has there been any plans to upload the Dead Apostle Noel and Aoko Talk cutscene sprites?

Ah, I keep forgetting to upload those since I was occupied with other stuff. Thank you for reminding me.

- Art related stuff for Aoko and Dead Apostle Noel has been added.

Last Edit: February 06, 2022, 04:14:03 pm by Resentone
Re: [Aoko & DA Noel Art Update]: Melty Blood: Type Lumina - Game Rip
#39  February 07, 2022, 12:57:06 am
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Re: [Aoko & DA Noel Art Update]: Melty Blood: Type Lumina - Game Rip
#40  February 19, 2022, 09:02:58 pm
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Sprites are useful.

But here to ask; If the same tool you guys use, could extract PNGs and Textures from the stages {Also from UNIST...}?

Can't unsee the beautiful stars on that certain Aoko Stage.