
New Character: Suwako Moriya (Read 33229 times)

Started by Ricepigeon, April 30, 2019, 08:05:52 pm
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New Character: Suwako Moriya
New #1  April 30, 2019, 08:05:52 pm
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"Earthen Native God"
Suwako Moriya
Species: Goddess
Ability: Creating earth

Story: The original god of the Moriya Shrine, before she surrendered it to Kanako thousands of years ago. With the outbreak of the black fragment incident, both she and Kanako saw this as an opportunity to gather faith for their own shrine, and so they initially sent Sanae out to collect them. However, complications arose from this new incident, as the tengu of Youkai Mountain had acquired some of these black fragments for themselves, which threatened the already uneasy relationship between them and the residents of the Moriya Shrine, at least in Kanako's eyes. After understanding a bit more about the true nature of the fragments, the two agree that Suwako should go to warn Sanae of the threat that they pose. Suwako, however, has her own agenda: she knows that as a piece of technology, Kanako would do anything to get her hands on them, and taking them for herself would be a perfect opportunity to continue their long-standing rivalry.

Years ago, I originally started a Suwako character purely as an april fool's joke character, as it was just her hat given sentience (mixed with a bit of Devil May Cry influence). I always jokingly said I would get back to it, and now that I've made Sanae and Kanako several times, now was the opportunity to do so. Anyone who's ever played Hisoutensoku would know just how gimmicky Suwako is, and is often regarded as the bottom tier character in that game because of this.

My aim here, of course, is to remain as faithful to the source material as possible, while still ironing out the flaws that they had; Suwako's walk, for example, now keeps her in a grounded state. Although you're still committed to the hop, it no longer forces you to use your aerials nor does it force you to be unable to block. Her dashes have received similar treatment, in that they are now uniform with the rest of the cast, and just having better mobility overall as compared to source.



  • Stone Frog God - // (Underground OK)
    A rushing move where Suwako rides a giant stone frog. Each version hits 3 times, but travels different distances.
  • Ancient Metal Ring - // (Air Only)
    An aerial move that moves Suwako forward while twirling her iron rings above her. Each version travels different distances.
  • Toad God - //
    Suwako conjures a frog-shaped energy aura around there that hits on both sides. Wallbounces on hit.
  • Ancient Geyser - // (Air OK, Underground OK)
    Suwako fires a geyser of water vertically underneath her, moving upward in the process. Each version has the geyser last differing amounts of time, thus also increasing the distances Suwako travels.
  • Blighted Earth - , //
    Suwako conjures a dark mist on the ground around her location, which persists for some time. Does no damage on its own, but applies a poison effect on the opponent if they are standing inside of it, with the size and damage dependent on button press. The mist and its effects will disappear prematurely if Suwako is hit.

Unique Skill:
  • Toad in the Hole -
    Places Suwako in an underground state. Can pass through opponents.

  • Divine Instrument "Moriya's Iron Ring" - , // (Air OK, Underground OK)
    A projectile move that throws an iron ring that bounces off the stage boundaries. Button press determines initial angle. Disappears if Suwako is hit.
  • Native God "Moriya God" - , //
    Reversal. Effectively a much larger and more powerful version of Giant Toad God.

Last Word:
  • "Mr. Mishaguchi - ,,
    Command grab with very little vertical height that spreads across the stage floor. Leaves Suwako extremely vulnerable on use and difficult to combo into.
Last Edit: June 19, 2019, 06:24:01 pm by Ricepigeon
Re: New Character: Suwako Moriya
#2  May 07, 2019, 07:57:21 pm
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Staying true to the way she functions in Soku, her crouching state puts her in a "standing" state with her lilypad, and vice-versa with her true standing state. As a result of this, many of her standing Normals are now lows, while many of her crouching Normals now hit mid. Of course, some creative liberties had to be taken due to the limited number of actual ground Normals she had in the source game, but overall her only lows are s.LP, s.MP, and c.HP. Alot of these moves had a ton of range in the source game, so that remains true here, giving her somewhat slower yet far reaching pokes. Her Lily 6A from source was implemented her as her DF+HP command Normal, which acts as her grounded overhead, with the biggest difference being that it no longer forces her into a sliding underground state like it did in source.