
Featured/Newsworthy Posts (Read 369875 times)

Started by JustNoPoint, January 07, 2014, 04:19:17 pm
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Featured/Newsworthy Posts
#1  January 07, 2014, 04:19:17 pm
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Just wanting to give this a try. The thread of the week will not be releases. It should be interesting projects that could use some sort of assistance. If a release qualifies that's fine. There will be bias in the person's track record for completing work. So if you are new and are asking for help you may not get featured in this unless you have a proven track record to use any help you may gain from the exposure.

Global Moderators have the ability to add to the news as well.

My 1st day off during the week is on Tuesdays so this will be the day these will go live.

Feel free to suggest threads here, you may suggest your own thread.
Thread of the week 1
THREAD OF THE WEEK: Fighter Creator testing
THREAD OF THE WEEK: Canine Carrier. Spriters of MFG; share your powers with me!
THREAD OF THE WEEK: Interactive Mugen Discussion
Last Edit: March 18, 2015, 01:40:36 am by Just No Point
Re: Thread of the week
#2  January 07, 2014, 04:21:29 pm
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Good idea.
Are we gonna vote or how are we gonna decide wich ones get in?
That’s when I thought, “good grief”
Just ain’t my belief
Until I saw the holes
Inside his hand
Re: Thread of the week
#3  January 07, 2014, 04:28:06 pm
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I added a thread in private staff to answer that better. Basically if a GM suggests a thread in there then it is approved.
Re: Thread of the week
#4  January 07, 2014, 04:47:00 pm
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I really like this idea! Hopefully this thread will help promote new ideas to fourth expand MUGEN, instead of great ideas/projects that have been done before. Hoping thats what you meant by interesting.

I will drop this here. Its a discussion about making a common file of just helpers, it was just good conversation but it seems to be turning into much more.

Really wish this was around in the past now! For things like Bea's Tetris project.
Re: Thread of the week
#5  January 07, 2014, 04:50:26 pm
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I'm sure it'll promote ideas already done before as well :P

There can't be 52 original ideas a year XD

This could be used to highlight someone needing assistance color separation, sff building, basically anything including but not limited to what you posted.
Re: Thread of the week
#6  January 07, 2014, 04:53:01 pm
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Oh, I got ya now! Even better then.

I am hopeful for 52 original ideas a year though.
Re: Thread of the week
#7  January 14, 2014, 10:05:29 pm
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New Thread of the week up.

Suggestions for the next ones? I'm not sure about the common file helpers thread, ink. No one is actually working on that as far as I can tell. Otherwise it'd be a good thread to link to. As it is it's more like it is asking someone else to do the work.
Re: Thread of the week
#8  January 21, 2014, 05:16:18 pm
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THREAD OF THE WEEK: Fighter Creator testing

If you have a suggestion for TOW be sure to post it. Even if it's just for your own project.
Last Edit: January 28, 2014, 04:30:12 pm by Just No Point
Re: Thread of the week
#9  January 28, 2014, 04:30:20 pm
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Re: Thread of the week
#10  January 30, 2014, 10:05:01 am
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Making Balthazar's sprite work the weekly topic was a brilliant move in my opinion. That guy has so much talent he deserves all of the attention he can get. I think CvS the Abstract's musical release thread should be next. It's a release but the guy composed music!! And he is an excellent spriter on top of that.

I would have linked here but I'm replying through my Note II and copy/pasting is a bitch!! :doom:
All of your Mugen Portrait needs may be found HERE.

I'd like to report two robots on the MFG forums: One is EXShadow. The other is Saikoro.
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Re: Thread of the week
#11  January 30, 2014, 03:10:09 pm
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I am not sure about that. His music is pretty meh to "good enough to not to instantly delete the file". If anything he stands out only because he's one of the very few people around here creating music :P. His spriting is also kinda weird since he started to work on a fuckton of things at the same time years ago and decided to use the crappy "copy pasting and rotating the same sprite over and over" technique he's known for nowadays just to speed up the process.

Long story short, his music skills became a bit better, his spriting skills... eeeeeehhhh yeah... they're still usable as a base if you're willing to make some extra edits to them to make them look better I guess? Like the sprites from that dude who keeps saying "amigo" this "amigo" that. I can't spell his name, I just can't.
Re: Thread of the week
#12  January 30, 2014, 03:20:24 pm
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Those arguments are so weak bro, the music thing is COMPLETELY SUBJECTIVE, and this really has nothing to do with him or chuchoryu's spriting ability. If it's featured or not should be based on the track record thing and if he actually needs the help.
Re: Thread of the week
#13  January 30, 2014, 03:24:30 pm
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daeron's  finn & jake adventure time sprite project should get a week too.  :)
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Re: Thread of the week
#14  January 30, 2014, 04:37:29 pm
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I am not sure about that. His music is pretty meh to "good enough to not to instantly delete the file". If anything he stands out only because he's one of the very few people around here creating music :P. His spriting is also kinda weird since he started to work on a fuckton of things at the same time years ago and decided to use the crappy "copy pasting and rotating the same sprite over and over" technique he's known for nowadays just to speed up the process.

Long story short, his music skills became a bit better, his spriting skills... eeeeeehhhh yeah... they're still usable as a base if you're willing to make some extra edits to them to make them look better I guess? Like the sprites from that dude who keeps saying "amigo" this "amigo" that. I can't spell his name, I just can't.

Very solid points, but they're based mostly off of your opinion. I'm not knocking your opinion though; your opinion is just fine. I'm nodding as I type this actually. And you're mentioning Churchoryu. I'm not gonna lie... his language skills irritate the shit out of me and I don't like the rate at which how he releases his stuff. He's sloppy. But you can't mod someone's posting ability or personal ethics. I've actually stepped in before being a mod due to how he can easily stir people up with his silly demeanor.

Those arguments are so weak bro, the music thing is COMPLETELY SUBJECTIVE, and this really has nothing to do with him or chuchoryu's spriting ability. If it's featured or not should be based on the track record thing and if he actually needs the help.

I wouldn't say weak, but opinionated. I never looked at it as CvS Spreading himself thin, so that was brought to mind. Remember though, the thread of the week is to bring attention to things/projects/releases/whatever so my post was based on that idea alone.

daeron's  finn & jake adventure time sprite project should get a week too.  :)

I agree with this as well. I also think that we should eventually include a  thread for WhizzyWonderful (Or however you spell his username) if he should ever do another music thread. That dude does great stuff overall.
All of your Mugen Portrait needs may be found HERE.

I'd like to report two robots on the MFG forums: One is EXShadow. The other is Saikoro.
There should be a Saikoro plugin for Photoshop.
Re: Thread of the week
#15  January 30, 2014, 07:23:52 pm
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Those arguments are so weak bro, the music thing is COMPLETELY SUBJECTIVE, and this really has nothing to do with him or chuchoryu's spriting ability. If it's featured or not should be based on the track record thing and if he actually needs the help.

Your opinion about my opinion is completely subjective :D

Everything is subjective. We wouldn't be able to state any opinion if we cared about that. Just like when somebody criticizes a mugen character or a sprite drawn by somebody else. Of course music has nothing to do with their spriting ability lol, I was just replying to saikoro's previous post, I was just adding more fuel to the fire :V

Very solid points, but they're based mostly off of your opinion. I'm not knocking your opinion though; your opinion is just fine. I'm nodding as I type this actually. And you're mentioning Churchoryu. I'm not gonna lie... his language skills irritate the shit out of me and I don't like the rate at which how he releases his stuff. He's sloppy. But you can't mod someone's posting ability or personal ethics. I've actually stepped in before being a mod due to how he can easily stir people up with his silly demeanor. dislike somebody or something?? What?? That was pretty unexpected, amigo, lol

I agree with this as well. I also think that we should eventually include a  thread for WhizzyWonderful (Or however you spell his username) if he should ever do another music thread. That dude does great stuff overall.

If we're going to highlight a musician's thread I would like to see wizzywhipitwonderful getting the spotlight one day... if he actually made a thread around here of course, even though I don't find most of the music he releases nowadays that interesting (His older stuff is really really good in comparison) he does a good job overall.
Re: Thread of the week
#16  January 31, 2014, 03:44:49 am
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    • dislike somebody or something?? What?? That was pretty unexpected, amigo, lol

LOL I see what you did there. Yes, I hated him at first and actually avoided his threads for a while. But it's the internet. And I got over it. What gets me the most, just as everyone else would agree, is his lack of listening to feedback. But that's his deal and he is fine with settling for less quality wise. I say settling for less because people have left some really intricate feedback, as regular forum goers usually do do, and he does not follow through with improving anything. Subsequent releases of his have the same issues as far as I know. And that is maddening based off of lack of improvement.

But that's just me. ;D
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I'd like to report two robots on the MFG forums: One is EXShadow. The other is Saikoro.
There should be a Saikoro plugin for Photoshop.
Re: Thread of the week
#17  January 31, 2014, 09:01:19 am
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Very solid points, but they're based mostly off of your opinion. I'm not knocking your opinion though; your opinion is just fine. I'm nodding as I type this actually. And you're mentioning Churchoryu. I'm not gonna lie... his language skills irritate the shit out of me and I don't like the rate at which how he releases his stuff. He's sloppy. But you can't mod someone's posting ability or personal ethics. I've actually stepped in before being a mod due to how he can easily stir people up with his silly demeanor.
I can't really remember any time Churchoryu was a problem in one of Churchoryu's threads (there was that time he was using people's sprites without permission but that wasn't even against the forum rules).

It's the people falling over themselves to write up tirade after tirade about Churchoryu's work, how he rushes things, and so on and so on, not Churchoryu himself. People seriously need to calm the fuck down and learn that if someone is set in their ways in doing something, no amount of whinging is going to change that. People are using the excuse of "oh no someone did something I think is subpar" to start mindlessly bashing more and more, and we need to focus on stamping that out, not on people who rush out Tekken characters. Same thing with CVS Artist, dude just gets swarmed whenever he releases something.

Re: Thread of the week
#18  January 31, 2014, 06:58:49 pm
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  • Portrait Prodigy EX+
You're right. As you usually are.

I have to stop looking at the silly things like grammar and whatnot and focus on the heart of the matter.

People are using the excuse of "oh no someone did something I think is subpar" to start mindlessly bashing more and more, and we need to focus on stamping that out, not on people who rush out Tekken characters. Same thing with CVS Artist, dude just gets swarmed whenever he releases something.

Absolutely. And I didn't think of it that way. Thanks for pointing that out. ::takes notes::
All of your Mugen Portrait needs may be found HERE.

I'd like to report two robots on the MFG forums: One is EXShadow. The other is Saikoro.
There should be a Saikoro plugin for Photoshop.
Re: Thread of the week
#19  February 04, 2014, 10:47:44 pm
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THREAD OF THE WEEK: Interactive Mugen Discussion

Couldn't find a project asking for help. Have a lot of threads that can just be featured though.
Re: Thread of the week
#20  March 16, 2014, 03:31:55 pm
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