
My Mugen Edits/Canceled Projects and Resources (Read 5010 times)

Started by gonespaces, September 16, 2024, 10:34:25 pm
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My Mugen Edits/Canceled Projects and Resources
#1  September 16, 2024, 10:34:25 pm
  • foldable samsung fridge
    • USA
Hello Mugen Community, I have been experimenting with Mugen for a few years now. I have had tonssss of fun with this engine. Pretty much all of my works are edits and they aren't much compared to a lot of what I see other people doing, but I put in quite some passion with the materials I had (although some edits are quite broken lol). I think it's about time I give it with everyone, since I don't believe I will be finishing them anytime soon. And besides, I think those who are more intelligent with Mugen will utilize these resources much better than I have.

Anyways, the materials I am leaving include but are not limited to:
 - 2 games I edited
 - various edits on characters I have done
 - a folder with a ton of chars (some of them super rare)
 - folder with audios and voicelines for special intros for certain characters

With that being said, all credits go to any Author's chars or games I used for these resources (I only made the edits, and not the games/ characters).

Anyways, here are the resources:

The King of Fighters Memorial LV2 Edited by gonespaces + mugen resources

download link:

In that video above I basically went over most of what is included in the game, but I think I forgot to mention I added completely different music for most of the stages to suit a sorta metal aesthetic. I didn't include the special outros with the characters because I got lazy but most of them are for Another Iori and K' as I mention in the vid.

Oh, and almost forgot to mention that the download comes with unused character voices for intros, along with the Chars folder with some pretty rare chars in there. All of this will be in the second folder called resources

Next game I edited is Sonic Battle Rematch but I didn't do as much. I only added some characters and quite a few stages with some music.

Download Link:

Anyways, hope this stuff is useful to someone! Or if they just wanna play the games lol
Last Edit: September 17, 2024, 02:32:11 pm by Lyrica
Re: My Mugen Edits/Canceled Projects and Resources
#2  September 16, 2024, 10:42:14 pm
  • foldable samsung fridge
    • USA
I am trying to share screenshots of the mugen but it won't let me for some reason
Re: My Mugen Edits/Canceled Projects and Resources
#3  September 17, 2024, 02:44:20 pm
  • ****
  • Formerly DeathScythe
    • Brazil
I gave you a little help. Turns out you're copying the post link instead of the image link. For future reference, right click the image and select "copy image link" or "copy image url", depending on the browser.