
The Rising Son of Fortune - Tristan Samroy (Read 35500 times)

Started by Sean Altly, January 25, 2021, 03:54:31 am
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The Rising Son of Fortune - Tristan Samroy
#1  January 25, 2021, 03:54:31 am
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^^^ Art is of his old design, the new design is in the group picture and has already been completed in his .sff ^^^


Tristan Samroy
  -Country of Origin: USA
  -Fighting Style: Unique (mix of Karate, Muay Thai, Pro Wrestling, and others)
  -Nickname: The Rising Son of Fortune
  -Bio: A young martial artist whose rich parents funded all of his training, but he never has the discipline or patience to master any one style. His parents finally cut him off so he enters the tournament to prove that all of his training amounted to something.


-M.G.K. - F+HK - Steps forward into a knee strike to the gut. Press HK twice afterwards for two additional rapid-fire knees


-Tristan Fist - QCB+P - A straight karate-style punch the body of his opponent that travels a short distance
  -EX Version hits hard and causes wall bounce

-Tristan Kick - QCB+K - A flying spin kick with good priority and travel distance
  -EX Version is fast and hits overhead, causing hard knockdown

-Rolling Thunder - QCF+P - An evasive roll into a lariat, an ode to his brief time training to be a pro wrestler. If you hold P, he won't do the lariat at the end and will instead just do the evasive roll
  -EX Version adjusts the distance of the roll so it always ends in front of the opponent and does extra damage

-American Airborne - DP+K - A leaping double knee press that hits overhead
  -EX Version homes in on the opponent


- Defense Drive - The Rising Son - QCFx2+K - A very strong rising double kick that sends the opponent flying

- Offense Drive - The Tristan Samroy Experience - QCFx2+P+K - Tristan's signature combo that starts with a Tristan Fist and ends with a flying kick that sends the airborne opponent crashing to the ground hard

- Maximum Over Drive - Trust Fund Combo - QCFx2+P - An evasive roll followed by an unblockable grab. He follows this with a series of knees and a huge Tristan Fist. The roll is invincible and if Tristan ends up on the other side of his opponent, he will adjust so he still grabs the opponent.

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Last Edit: January 25, 2021, 04:26:56 am by Sean Altly
Re: The Rising Son of Fortune - Tristan Samroy
#2  January 25, 2021, 11:51:24 pm
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FINALLY...Tristan Smroy HAS...COME...home.
Re: The Rising Son of Fortune - Tristan Samroy
#3  January 27, 2021, 01:32:38 pm
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What exactly does M.G.K stand for? My guess is Machine Gun Knee, assuming the K is Knee.
WIP Schedule:
Most likely my next full-game
Re: The Rising Son of Fortune - Tristan Samroy
#4  January 27, 2021, 02:23:14 pm
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Yes! Tristan's turn!
Re: The Rising Son of Fortune - Tristan Samroy
#5  January 27, 2021, 08:41:35 pm
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What exactly does M.G.K stand for? My guess is Machine Gun Knee, assuming the K is Knee.

This is correct, and also a little nod to MGK because Tristan seems like the type of guy who would be a fan (I'm not a fan of him but I'm not knocking him either, before anyone takes that as an insult).

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Re: The Rising Son of Fortune - Tristan Samroy
#6  April 07, 2021, 06:37:08 pm
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Here's a preview video of him and Elle

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Re: The Rising Son of Fortune - Tristan Samroy
#7  April 08, 2021, 12:34:48 am
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He's looking great. My only small issue is that I feel like his belt should move a little bit during his stance animation.
Other than that I really like the redesign
Re: The Rising Son of Fortune - Tristan Samroy
#8  April 10, 2021, 03:26:51 am
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He’s awesome! Cant wait to see him done!!
Re: The Rising Son of Fortune - Tristan Samroy
#9  January 06, 2022, 10:03:44 pm
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I decided to give Tristan a brand new animation for a command normal, an OH, based on Kyo's anim but with tweaks.

The game is basically done from a gameplay perspective. It's been beta tested in two stages and had lots of bug fixes and balance changes. I'm just creatively blocked on the game's endings and I still need to make those, plus the game's intro. I may just release what I have so far so people can play it. When I finish the creative/story stuff I'll update it.

I'm also working on a bonus character, a sort of Akuma to Sasuke and Quavon if you think of them as the game's Ryu and Ken. I may hold off on including him to incentivize people downloading the update for the story stuff.

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Re: The Rising Son of Fortune - Tristan Samroy
#10  January 06, 2022, 11:01:22 pm
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  • Formerly known as HyperClawManiac
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I'm also working on a bonus character, a sort of Akuma to Sasuke and Quavon if you think of them as the game's Ryu and Ken. I may hold off on including him to incentivize people downloading the update for the story stuff.

Sounds like he'd fit well as a 2nd Subboss of sorts. I'd be willing to test this upcoming bloke if that's a plan.
WIP Schedule:
Most likely my next full-game