
Kobe Bryant is dead... (Read 10868 times)

Started by Bane84, January 26, 2020, 09:01:06 pm
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Kobe Bryant is dead...
#1  January 26, 2020, 09:01:06 pm
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Re: Kobe Bryant is dead...
#2  January 26, 2020, 10:07:48 pm
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Not many basketball fans here, found this out a while ago. R.i.p to a great
Re: Kobe Bryant is dead...
#3  January 26, 2020, 11:30:55 pm
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RIP Black Mamba.
Re: Kobe Bryant is dead...
#4  January 26, 2020, 11:47:22 pm
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Dang... may he and the others involved in the accident rest in peace. :(
Re: Kobe Bryant is dead...
#5  January 27, 2020, 02:04:14 am
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What really guts me is how Kobe's 13-year-old girl was also killed. Praying for the best to families afflicted.
Re: Kobe Bryant is dead...
#6  January 27, 2020, 02:55:54 am
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This is extremely saddening... both father and daughter killed... RIP to an NBA great and his daughter.
Beware the Dark Wolf once more!
Re: Kobe Bryant is dead...
#7  January 27, 2020, 03:33:53 am
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I wasn’t a big fan of Kobe, but this is incredibly depressing nonetheless. What’s just as sad is that most people will neglect the other victims since Kobe and his daughter literally overshadows them.

My condolences goes out to their families.
Re: Kobe Bryant is dead...
#8  January 27, 2020, 01:35:11 pm
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i just heard this morning ,  pilot , kobe and his daughter. damn he just retired too.
Re: Kobe Bryant is dead...
#9  January 27, 2020, 02:40:50 pm
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Re: Kobe Bryant is dead...
#10  January 27, 2020, 02:57:17 pm
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not a basketball fan, but i know him from news and excellent adventure's quotes lol, RiP all victims involved in the crash such a heartbreaking accident so early in the year.
Re: Kobe Bryant is dead...
#11  January 27, 2020, 04:15:44 pm
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Damn... and only Lebron just passed his scoring record the other day also...
Re: Kobe Bryant is dead...
#12  January 27, 2020, 05:08:38 pm
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What’s just as sad is that most people will neglect the other victims since Kobe and his daughter literally overshadows them.
That always happens and there are always people like you to point that out. I wish we could just move on from that, Mr. Rogers death was more devastating to people than that of a random guy because people related so much to Mr. Rogers, he was a public person after all.
Re: Kobe Bryant is dead...
#13  January 28, 2020, 02:04:09 am
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That always happens and there are always people like you to point that out. I wish we could just move on from that, Mr. Rogers death was more devastating to people than that of a random guy because people related so much to Mr. Rogers, he was a public person after all.

I would agree with you, but you can’t compare Mr. Rogers’ death to something like this. He didn’t die with 8 other people from a freak accident and only passed away due to natural causes.

While it should come to no surprise that Kobe and his daughter are getting more attention, it would still be just as respectful to mourn those who died with them even if it’s not by name. I mean for example you wouldn’t find it rather rude if say a high profile celebrity died in a plane crash alongside hundreds of other passengers was the only one acknowledged just because they were more significant of a “public person”?
Re: Kobe Bryant is dead...
#14  January 28, 2020, 03:26:32 am
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That always happens and there are always people like you to point that out. I wish we could just move on from that, Mr. Rogers death was more devastating to people than that of a random guy because people related so much to Mr. Rogers, he was a public person after all.

I would agree with you, but you can’t compare Mr. Rogers’ death to something like this. He didn’t die with 8 other people from a freak accident and only passed away due to natural causes.

While it should come to no surprise that Kobe and his daughter are getting more attention, it would still be just as respectful to mourn those who died with them even if it’s not by name. I mean for example you wouldn’t find it rather rude if say a high profile celebrity died in a plane crash alongside hundreds of other passengers was the only one acknowledged just because they were more significant of a “public person”?

I mean that happened when aliyah died in a plane crash I think back in 2002, but I'm 50/50 on this. It's more so on the media than us.
Re: Kobe Bryant is dead...
#15  January 28, 2020, 05:03:22 am
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One of my fav players, Man this is unreal
Re: Kobe Bryant is dead...
#16  January 28, 2020, 08:25:48 am
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I would agree with you, but you can’t compare Mr. Rogers’ death to something like this. He didn’t die with 8 other people from a freak accident and only passed away due to natural causes.
I used Mr. Rogers as an example because a lot of people strongly relate to him, even though it was probably not the best practical example.

Still, i'll expand a bit on what i said and agree with Prime SC: the media has a huge part on the whole situation.
Re: Kobe Bryant is dead...
#17  January 29, 2020, 02:34:25 am
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Being a big fan and lover of basketball, and being a SG myself to boot, I am very saddened by this. Kobe was a guy I admired and aspired to be like on the court. He's top 5 in my all time best SGs and top 20 of greatest players ever to play.

May he and the others RIP.
Re: Kobe Bryant is dead...
#18  February 01, 2020, 12:15:39 am
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The Devil ruined Emerie's life :devil:
Re: Kobe Bryant is dead...
#19  February 01, 2020, 08:47:29 am
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damn he just retired too.

By "just" you mean in 2016, right??

2016? damn time flies. seems like it was only a year or so.

used to hate this guy , he was the reason jordan lost his last game and it was an allstar game , it was a close game jordan pulled a clutch jumper giving his team the lead by two points and supposedly the winning shot  , only a couple of seconds left kobe baited a foul on the three point lane and jermaine whatever his name is spelled o'neal for some dumb reason wanted to body kobe.  and he was the reason vladi d'vac got kicked out of the lakers too.
Re: Kobe Bryant is dead...
#20  February 15, 2020, 03:59:15 pm
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I thought this was fake news at first when I was OMW to a birthday party. RIP to a great man