
KOFE Story Brainstorming (Read 327132 times)

Started by swipergod, August 03, 2010, 03:00:47 pm
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KOFE Story Brainstorming
#1  August 03, 2010, 03:00:47 pm
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Slightly more in depth than the blog's:

During the events of 2k1, Original Zero (for typing sake just Zero will do), became aware of Igniz' intentions to take over NEST.  Zero, loyal to NESTS president, attempted to warn him, but Nests didn't believe his most loyal soldier was a traitor.  Since Zero couldn't prove it and not wanting to shame himself as his Clone had, he let's it go.  During the finals, he puts up a "front", battling the winning team and "losing", apparently going down in flames.  His real intent was to test the team, hoping they would be strong enough to defeat Igniz. 

Immediately after learning of Nests death, Zero becomes furious with himself for not doing more.  Seeking to make up for lost ground attempts to use Nests unfinished work to harness the limitless powers of Orochi.  Zero is aware of the events surrounding Rugal's death and realized the only way to use Orochi's power is to convert it.  He journey's to a secret lair where Nests was creating a very unstable device that could potentially work towards that end.

With the machine in his possession, he moves with his agents to break the seal and tap the power, but the machine causes a flux, instead bringing the dead back to life and Orochi back via the resurrection of Chris.  Incredibly weak from being forced back into this world without ample power gathered for his coming, Orochi is forced to retreat, commanding his forces to hold off Zero's.  A second meeting is bound to occur, and only one will come out the victor.
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Re: KOFE Story Brainstorming
#2  August 03, 2010, 03:15:41 pm
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Here are the motives for each team.  Doesn't cover their backstory or mention the actual tournament.  It's just to give an idea...

Hero team - Seek revenge on Zero's team for what they did to Chizuru.

Rival team - Carry out Zero's orders to seek out and capture Orochi.

Orochi team (Heralds of Orochi) - Back from the dead.  Tasked with defending Orochi while he recovers.

Boss team - To avoid further catastrophe, they move to intercept Zero.  Hidden intentions lurk within Geese.

K team (Neo Cartel) - Hearing about Zero's agents, they move to wipe out the last of NESTS.

Ikari Warriors - The threat to world peace is obvious and Heidern gets orders for his mercenaries to stop Zero at all costs.

Fata Fury team - With Geese on the move, the Bogards move to stop his potentially dangerous motives.

Art of Fighting team - Takuma has donned his Mr. Karate personality and joined up with Geese.  Unsure of his motives, his students move to snap him back to his senses.

Villains team - Tasked by Geese to stop meddlers from interfering with his plans.

Psycho Soldiers - In the name of love, peace and all such "Sailor Moon-ish" type stuff, Athena calls upon China's greatest to help her stop this Zero fellow.

Team Justice - Kim and Jhun gather their latest proteges to stop Zero's scheme in the name of justice!

Gorgeous Fighters - King supports Mary and Vanessa who get orders to pursue Geese.

Mark of the Wolves team - Tired of being left on the sidelines and with Geese on the move, Rock bands up a group of rookies to fight.

Saisyu - ???

Silver - ???
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Re: KOFE Story Brainstorming
#3  August 04, 2010, 01:06:58 am
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Shouldn't Ash and Adel have... i dunno... A motive for wanting to help Zero?
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Re: KOFE Story Brainstorming
#4  August 04, 2010, 01:13:50 am
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Ikari, Psycho, and Justice team seem to have the same the story o.o Only worded differently...

"Make the world revolve around you. It's more fun to think that way."
Re: KOFE Story Brainstorming
#5  August 04, 2010, 02:06:20 am
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Saishyu: while he knows his son is meant to be able to handle Orochi, for both Orochi and NESTS he'll need help, so he joins.

Silber's simple - strong people gather, he joins for a challange.
Re: KOFE Story Brainstorming
#6  August 04, 2010, 05:25:41 am
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Sorry, didn't pull this from the blog in the initial post.  Has the Adel and Ash explanation:

Zero's agents:

Boss Krizalid (right hand man/bodyguard) - Like Zero, he survives the ship crash.  Being under Zero for a long time, he remains loyal to Zero's cause.

Rival Team:

Nameless - Zero was one of the few kind individuals that Nameless knew while he suffered in NESTS experiments.  Zero assists him retain Isolide's DNA within his glove. 

Angel - Has a crush on Nameless and remains loyal to NESTS cause.

Adel  - Rugal was somehow tied into NESTS operations.  Upon taking over their father's empire, Adel, although skeptical, joins Zero's cause (at his sister's urging). 

Ash - A free agent who offers his services to Zero.  Secretly he seeks out Chizuru so that he can steal her power, but after learning of Zero shadow arts, feels it's too risky to oppose him, so he bides his time.

Well, to be fair, most stories are about justice or revenge.  K', Kyo and Terry and Mary have the same stories worded differently too.  Ikari's more a global, military operation.  Athena's a super hero, and Kim's a man obsessed with justice.  Their background stories will be more fleshed out.  This was just a quick 1 2 type of thing.

Loona, I like the Saisyu one.  Like he's testing Kyo's level type of thing.  Silber needs something a little deeper.  I need to look into this guy a little more.

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Re: KOFE Story Brainstorming
#7  August 04, 2010, 07:52:17 pm
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I like the history for Adel there, and Angel's crush on Nameless is a nice touch - I like to think the messing with time implied by the recent developments in the Ash/Those From The Past plot affected little things like effectively replacing K9999 with Nameless in the canonical plot (or creating the KoF timeline as something separate from the FF/AoF one, or making noone actually age in KoF, etc...), a ripple in time sort of thing.

Athena's a super hero, and Kim's a man obsessed with justice.  Their background stories will be more fleshed out.  This was just a quick 1 2 type of thing.

Considering technically she's still training under Chin, who's had some "feeling evil in the air" moments in the games, whatever role she has now is probably incomplete compared to whatever she may be expected to achieve in the future. Her super in the NGPC SvC where she actually turns into the classic "goddess" Athena (not to mention other moves with that sort of temporary wardrobe in some KoF games) makes me wonder if there are plans to make those characters, usually depicted as separate, maybe converge someday. Quite unlikely, but it's a more entertaining thought than putting up with her teen idol image forever.

IMO, Kim's not so much obsesses wit justice as he is with coming up with excuses to beat people to a pulp that won't get him to jail - go for people who are or look like criminals and noone will call you out on it. From the look of his KoF XI ending, when he's not getting that kind of opportunity he's drinking himself o a stupor reciting the justice speeches he uses as justifications. He's like SFA3/SSF4 Cody with a better PR plan, they'd make a great match in another crossover if that were to happen.

Silber needs something a little deeper.  I need to look into this guy a little more.

When Magaki beats him in KoF XI he comments he's a man looking for transcendence, or something of the sort. I think he (Silber) also has a special quote against Oswald in that game, probably related to either their ages or ability levels for their ages. When he challenges you in story mode, he throws away the body of Buriki One's Muay Thai guy.

His depiction in Buriki One isn't vast, but there's some artwork and scenes that illustrate it - iirc there's a pic of him sparring with the old Tai Chi Chuan guy from the same game, a likely callback to a story attributed to real-life karateka Mas Oyama, whom apparently only admitted defeat by an old Chinese Tai Chi practitioner (apparently he couldn0t manage to land a hit on the old man, though both got tired eventually iirc). Another picture has him beating up a bear. In the game, he just jumps on the arena and challanges the player, doesn't seem to have actually signed up for the tournament like the others. If you use him and beat the game with him, unlike other character who are interviewed and answer questions, he just jumps away when faced with the journalists.

I figure his transcendence plan is a a Ryu/Gouki kind of thing - push your mental and physical limits in combat. So he goes wherever he'll find someone who'll put up a fight, whether they expect him or not.
Re: KOFE Story Brainstorming
#8  August 06, 2010, 03:50:25 pm
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does'nt Geese die when Rock is a kid

Monkey D. Luffy W.I.P Thanks to C.R.O.M Lando
Re: KOFE Story Brainstorming
#9  August 06, 2010, 05:40:03 pm
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Yes and Rugal, Mature, Vice, Shermie, Yashiro, Chris, etc have all died as well. It is a story thing with Zero.

thanks again Vans/Jesuszilla!
Re: KOFE Story Brainstorming
#10  August 06, 2010, 06:34:33 pm
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In KOF canon (not counting the separate KOF MI canon), Geese is still alive and well.  I think SNK did that on purpose so they could bring the fan favorite in at any time.  Otherwise Geese actually wouldn't make sense since he's never touched Orochi blood.

SNK, doesn't seem to have any big plans for the Psycho Soldiers in the latest games.  It drags on and on about stuff that never happens.  Don't forget that this story would be a tweener between 2k1 and 2k3 so I'm trying to make the story fit.  All I've gathered is that she's an aging pop star and incredibly popular.  What makes sense to me, since she's the most "visible" to the world, when evil is running amok, people would look to her for help (kinda like Mr. Satan in DBZ even though Athena is way more powerful canonwise).  Feel free to let me know if I misinterpreted.  SNK's latest stuff confuses the crap out of me.

I see Kim as an overly exaggerated martial arts instructor.  Those who've taken Martial Arts classes with a dedicated teacher probably know what I'm talking about.  Martial arts saves the world, beating you up to make a point, courage, valour, thrill of the fight etc...  I agree that Kim loves to fight, but I don't know if I'd agree with him being like Cody who's a drifter and has little care for things other than the fight.  I mean, Kim has a family that he loves etc...  This'll play into my team specific story since MayLee basicly abandons him because of her disagreements with him.  This'll basically upset him and wonder what went wrong with her.

I like the Silver stuff.  I see this as a good opportunity to give him some dimension.  Will try to keep his personality in tact.

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Last Edit: August 07, 2010, 03:05:49 am by swipergod
Re: KOFE Story Brainstorming
#11  August 07, 2010, 12:20:15 am
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I thought Cody was just looking for entertainment in general?

thanks again Vans/Jesuszilla!
Re: KOFE Story Brainstorming
#12  August 07, 2010, 01:11:35 am
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The end of Final fight you see cares more about fighting than about his girlfriend, and SSF4 shows he cares more about fighting than not being in jail...
Re: KOFE Story Brainstorming
#13  August 07, 2010, 03:08:11 am
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Love the Final Fight.  My first arcade game.
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Re: KOFE Story Brainstorming
#14  August 07, 2010, 05:31:31 am
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I wouldn't say that Kim loves fighting above all else. He loves justice, or at least claims to. My theory is that he was incredibly devoted to true justice at first, but over time, got to the point where he might beat someone up for jaywalking. He's also a bit self centered, possibly considering himself the epitome of the ultimate 'good guy'. Just look at those pearly white smiles, not to mention how he acts in some of the endings.

(And in my honest opinion, the definition of 'justice' is very much self-interpreted...)
Re: KOFE Story Brainstorming
#15  August 11, 2010, 08:17:54 am
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The idea of make a new KOF is somewhat interesting, ok this my contribution
You try to make something like KOF2001 Plus or KOF2001.5 mmm maybe KOF Episode 8.5 - Nets Shadows :sugoi:

With your inicial idea:
Slightly more in depth than the blog's:

During the events of 2k1, Original Zero (for typing sake just Zero will do), became aware of Igniz' intentions to take over NEST.  Zero, loyal to NESTS president, attempted to warn him, but Nests didn't believe his most loyal soldier was a traitor.  Since Zero couldn't prove it and not wanting to shame himself as his Clone had, he let's it go.  During the finals, he puts up a "front", battling the winning team and "losing", apparently going down in flames.  His real intent was to test the team, hoping they would be strong enough to defeat Igniz. 

Immediately after learning of Nests death, Zero becomes furious with himself for not doing more.  Seeking to make up for lost ground attempts to use Nests unfinished work to harness the limitless powers of Orochi.  Zero is aware of the events surrounding Rugal's death and realized the only way to use Orochi's power is to convert it.  He journey's to a secret lair where Nests was creating a very unstable device that could potentially work towards that end.

With the machine in his possession, he moves with his agents to break the seal and tap the power, but the machine causes a flux, instead bringing the dead back to life and Orochi back via the resurrection of Chris.  Incredibly weak from being forced back into this world without ample power gathered for his coming, Orochi is forced to retreat, commanding his forces to hold off Zero's.  A second meeting is bound to occur, and only one will come out the victor.

Ok now we have Zero with the remaining NeStS force, Orochi(Chris) weak and the remanining of his clan and the presence of ASH from the future KOF saga.

Zero now need reorganize all his force and take control of the Orochi Clan now.

For Zero lucky a strange man contact with zero and give him very usefull information about orochi (ASH) he dont say his true intentions but in this moment Zero need all the help he can use (In fact nets never understood Orochi power and nature).

Ash revel the existence of the 3 sacred treasures and the current owners (Chizuru, Kyo, Iori) also says he can sustract the sacred treasures from the hosts, Zero accept Ash help.

Zero needs to attract Kyo, Iori and Kagura for the Treasueres and with this he can attract the Orochis coz they see this is the best oportunity to rid the Kusanagi-Yagami-Kagura clans and guarantee the rebirth of this god.

Zero think he need to organize another KOF tournament for attract many strong fighters (fighting data for new clones), the orochi clan(Chris-Orochi), and the three sacred treasueres.

Now with the fail of the KOF2001 tournament due the NESTS rampage (southtown was destroyed etc...) Zero
reorganize the KOF tournament once again for his own dark agenda. >:D

Here are the motives for each team.   8)  (PS. i think 3 players team works better)

Kyo team -> Kyo-Benimaru-Goro (Original Japan Teams Forever :sugoi:)

This time Kyo really wants destroy NESTS once for all, he has grudge agains NESTS for all the experiments they done with him in all NEST saga.(Maybe he wants a economic compesation for use his DNA whitout his persmison ;D)

Iori Team -> Iori-Elizabeth-Chizuru_Kagura (Iori really dont want team with KYO, Kyo feels in the same way )

Elizabeth contact with Kyo-Iori-Kagura and tells about the resurection of Orochi by Zero and the alliance of ASH with NESTS cartel, when the new KOF tourment was anounced they make teams and go to tourment for put end to NESTS and orochi resurection.
PD. Mature and Vice are death in the oficial canon (Ioris fault >:D) but if you want they come maybe they can be resurected by orochi as formal members of the Hakkesshu(Orochi Clan)

Heralds of Orochi -> Yashiro-Shermie-Goenitz

Back from the dead.  Tasked with defending Orochi while he recovers.
Mmm in the oficial canon Goenitz is death but maybe you can put Wind/Goeniko/Reas and make her come to the plot --;  in fact i prefer Wind over Goenitz :sugoi:  Goenitz must be always a BOSS coz his one of the Four Heavenly Kings with Awakened Chris-Shermie-Yashiro)

K team -> K-Maxima-Kula

Hearing about Zero's agents, they move to wipe out the last of NESTS.
With the end of Ingniz K moves to put end all the remaining NESTS bases with the guide of Heidern(maybe her sister(Whip) orders to do ;P).

Ikari Warriors-> Heidern-Ralf-Clark

The threat to world peace is obvious and Heidern gets orders for his mercenaries to stop Zero at all costs.
PD. Maybe you can put leona and Whip in another team with Foxy or Diana but in the canon Foxy was stabed by K9999 at the end of KOF2001 and she is presumible death.

Fata Fury team -> Terry-Joe-Andy

With Geese on the move, the Bogards move to stop his potentially dangerous motives (fucking Geese >:D).

Art of Fighting team -> Takuma-Ryo-Robert

For stop NESTS once for all. past KOF2001 motives. :P

Villains team -> Gato-Billy-Yamasaki

Tasked by Geese to stop meddlers from interfering with his plans.

Athena Team -> Athena-(Momoko-Hinako-LiXianfei-Malin-Kasumi) duno maybe can make 2 teams :sugoi: someting like Athena Team and Kasumi Team. ;P

In the KOF2001 whith the original canon BAO was injured and he and Kensou loses his power knowing this fact Master Chin prohibits Kensou and Bao to enter the new KOF tournament the same for Athena but she goes alone and make Team with her classmates ala KOF XI style
PD. Kensou can make a single entry but with the Psycho power

Team Justice ->  Kim-Chang-Choi (and a second team formet of Duck-Jwa-Jhun)
Gather their latest proteges to stop Zero's scheme in the name of justice!

Gorgeous Fighters ->King-Yuri-May

King supports Mai and Yuri who get orders to pursue Geese.

Mark of the Wolves team ->Rock-Hotaru-Jenet

Tired of being left on the sidelines and with Geese on the move, Rock bands up a group of rookies to fight.
In fact Rock never come into KOF canon outside Maximum Impact 2 (another crap game >:() but Hotaru and Jenet are in the KOF XI, mmmmmmm ok why not mugen is mugen
Rock comes to the scene to face his father, Hotaru joins Rock coz he make the promise of help her to find his lost brother, Jenet has a crush on Terry(After seeing an old photograph of him, Jenet considers Terry as "her first love".) and joins Rock for help Terry.

Silver Team-> Lee-Silver-Eiji

mmmm. Silver in fact is the SNK version of Capcoms Gouki a man who only want to fight with the most powerful fighters his not evil. For this tournament i think Krauser/Geese promices a battle wiht him only he join the KOF tournament. Eiji have some bussines with yagami. And Lee is a mercenary.

Anti Hero Team -> Nameless-Ash-Angel

With Zero aliance with Ash he joins KOF with this team.
For Nameless, Zero promicess resurect Isolde only if he help Zero for acomplish his agenda.
For Angel mmmmmmmm...... in the canon she has a crush on K9999 but for the copyright(Akira movie) all the story was changed --; but this is my theory: 
At the end of KOF2001 K9999 go out of control, Zero and Angel tries to stop him but all the efforts goes to nothing Angel dont want his only friend die and pledges Zero to save him, Zero dont want to lose more agents and with the help of Krizalid and other NESTS agents they capture K9999 and put into a cell in the NESTS base. Seeing his friend in this state Angel loses all interest in fight. But Zero need Angel in his plans he brainwashed the girl and make replace all the memories of K9999 for Nameless, now a confused Angel looks K9999 in Nameless.

Blue Mary Team -> Mary-Raiden-Tizoc

Mary want to stop NESTS and ask for her granpa assist Raiden. and Raiden ask to his old friend Tizon to join the team.

Agents Team-> Vanessa-Seth-Ramon

Stops NETS.

South-Town Kings team -> Geese-MrBig-Krauser

To avoid further catastrophe, they move to intercept Zero.  Hidden intentions lurk within Geese.
Ok in the KOF96 they disolved the team and say the never work again together but they have a common enemy NESTS. And for Geese he knows about orochi resurection and this time he want that power.

PD. In the oficial canon maybe be dead coz the FF Real Bout says that but for make KOF96 the authors resurect
him and make him inmortal you can read in this page ( --;
PD2. Mr Karate are only Takuma with mask he only have a evul side in SVC-Chaos (But that game is crap, trash)

NESTS Bosses Team-> Krizalid-Adelheid-Dio

For Adel - Rugal was somehow tied into NESTS operations.  Upon taking over their father's empire, Adel, although skeptical, joins Zero's cause (at his sister's urging).

For Krizalid, in the canon he dead but Zero made a new one (Instat cloning Mark Acme :sugoi:) But this clone dont have any memories and is more week that the original Krizalid, But Zero restored the last fight data from the NESTS computer of the last fight of Krizalid with K and now fully funcional Krizalid was born (maybe he has some memories of the original) but he wants a remath with K.

For Dio in the seach for stonger fighter NESTS agents found a strange being presumible a Cyborg fight with a ninja (Hanzo) with the result of the winning of Hanzo and the destruction of Dio, with a wounded Hanzo the neSTS agents take the rest of Dio (with a broom :sugoi:) and take to the NESTS laboratoris when they restore the Cyborg for his own purposes >:D

Saysiu Team -> Saisyu-Shingo-Kyoko the KOF2001 Stiker/Yukino Osawa from KOF Memorial

For Saisyu want to test Kyo progress as the future succesor of the clan.
For Shingo, Ok Saisyu reclutes and train Shingo in the end of the KOF2001, i think(hope) with the good sensei Kusanagi shingo now improve his abilities( :S at least he can use lighter for simule the flames :sugoi:).
For the other team member
-Kyoko a classmate of Shingo and Kyo and a fan of Kyo maybe this chick have more potensial over shingo :sugoi:
-Yukino Osawa i really like this character but dunno is the creator give permision to use her, in any fact Yukino is a class mate of Kyo and Shingo one day she say Shingo and his sensei training with the flames and only for fun she trys too and for surprice of Saisyu the girl genere a flamme, now Saisyu convince her (pledge :P) to become her disciple. What is the mysteri over Yukino for that power only the time tells.

Final Bosses

Zero - Orochi - Revived Omegarugal (MKIII :sugoi:) - Revived Goenitz - Nigtmare Geese(with the Orochi power)

Extras-Singles Entry

Kensou - Mr Karate - Riot Leona - Riot Iori - Riot Leona - Riot Yamasaki - Shiki??? - Hanzo(WofH) - Etc

Ufffff :P :P im tired, good night......


Re: KOFE Story Brainstorming
#16  August 11, 2010, 10:29:34 am
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You added and took away characters and rearranged the teams. This is about ideas for the story, not roster. Anyways, here's some stuff I cooked up, though it's been a while, so i'm a bit rusty.

Silber-He doesn't officiallly join the tournament, but challenges only the worthiest opponents *hint*beat the bosses *hint* to fully test his abilities.

Mr. Karate- Either brainwashed by Geese or acts under him in order to both test his students and find out Geese's plot

Rugal-Simple. Get revenge on Kyo for killing him TWICE and claim the power of Orochi.

Re: KOFE Story Brainstorming
#17  August 11, 2010, 09:40:16 pm
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Mr. Karate- Either brainwashed by Geese or acts under him in order to both test his students and find out Geese's plot

Geese dont have the resourcess for brainwashing somebody the man is a ganster, In AOF Karate work for Geese only coz yuri was kidnapped by MrBig.


Re: KOFE Story Brainstorming
#18  August 11, 2010, 10:27:52 pm
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Geese dont have the resourcess for brainwashing somebody the man is a ganster, In AOF Karate work for Geese only coz yuri was kidnapped by MrBig.
I'm not even going to argue with you, since you obviously don't know anything.
Re: KOFE Story Brainstorming
#19  August 14, 2010, 05:37:49 pm
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Paulo, you have some pretty interesting ideas with some of the character stories, but I'm not really willing to change the roster at this point.  Especially not for unpopular choices like Chang and Choi.  There are 4 character in a team since mugen allows for up to 4 characters by default.  3 members per team doesn't make sense when the system maxes out at 4.  Maybe try taking the teams as they exist and create a story around that.

Mr. Karate's reasons for joining are closer to # 2 I'm thinking.  He's kind of keeping Geese in check, but also using his help because the powers they're up against requires experience as well as power.  Kinda an unholy alliance so to speak.

Rugal and Kyo have a special intro based off of what you mentioned.  Kyo states, "Let's do this already" and Rugal says, "I've been waiting for this moment." :)

There have always been powerful foes.  What's the trigger that captures Silver's interest this time around?  That's the depth I'm looking for.  For example:  Silver may have lost to someone in the past (let's say Geese), and went on a training quest of sorts to better himself.  Now confident in his superior strength, he hunts for worthy foes.  That's what I mean by depth.  Give him a little substance.  Just brainstorm it.

Thanks for all your ideas everyone.  Keep them coming.
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Re: KOFE Story Brainstorming
#20  August 14, 2010, 11:42:06 pm
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Silver could sense Orochi, and what's more of a challenge than fighting a god?

I'll think of something. It's hard to think of something for Silver, since he's only appeared in two games and neither of them really explained him. Then again, that opens up possibilities to go wild with his story..
Last Edit: August 15, 2010, 12:40:32 am by MalaDingDong