That is so great man. You should consider adding Chi-Chi raising her hand while she yells or screams to give a expression similiar like "hey don't fight! Gohan is studying!" İcarus could also watch Gohan's room outside the window.
What if a Gohan is one day made in Z2 style. It would look awfully stupid to have two Gohans on the same stage, but I do like the "Chichi going nuts" idea. Also, Gohan's pet dragon? Maybe flying around, cheering the fight on or sitting in the tree?Anyways, excellent work. I love your stages.
Same issue is present with Chi-Chi was with Gohan Z2, though, as she's present in Goku Z2's win pose and opening. Best option would be multiple versions, ones with and without her and/or Gohan, but only if you're up for it.Looks like you've got a good start on them, they look great. I'd suggest having Piccolo on the roof, either out watching the horizon or watching the fight, but I don't know if he's still a possibility for a character down the line...
I don't think Daeron will put anyone on the stage because the Time Chamber could of had a handful of people in the background, but went for none instead. So, I'm sticking with Gohan's pet dragon as a perfect idea.Also, different weather could be nice. Maybe a calm winter version or an autumn version.
;_; why can't I find people this awesome to do stages for my game. Your stages have been so amazing. Makes me cry when I think about what I'm going to do for stages ;_;Keep up the good work though.
Daeron said, January 17, 2013, 10:58:05 pmMoar progress, Ikarus seems a good choice yeah I love you so damn much. What about a slightly fucked up version? Like when someone came looking for Goku in World's Strongest?
maybe more random dinosaurs would be nice too. I dunno if you can find them. but like a t rex randomly running in the background or that pterodactyl family from the end of z would be cool. And for a night version, maybe a tub. with chichi soaking in it :3 or you could have her out doing laundry too.
A simple smoke animation coming out of the chimney. You could probably do lots of fun and random things that come out / pop up from the waterwell.Will there be another hill in the background, or just sky? Maybe in the background you can even do the field where Goku grows radishes/leek (as seen in the Jump Special).
Man Daeron...I don't think I've seen such BG spriting talent since Kiwi and Shin Otaru made that Thundercats stage so long ago.You are definitely a rare creator to come across and the community is very lucky to have you sharing all this amazing work!Keep up the awesome buddy.
Balthazar said, January 18, 2013, 09:01:44 pmA simple smoke animation coming out of the chimney. You could probably do lots of fun and random things that come out / pop up from the waterwell.i agree! and maybe what about a pterodactyl flying in the back or something like dende in namek... awesome stage by the way i always wanted one like this!!!
Balthazar said, January 18, 2013, 09:01:44 pmA simple smoke animation coming out of the chimney. You could probably do lots of fun and random things that come out / pop up from the waterwell.Will there be another hill in the background, or just sky? Maybe in the background you can even do the field where Goku grows radishes/leek (as seen in the Jump Special).Goku the Radish Farmer! What about the stream with the Giant Fish jumping out?OOOOOOOOOOR you could put the Giant Fish over a fire roasting. Fuck I'm hungry brb.
Thanks for the kind words people, i thought about Pterodactyls from the start, i have some dino sprites from Namco x capcom that fits here, but ill try to edit them to look more cartoony.T-rex would be awesome(i have another from a wolverine stage), but i dont know how it would look in my stage, some ground shaking as he crosses the screen would be epic.No chichi was planed, as she appears in z2 goku´s intro/winpose BUT i will put something from her (its a secret for now)I could put Goku powerfull staff next to the door, a little fire with some meat cooking its required.The next layer will be close mountains, you know, that kind of asian mountain:Spoiler, click to toggle visibiltyOh, and the pics im using as reference:Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Your spritework is wonderful. Thanks for using your talent to provide magnificent stages for Z2 chars to fight on, and more especially for the whole community.