
Deadpool Updated- 11/22/2013 (Read 108418 times)

Started by Infinite Daze, May 10, 2013, 11:49:13 pm
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Re: Deadpool
#61  May 11, 2013, 12:17:38 pm
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After more testing with Deadpool, he does need a nerf on Trigger Happy, either w/ less bullets or more of a delay between shots.

Also, Deadpool has the same unblockable bug that Cable has but with Katana-Rama.  Canceling Katana-Rama into either Cutting Time or Weapon XI on block becomes unblockable.

It gets worse.  I decided to check your other characters and B. Jenet and Gouken also have this problem.  For Jenet, canceling Buffrass into either An Oi Mademoiselle, Aurora, Many Many Torpedoes, or Wild Brace becomes unblockable.  For Gouken, canceling Hadouken into all forms of Shin Shoryuken become unblockable.

Billy doesn't seem to have this problem from what I can find, and I don't have Krauser or El Stingray.
Last Edit: May 11, 2013, 12:22:19 pm by senorfro
Re: Deadpool
#62  May 11, 2013, 03:17:30 pm
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Are you planning on making a Tifa?
Im Sanji Cook of the Straw Hat Pirates and Im cool as can be,you got a problem with me then talk with my captain Luffy.


Re: Deadpool
#63  May 11, 2013, 03:23:25 pm
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I'm really sorry, but I just don't see it.  It works well in the corner, combos off of knockdowns (trips, supers, etc.), and works off of parries.  Yes, A, and B have more range, but I see them as keep away and anti-air, while C is for set-ups and extensions.  I just don't see it necessary for it to have more range.  Maybe if anyone else wants to throw in their 2 cents on the move.

*throws in 2 cents* I agree with you that the range isn't a problem. Especially considering how good the move is will extending combos, extending the range only buffs it unnecessarily. How you described the varied versions is exactly what was intended for each respective version.
Re: Deadpool
#64  May 11, 2013, 04:26:36 pm
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Also, Deadpool has the same unblockable bug that Cable has but with Katana-Rama.  Canceling Katana-Rama into either Cutting Time or Weapon XI on block becomes unblockable.

It gets worse.  I decided to check your other characters and B. Jenet and Gouken also have this problem.  For Jenet, canceling Buffrass into either An Oi Mademoiselle, Aurora, Many Many Torpedoes, or Wild Brace becomes unblockable.  For Gouken, canceling Hadouken into all forms of Shin Shoryuken become unblockable.

Billy doesn't seem to have this problem from what I can find, and I don't have Krauser or El Stingray.
I finally figured it out in Deadpool and boy do I feel DUMB!!!  :'( . I will update the older characters later.
Re: Deadpool
#65  May 11, 2013, 04:49:42 pm
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Also, this might just be a style difference... But I feel a lot of his attacks are too safe.

He just seems WAY too good for... Even this style. I think his teleport should have the 3 time limit before hurting Deadpool from UMvC3.

Of course this is all from first impressions of the AI using him. So I might be wrong about this... This will need more confirmation.

This I think sums up how I'm feeling about him. He has way too many safe option at all ranges, projectiles, teleports, slide/charging star moves, and more. There's a lot you can chain right now. I felt this way with Cable too: They feel way too powerful in the subtle ways. There seems to be very few disadvantages to a lot of moves for both. I keep thinking of Goku and Vegita Z2, who both also have lots of options, but who don't give me that feeling. I'm not sure what it is exactly.

I liked the sprite scaling you did on Cable (some of the best I've seen of a MVC to batter fit with CVS but still hold detail without looking f'ed up) but the Deadpool got scaled in a way that isn't pleasing. I think it's that he seems too squished sideways.

I look forward to seeing the tweaks that will come with future updates!
Re: Deadpool
#66  May 11, 2013, 05:04:45 pm
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Yeah, though I feel Deadpool's more safe then Cable even. Since Cable has a LOT of end lag on his guns.

But yeah, I feel they're a little too powerful for this style even.

Even Infinite's Cloud seems a little bit less safe. Since a lot of his moves put him at a huge disadvantage when blocked.

Deadpool's Katama-rama for example is not only relatively safe on block, but it's hit box lasts for a lot longer then the animation suggests.

At the VERY least, his defense should be below average. Possibly same for Cable.
Re: Deadpool
#67  May 11, 2013, 05:09:07 pm
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Deadpool's Katama-rama for example is not only relatively safe on block
Not really. It's -10 on block. Only if you meaty an opponent with it can it be safe. The end lag on Cable's guns only worked because his guns knocked P2 down. Deadpool's don't, adding ending lag like Cable would leave him punishable even if he hit P2 with their shots. Cable's gun shots can still be punished if they hit if P2 gets up quick enough.
Is finding MUGEN to be more enjoyable to play when you're not wearing clothes an underrated opinion?
Last Edit: May 11, 2013, 05:31:37 pm by C.A.N
Re: Deadpool
#68  May 11, 2013, 06:06:43 pm
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If you disable palette selection in the config, he only loads with the default palette, regardless of the button(s) pressed when selecting him.
Re: Deadpool
#69  May 11, 2013, 07:24:38 pm
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Alright, here's my 500 cents

+ Good work on the chain combo disabler this time around, the fact that it changes the damage is a much better implemented idea, hope you add this to your other stuff too(primarily Gouken :3)!
+ Also love the togglable bullet casing effects for people with slower comps, not a bad idea at all.
- Heavy Katanarama always groundbounces, even if not OTG'd
- -2 on block for heavy normals is a bit lenient, maybe -3 or -4? This is just opinion but I'm basing it on stuff.
- Maybe you can make EX Teleport blow Deadpool up if you use a certain button combination, could probably work well enough(have the normal version blow up around 3 times use too, if you feel like doin so.)
- air HP turns around automatically if you're behind the enemy.

Other than that, this feels pretty awright. Not a big deadpool guy so I can't attest to much. Gonna leave this for Gouken too though.
- crouching punches are too advantageous on block. Cr. LP is +7, Cr. MP is +5, and Cr.HP is +4. Seems a bit strange so I figured I'd inform you during this deadpool feedback thing.

That's all I got, good work.

But are there truly grown men in this world?!


Re: Deadpool
#70  May 11, 2013, 08:42:18 pm
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At the VERY least, his defense should be below average. Possibly same for Cable.

Thanks for reminding me of this. DP should have lower health than the average fighter. Around 970 should work. He has less health in MvC3 than an average fighter like Ryu.

- Heavy Katanarama always groundbounces, even if not OTG'd

^Does that in source. Regardless if p2 is otg or not, it groundbounces.

Re: Deadpool
#71  May 11, 2013, 09:10:56 pm
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So.  Fucking.  Pumped!
Fucking IMT
#72  May 11, 2013, 11:39:49 pm
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These assholes at IMT are getting on my nerves, talking about I didn't ask for permission to use their teams sprites...I gave these fuckboys credit and they coming complaining that I didn't try and talk to any of them...I haven't released anything at IMT in like a year and I never will again. I have released around 40+ edits in the past now that I used some of the sprites that mod's team have made they complain about permission, fucking hypocrites. Anyway I took Deadpool down their also. Here's the dead thread to their dying site. So I'm purposely thinking of making the next character based on this Batzarro fucker next, just thinking of doing this out of spite, and I might not even give him credit this time.

The thread is lock so I can't respond anymore but they unlock it and say things back.

Re: Deadpool
#73  May 11, 2013, 11:46:21 pm
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LOL at Batzarro saying "I guess since it wasn't praise you took it bad." He's clearly never seen you take feedback. Keep going strong with your stuff and forget about IMT. They're not worth the trouble.
Is finding MUGEN to be more enjoyable to play when you're not wearing clothes an underrated opinion?
Re: Deadpool
#74  May 11, 2013, 11:48:21 pm
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LOL IMT and Unlimited. Oh wait, I thought we weren't supposed to say that anymore. Oh well.

Let them play with their old "official" buggy version of the character and let us enjoy your superior version which has credits.
Let them live in their dinosaur era of not sharing anything, when many of them are editing POTS chars to give them shitty HR sprites or aerial raves. LOL hypocrites.
Re: Deadpool
#75  May 11, 2013, 11:50:06 pm
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Re: Deadpool
#76  May 11, 2013, 11:52:21 pm
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What a bunch of assholes...

And as Can said, they obviously haven't seen you take proper feedback. You accept it, and rework your characters accordingly rather quickly.

Just ignore those fools. Your Deadpool, while it has a few balance flaws right now. Is FAR better then their Deadpool.
Re: Deadpool
#77  May 11, 2013, 11:54:10 pm
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Basically, all I can read on Batzarro's posts is


He talks like his team did a prodigy exceptional job when all the Unlimited character has is Cyclops sprite edits and things like that. By his mentality, I can totally bitch on Batzarro for editing official sprite work from Capcom and SNK, since he didn't ask for permission (not to mention frankenspriting is one of the things he does the most).

Re: Deadpool
#78  May 11, 2013, 11:54:38 pm
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just try him and i have to say it is a very great character better then the other deadpool nice jobs infinite
cant wait for your other char
Re: Deadpool
#79  May 12, 2013, 12:03:15 am
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Im not taking sides but I don't feel that Infinite did anything wrong. He had released alot edits over there in the past plus the stuff in his new style and nothing was ever said and no one ever had any problems with it but the minute that Deadpool originally by the Unlimited got released by Infinite in his own take and style, Everyone wants to BLOW UP! LIKE OMG Like really?.....

Once you put this stuff on the internet, anyone is liable to do whatever they want to it. Besides, they have had years to improve that Deadpool, YEARS and never did or if they did they never released it and then when someone comes along and improves it or whatever, its a problem....

But why would permission be needed now, obviously no one on the team took the time to release a better version of the original so it must not have been that important to them like they claim it to be

All I'm saying is that instead of coming at the guy for not asking for permission, they should've just took what he did to update theirs or something or better yet since they are so firm with what they believe, asked him if they could use what he did to Deadpool themselves. Yet I don't even know why its such a big deal anyway, he didnt use any of their codes or sounds or animations. Just sprites.... Deadpool plays in a completely different style.....
Last Edit: May 12, 2013, 12:13:07 am by ~R@CE AKIR@~
Re: Deadpool
#80  May 12, 2013, 12:09:27 am
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The char is amazing I'm uploading a video of him right now. Leave the idiots who don't like your creations and keep them to the ones who want and deserve them.
Last Edit: May 12, 2013, 01:54:50 am by Macaulyn