
MugenHook - upgrade your M.U.G.E.N! (Read 1718912 times)

Started by ermaccer, September 20, 2019, 03:01:11 pm
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Re: MugenHook - upgrade your M.U.G.E.N!
#81  September 23, 2019, 07:43:36 pm
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    • Italy
Hi! Can I suggest a thing?

When you enter in Team Arcade or Team Versus mode, actually the cursor's initial position is on "Simul". Can be moved to "Single"?
Re: MugenHook - upgrade your M.U.G.E.N!
#82  September 23, 2019, 07:44:19 pm
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How do you set animations and big potraits to appear at the same time?
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Re: MugenHook - upgrade your M.U.G.E.N!
#83  September 23, 2019, 08:12:45 pm
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Re: MugenHook - upgrade your M.U.G.E.N!
#84  September 23, 2019, 08:17:34 pm
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well, I could do that,
but the air and sff of the chars have the resources to do that without editing.

Maybe in a next version could something be done ? like an option to not disable the big.potraits when the animations are enabled?
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Re: MugenHook - upgrade your M.U.G.E.N!
#85  September 23, 2019, 09:31:58 pm
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well, I could do that,
but the air and sff of the chars have the resources to do that without editing.

Maybe in a next version could something be done ? like an option to not disable the big.potraits when the animations are enabled?

It's also a problem if, let's say the ability to show the palette selected for animated portraits gets added.
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Re: MugenHook - upgrade your M.U.G.E.N!
#86  September 24, 2019, 01:58:49 am
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Is this possible make tag mode to work?

Even like simul mode, with two chars at same time.

With one more mode,  maybe we can use one mode with add004 tag, and another with the Classic dramatic batle!
Re: MugenHook - upgrade your M.U.G.E.N!
#87  September 24, 2019, 04:45:56 am
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can it ressurect elecbyte from the dead?

thank you
Re: MugenHook - upgrade your M.U.G.E.N!
#88  September 24, 2019, 05:02:56 am
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    • Australia
Sorry, I'll rephrase my original feature request:

Ability to specify life recovery in Turns mode by either % of the character's life value in constants.cns, or an exact amount (as in lifeadd sctrlr)
Re: MugenHook - upgrade your M.U.G.E.N!
#89  September 25, 2019, 12:08:48 am
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This looks really cool.  My dream setup has always been @glassbox:'s Alpha Storm screenpack with animated ports and tag support, and it looks like it getting closer.
Re: MugenHook - upgrade your M.U.G.E.N!
#90  September 26, 2019, 12:34:35 am
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    • France
Made some quick tests :

Issues :
- Animation doesn't work if a sprite is "linked to" another (blank sprites), I had to point to the original indexed sprite in the air file. (Fighter Factory Classic helped with that)
- I think the tool is case sensitive : Some air files needed to be formated (ex Action with A work, not with lowercased first letter). (notepad++ helped too)
- Some issues with palettes (Fighter Factory has an option to apply the good palette to sprites)

As I said, this is a very promising tool.
Last Edit: September 26, 2019, 12:40:28 am by duracelleur
Re: MugenHook - upgrade your M.U.G.E.N!
#91  September 26, 2019, 08:39:31 am
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Any plans on adding a proper "Team Order Select" feature?
I know M.U.G.E.N. has one with the arrow keys but it's very confusing and restrictive. A KOF-styled one would be very nice to have, with a button assigned to a character to choose its order before matches.
Re: MugenHook - upgrade your M.U.G.E.N!
#92  September 26, 2019, 05:07:22 pm
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  • Why,
Why not make it in easier? WHY download something MORE also?
I know, you try keep your files so small at possible... but ...
What i seen, all hasnt SAME  long animations... or even same after all...

Example, some if you throw hem just dissapear or KFM show self...

Some at just... change colors.
Hey, can i help, or maybe i need help
Re: MugenHook - upgrade your M.U.G.E.N!
#93  September 26, 2019, 07:04:00 pm
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  • Formerly known as HyperClawManiac
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    • UK
Why not make it in easier? WHY download something MORE also?
I know, you try keep your files so small at possible... but ...
What i seen, all hasnt SAME  long animations... or even same after all...

Example, some if you throw hem just dissapear or KFM show self...

Some at just... change colors.

Yeah, I put this onto Beterhans' pre-patched Mugen 1.1 with his characters and his SF2 Turbo HD Ryu and Ken suffered the animation problems mentioned.
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Re: MugenHook - upgrade your M.U.G.E.N!
#94  September 26, 2019, 07:19:33 pm
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I actually have a suggestion/idea.

What about "lose portraits" on the winquote screen? Either something like Street Fighter 2, or a simple "greyed out\crossed out" version of the portrait of the defeated character?
Re: MugenHook - upgrade your M.U.G.E.N!
#95  September 26, 2019, 07:33:15 pm
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    • UK
or have Win/Lose screens when you lose during Arcade Mode?
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Most likely my next full-game
Re: MugenHook - upgrade your M.U.G.E.N!
#96  September 27, 2019, 02:33:52 pm
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Can you add an option where we can have the animated sprites show on top of the stage select font?

So I can put visual stage select directly underneath the animations.
Re: MugenHook - upgrade your M.U.G.E.N!
#97  September 27, 2019, 02:50:24 pm
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    • Brazil
I have a few questions.

- Is it possible to fix some problems in 1.1 that were not present in 1.0? Such as sound fx cut-off during transition from a screen to another (for example, from the menu to the character select), portraits not sharing palette with the char in lifebars, etc.
- Is it possible to make character intros unskippable? Just make it so you HAVE to wait until the characters have finished their intros.
- Also unskippable versus / winquote screens, or at least an amount of time that you have to wait before being able to skip it?
Re: MugenHook - upgrade your M.U.G.E.N!
#98  September 27, 2019, 03:20:58 pm
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MugenHook Works in mugen1.0?
Re: MugenHook - upgrade your M.U.G.E.N!
#99  September 27, 2019, 03:35:09 pm
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Re: MugenHook - upgrade your M.U.G.E.N!
#100  September 27, 2019, 03:39:11 pm
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Why not make it in easier? WHY download something MORE also?
I know, you try keep your files so small at possible... but ...
What i seen, all hasnt SAME  long animations... or even same after all...

Example, some if you throw hem just dissapear or KFM show self...

Some at just... change colors.

Ultimate ASI Loader can get updated and MugenHook can not for example, that's why they are seperate downloads.
What do you mean with your animation error?

Sorry, I'll rephrase my original feature request:

Ability to specify life recovery in Turns mode by either % of the character's life value in constants.cns, or an exact amount (as in lifeadd sctrlr)

Should be doable in a .ini toggle.

I have a few questions.

- Is it possible to fix some problems in 1.1 that were not present in 1.0? Such as sound fx cut-off during transition from a screen to another (for example, from the menu to the character select), portraits not sharing palette with the char in lifebars, etc.
- Is it possible to make character intros unskippable? Just make it so you HAVE to wait until the characters have finished their intros.
- Also unskippable versus / winquote screens, or at least an amount of time that you have to wait before being able to skip it?

- No idea, never really used 1.0
- Doubtful
- Should be doable.

Made some quick tests :

Issues :
- Animation doesn't work if a sprite is "linked to" another (blank sprites), I had to point to the original indexed sprite in the air file. (Fighter Factory Classic helped with that)
- I think the tool is case sensitive : Some air files needed to be formated (ex Action with A work, not with lowercased first letter). (notepad++ helped too)
- Some issues with palettes (Fighter Factory has an option to apply the good palette to sprites)

As I said, this is a very promising tool.

- Can do nothing about linked sprites, you'll have to use unique ones.
- Palette is the first available one, can do nothing either until I figured out a way to load more palettes.

I'll take a look with the case sensitive thing (didn't know there are .air files with random case stuff), an update should be done on this weekend featuring sliding portraits and per character scale, could not work much this week as no time.