
How to rip SNK & Capcom sprites from WinKawaks and Nebula Emulator (Read 15024 times)

Started by OldGamer, November 13, 2016, 02:43:48 am
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How to rip SNK & Capcom sprites from WinKawaks and Nebula Emulator
#1  November 13, 2016, 02:43:48 am
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Re: How to rip SNK & Capcom sprites from WinKawaks and Nebula Emulator
#2  November 13, 2016, 06:19:40 pm
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The techniques on the tutorial are quite outdated for today's standards. It was cool back in 2002, but nowadays are better ways to get character sprites.
Your method will result in inaccurate axis position for every sprite, and more than probable, missing sprites.

What you would do nowadays is:

- Easiest way: Get a spritepack already ripped, preferably from a reliable source such as AOKManiac or other good rippers.
Don't get spritepacks from Kong (badly ripped and missing stuff) or from random spritesheets (loss of axis, not sure if all sprites have been properly ripped)

If you want to go the DIY route or if now spritepack is available, then:
- The majority of Neo Geo/Capcom games have debug object/character tests available. You can relate to N.'s cheat tables to have quick access to them:

If there are no cheat tables for the game or a debug object easily available, then:
- Use Artmoney or CheatEngine to lock the character in a fixed position, keeping the axis of the sprites in the right location
- Use Artmoney or CheatEngine to locate the sprite number/index adress and increase it manually, ensuring that you never miss any sprite
- Use AnimGet to automatically take a screenshot every time a new sprite is drawn on screen
XGargoyle: Battle posing since 1979  <-- Please click that link  <-- Donations welcome!
Re: How to rip SNK & Capcom sprites from WinKawaks and Nebula Emulator
#3  November 14, 2016, 11:48:58 pm
  • ****
  • Stages & Screen Pack
  • Mugen Creator
    • USA
The techniques on the tutorial are quite outdated for today's standards. It was cool back in 2002, but nowadays are better ways to get character sprites.
Your method will result in inaccurate axis position for every sprite, and more than probable, missing sprites.

What you would do nowadays is:

- Easiest way: Get a spritepack already ripped, preferably from a reliable source such as AOKManiac or other good rippers.
Don't get spritepacks from Kong (badly ripped and missing stuff) or from random spritesheets (loss of axis, not sure if all sprites have been properly ripped)

If you want to go the DIY route or if now spritepack is available, then:
- The majority of Neo Geo/Capcom games have debug object/character tests available. You can relate to N.'s cheat tables to have quick access to them:

If there are no cheat tables for the game or a debug object easily available, then:
- Use Artmoney or CheatEngine to lock the character in a fixed position, keeping the axis of the sprites in the right location
- Use Artmoney or CheatEngine to locate the sprite number/index adress and increase it manually, ensuring that you never miss any sprite
- Use AnimGet to automatically take a screenshot every time a new sprite is drawn on screen

this great information :D not only you provide the info for everyone to see but also this video Guides will help as well Thank you XGargoyle and Great Looking out Buddy :hyo:

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