
Roster Showcase (Read 2150889 times)

Started by Saohc, October 14, 2009, 08:46:02 pm
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Re: Rate-a-roster
#61  October 17, 2009, 12:07:31 am
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Here's a picture of my roster that's so scoops!

Now if I can only increase the size of the icons.
Imagine a zanguief runing to attack ryu, ryu does a quick+kind of weak fast punch and hit the chest of zanguief, will this punch be enough to zanguief say/think \"oh no, this punch hurted a little, I better stop the attack and put my hand on my chest to help contain the pain while ignoring if ryu is going to make other attacks now"

Cenobite 53 said:
If someone isn't able to get girls laid, why buying this exorcist needing piece of retardet piece of bullshit an not wisiting his local red light district. For that money he could  :hump: tons of hookers.
Re: Rate-a-roster
#62  October 17, 2009, 12:08:29 am
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ALcoL: 3/10
Too many chars D:
Do you play with all this chars? I doubt. :P

Therio: 7/10
Nice roster. Looks like a capcom/cvs MUGEN, ist'n?
But 4~5 Ryus, 3 Morrigans, 2 Vegas, 2 Venoms... O_o

believe it or not, i play with all that motherfuckers with ma homies and spend many hours (lookin 4 a char including  ;D)
Re: Rate-a-roster
#63  October 17, 2009, 12:09:58 am
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Re: Rate-a-roster
#64  October 17, 2009, 12:10:57 am
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On occasion when I right click part of the menu sticks on the screen.
Imagine a zanguief runing to attack ryu, ryu does a quick+kind of weak fast punch and hit the chest of zanguief, will this punch be enough to zanguief say/think \"oh no, this punch hurted a little, I better stop the attack and put my hand on my chest to help contain the pain while ignoring if ryu is going to make other attacks now"

Cenobite 53 said:
If someone isn't able to get girls laid, why buying this exorcist needing piece of retardet piece of bullshit an not wisiting his local red light district. For that money he could  :hump: tons of hookers.


Re: Rate-a-roster
#65  October 17, 2009, 12:12:22 am
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Re: Rate-a-roster
#66  October 17, 2009, 12:13:18 am
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I fail at icon resizing.
Imagine a zanguief runing to attack ryu, ryu does a quick+kind of weak fast punch and hit the chest of zanguief, will this punch be enough to zanguief say/think \"oh no, this punch hurted a little, I better stop the attack and put my hand on my chest to help contain the pain while ignoring if ryu is going to make other attacks now"

Cenobite 53 said:
If someone isn't able to get girls laid, why buying this exorcist needing piece of retardet piece of bullshit an not wisiting his local red light district. For that money he could  :hump: tons of hookers.


Re: Rate-a-roster
#67  October 17, 2009, 12:13:56 am
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I like 'small' rosters (less than 50). It's a way better than a roster with OMFGLOL chars.

Coruscation looks so fucked up with this resolution, anyway.
Re: Rate-a-roster
#68  October 17, 2009, 12:17:05 am
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Well I guess you can call my roster medium sized (76), and even then I have to delete a few as some of them I was just trying out.
Imagine a zanguief runing to attack ryu, ryu does a quick+kind of weak fast punch and hit the chest of zanguief, will this punch be enough to zanguief say/think \"oh no, this punch hurted a little, I better stop the attack and put my hand on my chest to help contain the pain while ignoring if ryu is going to make other attacks now"

Cenobite 53 said:
If someone isn't able to get girls laid, why buying this exorcist needing piece of retardet piece of bullshit an not wisiting his local red light district. For that money he could  :hump: tons of hookers.
Re: Rate-a-roster
#69  October 17, 2009, 12:22:37 am
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My roster is big, but i only have one vesion for a char, i dont have 3 kyos o 4 ryus or 5 goukis, etc.
Re: Rate-a-roster
#70  October 17, 2009, 12:33:50 am
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I got few of those cases, but at least they play differently enough.

RyuDG/MKvsSF Ryu
Chosen Ken/Riot Ken
Sol and Order Sol (completely justified since it's Guilty Gear)
I wouldn't count Jam and Robo Jam
I wouldn't count Ciel and that super armored Ciel
I wouldn't count RKR and Nakozuki

That should be it.
Imagine a zanguief runing to attack ryu, ryu does a quick+kind of weak fast punch and hit the chest of zanguief, will this punch be enough to zanguief say/think \"oh no, this punch hurted a little, I better stop the attack and put my hand on my chest to help contain the pain while ignoring if ryu is going to make other attacks now"

Cenobite 53 said:
If someone isn't able to get girls laid, why buying this exorcist needing piece of retardet piece of bullshit an not wisiting his local red light district. For that money he could  :hump: tons of hookers.


Re: Rate-a-roster
#71  October 17, 2009, 12:39:31 am
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I got few of those cases, but at least they play differently enough.
Re: Rate-a-roster
#72  October 17, 2009, 04:27:51 am
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Trying to create a lineup for Mugen Fighting Jam as if it were a real game.  The challenge here was to build a highly stable game and at the same time fill the entire select screen without using duplicate characters, doppelgangers, and original/sprite-edited characters.

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty


Re: Rate-a-roster
#73  October 17, 2009, 04:37:04 am
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You separed by games, great.
Re: Rate-a-roster
#74  October 17, 2009, 04:41:41 am
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I have no need for that. One look at my roster and you can see it's a hodgepodge of fighters.

But I will say this, though...

The ferret in my roster? Really spammy AI.
Imagine a zanguief runing to attack ryu, ryu does a quick+kind of weak fast punch and hit the chest of zanguief, will this punch be enough to zanguief say/think \"oh no, this punch hurted a little, I better stop the attack and put my hand on my chest to help contain the pain while ignoring if ryu is going to make other attacks now"

Cenobite 53 said:
If someone isn't able to get girls laid, why buying this exorcist needing piece of retardet piece of bullshit an not wisiting his local red light district. For that money he could  :hump: tons of hookers.
Re: Rate-a-roster
#75  October 17, 2009, 05:05:48 am
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I have a low-res mugen and a hi res-mugen my hi res mugen isnt done yet. still need more characters and a good screenpack

low res

hi res
Re: Rate-a-roster
#76  October 17, 2009, 05:06:58 am
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lol i think the better half of the mugen community has that screenpack(including muah)
Re: Rate-a-roster
#77  October 17, 2009, 09:07:03 am
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its like the best one that was released in my book lol been looking for a new one for my hi res mugen for a while now
Re: Rate-a-roster
#78  October 17, 2009, 09:19:32 am
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I generally change screenpacks every few weeks/month or so. But this is probably the second or third time I went to Corc.
Imagine a zanguief runing to attack ryu, ryu does a quick+kind of weak fast punch and hit the chest of zanguief, will this punch be enough to zanguief say/think \"oh no, this punch hurted a little, I better stop the attack and put my hand on my chest to help contain the pain while ignoring if ryu is going to make other attacks now"

Cenobite 53 said:
If someone isn't able to get girls laid, why buying this exorcist needing piece of retardet piece of bullshit an not wisiting his local red light district. For that money he could  :hump: tons of hookers.
Re: Rate-a-roster
#79  October 17, 2009, 09:59:02 am
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Therio: 7/10
Nice roster. Looks like a capcom/cvs MUGEN, ist'n?
But 4~5 Ryus, 3 Morrigans, 2 Vegas, 2 Venoms... O_o
Capcom MUGEN, yeah. And I feel the same way about the amount of duplicates, just that some really differ a lot (XCB's Venom and Venom EX). Can't say the same for Morrigan though, as I really dislike PotS's. >_>
Re: Rate-a-roster
#80  October 17, 2009, 10:46:28 am
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@Luigi1632: Which SF2 Bison/Vega is that (i.e, who's the author)?
unknown author..

Open the DEF file in Notepad and tell me what it says next to author name. Alternatively, send me the DEF file by itself (it's of concern to me because I made an SF2 M. Bison a good while back, and I need to feel special in some way).

I like 'small' rosters (less than 50). It's a way better than a roster with OMFGLOL chars.

Coruscation looks so fucked up with this resolution, anyway.

Agreed. I typically try to keep a roster at no more than, say, ten characters.

Also, default screenpack for the win.
Last Edit: October 17, 2009, 12:26:07 pm by Vegeta 20XX, the Neo-Titlin