
HDBZ Online (with Ikemen) [JUST GATHERING INFO] (Read 22096 times)

Started by Cybaster, May 30, 2016, 05:45:22 pm
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HDBZ Online (with Ikemen) [JUST GATHERING INFO]
#1  May 30, 2016, 05:45:22 pm
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Hi guys,

So, I was watching a few videos of people playing with Z2 characters online, as seen here :
or here :

And I was wondering : is it possible to distribute a version of HDBZ with Ikemen, that is really faithful to the Mugen version ? This would allow people to play HDBZ online, which could raise the level of players, allow people to organize tournaments, and overall improve even more the popularity and exposure of the game (as well as kicking Iced's butt online ;D).

However, as with every Z2 Team related stuff, this wouldn't be done if it's a half-assed job. And since I don't know much about Ikemen, I have a few questions for those who actually play with it.
@Filthy Casual:   @TheFclass97

NB : I know I could have read all the topics in the Ikemen section, but I'd rather focus this discussion on "can we get HDBZ to Ikemen for people without much effort on our side ?" :P

1) In your ports, do the characters play exactly as their Mugen counterpart ? Meaning the vels, damage, sounds, effects, everything is basically identical to the mugen version ? If no, what are the differences ? Are they only visual (some fonts seemed to be missing for example), or also gameplay related ?
2) What works and doesn't work in Ikemen compared to Mugen (gameplay, triggers, sctrls, sounds, fonts, AI, game modes, etc.) ?
4) If we were to take the HDBZ files and put them in an Ikemen folder, how hard would it be to get the game to work ? In other words, when you build your Ikemen version of HDBZ, do you just copy-paste files, or do you have other stuff to modify afterwards ?
5) Once you have a working build on your computer, how hard is it to configure it ? Do joysticks work perfectly, or do you need to rely on joy2key ? Does the online configuration work flawlessly, and is it easy to set up ? In other words, if somebody who has never played Mugen or Ikemen before gets the build, will he be able to play online with another friend pretty easily, or does he need to have a PhD in computer science ?
6) Would somebody be interested, as we release Mugen builds, in releasing afterwards an Ikemen build of the same game (as long as the experience is the same as on Mugen) ?

That's about it. I didn't even contact the other Z2 members to create this topic, I was just wondering if it's something to look into for the future, or if Ikemen was too unstable for now, or if it would be too much of a hassle to port the game to another engine.

Thanks for your answers. :)
Re: HDBZ Online (with Ikemen) [JUST GATHERING INFO]
#2  May 30, 2016, 06:28:11 pm
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Play online with mugen ... a dream for lot of mugen creators.
It would be awesome. 0__o
Re: HDBZ Online (with Ikemen) [JUST GATHERING INFO]
#3  May 30, 2016, 08:24:14 pm
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Re: HDBZ Online (with Ikemen) [JUST GATHERING INFO]
#4  May 30, 2016, 09:00:39 pm
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To answer your questions:

1) Yes, characters play just like their MUGEN counterparts.
2) There are instances where the properties of certain moves don't work the same as they did in the MUGEN version (I.E. Goku's Dragon Fist not comboing into his Turn Elbow Smash. FClass fixed it in his IKEMEN but the hitcounter resets even though it technically combos.)

Another example being that the juggle system does not work properly in IKEMEN and stuff like this is possible:

You can move stuff over, you just have to modify the select file in the "script" folder.
4) IKEMEN has controller support. There's a guide here on how to set it up for both keyboard and controller.
5) I'm working with FClass to hopefully get rid of any kinks that maybe present in the IKEMEN version.

EDIT: Forgot to mention that IKEMEN is client based, so both player need the same version. Both players also need to either forward their ports or get Hamachi/Evolve/etc. and use the IP provided from either to play. There's a topic on how to set this up in the IKEMEN section of the forum.
Last Edit: May 30, 2016, 09:23:36 pm by Filthy Casual
Re: HDBZ Online (with Ikemen) [JUST GATHERING INFO]
#5  May 30, 2016, 09:34:19 pm
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I love it how the forum didn't alert that i was  tagged in a post. Any who, let me try to answer these;

1) Exactly how they play from the Mugen version. I have made no adjustments to the chars.

2) You could say maybe a good 90% There ARE instances (like stated from FilthyCasual above me) which a glitch or 2 can happen and affect a char, but they are definitely fixable and can be cleaned up for the online. Same as the example above, I adjusted his rekka so it combos right in my project before

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

4) You can simply copy paste. if you want, you can look through the IKEMEN port I diod to get some examples, and I do have a tutorial series on the basics (and sometimes, some advanced fines I find in the future), on IKEMEN that you can see on my YT.

5) Controller config is pretty simple. You can use either the method of making IKEMEN read controllers, or a JoyToKey/Xpadder set up. Either way it's not hard at all with the right guy explaining it. As for the online, it's stupid easy. Anyone can do it.

6) I would love to. With the amount of time I spent on the engine, learning it piece by piece without any outside help 9for about 3 years), I think I can do some help with IKEMEN related stuff. I am still learning though (trust me, IKEMEN has a lot of cool features), so yeah...
Re: HDBZ Online (with Ikemen) [JUST GATHERING INFO]
#6  May 30, 2016, 09:45:51 pm
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Thanks guys, this definitely answers my questions. :)

So yeah, the biggest problem would be to actually pinpoint the bugs that appear between Mugen and Ikemen in the full game, to actually fix them. Tedious, but feasible.
Question 3) was me asking something then deciding the question wasn't pertinent and not renumbering the rest of the questions... That's how you fail at Mugen trigger coding ! ::)

@Iced: @Balthazar:  Guys, worth looking into ? Each time we release a new build, we could potentially get an online version with it a few weeks later, and publish it as such ?
Re: HDBZ Online (with Ikemen) [JUST GATHERING INFO]
#7  May 30, 2016, 09:51:02 pm
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Thanks guys, this definitely answers my questions. :)

So yeah, the biggest problem would be to actually pinpoint the bugs that appear between Mugen and Ikemen in the full game, to actually fix them. Tedious, but feasible.
Question 3) was me asking something then deciding the question wasn't pertinent and not renumbering the rest of the questions... That's how you fail at Mugen trigger coding ! ::)

@Iced: @Balthazar:  Guys, worth looking into ? Each time we release a new build, we could potentially get an online version with it a few weeks later, and publish it as such ?

Lol, my b. Right now, Filthy and I are looking a bit into it. of course, it would also be sick if we could get some more players to join in, pointing out what's different on either port, and then later on patching them. Whatever happens though, it's definitely able to fix. Thanks for making the post btw (glad people are giving IKEMEN more of a chance now-a-days).