
JOE (Read 124338 times)

Started by JustNoPoint, June 12, 2014, 05:51:19 pm
#1  June 12, 2014, 05:51:19 pm
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Here's a preliminary move list (names pending) Link to drop box with Joe's folder/files

Elbow Smash Target combo
f+LP, f+MP, f+SP - Joe does a quick rapid 3 hit elbow combo.
Over Head Elbow
f+MP overhead attack similar to Ryu's collarbone breaker
Advancing Hook punch
f+HP - Joe takes 2 steps then does his hook punch. This move may have 1 hit of armor as it advances
Sliding Spectre
df+SP - Joe does a slide punch across the ground
Spinning Elbow ReAct
In air Press SP after Jumping SP connects - Joe does a second spinning Elbow
Punch/forward Throw = Spin throw (think TMNT4 where they throw the bad guy toward the screen. This one does a violent spin like that and throws you forward... secondary imagery assistance: bar fight throw where someone spins around to through the opponent over the bar table in a belly sliding manner)
Kick/backwards Throw = Rapid knees to the head. left knee, right knee, so on

Comeback Technique 1 (defense type) = Come at me Bro
- db+2P (backwards) or df+2P (forward) after being knocked down. Costs half a bar.
-Joe rolls forward or backwards and on get up he has armor for a limited time, all damage taken can be regained ala SF4 focus
Comeback Technique 2 (attack type) = Ruthless
- d+2K after being knocked down. Costs a bar.
All attacks become unblockable for a limited time

Guard Break Attack = Out of here (Bryan Fury's roundhouse)
Zero Counter Punch = ???
Zero Counter Kick = Rising Knee
Ghost Step
HCF + P - Joe does a ducking dash forward. Goes under most projectiles and he can do the following attacks at any time during this move
LP -  Head Games (throw grabs then headbutt) - this move causes Joe slight damage when it connects
MP - Slash Elbow (over head) - Advancing overhead elbow strike
SP - Furious Flurry (moves forward with a bunch of rapid punches like Iced suggested)
LK - Rising Knee (good for anti air and juggling)
MK - Scythe Kick (mid kick)
SK - Soul Sweeper (spinning sweep kick)

[EX] Ghost Step
HCF + 2P - The Ghost Step portion is now completely invincible (No CLSN) and faster

Ghost Fade
HCB + P - Reverse Ghost Step (Joe slides backwards while ducking) the following moves can be used at any time during
LP - In Your Face (Quick forward elbow dash)
MP - Descent  (Jumping forward overhead Double Axe Handle)
SP - Furious Flurry (moves forward with a bunch of rapid punches like Iced suggested)
LK - Rising Knee (good for anti air and juggling)
MK - Scythe Kick (mid kick)
SK - Soul Sweeper (spinning sweep kick)

[EX]Ghost Fade
HCB + 2P - The Ghost Fade portion is now completely invincible (No CLSN) and faster

Crack Kick
QCF + K - different heights + distances (for those not familiar this is the same command basic Cody has with F+MK)

[EX]Crack Kick
QCF + 2K - faster, goes as far as opponent then kicks with slightly further distance potential than SP version, creates wall bounce

Spirit Bringer
F, D, DF + K - This is a rising knee but the hit and arc properties are not the same as a Tiger Knee. Not a good anti air option. It hit's more in front and lower than the visual look and then on the way down he continues the knee momentum for a secondary hit similar to Terry's Power Dunk. He then slams the opponent down on the ground under his knee.

[EX] Spirit Bringer
F, D, DF + 2K - same as above but faster. Better anti air properties, and after the slam to the ground he raises his foot and slams it down violently on the downed opponent

Flying Ghost
(in air only)QCB + P - Joe does an arcing elbow slash punch similar to Adon's Jaguar kick. This move has great frame advantage on hit and block. But if Joe misses he crashes into the ground and it causes him slight damage.

[EX]Flying Ghost
(in air only)QCB + 2P - Same as above but the move has homing properties and heads straight towards the opponent.
[Super 1]Giving Up the Ghost
This move makes Joe do a flying body press type move that if misses causes him damage. But on hit he grabs them and headbutts them with his momentum then runs up their body, kicks off the opponent's head launching himself off and towards the side of the screen. He then jumps off the wall with a flying elbow drop on the now downed opponent. When he lands he hits he takes slight damage and rolls on the ground holding his ribs a bit. This move is unblockable

[Max Super 1] Giving Up the Ghost
simply doesn't cause Joe any damage

[Super 2] Driving up the stakes
A super spirit bringer or super crack kick

[Max Super2]Driving up the stakes

[Super3] Out of Body Experience
This move has several options. All start with him drinking a beer then going into a different combo/move attribute state. Feel free to submit more ideas. Later there will be a poll to decide the winner

Since custom combos are a default thing how will this be different? Will it be more like Yun's Genei Jin where he gets infinite juggle points, and some move properties change like adding hits or becoming faster?

I also have an idea where all his basics get a "ghost" hit. For example I'd take his SP and copy it in the air with a new state number. I'd add a CLSN1 to the 2nd frame where no punch is even occurring.

Most basics would get something similar either before or after their original CLSN1. This extra hit would have it's own hitdef that would be duplicated from the actual move's hit def.

You could make it like Makoto's super, where all of his attacks get a big damage boost. You could even add something like he can't block while it's activated, but all his moves do like 40-50 percent more damage.

Bonus damage(Id prefer a defense drop with it since not being able to guard is a cc thing too), armor for specials, shadows, etc. This bud's for you!

Id like altered specials properties + shadows + a 7% damage bonus + he can't guard and he takes 7% more damage himself. Maybe bonus chip/dizzy points too

Iced came up with an interesting and unique idea too. His suggestion was to make every attack make a ghost Joe that appears in the spot the attack took place in around 2 seconds later. He said to make it do every other attack.

I expanded on this to keep it being every attack. But there is a random chance of the ghost attack occurring within 5 ticks and 600 ticks (that'd be 10 seconds, right?)

An example would be that you would do LP, LP, LP
then you move somewhere else. A ghost of Joe will appear at that spot you made the LP at any time between 3 and 600 ticks. Then another, and another. Do to the random time fluctuations it may not be the same order. Like MK, SP, LK could create ghosts in this order SP, LK, MK due to the random time placement. The max version would probably narrow down the time frame the ghosts would appear so you could control it better?

[Max Super3]Out of Body Experience

Finished sprites:
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

Possible colour separation:
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Last Edit: July 16, 2014, 11:22:57 pm by Just No Point
#2  June 12, 2014, 06:15:17 pm
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Throws, comeback techniques, guard break and alpha counters are all debatable.  Keep in mind that either the Guard Break or a Alpha Counter needs to also look/act like a focus attack from SF4 because we don't want to make a special animation just for that optional move.

Here is a list of previously discussed ideas for him.

I'm thinking the crack kick should be a special for him instead of a command basic. We can buff it. And he can trade health to do supers.

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Last Edit: June 12, 2014, 06:45:51 pm by Just No Point
#3  June 13, 2014, 02:58:23 am
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Will he also have Feints to trick manual controlled characters? So far, he already have suggested ideas for Specials that would let him evade Projectiles.
#4  June 13, 2014, 05:18:33 am
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Everything is a possibility at this stage. Right now I just want everyone to throw ideas at the wall and we'll discuss how well it might (or not)be implemented. I've began separating the gifs and applying his palette. Will make his sff and air tomorrow. Can probably code them pretty fast using the Ryu template.

I'll start breaking down the suggestions as well tomorrow. I may make some more myself. @Balthazar: @Iced: @Sean Altly: @Ink: @[Judas]: @Alex Sinigaglia: All of you guys will have the loudest voice to help decide which moves we'll use.

Also got more suggestions through PM

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#5  June 13, 2014, 11:12:22 am
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Elbow Smash Target combo
f+LP, f+MP, f+SP - Joe does a quick rapid 3 hit elbow combo.

Why not just f+LP, then MP and after that SP? Without pressing forward every time?

One of the EX moves could be a throw like the second throw in your list, but faster and the last hit puts the enemy in another custom state (the EX KFM Palm state). You know, like Hugo's 'HCB+any kick' throw, he would instead use two buttons ('HCB+two kicks').

But I have to see more sprites to have some more ideas.

I edited the first post with all the finished sprites plus the colour separation in case someone wants to try their hand at it.
Last Edit: June 13, 2014, 12:09:36 pm by Alex Sinigaglia
#6  June 13, 2014, 07:36:50 pm
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Joe Folder started. He has stand (1 sprite) walk forward, crouch, and all 4 attacks. Should I keep his SP attacks coded like I have them using velset? Or should I vel set each frame individually? What's the best way to reproduce his movement from the gifs? Or does this work well enough?

The rest of the sprites are created and indexed. I just have yet to add them. This will have to be my stopping point for the day.

Why not just f+LP, then MP and after that SP? Without pressing forward every time?
Either way really. I wasn't thinking someone had to tap f+punch each time. Just hold f while taping the punches.
#7  June 13, 2014, 07:47:54 pm
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Should I keep his SP attacks coded like I have them using velset? Or should I vel set each frame individually? What's the best way to reproduce his movement from the gifs? Or does this work well enough?
One velset at the start, and everything else is based on friction (unless the animation has him visibly push twice on his legs) (you can cheat and delay friction by setting physics to N for a part of the animation if the friction requires a too high starting velocity), it's more logical/fitting reality. It's also the standard on this type of movement.

I usually like it better to use posadds based on the footing, I find that the movement looks smoother when it fits the legs movements (that's from when I did a Kyo and I tried both versions on his Doku Gami qcf+HP). It would also be the better way to reproduce exactly the movement from the .gif.
However, when using posadds, depending on the movement, you're running the risk that a posadd is too high, making it easier to slip behind the opponent between two frames. The trick for that is to move the axis little by little on each frame so that each posadd isn't too high (like, you move the axis forward on the frame before the big step, and you split the posadd between those two frames).
The difference from using a velocity instead of posadds is not always too noticeable, but in something like that, it probably would. Velocity makes it slide a lot more, but that's what's used the most.

Edit - hang on, I haven't actually looked at your files yet. I'm talking about the advancing hook, I'm not sure what the SP is, I see no gif of it.
If I struggled to the end of my determination, to the end of my way of life with my followers, if the result is ruin, then this ruin is inevitable. Grieve. Shed tears. But you cannot regret.
Last Edit: June 13, 2014, 07:55:34 pm by DKDC
#8  June 13, 2014, 08:01:25 pm
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Your feedback still applies. HP and advancing hook both advance. HP only takes one step while adv hook takes 2

They are both hook punches.
#9  June 14, 2014, 12:11:32 am
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Just noting I've updated the sff with some more frames. They are not aligned yet. Added my work forlder for his sprites for my own convenience since I'll be going to my mom's tonight and staying for my next 3 work days. I hope to finish adding all the current sprites and fix the SP movement over my work weekend.

@Lost_Avenger: If you have any time to start messing with the config stuff please try to work on it while I'm working. Rajaa's set up is absolutely fantastic. Base the config coding/layout on his.

The 1st config option I began working on is the CvS2 accurate cancels for Ryu.
#10  June 14, 2014, 01:27:40 am
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Which config file? I was using something like Jz's. I'm still super busy at work so I haven't had much of a chance for mugen lately

thanks again Vans/Jesuszilla!
#11  June 14, 2014, 04:36:19 am
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Rajaa's Necro. But I'll take a look at JZ's config too. And it's cool. If you are busy it can't be helped! Real life 1st. Have a great weekend. Hopefully you won't have to work the whole thing like I do.
#12  June 14, 2014, 04:41:00 am
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I do lol. While sick. I don't know how old my copy of Necro is. Ive got like 16 characters in my downloads folder that aren't even unrared yet.

If that kicks is unblockable, the damage is low right? Why not make that your recovery thing?

thanks again Vans/Jesuszilla!
#13  June 14, 2014, 05:03:12 am
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Temporary unblockable attacks on get up as an offensive comeback mechanic might not be a bad idea. The unblockable LK attack was going to be experimental. Yes, I was worried that a light attack having a nature like that even rarely would make it way too OP

He has a few other system/move properties that will be experimental too. Like the armor on that advancing hook punch and the ability to trade life for super bar/super moves.
#14  June 15, 2014, 03:07:47 am
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Discussed specials and supers laid out

Rushing duck move that goes under most projectiles the --
--knee - pops up for juggle
--sweep kick
--a strong spinning kick to the mid-section - good range, speed, knocks down
--Slash Elbow, where Joe fakes low and then does a downward moving elbow slash. It would have a lot of start-up but would be an overhead.

Ghost Fade (a reverse version of the above )

Rushing multi punch move similar to Decapre's berserker barrage  (rushing and brawling)

I also thought about lifting that nasty knee attack that Bryan Fury has in SFxT, the one that looks a bit like a Tiger Knee, but when it hits he drives them down with his knee. There could also be a follow up by pressing D,D+P or K and he'd add a ground pound or a stomp, to show his violent side.

A auto guard into hit counter move ( hold pose then strike) where if he hits the opponent blocking he gets damaged, although slightly

Crack shoot, sliding kick attack with three heights, based on cody move.

jumping downward elbow slash

Tackle and punch while opponent is on the ground

Kicking opponent while they are down similar to Yamazaki

leaping pursuit where he lands on knee/fist on ground

counter attack while being hit

3 kinds of projectiles: rocks, dust and mentioned earlier alcohol, bottled or in case of Chu's move not. Picking rocks will make him too much like Cody, so instead og picking 'em Joe might just kick 'em with different strength = different arcs. As for dust, you probably saw Jubilee by Chimoru, she have move to make enemy temporary blind, that's the case - rise some dust and punch/kick while enemy is blinded(either variation with attack after blinding included in move or without it can work, maybe even dust then his firm kick special as one move). I don't really like unlimited bottles to throw idea, but drinking can of beer to replenish energy with ability of interrupt it to spray move like Chu's(make him spray it forward or in air with no damage but push effect) might work nice.

Giving Up the Ghost
headbutting the opponent , climbing them up, jumping to the far wall and then back with a elbow, ending with both in pain on the ground. 

Emperor's knee
he performs a tiger knee type move, followed by a kick at the apex to throw the opponent down
desperation does more hits and a second knee strike

Driving up the stakes
he does a beer drinking anim, gains trailing afterimages and can combo easier after

A leaping attack where he drives the opponent head down and proceeds to stomp them

A counter type could be fun if it really pressed how fast he could be

auto combo super

he does the Bryan Fury knee smash move, drives them down, and then jumps and repels off the wall, doing a huge elbow drop
#15  June 15, 2014, 03:17:41 am
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he could have something like juri counter. Leaving a afterimage behind as he rushes with no hitboxes a portion of the screen.  weak makes him dash back, medium dash forward, hard dash upwards
#16  June 15, 2014, 03:59:43 am
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Here are my thoughts from this list.
For starters I want to touch on the projectiles suggestions. This character's basics have all already been made with projectiles not on the table for him.
Now with that being said, you did inspire me today @ExL: when you PMed me those great motif suggestions. It made me decide to try something if you are interested. Basically, once Joe's sprite are finished I think there will be enough to work with to create a projectile throw attack. 1 or more of these suggestions you made.

What I'm considering doing is going ahead and coding your move for you as a thank you. Because none of them would be too tough to make. I might extend this incentive out to other users as well for simplistic things. Still brainstorming the best way to do this. I'd like it to be an incentive for users that don't code to contribute in other areas. The idea is that I would release 2 versions. 1 with the projectile and one without for the balanced game purposes. After all, the idea is to have customization and help unlock MUGEN potential/enjoyment as well as make a stand alone balanced game.

Now onto my choices for special attacks, I suggested a leap attack but I'm taking that off the table because lie down time is only 8 ticks. I think it might be too short to use a jumping pursuit effectively.

Crack kick
QCF + K - different heights + distances
EX- faster, goes as far as opponent then kicks with slightly further distance potential than SP version, creates wall bounce

Advancing Ghost (move that advances and ducks forward)
HCF + P - different distances press one of the following buttons at any point to cancel into attack
LP -  throw (grabs then headbutt)**
MP - Slash Elbow (over head)
SP - flurry punches (moves forward with a bunch of punches like Iced suggested)
LK - knee
MK - scythe kick (mid kick)
SK - sweep
EX - Faster and no CLSN2

Ghost Fade
HCB + P - different distances press one of the following buttons at any point to cancel into attack
LP - Quick forward elbow dash
MP - Jumping forward overhead Double Axe Handle
SP - flurry punches (moves forward with a bunch of punches like Iced suggested)
LK - knee
MK - scythe kick (mid kick)
SK - sweep
EX - Faster and no CLSN2

Knee Lift Slam - The knee attack that slams (I personally like the idea of this move acting similar to Terry's Power Dunk but with the knee)
f,D,DF + K - different heights
EX - bigger CLSN1 on rise and after slam he does a foot stomp to the ground opponent

Elbow slasher (similar to jaguar kick, kinda) *
(in air only) QCB + P - changes arc
EX - homing

* if missed Joe slams on ground causing damage to himself
** causes slight damage to Joe

(I did read your Juri counter idea Iced)
Last Edit: June 16, 2014, 12:35:42 am by Just No Point


#17  June 15, 2014, 04:05:41 am
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Elbow Smash Target combo
f+LP, f+MP, f+SP - Joe does a quick rapid 3 hit elbow combo.
If we're leaning on Bryan Fury for inspiration, I feel this should be his Hands Of Doom (1:22): two spinning back elbows followed by a brutal straight punch.  Better yet, make it just f+MP > f+HP and have it cancelable into those Ghost specials, to reflect Bryan's mixup options from that chain.
#18  June 15, 2014, 04:20:46 am
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Updated the 1st post because I saw 2 command basics I'd forgotten that Sean suggested for Joe
Over head Elbow and changed slide kick to the sliding punch with df+SP

SNT: Inspiration for the elbow target combo actually came from Bruce Irvin
Though that does not take cancelling out of the target combo into the Ghost attacks off the table either.
#19  June 15, 2014, 10:16:08 am
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I worry if the Knee Lift Slam has the trajectory and utility of something like Terry's Power Dunk, it would overlap with the Elbow Slasher special.  Although if I'm reading that right, you want Elbow Slasher to be an air only move? Just want to clarify.

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#20  June 15, 2014, 11:36:17 am
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Yeah. He has a lot of options. The knee lift move sounded like a decent anti air. Power dunk isn't as good for that. Though his EX would be better. Anyway, I figured his anti air game might be weak. Elbow slasher would be an air only move. Am I correct in the assumption of how you wanted to utilize the 2 moves? I figure this way would also make it so you could sprite the stuff the same way or maybe just need to tweak a frame or 2 and that's all.

All moves can be discussed further of course!
#21  June 15, 2014, 08:48:21 pm
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#22  June 16, 2014, 12:34:30 am
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So I was thinking about how Sean said he night give Ghost Fade some different attacks.

After thinking the Ghost moves over at work I've made the following alterations.

Advancing Ghost (move that advances and ducks forward)
HCF + P - different distances press one of the following buttons at any point to cancel into attack
LP -  throw (grabs then headbutt)**
MP - Slash Elbow (over head)
SP - flurry punches (moves forward with a bunch of punches like Iced suggested)
LK - knee
MK - scythe kick (mid kick)
SK - sweep
EX - Faster and no CLSN2

Ghost Fade
HCB + P - different distances press one of the following buttons at any point to cancel into attack
LP - Quick forward elbow dash
MP - Jumping forward overhead Double Axe Handle
SP - flurry punches (moves forward with a bunch of punches like Iced suggested)
LK - knee
MK - scythe kick (mid kick)
SK - sweep
EX - Faster and no CLSN2

LP stopping the move is kind of redundant when you choose the distance by the button pressed so I removed it

All the kicks and the flurry punches would still be useful during a move that moves backwards. The throw and overhead elbow would not have been useful at all.
#23  June 16, 2014, 05:05:59 am
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Updated Joe's air.

Remember, Ryu is our standard middle ground. I'm thinking he should walk slower. Quite a bit slower. His air game will not be strong but his ground game will. How should his jump be? Faster? Slower? Higher? Lower?

What all does stand.friction mess with? If it's only the opponent pushing you then maybe that should be much higher than Ryu's? Because he's so stout?
#24  June 16, 2014, 10:31:53 am
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What all does stand.friction mess with?
Like yaccel, but instead of constantly accelerating you toward the ground, it constantly slows your X movement to 0. It's used when you have a dash with physics = S, a single velset at the start, and no other mean to decrease velocity, and it's also used when you're hit on the ground, after the hitvel is applied, it's what slows you down until you stop.
If I struggled to the end of my determination, to the end of my way of life with my followers, if the result is ruin, then this ruin is inevitable. Grieve. Shed tears. But you cannot regret.
#25  June 16, 2014, 11:01:38 am
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Nevermind then. That'd screw up a lot of stuff =p
#26  June 17, 2014, 04:33:36 am
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Byakko, just to clarify that I'm doing the posadd, axis move method properly...

frame 1 has no movement
frame 2 moves 14 pixels over so x=14
frame 3 moves 4 pixels over so I move his axis in the air by 4 pixels to the right
frame 4 actually moves 42 pixels and as such goes through Ryu
so I split the 3 tick frame into 1 tick at 21 and the next frame is 2 ticks at x=21

Is this how it should be done? Or would I need to add the 4 pixels from frame 3 to frame 4/5? And is splitting frame 4 the best way to go with this? Also for the frames where I move the axis only do I need to adjust the push box width as well? So he'll push as he's moving from his axis?
#27  June 17, 2014, 08:20:45 am
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Going through him isn't intentional right? I don't know what move you're doing. You can always make a pushback helper to prevent moves with a long animation that move from making you pass through. Jman has one in his Ken.

Disregard if I seem confused

thanks again Vans/Jesuszilla!
#28  June 17, 2014, 10:13:38 am
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frame 4 actually moves 42 pixels and as such goes through Ryu
so I split the 3 tick frame into 1 tick at 21 and the next frame is 2 ticks at x=21
That sounds right.

Or would I need to add the 4 pixels from frame 3 to frame 4/5?
No, that'd be too much, frame 3 has its own posadd, there's no reason to delay that just to make the posadd on frame 4 bigger.
Also for the frames where I move the axis only do I need to adjust the push box width as well? So he'll push as he's moving from his axis?
The width generally doesn't need to be changed. In fact, the method I use (this whole "split the posadd in two frames and move the axis halfway on the first one" thing) is already to avoid changing the width. I toyed with doing it the other way around very early (that was back when I worked on my first character, Another Kyo, in the early 2000s), by enhancing the width just before doing a big posadd. The result was terrible because it pushed the opponent in a very weird way, and sometimes it even resulted in the posadd not being enough and whiffing after the width pushed the opponent too far.
In fact, splitting the posadd in two frames and moving the first frame's axis back is actually a way to "simulate" a bigger width on that frame, without wrecking the distance by pushing the opponent in a weird way, because readjusting the axis (instead of changing the width between two ticks) is only cosmetics and therefore, completely transparent coding-wise.

Going through him isn't intentional right? I don't know what move you're doing. You can always make a pushback helper to prevent moves with a long animation that move from making you pass through. Jman has one in his Ken.
It's a move where he takes a big step forward and punches. We want to prevent him from passing through the opponent during that big step. The helper works, but I don't really like using helpers everywhere. The "splitting the posadd" method seems a lot simpler to me. It's a bit weird to get the hang of it, but a helper seems overkill to me.
If I struggled to the end of my determination, to the end of my way of life with my followers, if the result is ruin, then this ruin is inevitable. Grieve. Shed tears. But you cannot regret.
Last Edit: June 17, 2014, 10:16:54 am by DKDC
#29  June 18, 2014, 06:50:18 pm
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Updated the 1st post. Alex also updated showing off Joe's new Kicks that Sean made!
I updated the move list with names and more descriptions of what the moves do.

We should start casting for a voice actor now! Anyone interested? Anyone know someone that might be interested? Joe is from the US. How should he sound? I'm thinking a tough Brooklyn accent myself.

And on to super discussion
Giving Up the Ghost
This move makes Joe do a flying body press type move that if misses causes him damage. But on hit he grabs them and headbutts them with his momentum then runs up their body, kicks off the opponent's head launching himself off and towards the side of the screen. He then jumps off the wall with a flying elbow drop on the now downed opponent. When he lands he hits he takes slight damage and rolls on the ground holding his ribs a bit. This move is unblockable

Max version simply doesn't cause Joe any damage

For all the Bryan Fury fans/requests out there this next super is for you guys
Out of Body Experience
Joe does a fast heavy gut punch and then lifts them up and slams them to the other side of himself. The opponent bounces back up and Joe does the spinning roundhouse from Bryan Fury and launches them toward the side of the sceen. This move can be cancelled from several other basics and specials that make him move forward

Max version
The gut punch continues to raise up similar to a dragon punch on hit or miss. Increases the damage if the opponent was on the ground but makes for a good anti air too.

I'm not fully sure where I stand on this super
"Driving up the stakes
he does a beer drinking anim, gains trailing afterimages and can combo easier after"

Since custom combos are a default thing how will this be different? Will it be more like Yun's Genei Jin where he gets infinite juggle points, and some move properties change like adding hits or becoming faster?

I also have an idea where all his basics get a "ghost" hit. For example I'd take his SP and copy it in the air with a new state number. I'd add a CLSN1 to the 2nd frame where no punch is even occurring.

Most basics would get something similar either before or after their original CLSN1. This extra hit would have it's own hitdef that would be duplicated from the actual move's hit def.

Once I figure out how this move will work I can imagine a max version. I kinda like the ghost hitting idea myself because it's unique. Maybe in game he can blink with a pal change on these frames.
Last Edit: June 18, 2014, 06:57:22 pm by Just No Point
#30  June 18, 2014, 10:02:40 pm
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All basics are finished. Most get hits are in now along with being aligned (I think)

The F+SP advancing hook punch looks odd at close range. Byakko, did I do the method you suggested correctly?

Spoiler: The code and air info in case you don't want to download him (click to see content)
#31  June 18, 2014, 10:11:07 pm
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I was really hoping that since Driving Up the Stakes and Giving Up the Ghost are going to need unique animations, his third super could be made using sprites from his basics and specials. It would be easier on the already hefty workload, and (not counting SF4, where the Ultras are highly cinematic) Capcom does this for most of their super moves throughout the 2-D games.

It doesn't need to be an "auto-combo" but I'm sure something useful and interesting can be created using existing sprites.

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#32  June 18, 2014, 10:21:57 pm
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Well, the 3rd super idea listed above would have no need for new sprites. If it's the Genei Jin or the extra ghost hit's I suggested. They both just tweak his current specials.

Also, that roll on the ground holding his ribs can be reused for the Flying Ghost. Only 2 supers have unique animations. The 3rd is like a custom combo
#33  June 18, 2014, 10:30:20 pm
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No, I'm talking about the one called Out of Body Experience. It would need a unique animation of an uppercut that connects and then grabs the opponent and slams them to the ground. Along with the other two (Giving Up the Ghost is all unique animations, and Driving Up the Stakes is a unique animation of him drinking liquor/beer), that's three supers all containing unique animations, something Capcom almost never did in its  games.

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#34  June 18, 2014, 10:48:05 pm
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For the drinking animation, you can reference Hwa Jai from KOF XIII. And for the uppercut part of Out of Body Experience, maybe you can find a moveset vid of Bryan for TTT2 that features his fisherman slam attack. I prolly read the discussion wrong, but I thought that these suggestion may help if you didn't know where to find some references.
#35  June 18, 2014, 10:55:28 pm
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Have two bases.
#36  June 18, 2014, 10:59:09 pm
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I linked to the references. The issue is just that it's making too many unique animations for Sean. He said he didn't mind all the attacks for ghost step but its kinda getting crazy at this point (not direct quote).

Which I understand. He's right. Typical SF would have a super crack kick, or super ghost step auto combo into all the attacks or something. They reuse animations in most super moves.

So it's not like I've never sprited before. I can make that particular super move. I want to be sure he has the Brian Fury moves because so many have asked for them and his current move set doesn't have any. Once all the sprites are finished there should be more than enough for me to make this animation. Frankenspriting and completely original frames.
#37  June 18, 2014, 11:03:42 pm
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The F+SP advancing hook punch looks odd at close range. Byakko, did I do the method you suggested correctly?

Okay, yeah, the f+HP looks extremely weird. I think that when you split a sprite in two frames and moving one, you didn't move the correct frame, and then you skipped a posadd.

Let's take the transition from the first to second sprite, for example.

If I look at the current alignment of the sprites, if I wanted to make the posadd look good, I would need to move the second sprite -see X axis- 32 pixels forward. But that's too big, bigger than the width, and if the enemy is in contact with your width and is too small themself, a posadd of 32 pixels would slip past them - your axis would be sent behind their axis. so we split that sprite in two elements.

I'm adding an extra frame, where the one in the middle is moved forward a certain amount of pixels (here, 17). So if I still want the animation to look good, I want to move that sprite forward to reach the total of 32 I noted earlier. So on that second element, I use a posadd of 32-17=15. With both the offset and the posadd, the sprite will look like the left foot is still on the same spot it was on the first element.

Then, the third element is the same second sprite, but back to an X axis of 0 (as opposed to the axis offset of 17 above). My objective here is to have this left foot be in the same position it was in the first element (and the second). From the first element, I noted that I wanted a total posadd of 32 ; then on the second element, I used a posadd of 15 with an offset on the sprite of 17. This should have resulted in the left foot moving 32 pixels forward - so at the same spot it was in the first element.
Now, the third element needs to catch up, and it only needs a posadd of 17 pixels - the amount of the offset from the previous element.

... Looking at your constants, you use a width of 16, so I'll change all the above values to 16 (since 16+16=32 just the same as 15+17=32), but I'm keeping the description above so that it's more obvious where I use which value.

Likewise, on element 5 to 7, I wanted a total posadd of about 38, so element 6 has an X axis of 18 and a posadd of 20 (total 38, element 6 looks like it moves 38 pixels forward as I want it to), and element 7 has an X axis of 0 and a posadd of 18, so between elements 5 and 7, the total posadd is 38, which is what I want.
.... Yeah, 20 is still too big for the width of 16. To make it perfect, you can split it once more adding one more element.

Here's a quick fix for those two bits :
Spoiler: The AIR (click to see content)
(watch out, I moved the clsn2 boxes around a bit quickly when I moved the alignment of the elements I fixed, so you may want to take a second look at them)
Spoiler: the CNS (click to see content)
There's the same weirdness from elements 7 to 9, try to fix it the same way. Use the onion skin on the first frame (element 7) to move the next one (element 8 ) so that the  foot that's planted on the ground stays keeps its position, that gives you the total posadd, then split that in the same way I did.
Don't hesitate to use the pause key and then the scroll lock key to see the elements and at which point they move forward. You want to see the foot that's on the ground stay in the same spot all the time. Do that all the time for this stuff.

By the way, you've got alignment issues. In most animations, the left foot (viewer's right) is above the ground by a few pixels. You should align the sprites so that both feet touch the ground - in the stance, for example, the left heel needs to touch the ground.
If I struggled to the end of my determination, to the end of my way of life with my followers, if the result is ruin, then this ruin is inevitable. Grieve. Shed tears. But you cannot regret.
Last Edit: June 18, 2014, 11:13:06 pm by DKDC
#38  June 18, 2014, 11:07:06 pm
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JNP wanted me to post my plans for the crouching and aerial basics. They're pretty straight forward but here they are.


LP - Left jab
MP - The kidney punch-type move in his SF1 spriteset
HP - Uppercut Elbow, like Gill/Urien/Abel's cr.HP
LK - Right shin kick, good for pokes
MK - Slower, stronger version of LK (saves on animation, Capcom does this all the time)
HK - Sweep


LP - Elbow, comes out quick, stays active for a long time
MP - Downward Punch
HP - Spinning Elbow, hard to describe but I have a clear picture in my head, kind of like Kyo's throw where he slams you and then elbow drops you, think the last part but as an aerial attack
LK - Knee, would sort of look like a Tiger Knee, could have a high hitbox, good for intercepting people mid air
MK - Left straight kick, would be his go to for cross-ups
HK - Here I would re-use the crack kick animation because it would be a good, strong air normal and would help with the work load, but now that it's a special move I guess I'll need a new kick, so I'll come up with something

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#39  June 18, 2014, 11:14:20 pm
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You can reuse crack kick. It's also possible that some of the kicks from the ghost step would work good for it. Oh and you get to reuse the knee move for jump LK and ghost step's rising knee too!

EDIT: Byakko, thank you I'll take another look and apply the feedback.
#40  June 18, 2014, 11:48:05 pm
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I animated the stance
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#41  June 19, 2014, 01:42:42 am
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You could just make it like Yang's super instead of genei-jin. Instead of extra hits in the animation, you can just have the afterimages attack too. Just an imo thing

thanks again Vans/Jesuszilla!
#42  June 19, 2014, 01:45:29 am
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I animated the stance

A standing pose is not just shifting parts up and down. Or left and right. You have to redraw the sprites in order for them to look good.
#43  June 19, 2014, 01:48:44 am
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As a shifting parts up and down pose goes it's not a bad one. I can put it in as a placeholder till the real one is complete. Just because I'm tired of seeing him sit still :p
You could just make it like Yang's super instead of genei-jin. Instead of extra hits in the animation, you can just have the afterimages attack too. Just an imo thing
The reason i didn't mention that one is because it's almost exactly how a custom combo works.
#44  June 19, 2014, 05:08:52 am
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You could make it like Makoto's super, where all of his attacks get a big damage boost. You could even add something like he can't block while it's activated, but all his moves do like 40-50 percent more damage.

And yeah, that's not the worst shifting parts up and down stance I've ever seen, with a few edits it might actually be good, but Judas is making the stance in exchange for keeping some of the money he pledged. I've seen a preview for it and trust me, it's fucking premium. If any of you remember how good Rikimaru's stance turned out, that was Judas.

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#45  June 19, 2014, 05:47:00 am
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I guess I should have asked which cc we are using. I assumed most people preferred the CFJ/Cvs2 version without the extra hits. I hate V-ism personally.

Bonus damage(Id prefer a defense drop with it since not being able to guard is a cc thing too), armor for specials, shadows, etc. This bud's for you!

Id like altered specials properties + shadows + a 7% damage bonus + he can't guard and he takes 7% more damage himself. Maybe bonus chip/dizzy points too

thanks again Vans/Jesuszilla!
#46  June 19, 2014, 05:49:13 am
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Iced came up with an interesting and unique idea too. His suggestion was to make every attack make a ghost Joe that appears in the spot the attack took place in around 2 seconds later. He said to make it do every other attack.

I expanded on this to keep it being every attack. But there is a random chance of the ghost attack occurring within 5 ticks and 600 ticks (that'd be 10 seconds, right?)

An example would be that you would do LP, LP, LP
then you move somewhere else. A ghost of Joe will appear at that spot you made the LP at any time between 3 and 600 ticks. Then another, and another. Do to the random time fluctuations it may not be the same order. Like MK, SP, LK could create ghosts in this order SP, LK, MK due to the random time placement. The max version would probably narrow down the time frame the ghosts would appear so you could control it better?

Also, I updated Joe
Added the temporary stance @21: as some feedback, moving parts up and down aside. The part on his chest for breathing looks pretty bad in game as it moves. I mean, I know it's a temp thing, but out of the whole thing that part jumps out the most.

Fixed the SP and F+SP using Byakko's method. I had misunderstood what he meant before hand. I thought he meant every other frame should be possadd, then air, then possadd, then air. Though at close range it still jitters a bit do to the air x axis offset not having any push box. Are you sure I shouldn't add width to those?

Fixed alignment too by decreasing the Y axis on all sprites in the sff by 2 pixels.

I really appreciate all the feedback! Would anyone mind volunteering to add in the rest of the get hits so I can go back to working on Ryu till the next batch of Joe sprites come out?

EDIT: Speaking of Width
    When collision box display is enabled, the edge width bar is displayed in orange, and the player width bar is displayed in yellow. Where they overlap, the overlapping region is displayed in bright yellow
How do I make this display the width bar? CTRL + C only shows me the CLSNs, not seeing any width boxes

EDIT 2: @Edward Elric: Would you be interested in voicing Joe?
Last Edit: June 19, 2014, 06:08:20 am by Just No Point
#47  June 19, 2014, 06:16:44 am
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Sure I'm game. What kinda voice do you want?
#48  June 19, 2014, 06:19:13 am
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Well, I was thinking something with a tough guy Brooklyn accent if you can pull that off. If not, just a generic cocky tough guy voice. @SeanAltly: What's your thoughts on the voice since you want him for your own purposes as well?
#49  June 19, 2014, 06:23:01 am
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well yea i knew the stance needed a lot of editing I was just starting it off
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#50  June 19, 2014, 08:29:11 am
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Wasn't width display winmugen only?

thanks again Vans/Jesuszilla!
#51  June 19, 2014, 09:26:11 am
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Not sure about the Brooklyn thing. In my head it sounds too much like Alex's voice from SF3:TS. How about a Jersey accent? Not Jersey Shore levels or anything, but just something a little different from Alex.

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#52  June 19, 2014, 09:52:21 am
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  • ^First attempt ain't so bad......
Reading the SF wiki(I know, kill me), Joe is loosely based on martial artist Joe Lewis, who is from North Carolina. I think a southern-ish accent would be cool, as no one from America in SF speaks like they're from that region. Closest southerner would be.......Charlie?
#53  June 19, 2014, 09:53:44 am
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Fixed the SP and F+SP using Byakko's method. I had misunderstood what he meant before hand. I thought he meant every other frame should be possadd, then air, then possadd, then air. Though at close range it still jitters a bit do to the air x axis offset not having any push box. Are you sure I shouldn't add width to those?
Changing the width at close range would push the opponent too strongly, it's what you want to avoid. The axis moving forward with short posadds is the only thing you can do, even if it still jitters a little bit, it would be the same with any other method. A velset would be better since it's essentially a shorter but more frequent position shift, but it wouldn't look as good at normal distance.
If I struggled to the end of my determination, to the end of my way of life with my followers, if the result is ruin, then this ruin is inevitable. Grieve. Shed tears. But you cannot regret.
#54  June 19, 2014, 09:56:03 am
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I was raised and currently live in North Carolina, so I'd be a good judge of the accent, though I don't have much of one myself. I actually really like that idea, as long as it's not over the top.

EDIT: I did just watch an interview with Joe Lewis and he didn't seem to have much of a NC accent, though.

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Last Edit: June 19, 2014, 09:59:40 am by Sean Altly
#55  June 19, 2014, 02:26:37 pm
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So Joe Lewis it is then? Edward, take a look at a few Joe Lewis videos and see if you can sound something like him.

Byakko- okay, since in most cases the opponent shouldn't be just standing there I'll live with the slight 1 tick jitters for very close range. It looks so much better now. And these moves will be THE way to advance forward with Joe! He really is probably going to be a beast on the ground. Guess we'll see where he stands once another character or 2 is finished alongside him.

Wasn't width display winmugen only?
Well it's still in the docs for 1.0 and that stinks!!! >:-(

As for all the suggestions for Raising the Stakes: I'll compile a list of all suggestions and make it into a poll. Though to clarify a name change, this move is better suited to be called "Out of Body Experience" while the second super better matches the name "Driving Up the Stakes". So consider them switched and will be added to the official move list on the 1st post soon
#56  June 19, 2014, 02:35:02 pm
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If I struggled to the end of my determination, to the end of my way of life with my followers, if the result is ruin, then this ruin is inevitable. Grieve. Shed tears. But you cannot regret.
#57  June 19, 2014, 03:53:31 pm
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Alright then. Will do
#58  June 19, 2014, 04:09:16 pm
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I'm pretty sure you still see that yellow horizontal line centered on the character's axis in 1.0 ? I don't pay attention to it anymore so maybe I haven't noticed it was gone, but I don't think it is...
Yes, you can still see the yellow bar that shows the width of the character.
#59  June 19, 2014, 04:40:13 pm
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Yeah, you're right. I forgot that while messing with it I only set the width to function on the 1st tick of animelem =4. Changed it to animelemtime and now it stays active through the whole move.


some quotes for Joe's phone call win pose
"how you doing mister officer parole sir, i am hum.. enjoying a book club. yes. book club.
"yes as a matter of fact i am very happy with my insurance provider."
"goddamnit no, i dont want to trade friday! What dya mean i owe you? oh that... fine.. okay i will take friday's shift"

"Yeah Honey, going to be working a little late tonight again. I'll be sure to bring milk."
"Hey buddy, how's my little man doing tonight? Daddy will be home real soon!"

"look i dont know who this is , but what i know is ive amassed a very specific set of skills in my life, I will find you and i will kick you."
"what... serving tables..a wedding? A gig is a gig... Im there."
#60  June 19, 2014, 04:50:35 pm
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Joe is getting more and more awesome, Sean @_@ My God, I envy your skills!!

There's something I forgot to say, Joe was the winner of one America Martial Arts tournament, and in the next tournament, he was defeated by Charlie...he should have a special vs against him.
I swear there was something cool here!!
#61  June 19, 2014, 04:53:44 pm
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Since Joe has so many animations lets let Sean take a break and do only 1 win pose and entrance. We can add more fluff later.
#62  June 19, 2014, 10:33:27 pm
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I think he should have at least a couple good anims, for activations and stuff like that, sure they can be reused later on.

I can reuse the beer anim pretty easily for a good winpose.
#63  June 20, 2014, 01:13:33 am
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Just to make sure I'm using the right reference ...Joe Lewis the kickboxer right?
#64  June 20, 2014, 01:45:25 am
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Yes, sir!
#65  June 20, 2014, 06:46:35 am
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You know, I have also some ideas for supers:
-(Not enough mine) Gut punch and then knee in face. Enemy is stuned. In Joe's flying glass bottle, which he catches and chops about the enemy's head.
   -MAX version (if you use MAX versions)- All the same, but not bottle. Baseball bat. And yes, she breaks!
           -LVL 3 SUPER VERSION (and it's much more violent)- Spartan Kick. When enemy is lie down, to Joe comes one of his friends and give him Steel Bat. I don't need to talk what happends next!
#66  June 20, 2014, 10:06:20 pm
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When Joe's early thread was made I had thoughts of him having a rush down style with a variety of mix-ups and ducking.  I like it that it's indeed his gamestyle.

I have some thoughts and questions regarding his current playstyle.

  • I'm wondering if Joe's Overhead Elbow will have a 1-frame link to connect with C.LP on counter hit, further going along with his combo strings leading to large damage.
  • Comeback Technique 1, where he recovers all lost damage upon recovery.  Depending on how high the damage the was given, I feel this would be too good since he'll recover no problem (Ex:  Loses about 45%, regains all back).  Rather, a percentage depending on how high the damage was given is what I'm picturing to balance it out if necessary while any lower will not get adjusted.
  • Comeback Technique 2, where all attacks will be unblockable, personally I would rather limit this feature to certain moves, such as all moves during Ghost Step become either invincible, safe on block, enhanced chip damage, higher hit-stun, etc.  Unblockable might be an alternative for I feel it might be too overpowered and can overall reverse the flow of the match.
  • Will Ghost Fade be able to chain with Ghost Step?  Let's say, a Ghost Fade without input, but using an EX meter, you can cancel the last active frames of Ghost Fade to Ghost Step with enhanced speed.  An EX Ghost Fade connected with EX Ghost Step will have him go at high speed to appear right behind the opponent to further increase his mix-up options and speedy offense.
  • I am picturing Crack Kick to have a feint of sorts.  When Crack Kick is inputted, holding down the button will have him spin empty and even chain with Ghost Fade/Step for escapes/momentum.  Crack Kick by itself can be used as a combo ender as well.  Feint Crack Kick to Ghost Fade (EX or nomral) to EX Ghost Step with enhanced speed after Ghost Fade can be very dangerous.
  • One of his Lv.1 Supers could be a tackle grapple, where after activation, he lunges to the opponent and proceeds to follow with a swift punch/kick a few times.  Unsafe on block, can evade mid attacks, mostly as a quick tool to get in quickly, can get interrupted by low attacks.  Max Lv.1 gives full invincibility
  • One of his Lv.2 involves drinking a bottle of water.  After consuming, all moves after Ghost Fade/Step get different enhancements, such as one of my early suggestions above, for a limited time.  He also slightly regains vitality after walking forward (around 5%-10% depending on which is balanced).  Max Lv.2 lets him consume a different type of beverage, his Ghost Fade/Step is now activated by simply tapping Forward/Back and can chain one into the other, potentially chaining moves from either side as sort of special chaining for mix-up chances.  Enhancements and boosts remain, recovery can be boosted to 7%-12% or higher depending on balance.
  • Lv.3, I didn't really put though, but I'm imagining being activated in the air, but the follow-up must match with Joe's overall personality.

That's just about it of my thoughts.  Good luck on this character.  Sprites are amazing.
#67  June 20, 2014, 10:11:24 pm
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Will Ghost Fade be able to chain with Ghost Step?  Let's say, a Ghost Fade without input, but using an EX meter, you can cancel the last active frames of Ghost Fade to Ghost Step with enhanced speed.  An EX Ghost Fade connected with EX Ghost Step will have him go at high speed to appear right behind the opponent to further increase his mix-up options and speedy offense.
With something like that, he would start to be insanely versatile, able to go wherever he wants, whenever he wants. It's a bit much IMO. It would require a large downside, like very low strength or make his follow-ups harder to land (weird trajectories hard to predict even for the user himself, small hitboxes), a kind of El Fuerte. For example, if he could pull a Step after a Fade, he would need to not be able to use an attack follow-up after the Step. That sort of downside would be obligatory to balance him.
I think it's better if Joe's options stay at the "just enough" level and he still relies on being a straight hitter. His current design is already pushing the Fight Club inspiration. There's no need to give millions of options with crazy mobility to everyone with countless follow-ups. The Ghost Fade/Step only need to give him a head start for his short ranged strikes, that's what he needs as a close ranged kickboxer. Think of KoF's King but take away the crazy jumps of Tornado Kick or Surprise Rose.
If I struggled to the end of my determination, to the end of my way of life with my followers, if the result is ruin, then this ruin is inevitable. Grieve. Shed tears. But you cannot regret.
Last Edit: June 20, 2014, 10:18:33 pm by DKDC
#68  June 20, 2014, 10:41:35 pm
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Regarding Fade to Step chain it can be limited to only EX moves to balance his mobility.  Without EX and leaving it neutral will indeed make him too quick for offense, borderline broken, makes for an Extra Mode/Boss type character.  The idea of low output or removal of a follow up is indeed a good way to prevent from reaching KI Sabrewolf level of speed while main ring momentum.

The idea of Fade to Step came when I pictured how could a new move fit into his character of bluffing an opponent to a sucker hit and to also see if it'll make him unique in his own way.   It can give him another option of evasiveness when all else fails and will cause drops of meter if gets used for nothing, putting him at greater risk.  EX Fade > EX Step or reverse is what I'm leaning at but it depends if even with these restrictions will still make him too good.

Also it can be used once in a string, so no crazy Fade, Step, Fade stuff, even if it's meter heavy.

Otherwise I'm okay with his current playstyle without this ability.
#69  June 20, 2014, 10:43:11 pm
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I'm wondering if Joe's Overhead Elbow will have a 1-frame link to connect with C.LP on counter hit, further going along with his combo strings leading to large damage.
It's possible. We'll have to see how strong he is without it. This would be a Buff option

Comeback Technique 1, where he recovers all lost damage upon recovery.  Depending on how high the damage the was given, I feel this would be too good since he'll recover no problem (Ex:  Loses about 45%, regains all back).  Rather, a percentage depending on how high the damage was given is what I'm picturing to balance it out if necessary while any lower will not get adjusted.
I should reword it better. I mean that for like, the next 5 seconds he would recover any new damage given to him. Not the damage that was given to knock him down
Comeback Technique 2, where all attacks will be unblockable, personally I would rather limit this feature to certain moves, such as all moves during Ghost Step become either invincible, safe on block, enhanced chip damage, higher hit-stun, etc.  Unblockable might be an alternative for I feel it might be too overpowered and can overall reverse the flow of the match.
This might be true. But keep in mind it uses a whole super bar Again, thinking it'll last for like 3-5 seconds after get up and he does not have a recovery roll option in this one to get in closer or further away like he does in the defense version. Keep in mind if it's too powerful it will be altered or nerfed. Nothing is set in stone

Will Ghost Fade be able to chain with Ghost Step?  Let's say, a Ghost Fade without input, but using an EX meter, you can cancel the last active frames of Ghost Fade to Ghost Step with enhanced speed.  An EX Ghost Fade connected with EX Ghost Step will have him go at high speed to appear right behind the opponent to further increase his mix-up options and speedy offense.
Byakko answered this one well

I am picturing Crack Kick to have a feint of sorts.  When Crack Kick is inputted, holding down the button will have him spin empty and even chain with Ghost Fade/Step for escapes/momentum.  Crack Kick by itself can be used as a combo ender as well.  Feint Crack Kick to Ghost Fade (EX or nomral) to EX Ghost Step with enhanced speed after Ghost Fade can be very dangerous.
A fake Crack Kick might be a good idea. It will definitely be a good combo ender!

One of his Lv.1 Supers could be a tackle grapple, where after activation, he lunges to the opponent and proceeds to follow with a swift punch/kick a few times.  Unsafe on block, can evade mid attacks, mostly as a quick tool to get in quickly, can get interrupted by low attacks.  Max Lv.1 gives full invincibility

One of his Lv.2 involves drinking a bottle of water.  After consuming, all moves after Ghost Fade/Step get different enhancements, such as one of my early suggestions above, for a limited time.  He also slightly regains vitality after walking forward (around 5%-10% depending on which is balanced).  Max Lv.2 lets him consume a different type of beverage, his Ghost Fade/Step is now activated by simply tapping Forward/Back and can chain one into the other, potentially chaining moves from either side as sort of special chaining for mix-up chances.  Enhancements and boosts remain, recovery can be boosted to 7%-12% or higher depending on balance.

Lv.3, I didn't really put though, but I'm imagining being activated in the air, but the follow-up must match with Joe's overall personality.[/li][/list]

I already listed what his supers will probably be. I'll update the 1st post so you can see them right after I submit this post so give it a minute or 2.
Your level 2 idea is pretty much on the table for sure! (though this game has only 1 level and max versions of moves)

That's just about it of my thoughts.  Good luck on this character.
Thank you! Always feel free to drop any ideas!

Regarding Fade to Step chain it can be limited to only EX moves to balance his mobility.  Without EX and leaving it neutral will indeed make him too quick for offense, borderline broken, makes for an Extra Mode/Boss type character.  The idea of low output or removal of a follow up is indeed a good way to prevent from reaching KI Sabrewolf level of speed while main ring momentum.

The idea of Fade to Step came when I pictured how could a new move fit into his character of bluffing an opponent to a sucker hit and to also see if it'll make him unique in his own way.   It can give him another option of evasiveness when all else fails and will cause drops of meter if gets used for nothing, putting him at greater risk.  EX Fade > EX Step or reverse is what I'm leaning at but it depends if even with these restrictions will still make him too good.
EX cancels like this may be possible. Again, if balance permits :P
#70  June 28, 2014, 04:45:48 am
  • ******
This is operation "Save me and Sean some time/energy"
I thought about this last week but forgot this whole time till now to make this post.

First off, we still need a Punch Guard reversal. We have plenty of punch options already being sprited. So I'll use something from there.
Now I had said "Lariet" for the SF EX Guard crush. But I'm going to change that to the Bryan Fury Roundhouse kick. Sean, just think of it like a focus attack. It'll be used as both (depending on the config option chosen)

With that move being used as a unblockable/focus I'll go ahead and make a more traditional super using Joe's specials. Trying to decide if it should be a super knee lift to give an anti air option or a super crack kick that hits multiple times if connects or blocks to apply more pressure.

Now for shortcuts with Ghost step

LP headbutt can be the same headbutt used in the Super 1

MP elbow drop upper body of Joe could be used for the jumping LP

For Furious Flurry I say go ahead and simplify it by using Joe Higashi's rapid punch. Because every time I imagine this move I see the exact same thing!

LK rising knee could be the same for his kick guard reversal and his LK in the air

SK the spinning sweep kick. This move could also be how the normal sweep looks. Or it could be the new jumping SK and make the crouching SK unique

Ghost Fade

LP We should have a bunch of elbow strikes sprited for Joe by this time. Surely we can reuse one :P

MP The double axe handle could be the same downward punch you want to make for his jumping MP unless there is a specific look you have imagined for it

Anyway, hope this helps give some ideas to lighten the load without him looking too recycled. He'll still have a ton of sprites.
#71  July 02, 2014, 05:43:41 am
  • ******
Last Edit: July 02, 2014, 06:16:39 am by Just No Point
#72  July 02, 2014, 03:50:37 pm
  • ******
Updated Joe. Just tweaked the Crack Kick so that it leaps upwards a bit on Medium and a bit more on Strong.
Joe.air and updated
#73  July 03, 2014, 02:16:20 am
  • ******
Updated Joe
Added duck turn anim @Sean Altly: I think it needs 1 more frame
jumping MP, MK
crouching MK
#74  July 08, 2014, 01:40:27 pm
  • ****
  • Busy, busy, busy
Does crack kick knock downward? Cody's floats you a bit instead of a downward angle. Not sure if that was your goal or not

thanks again Vans/Jesuszilla!
#75  July 08, 2014, 03:02:44 pm
  • ******
It knocks them up into the air a bit, yes. If that's what you mean.
#76  July 17, 2014, 11:34:31 pm
  • ******
Updated Joe with a ton of stuff.

He has the crouching MP that slightly moves him forward.
Neutral Jump SK causes bounce and juggle state
The elbow Target Combo
The overhead elbow @Sean Altly: I think it looks just fine as is IMO
Ghost Step and Ghost Fade
Follow ups include
Slash Elbow (I forgot to add the slice effect I just remembered as I typed this)
Rising Knee
Scythe Kick
Soul Sweeper
And Descent

I didn't get to add the Sliding Specter. I noticed Sean added it much later after I'd been working and haven't DLed it yet to add it to the sff

He's really starting to shape up now!
#77  July 18, 2014, 01:13:42 am
  • *****
  • The Sweeper
  • Surpass my Aniki
    • Algeria
nice to hear about him also did you guys founded a voice actor for him yet?
#78  July 18, 2014, 01:23:22 am
  • ***
  • #1 Boss Lady
    • UK
If I recall correctly Elric would be voicing him right?
#79  July 18, 2014, 01:25:19 am
  • ******
You're correct.
#80  July 18, 2014, 01:26:56 am
  • ******
He sent in 2 audition files and a voice from those was chosen. But he hasn't been back online in around 15 days.

Will probably have to look for another voice at this rate.
#81  July 18, 2014, 02:11:39 am
  • ******

Youtube video goodness of his current build.
#82  July 18, 2014, 02:14:24 am
  • *****
  • The Sweeper
  • Surpass my Aniki
    • Algeria
top work as always really like what I see so far
#83  July 18, 2014, 05:12:58 am
  • ******

@Nestor: Your slash effect is perfect!
#84  July 18, 2014, 05:35:09 am
  • ****
  • Objection! Sustained!
    • Russia
Well, what can I say...
Keep this up!
#85  July 18, 2014, 05:45:28 am
  • *****
  • The Sweeper
  • Surpass my Aniki
    • Algeria
looking beautiful great job guys
#86  July 18, 2014, 06:24:29 am
  • ******
I noticed a bug with my bounce opponent off the ground coding. When they are in the air it only sends them to the custom state every once in a while. I'm not sure why,

I can also assume that my coding for the bounce it pretty overcomplicated. Basically the attack should knock the opponent down. When they hit the ground they bounce back into the air for a juggle state.

In other news Joe has been updated. Added Nestor's slash fx on the Slash Elbow and added Sliding Specter.
Keep in mind anyone can download and test him right now. You do not need any permissions to access the dropbox
Spoiler: code (click to see content)

looking beautiful great job guys

Well, what can I say...
Keep this up!
Thanks for the confidence guys!
#87  July 18, 2014, 06:35:26 am
  • ***
    • Mexico
@Just No Point: It looks great man, I'm glad they worked :D the whole animation is in the link I posted before, just in case (I included a blue and a gray version) ;)

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

Joe looks pretty amazing, great job so far guys!
#88  July 18, 2014, 06:48:50 am
  • ******
Thanks! I didn't notice the link to the animation. Updated with animated slash awesomeness.
#89  July 18, 2014, 09:56:58 am
  • ****
  • Busy, busy, busy
Use targetstate instead of p2stateno. Its better imo. Ive been busy so sorry for being partially away

thanks again Vans/Jesuszilla!
#90  July 20, 2014, 10:08:59 am
  • ******
  • ¡Ni p*ta ni santa! ¡Digo!
Couldn't sleep that much tonight. Did an sketchful portrait for Joe and did some parts. His face ended being at somepoint between Calvin Harris and Macklemore D:

Of course, the pose is taken from his SF1 artwork(just changed head's position)

Have a nice day!
I swear there was something cool here!!
#91  August 14, 2014, 02:00:10 am
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  • Deliverater
  • Who's that guy? A-L-T-L-Y
    • USA
Just to let everyone know, I fractured my right hand and sprained my right wrist in an accident last night. JNP suggested I post this hear so everyone knows there will be a delay on further sprites. I'm not sure how long it will take to heal, so I don't know when I'll be able to get back to it. I feel especially bad because I owe another user some Balrog animations and he's already waited so long for them. Anyway, just keeping you guys updated.

Download Last Bout now!
#92  August 14, 2014, 02:05:50 am
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Depending on where it's fractured and how you're treating your hand it'll be 6-8 weeks before you fully heal it. And your hand won't be the same again if you don't do physical therapy. Take it from me, I've done it before (and broke 2 fingers along with it)
#93  August 14, 2014, 02:13:57 am
  • ***
  • #1 Boss Lady
    • UK
Feel better, we can wait. Health comes first!
#94  August 14, 2014, 03:50:42 am
  • ****
  • Objection! Sustained!
    • Russia
Just to let everyone know, I fractured my right hand and sprained my right wrist in an accident last night. JNP suggested I post this hear so everyone knows there will be a delay on further sprites. I'm not sure how long it will take to heal, so I don't know when I'll be able to get back to it. I feel especially bad because I owe another user some Balrog animations and he's already waited so long for them. Anyway, just keeping you guys updated.

Well, I hope your hand will be all right!
#95  August 14, 2014, 11:03:50 am
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#96  August 14, 2014, 04:59:32 pm
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  • The Lord of Vampire
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#97  August 14, 2014, 11:09:36 pm
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  • Because Card Fighters Clash 2 wasn't quite as good
That's a bummer, I'm sure we all hope you get better soon and recover from your injuries, take your time a heal accordingly; you are an artist and your hands are your most valuable tools.
#98  August 14, 2014, 11:10:22 pm
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  • Who's that guy? A-L-T-L-Y
    • USA
Thanks guys.

Download Last Bout now!
#99  August 14, 2014, 11:16:10 pm
  • ***
  • Emotionally and Mentally Exhausted
  • Heheh, so that's the deal!
    • USA
Get better soon man! Hope your right hand feels better.
#100  August 15, 2014, 05:40:02 am
  • ****
  • Busy, busy, busy
Good luck and I hope it heals soon.

thanks again Vans/Jesuszilla!
#101  August 15, 2014, 11:36:01 am
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    • USA
Not to pile it on, but my dad died tonight. Over two years ago he was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer, but it was still rough. He told me to "shine" just before he died. I'm not in a great place right now.

Download Last Bout now!
#102  August 15, 2014, 12:00:02 pm
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That's sad.
#103  August 15, 2014, 12:06:25 pm
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    • UK
Not to pile it on, but my dad died tonight. Over two years ago he was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer, but it was still rough. He told me to "shine" just before he died. I'm not in a great place right now.
That's honestly the sweetest thing a parent could say before they pass on, I hope your father will rest in peace and that you and your family will be alright.

#104  August 15, 2014, 12:17:01 pm
  • ****
    • Zimbabwe
Sean Altly...
I wish you the strengh. Stay strong, man.
My prayers are for you and your father.
#105  August 15, 2014, 12:25:26 pm
  • ****
  • Objection! Sustained!
    • Russia
Not to pile it on, but my dad died tonight. Over two years ago he was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer, but it was still rough. He told me to "shine" just before he died. I'm not in a great place right now.

Shit, man!
Are you not cursed?
Yesterday you broke your hand, today you lost your dad...
Well, be strong!
#106  August 15, 2014, 03:42:06 pm
  • ***
  • Give me Tea, or Cake!
The passing of a parent is never easy.  I lost my father to cancer 3 years ago, it still feels like yesterday.  Just take each day as it comes and focus on all of those great memories you have.  My best wishes to you and your loved ones at this time.
#107  August 15, 2014, 04:18:23 pm
  • *****
  • The Sweeper
  • Surpass my Aniki
    • Algeria
damn that suck good luck for your hand and may your father rest in peace
#108  August 15, 2014, 04:29:06 pm
  • ******
Lost my father in 2001 to cancer as well. I feel your pain. Am truly sorry for your loss. If you need to talk at any time about any thing I'll be available.
#109  August 15, 2014, 05:03:03 pm
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Man... :disappointed:

That just sucks, I don't know what else to say
#110  August 15, 2014, 06:23:48 pm
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  • ¡Ni p*ta ni santa! ¡Digo!
I'm sorry to read that. Take your time, Sean.

If you need to talk, I'm here.
I swear there was something cool here!!
#111  August 15, 2014, 06:40:06 pm
  • ******
  • Portrait Prodigy EX+
Not to pile it on, but my dad died tonight. Over two years ago he was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer, but it was still rough. He told me to "shine" just before he died. I'm not in a great place right now.

While I never post much in your WIP threads/Releases, I love your stuff and think your talents are amazing. With that said, I genuinely hope everything will be OK for you in this rough time. I wish you the best. Do what you must man. :(
All of your Mugen Portrait needs may be found HERE.

I'd like to report two robots on the MFG forums: One is EXShadow. The other is Saikoro.
There should be a Saikoro plugin for Photoshop.
#112  August 15, 2014, 07:32:07 pm
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  • The Lord of Vampire
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    • Brazil
    • Skype - guiaugusto20
Not to pile it on, but my dad died tonight. Over two years ago he was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer, but it was still rough. He told me to "shine" just before he died. I'm not in a great place right now.

That's really sad! :(

All my prayer for you and your family Sean! Be strong!
#113  August 15, 2014, 08:07:09 pm
  • ***
  • Emotionally and Mentally Exhausted
  • Heheh, so that's the deal!
    • USA
Not to pile it on, but my dad died tonight. Over two years ago he was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer, but it was still rough. He told me to "shine" just before he died. I'm not in a great place right now.

Oh man... I really feel bad for you homie. I hope you get well, things may seem difficult for you but I hope you can get through with your problems.
#114  August 16, 2014, 10:34:46 pm
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  • Who's that guy? A-L-T-L-Y
    • USA
Thanks for the support everyone. It's been a tough week. On top of all of it, the shitty place I work at offers no grievance pay of any kind. I used to work at a hotel, spending the day making beds and vacuuming and cleaning up really disgusting messes, and even they gave me three days grievance pay when my grandfather died. Plus, with my hand in the shape it's in, I can't even take a commission to make up for it. It's kind of the last straw for me as far as motivation goes to get a new job.

Anyway, didn't mean to derail this thread so much, just wanted to let you guys know I appreciate it. Hopefully this hand heals quickly so I can get back to doing this to get my mind off of things.

Download Last Bout now!
#115  August 19, 2014, 11:04:12 pm
  • ******
  • Somewhere between Guilty Gear and real rap
  • ey b0ss
Thanks for the support everyone. It's been a tough week. On top of all of it, the shitty place I work at offers no grievance pay of any kind. I used to work at a hotel, spending the day making beds and vacuuming and cleaning up really disgusting messes, and even they gave me three days grievance pay when my grandfather died. Plus, with my hand in the shape it's in, I can't even take a commission to make up for it. It's kind of the last straw for me as far as motivation goes to get a new job.

Anyway, didn't mean to derail this thread so much, just wanted to let you guys know I appreciate it. Hopefully this hand heals quickly so I can get back to doing this to get my mind off of things.

Man are you serious? For real, those motherfuckers are wack. I'm not even sure what kind of animals their mothers eloped with, and I for one don't wanna know.
Anyways, my condolences to you and your family, and best of luck to you in life, pal.
This is a generic forum signature.
#116  August 20, 2014, 01:24:22 am
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Sorry for your loss, You and your family are in my prayers

#117  August 22, 2014, 08:45:28 pm
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    • Brazil
My Little Contribution, did this one yesterday at night but didn't had time to post

from this pic


#118  August 23, 2014, 07:08:26 pm
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I am Chinese!打倒一切洋奴,慕洋犬和港台毒!
#119  September 01, 2014, 08:10:44 pm
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  • Deliverater
  • Who's that guy? A-L-T-L-Y
    • USA
My hand is feeling much better. The wrist was definitely sprained but I think my hand was just deeply bruised. It's still tender but I resumed spriting a couple of nights ago and it feels fine, especially if I wear a brace. I knocked out the commission I referenced earlier and will be getting back to Joe soon, probably after my birthday Thursday. Need to get my mind off of stuff anyway. Just thought I'd update you guys.

Download Last Bout now!
#120  September 01, 2014, 09:29:25 pm
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  • SNK is life
Great to have you back Sean!
#121  September 01, 2014, 09:34:38 pm
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Good news! :)
#122  September 01, 2014, 11:06:45 pm
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Yeah, Glad you're back man! :D
#123  September 02, 2014, 12:03:26 am
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    • Skype - guiaugusto20
Great to see you back Sean! :D
#124  September 02, 2014, 12:37:42 am
  • ******
Glad you're back, man! Happy to hear the physical healing is going well and hope the mental healing is too.

I probably won't be too active with any sprites you make for a bit. I've been working a lot of overtime again. At least 6 days a week (my normal schedule is 3 days)
#125  September 02, 2014, 10:05:55 am
  • ******
  • ¡Ni p*ta ni santa! ¡Digo!
Even I'm happy about your wrist getting better, I'd suggest to wait to a full recovery, because you could have problems in a future(shorter or longer).

Also, it's great to see you're back :)
I swear there was something cool here!!
#126  September 05, 2014, 03:23:22 pm
  • ******
About the neutral heavy kick you mentioned before, I... sort of fixed it: if it hits
- when the enemy is in air the attack sends him to the ground without bouncing;
- when the enemy is on the ground it makes the enemy bounce.

Also, I wanted to fix the movement of the crouching medium punch (with PosAdds instead of a VelSet). I commented the VelSet and coded the two PosAdds, it looks much better this way in my opinion.

I'm going to upload it in the dropbox.
Done. Updated for Joe.
Yes, it looks much better with posadd! Thanks!

And good work on the neutral HK. It works fine while standing but not when the opponent jumps. It should hit the same for standing and jumping opponents.

But I'm sure I can look at your code to tweak that when I get a chance. Not sure when that'll be though. I may be working every day for a few more weeks. I get off 1 day a week right now but won't have time/patience to code in 1 day. It takes a lot out of me to code because I get frustrated when it's not working =p
#127  September 06, 2014, 05:30:02 am
  • ***
    • Brazil

 I really loved the Joe's hair and his cool moves!
 After watch the video, i wondering about some follow-ups gonna fit with the char gameplay and promove variety.

 Some SF 4 english voices gonna fit in the char, IMO.
#128  October 04, 2014, 11:57:12 am
  • ******
@Just No Point: I updated for the neutral Heavy Kick. Tell me if it works as intended.

What I did was adding down.bounce = 1 in the Hitdef and commented p2stateno and the other states.
#129  October 16, 2014, 02:43:12 pm
  • ******
Sorry for the late response. I finally just checked the character. I had tried this method but wanted to be sure you didn't do anything different from when I tried. The problem with this method is that you cannot juggle the opponent when they bounce back up off the ground.

The best way to resolve this is to download a character that has a bounce off ground juggle state and see how it is coded.

I'm still working a lot of overtime right now and will be moving to an apartment next week. I really appreciate you continuing to look into this during my down time! :)
#130  October 19, 2014, 12:25:33 pm
  • ******
Then we have to look at KFM's code. Do you remember the custom state for his Fast Kung Fu Palm? We ought to use that with some changes.
I'll try my hand at it later.
#131  October 20, 2014, 03:08:56 pm
  • ******
@Just No Point: updated.
- Now the custom state I "made" should work right.
- I edited the juggles of the Jumping Neutral Strong Kick to 6 (it was 3);

I didn't really "make" the custom state from scratch entirely.
I made state 651, then the other two (652 and 653) were copied from the common1.cns and modified a little. In the last state you should find a note about the bounce, adjust it as you like.

Joe.air updated.
- Anim 651 is now used and has a sprite (that I think it's fitting for the blow the enemy receives).
Last Edit: October 23, 2014, 04:29:06 pm by Alex Sinigaglia
#132  November 08, 2014, 11:21:27 pm
  • **
    • USA
For his intro: He throws the brown "Street Fighter" jacket he has on in the intro to the original Street Fighter
For his victory: He throws both his arms up in the air like he does in the original SF
For his taunt: He pounds his fists together
#133  November 08, 2014, 11:47:42 pm
  • ***
  • Nothing lasts forever Jack
    • Argentina
#134  November 09, 2014, 12:12:44 am
  • **
    • USA
#135  November 11, 2014, 04:16:51 pm
  • ****
  • I need your help...
    • Mexico
I read all today...I know your feeling mi amigo, in september I lost a best friend, my little baby died one week ago, and the order law of restric my liberty is again...and for have some money I need to fight in ilegal fights here in mexico

Be strong mi amigo, is not easy but try to be strong no matherwhat smile, no matherwhat pain you feel, smille, no matherwhat the situation is smile, good times comming

Contact me if you want a mugen stuff or if you wanna give a donation I appreciate.
Nintendo 3DS friend code: 1307-0181-1655
Name: chuchoryu
#136  November 11, 2014, 04:18:32 pm
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  • "VS. Style Debuts - CEO"
  • Death is the start of a brand new cycle
    • Brazil
    • Skype - emperorzankuro
I read all today...I know your feeling mi amigo, in september I lost a best friend, my little baby died one week ago, and the order law of restric my liberty is again...and for have some money I need to fight in ilegal fights here in mexico

Be strong mi amigo, is not easy but try to be strong no matherwhat smile, no matherwhat pain you feel, smille, no matherwhat the situation is smile, good times comming

Holy fuck man, that's sad to read :/
- Want to commission me for a artwork? Just come here
- Donations is welcome
#137  November 11, 2014, 04:23:18 pm
  • ****
  • Roach Man
My respect for Chuchoryu just increased a little. I'm sorry for your loss, it is saddening to hear that. I'm glad to hear that you are able to stay positive, even in such situation. This is something I truly respect, and this is something everyone needs to think about. To stay positive and smile, no matter what.

#138  November 11, 2014, 04:26:23 pm
  • ******
  • Somewhere between Guilty Gear and real rap
  • ey b0ss
I used to think my living in the the Middle East was a problem. Reading that actually broke my heart. :-\
Your ability to stay positive despite life's negativity is truly astounding. Reading your post, I wish I was a bit like you in that aspect of personality.
Like what MotorRoach said, stay strong and smile man.
This is a generic forum signature.
#139  November 11, 2014, 04:38:12 pm
  • ******
I might be insensitive (no, I surely am), but does this have anything to do with the topic? No.
I know Chuchoryu has financial and family problems in real life and I'm sorry for that, but why is that a reason to post off-topic here? Not to mention that what Sean Altly had happened two months ago.
Last Edit: November 11, 2014, 04:42:18 pm by Alex Sinigaglia
#140  November 12, 2014, 12:44:06 am
  • ******
  • SNK is life
He's trying to show support on a personal level to a fellow creator.

I'm sorry that Chucho's timing isn't great, but I'm sorrier that you're so attached to this project that you can't allow to see behind the text of the minutia of the WIP. We usually do that here at Guild FYI, we get personal, we're people after all.

Last Edit: November 12, 2014, 12:47:21 am by Bastard Walt
#141  November 12, 2014, 05:18:46 am
  • ****
  • Objection! Sustained!
    • Russia
I read all today...I know your feeling mi amigo, in september I lost a best friend, my little baby died one week ago, and the order law of restric my liberty is again...and for have some money I need to fight in ilegal fights here in mexico

Be strong mi amigo, is not easy but try to be strong no matherwhat smile, no matherwhat pain you feel, smille, no matherwhat the situation is smile, good times comming

Well, shitty situation...
I don't know, what can I say... Just be strong, okay?
#142  November 12, 2014, 05:20:32 am
  • *****
  • Estoy siempre listo para un desafío.
    • Puerto Rico
I read all today...I know your feeling mi amigo, in september I lost a best friend, my little baby died one week ago, and the order law of restric my liberty is again...and for have some money I need to fight in ilegal fights here in mexico

Be strong mi amigo, is not easy but try to be strong no matherwhat smile, no matherwhat pain you feel, smille, no matherwhat the situation is smile, good times comming

Wait wait what!  Your fighting in illegal street fights to make some money?
#143  November 12, 2014, 05:29:18 am
  • ****
  • Roach Man

Seeing this picture of him, I'd imagine he does quite well in fighting too.

Back on Joe though, an intro with his SF title jacket sounds pretty fine. Not sure about punching through a wall as Shao Kun said, since most stages tend to be outdoors.

#144  November 12, 2014, 05:31:38 am
  • ****
  • Raging Fist
true. but there are also some cool ones indoors too, like the mall stage in Tekken 4, Shadowloo stage in Capcom vs SNK, Geese Howard's home, etc.
Also the fact that Chuch is a street fighter for real....that amazes me. it takes alot of guts training and honor to be one. Just try to stay clear of those "Fight to the Death" battles. Just because you see something in Mortal Kombat thats bloody awesome DOESNT MEAN you would do that for real.
If I had a choice of combat I would probably choose a hybrid of Karate and Kotokan Judo.
#145  November 12, 2014, 06:14:59 am
  • ******
It's fine for chuchoryu to share here. Especially during this down time. I'll actually have a few days off so I'll try to get some more bases that I owe Sean for Joe. I'll also finally be able to try your update to joe, Alex!!!
#146  November 12, 2014, 01:37:34 pm
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  • The Lord of Vampire
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    • Brazil
    • Skype - guiaugusto20
Wait wait what!  Your fighting in illegal street fights to make some money?

And that situation is really sad. I'll pray for Chucho continue being strong as he always been.

It's fine for chuchoryu to share here. Especially during this down time. I'll actually have a few days off so I'll try to get some more bases that I owe Sean for Joe. I'll also finally be able to try your update to joe

That sounds great JNP. Good luck. :)