
Z2 Inspired stages! (Read 558346 times)

Started by Daeron, December 11, 2012, 05:37:11 pm
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Re: Z2 Inspired stages!
#201  October 31, 2013, 12:23:02 am
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Actually i was thinking on a warfare-like alternate version, long before the hitler idea.
With destroyed cars, fire and maybe some tank, and a helicopter reporting the fight, but cant find the source of that helicopter with a camera man sprite i saw in some capcom game.
Could somebody help me with that?
Re: Z2 Inspired stages!
#202  October 31, 2013, 12:29:45 am
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are you talking about this stage

Re: Z2 Inspired stages!
#203  October 31, 2013, 12:32:09 am
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MSH, spiderman stage, it has a helicopter reflecting with a cameraman.
Re: Z2 Inspired stages!
#204  November 01, 2013, 08:47:18 pm
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İ suggested those helicopter ideas on pm and got your answer. İ am adding it here aswell so looking back into this might be easier.

Hey there,

Those are is the stages from SF Turbo Revival for the GBA. İt is the first stage. İt isn't a helicopter but, it could give You spriting ideas for Your Gohan Stage.

This is Bullseye wich is made by O İlusionista. He has a stage with a helicopter in The Background.

Re: Z2 Inspired stages!
#205  November 02, 2013, 02:37:26 am
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I absolutely love all of your stages and your mimic of the z2 style is impressive! :D
I wanted to ask though, if by any chance you plan on working on a cell games arena in the future? My bad, just read first page about it. Nevermind. Keep up the awesome work! I'm hyped for your city stage. Hope you find your camera stage too!
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Last Edit: November 02, 2013, 02:42:24 am by SuperGohanSunderland
Re: Z2 Inspired stages!
#206  November 02, 2013, 05:07:15 am
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Although not a helicopter...may at least be good for ideas?

Re: Z2 Inspired stages!
#207  November 03, 2013, 04:31:19 pm
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Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

Here are some copters... just revamp them and here you got ;)
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Re: Z2 Inspired stages!
#208  November 03, 2013, 05:09:52 pm
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Thanks for the sources people! :D
Re: Z2 Inspired stages!
#209  November 05, 2013, 08:54:08 pm
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You're Welcome. İ know that You are bussy with other things aswell but, since this is a general stage topic of Yours, do you have any other Stage ideas wich You can share?
Re: Z2 Inspired stages!
#210  April 23, 2014, 12:18:27 am
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  • Whats a girlfriend? its something you can eat?
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boy... its kinda chilly today uh?
Re: Z2 Inspired stages!
#211  April 23, 2014, 02:07:02 am
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Awesome man!
Re: Z2 Inspired stages!
#212  April 23, 2014, 02:07:45 am
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looking good is it a red ribbon army stage?
Re: Z2 Inspired stages!
#213  April 23, 2014, 02:11:48 am
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Re: Z2 Inspired stages!
#214  April 23, 2014, 09:59:00 am
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This looks pretty cool already (no pun intended).
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Re: Z2 Inspired stages!
#215  April 23, 2014, 11:54:29 am
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Hm, that ice stage indeed an Android 13 stage but it could be a Dr. Wheelo stage too since the sky is dark.
Re: Z2 Inspired stages!
#216  April 23, 2014, 11:41:58 pm
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The Artics are owned by the Red Ribbon Army in DBZ now? It sounds new to me. Where did you hear it?

Sometimes I can't understand these types of discussions.
Just say it's an Artic stage.
Re: Z2 Inspired stages!
#217  April 23, 2014, 11:59:40 pm
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I don't think they own the entire Arctic, just there was a base there in Dragonball that came up in some of the later DBZ games...

Plus, yeah, the Android 13 movie took place up there too.

By the way, with Vegeta and the ice breaking under him, is that just him being conveniently placed or is it actually interactive like that, with the ice breaking?
Re: Z2 Inspired stages!
#218  April 24, 2014, 12:08:14 am
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Though that kind of stage interaction would be very cool, the ice crack under his feet is there from the beginning, it's always there.
Re: Z2 Inspired stages!
#219  April 24, 2014, 12:25:00 am
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Alright then.  Thanks for the clarification.
Re: Z2 Inspired stages!
#220  April 24, 2014, 01:01:21 am
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Well i was more inspired by these old dragon ball z games, the butoden ones.

Like they just have a bunch of generic stages like desert, forest, artic, underwater.
But expect some Red Ribbon references.

Thou you cant notice by the screenshots, this is a traveling stage, so the main ice platform in wich the players fight moves along the sea.