
Why is Mugen good for you? (Read 30008 times)

Started by JJkoolaid, April 06, 2021, 08:51:28 pm
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Why is Mugen good for you?
#1  April 06, 2021, 08:51:28 pm
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    • USA
As Mugen authors and creators. We take a lot of our off time making yours and our dream Mugen characters. We also deal with life probably working,school and other important life events. I feel myself and probably many authors hit plateaus every once in a while. Taking needed breaks from Mugen. I know sometimes we ask this question since it consumes so much of our time from other things. "What I am contributing?"  and "Is my time well spent?"

Anyone is welcome to give your thoughts on this. I mainly wrote this for other authors to give them more support and to keep them on creating more great Mugen works.

I can start first on my opinion:
I think Mugen is great past time for anyone who has dream character they like and relate to. Every person is different some are big Ryu fans, others are Akuma, or Subzero fans. Pitting your favorite Mugen character against a whole wide range of other characters when crossovers on mainstream games will never be possible like Mortal Kombat Vs Street Fighter. But in Mugen everything is possible! Your can make it a reality! Mugen is your dream coming true. It is also great past-time that keeps you busy from other distractions in the world that you want to filter out.
Your Successor in Netherrealm Service!!!
Re: Why is Mugen good for you?
#2  April 06, 2021, 10:40:39 pm
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  • Let's Raise Hell
  • Don't doubt yourself
It's FREE and FUN!! :mlol:
The Devil ruined Emerie's life :devil:
Re: Why is Mugen good for you?
#3  April 06, 2021, 10:49:42 pm
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MUGEN is good for me because it has given me something to be busy about. My part in the MUGEN community is mainly I am a fighter first, and creator second. Although recently I have been more creating than fighting. Indeed, I get much pleasure and joy from fighting many other types of opponents. I love the weird matchups you can get through MUGEN. With IKEMEN GO, which is basically better than MUGEN, you can do even more and it comes with native online features and other newer and cool stuff.

MUGEN is good for me as a fighter because I love fighting against Guilty Gear, Blazblue, KOF, or other type of fighters. For me it's helped me understand more about fighting games and how they work, and how I can use that as leverage to improve myself as a fighter and creator.
UMT Season #2 - 2nd Place
UMT Season #3 - 1st Place
CvS2 vs POTS Season #1 - 1st Place
NorCal Crab Battle CvS2 - 2nd Place
Re: Why is Mugen good for you?
#4  April 08, 2021, 09:47:37 am
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My real life is coming soon........!
Re: Why is Mugen good for you?
#5  April 08, 2021, 08:15:48 pm
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MUGEN is just such a unique concept and its probably the most community driven game I can think of. Its something I’d like to be a part of
Re: Why is Mugen good for you?
#6  April 11, 2021, 07:27:58 am
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    • Philippines
I get to express myself as an artist. Already working with a coder here. It's gonna be a long time but there's great progress on the graphical side of things.

Old school 2D sprites will never die.
sailormoongalaxy said:
I had read on Wikimoon, and I found it grotesque it was so wrong.
Re: Why is Mugen good for you?
#7  April 11, 2021, 08:45:00 am
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  • Samurai Sprite Ripper
  • Currently ripping Ninja Warriors
    • Japan
Last Edit: April 11, 2021, 10:28:26 am by Kanbei
Re: Why is Mugen good for you?
#8  April 11, 2021, 10:35:32 am
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Because it's an open world fighting game for me and for many other people.

Just like an open world RPG game, it's rare to find a game that literally allows so much freedom for free.
You can make your own character, put your favorites into one, have crossovers and even make a full game of your own.

The possibility is limitless with MUGEN.
Re: Why is Mugen good for you?
#9  April 11, 2021, 02:20:48 pm
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  • A.K.A. NED
  • I like to draw fighting game characters...
-Back in 2000-2001 I felt it was open door to infinite match ups.

-Now, Freedom. Everything that companies consider not "mainstream enough" or not "easy money maker" (...) you STILL CAN do it with Mugen.
And to me, this is what is so good about it.
Re: Why is Mugen good for you?
#10  April 11, 2021, 02:54:35 pm
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To make dream matches that are not possible in any official games!
Sig 1: I am nobody... Neither you... We won't be any matter just after a few years later when we die. Enjoy the happiness and sadness for now.

Sig 2: When someone or, a bunch of people makes fun of you. The total time they invested in making fun of you, is the time they couldn't manage to stay focused on their work or, development. If you care about them, let them know. If you don't, then don't bother. Stay focused on your own business.

Sig 3: You did a mistake and then you simply admit it after realizing your fault. This is one of the coolest things ever you can do in your lifetime.
Re: Why is Mugen good for you?
#11  July 26, 2021, 04:05:11 pm
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    • USA
It's a gateway to programming and design.
Re: Why is Mugen good for you?
#12  August 13, 2021, 03:45:38 am
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  • Cosplayer by day, MUGEN creator by night
  • The City of the Wolves is coming
    • Chile
It became one of my main hobbies along with cosplay. I enjoy to make chars for people, but especially to make things unseen in MUGEN or set right what was wrong (like my ClayFighter chars, finally I feel that CF in MUGEN get some respect now)

Even when I entered to this only for play years ago, actually I enjoy more creating stuff than playing it, not sure if other creators feel like that
Re: Why is Mugen good for you?
#13  August 19, 2021, 03:48:32 am
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    • USA
It became one of my main hobbies along with cosplay. I enjoy to make chars for people, but especially to make things unseen in MUGEN or set right what was wrong (like my ClayFighter chars, finally I feel that CF in MUGEN get some respect now)

Even when I entered to this only for play years ago, actually I enjoy more creating stuff than playing it, not sure if other creators feel like that

Yeah I do feel the same too on creating content and enjoy playing every once in a while.
Your Successor in Netherrealm Service!!!
Re: Why is Mugen good for you?
#14  August 19, 2021, 05:16:11 am
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Literally had nothing else to do, this thing looked like a waste of time, and needed to waste time.

Coming to realize this was 9 years ago..,
So guess it works to entertain myself pretty decently on top that learned how to sprite {Basic}, photoshop and how to NOT destroy a PC along the way.

AKA good to distract myself.
Re: Why is Mugen good for you?
#15  August 19, 2021, 06:03:05 am
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  • No guts No glory..
all the content i want in one place...and must of times what i want, work along with coders, make things happen..
Re: Why is Mugen good for you?
#16  August 19, 2021, 08:04:00 am
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  • Secrets are just answers to the wrong questions...
    • Greece
15 years ago when my Bros GLB , GrayFox, MOTVN & Syn created What became the Newagemugen forums of today,
I never imagined we would have an awesome network of fighting game and art/design loving creator bros from all over the world.

Mugen has given me lifetime friends from places like Abu Dhabi, venezuela, africa, Romania, France, Tibet, Japan, Taiwan, Russia, etc
Mugen opened many doors for me and all my day1 newagemugen brothaz.
It created the platform for us to earn money via commissions doing art/design and all the stuff we love.
Mugen inspired the friends ive made to succeed in becoming DJs/Beatmakers, indie game developers, digital artists/graphic designers, arcade amusement business owners and more.
Mugen was definitely the catalyst and stepping stone for alot of positive minded awesome brothaz and sisterz im grateful to having met in this lifetime :)

Newagemugen gang gang
Re: Why is Mugen good for you?
#17  August 19, 2021, 01:24:45 pm
  • *****
  • IKEMEN Go interactive stage object creator
  • WIP: Tons and tons of IKEMEN stages
As a kid, I had the chance to throw Super Mario and Ryu versus Scorpion and Iori. The kind of kitchen sink matchup I had always dreamt of. Downloaded EVERYTHING.

Nowadays I feel I'm helping complete things a bit more thanks to IKEMEN, and its easy-to-implement interactive stages. I rediscovered I enjoy programming, after about 10 years without touching code.

I think I've spent more time creating, and curating/sorting my collection, than playing.

I also like playing, though.

And I've made some friends along the way.
For my latest stage pack release, go here:

For donations go to
Re: Why is Mugen good for you?
#18  August 19, 2021, 03:14:49 pm
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  • I want to learn, no criticize
    • Dominica
because I like buff characters
Re: Why is Mugen good for you?
#19  August 19, 2021, 09:48:33 pm
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  • Every journey has it's final day, don't rush.
    • USA
Learning character matchups. When I face a character with a tough or brutal AI, it can take me a few attempts. The more I fight them, the more I'll be able to adapt fighting them. I apply this to any other video game for that matter.

Another reason for me is if it wasn't for Mugen, I wouldn't have met some of the friends that I've made via Mugen. I've known some of them since 2008 when I started doing Mugen that year and I still talk to them to this very day. I even met new ones during my resurgence in the Mugen scene just last year.

I'm sure most of you who started playing Mugen in the mid 2000's were inspired by Judgespear to play the game and build your own Mugen teams. Me included.
Re: Why is Mugen good for you?
#20  August 19, 2021, 10:14:06 pm
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    • Brazil
• It's actually free.
• It's a reasonably powerful engine.
• Doesn't require any installation.
• Is well documented, and is quite easy to learn it as well as finding tutorials around the internet.
• Changing a few lines of text in the "mugen.cfg" is enough for it to run on basically every piece of hardware of today.

And finally, it is just so much fun to look around everything the community has made for it during all these years decades, and then easily putting them together in the same game. :P