
where to find the bigest and most broken mugen build (Read 23487 times)

Started by kamion, January 12, 2022, 02:57:08 am
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where to find the bigest and most broken mugen build
#1  January 12, 2022, 02:57:08 am
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    • Macedonia
Hello, i am new to this forum, i need a mugen build that works, need a mugen build thats the bigest and most broken (no ikemen and no themed builds please) thank you for any answer i might get.
Re: where to find the bigest and most broken mugen build
#2  January 15, 2022, 08:43:53 pm
  • *****
  • The Only Easy Day was Yesterday
    • USA

Welcome to MFG!  I'd post this request in the Request Section.  You'd probably have more luck there. 
Also, might I suggest attempting to build your own?  Nothing is more fun than putting together your own mess to see what works/doesn't work.  It's literally half the battle (pun intended).

Regardless, best of luck to you!
Re: where to find the bigest and most broken mugen build
#3  January 18, 2022, 03:31:12 pm
  • avatar
    • Macedonia
ive already started building my own, now to learn how to edit the text file without breaking it