
Sagat wip (Read 149138 times)

Started by Memo, April 03, 2017, 06:26:25 am
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Sagat wip
#1  April 03, 2017, 06:26:25 am
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    • Puerto Rico




Sagat's Movelist


Grab          Can tech out of grab(same command)
UT Attack Dodge   
Focus Attack
Recovery     ,,
Specials(EX versions available, cost 1000 power points)

High Tiger Shot   ,,,

Low Tiger Shot    ,,,

Tiger Uppercut    ,,,

Tiger Crush          ,,,

Critical Art (Cost 3000 power points)
Tiger Storm          ,,,


Here's some information regarding specific attacks and mechanics.

Focus Attack is chargable, has 2 charge states before he goes onto
his attack portion, the first level have armor BUT..  to use it you
must have 500 points, to hit with a fully charge attack,
cost 500 power, the attack causes knockdown.
Forgot to mention you can dash cancel during charge and on hit.

No attack causes a cheese ko, no guard kill.

No air block.

EX Tiger Crush is invincible to projectiles.


These basic attacks can cancel into specials.





Still BETA
Try him out and leave some feedback.

Last Edit: April 12, 2017, 03:14:20 am by Memo
Re: CVTW2 Sagat beta
#2  April 03, 2017, 06:28:26 am
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    • Puerto Rico
424 bytes... huh...

Lol, it's just the def file


Re: CVTW2 Sagat beta
#3  April 03, 2017, 06:38:31 am
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yo if this is an april fools joke youre late bruh lol
Re: CVTW2 Sagat beta
#4  April 03, 2017, 06:51:32 am
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If this is a joke then maybe all of April may become April Fools. Please tell me it's just a mistake.
Edit: Okay good I was worried there.
Last Edit: April 03, 2017, 07:00:40 am by Memes never die
Re: CVTW2 Sagat beta
#5  April 03, 2017, 06:59:48 am
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    • Puerto Rico
Damn it is a mistake lol no wonder it uploaded so fast
give me a sec ill upload it

*Link fixed go ahead and download
Last Edit: April 03, 2017, 07:11:21 am by Memo


Re: CVTW2 Sagat beta
#6  April 03, 2017, 07:31:41 am
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really loving how he feels, you nailed the sfv feeling down just right.

he's a beast, doesn't even need a CA to be viable

I have no feedback for him currently, if I find anything I'll let you know
Re: CVTW2 Sagat beta
#7  April 03, 2017, 08:13:54 am
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really loving how he feels, you nailed the sfv feeling down just right.

he's a beast, doesn't even need a CA to be viable

I have no feedback for him currently, if I find anything I'll let you know

Thanks dude I had to get creative with his SFIV framedata
Since he doesn't have most of those attacks sprites.
I think he might be too much of a beast though, I got to
Double check his damage output on the data sheet for SFIV
I thought I had it right but he seems to hit a little to hard
For me.

For his C.A. I'm not sure yet what to give him.


Re: CVTW2 Sagat beta
#8  April 03, 2017, 08:25:49 am
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I would just give him tiger genocide

also I think his damage is fine, tho toning it down very slightly wouldn't be a bad idea at all but leaving it won't make him broken

EDIT:found a bug. ex tiger knee doesn't take away any power
Last Edit: April 03, 2017, 08:32:21 am by Walruslui
Re: CVTW2 Sagat beta
#9  April 03, 2017, 08:34:26 am
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His laugh taunt sound is missing after a win. Plays and hits hard, no doubt but it's Sagat so I guess he's fine.
Re: CVTW2 Sagat beta
#10  April 03, 2017, 08:50:10 am
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    • Puerto Rico
His laugh taunt sound is missing after a win. Plays and hits hard, no doubt but it's Sagat so I guess he's fine.

 he's missing a couple sounds right now, I might save that stuff for last
When I put the final polish on sagat.

right now I'm debating what super to make his critical art, I like em all
And feel they can all fit in nice but what super would be considered
His most iconic?


Re: CVTW2 Sagat beta
#11  April 03, 2017, 09:07:01 am
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actually disregard what I said, why not use the level 3 divinewolf gave him? tiger storm? its amazing and fits the sfv cinematic look nicely.

also, after this I think you should do one the world character so you can have like a small beta to test how well they all fit together
Re: CVTW2 Sagat beta
#12  April 03, 2017, 08:37:36 pm
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    • Puerto Rico
actually disregard what I said, why not use the level 3 divinewolf gave him? tiger storm? its amazing and fits the sfv cinematic look nicely.

also, after this I think you should do one the world character so you can have like a small beta to test how well they all fit together

Yea I think I'm going with the tiger storm, and the next character would be shimo
From yatagarasu I already have her partially done with my older system wont take
Long to get her done.


Re: CVTW2 Sagat beta
#13  April 03, 2017, 08:43:16 pm
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    • USA
oooooh my gosh yes I love shimo so this has me hyped.

do you have any idea for a screenpack yet? there are a lot of good screenpack makers here like toxic, devon, etc. so maybe you can hit someone up for it

I know city_hunter makes good lifebars
Re: CVTW2 Sagat beta
#14  April 03, 2017, 08:49:24 pm
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    • Puerto Rico
oooooh my gosh yes I love shimo so this has me hyped.

do you have any idea for a screenpack yet? there are a lot of good screenpack makers here like toxic, devon, etc. so maybe you can hit someone up for it

I know city_hunter makes good lifebars

I haven't thought of a screenpack yet, I hit up shinzankuro up
A while ago for ports and a logo that's it so far. But yea ima
Need a dope screenpack maker sometime soon. If zankuro
Is still down to bust them ports out I need whoever wants to
Make the screen pack collab a bit with him. I like that MvC2
Art he's been doing.

Shimo! I love her in yatagarasu and I've been dying to get
Back to her, I already have some nice palettes ready and
The air file is ready to go just gotta copy paste ryus
Files over, adjust it, code her specials and other stuff.


Re: CVTW2 Sagat beta
#15  April 03, 2017, 10:27:15 pm
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    • USA
I'm really, really looking forward to shimo then once you're finished with sagat.
Re: CVTW2 Sagat beta
#16  April 04, 2017, 03:16:50 am
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    • USA
I'm curious what you plan to do with Shimo. I want to make a Hanzo myself someday, though the default game is... lackluster to say the least. I'm not sure if it was updated or anything since I've played those years ago. Though the main thing it has going for it, is it's beautiful art style and character design. Shimo was one of the chars that was kinda cool though, but still. Well, good luck.
Re: CVTW2 Sagat beta
#17  April 04, 2017, 04:47:54 am
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    • Puerto Rico
I'm curious what you plan to do with Shimo. I want to make a Hanzo myself someday, though the default game is... lackluster to say the least. I'm not sure if it was updated or anything since I've played those years ago. Though the main thing it has going for it, is it's beautiful art style and character design. Shimo was one of the chars that was kinda cool though, but still. Well, good luck.

I gotta get creative with shimo, I have frame data and hitbox info for her
Already,  #1 goal is to keep her integrity Intact,  she's gotta feel like Shimo
when playing her but adjusted to my system. Figure out what to Do for her
button Z and C attacks since she's a 4 button fighter and find some nice slash
sparks Since the current set im using is without. 

Shimos gonna be cool, I see you guys are excited for her and that hypes me up
Since I like her too and I'm gonna do my best to make her an awesome addition
To the game and for yall own mugen collection too.

Yatagarasu was ok, I like the old school feel of the gameplay, I don't like the
Parry system they have tho they can scrap that, and the art is beautiful I agree.
Hanzo would be cool we need one!


Re: CVTW2 Sagat beta
#18  April 04, 2017, 04:53:05 am
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try looking at how Duracell did his to-six edits for the yatagarasu characters to see how he did them to have 6-buttons
Re: CVTW2 Sagat beta
#19  April 04, 2017, 05:01:33 am
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try looking at how Duracell did his to-six edits for the yatagarasu characters to see how he did them to have 6-buttons

He probably just added a 6th attack without sprinting any new ones for those buttons
But I didn't know he did that I'll try to find her, I don't really go to his site no more last time I got lost
There looking for downloads shit pissed me off lol


Re: CVTW2 Sagat beta
#20  April 04, 2017, 05:04:20 am
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    • USA
hold up ill get a link for you its easy for me


you're right, he did re-use anims to get 6-buttons, but maybe you could be like sennou room with his SAO characters and change the speeds of the re-used anims and recolor the new slashes for the reused anims to signify whether its a different attack altogether
Last Edit: April 04, 2017, 05:11:02 am by Walruslui