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Basara Lapis

MFG Network Member

Messages by Basara Lapis


Re: The 504Gateway need to Stop AND MFG need a new Domain Web server

 August 25, 2024, 06:10:33 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Basara Lapis  in The 504Gateway need to Stop AND MFG need a new Domain Web server (Started by OldGamer July 28, 2024, 05:49:17 pm
 Board: Feedback

It seems pretty clear that this site unfortunately has been abandoned by it's owner(s), so I believe migrating will most likely be the best course of action. This is very important and should be discussed.
Well, that's basically the problem: the owner has the keys for the forum and he only can manage the core of the forum with all the info there, so maybe the other admins could create a new forum, but all the past content will be lost and we all start from scratch. Valodim and Nunor (not sure about him also being owner TBH) have these keys and both are MIA since years ago (Val at least appeared in 2022 for a couple of months), and without getting to them to manage the forum and move it to another server, this will continue until eventually the forum collapse and all of this disappears.

Well, at least this only affects to the forum since the hosted sites on Guild Network work well and without problems (not just site themselves, also the FTP), if this problem would also affect the sites then this would be a REAL problem. I'm also worried as all of you about the future of the forum, but I've to be realistic about this issue... and I managed forums before (very small ones, but forums anyway) and I know the hard work to mantain one, we'll just have to wait sadly, there's no other way until Valodim and Nunor appear once again

Re: [SPANISH ONLY] Español solamente V2

 August 24, 2024, 06:20:43 am View in topic context
 Posted by Basara Lapis  in [SPANISH ONLY] Español solamente V2 (Started by Titiln July 14, 2010, 03:57:43 am
 Board: International

Después de todo esto que has soltado, entiendo que quedas vacío xD
Confirmo, vaya que te lo tenías atragantado en el pecho para soltarlo todo así de una XD

Newage Mugen
Te entiendo, al ser un grupo demasiado cerrado, nadie los considera dentro de la comunidad, el foro ese son como los tipos que suben videos de MUGEN a Youtube con personajes privados que ni dan el nombre de sus autores sólo para ganar visitas. Para mi y mucha gente, simplemente haces como que no existen y asunto arreglado, lo msimo para ese foro

Con respecto a lo que preguntaba del audio muy bajo en el WinMugen... Por lo que he sabido podría exportar los archivos .wav contenidos en el archivo fight.snd usando Fighter Factory, editarlos subiéndoles el volumen con Audacity y finalmente importarlos de nueva cuenta con el FF reemplazando uno por uno los sonidos.
De hecho eso mismo te iba a sugerir, en ese caso lo mejor es subirle manualmente el volumen a los audios exportándolos, editándolos y luego reemplazarlos, es la única manera creo yo

Re: How do i make winMUGEN plus go fullscreen?

 August 21, 2024, 07:03:49 am View in topic context
 Posted by Basara Lapis  in How do i make winMUGEN plus go fullscreen? (Started by mapleleafgrappl1ng August 21, 2024, 01:35:34 am
 Board: M.U.G.E.N Configuration Help

Maybe that's not the issue... maybe it's your Windows

WinMUGEN (and for extension DOSMUGEN) doesn't work anymore on Windows 8 and beyond (and if still works, has a lot of errors and a lot of options don't work anymore like fullscreen), not even with DOSBox, so if you got Win8 or Win10 forget about WinM and better get M1.0, M1.1 or IKEMEN instead

Re: Character of the Month: July 2024 Voting

 August 21, 2024, 03:22:54 am View in topic context
 Posted by Basara Lapis  in Character of the Month: July 2024 Voting (Started by Basara Lapis August 20, 2024, 01:31:45 am
 Board: M.U.G.E.N Discussion

Voted for Stephen and King, good luck everyone ;D

Character of the Month: July 2024 Voting

 August 20, 2024, 01:31:45 am View in topic context
 Posted by Basara Lapis  in Character of the Month: July 2024 Voting (Started by Basara Lapis August 20, 2024, 01:31:45 am
 Board: M.U.G.E.N Discussion


Re: Character of the Month: July 2024 Nominations

 August 16, 2024, 05:56:36 am View in topic context
 Posted by Basara Lapis  in Character of the Month: July 2024 Nominations (Started by Basara Lapis August 03, 2024, 05:45:43 am
 Board: Contributions of the Month

Gran by DigitalJinny
Custom KOF Sakura by jay_ts
King '95 by Adamskie
Yungmie by Manson Rees
Terry_LG by descolor
Bison_LG (Boxer) by descolor
Gordan Bowman by Adamskie
Stephen Stills by Basara-kun
SBRX-2 by valgallah77
Diana Cavendish by Sir Ghostler/GK
Zeta by TornilloOxidado
Atsuko Kagari by Sir Ghostler/GK
Black Battler by TornilloOxidado

Lum by brucewayne74 - 1
MvC Solo by Diek Stiekem - 1
Yumetaro by DeluxeGamer705 - 1
Smurfs by brucewayne74 - 1
Sonic X by Sebastian Ridings - 1

13/20 ready

Re: Character of the Month: July 2024 Nominations

 August 14, 2024, 08:20:27 am View in topic context
 Posted by Basara Lapis  in Character of the Month: July 2024 Nominations (Started by Basara Lapis August 03, 2024, 05:45:43 am
 Board: Contributions of the Month

Gran by DigitalJinny
Custom KOF Sakura by jay_ts
King '95 by Adamskie
Yungmie by Manson Rees
Terry_LG by descolor
Bison_LG (Boxer) by descolor
Gordan Bowman by Adamskie
Stephen Stills by Basara-kun
SBRX-2 by valgallah77
Diana Cavendish by Sir Ghostler/GK
Zeta by TornilloOxidado
Atsuko Kagari by Sir Ghostler/GK

Black Battler by TornilloOxidado - 2
Lum by brucewayne74 - 1
MvC Solo by Diek Stiekem - 1
Yumetaro by DeluxeGamer705 - 1
Smurfs by brucewayne74 - 1
Sonic X by Sebastian Ridings - 1

12/20 ready

Re: Character of the Month: July 2024 Nominations

 August 13, 2024, 06:59:39 am View in topic context
 Posted by Basara Lapis  in Character of the Month: July 2024 Nominations (Started by Basara Lapis August 03, 2024, 05:45:43 am
 Board: Contributions of the Month

Gran by DigitalJinny
Custom KOF Sakura by jay_ts
King '95 by Adamskie
Yungmie by Manson Rees
Terry_LG by descolor
Bison_LG (Boxer) by descolor
Gordan Bowman by Adamskie
Stephen Stills by Basara-kun
SBRX-2 by valgallah77
Diana Cavendish by Sir Ghostler/GK
Zeta by TornilloOxidado

Black Battler by TornilloOxidado - 1
Lum by brucewayne74 - 1
MvC Solo by Diek Stiekem - 1
Yumetaro by DeluxeGamer705 - 1
Atsuko Kagari by Sir Ghostler/GK - 2
Smurfs by brucewayne74 - 1
Sonic X by Sebastian Ridings - 1

(still) 11/20 ready

Re: A.S.P. Requests

 August 13, 2024, 05:45:44 am View in topic context
 Posted by Basara Lapis  in A.S.P. Requests (Started by All-Star Platinum September 01, 2023, 07:28:19 pm
 Board: Requests

What's your problem with warehouse sites? It's not like only Mugen Archive exists.
Take it easy, he comes from a time like me where warehouses in general were a bad thing and were disowned for the whole community. It wasn't until the arrive of recent warehouses (like AK1) that the vision of warehouses changed for good, so calm down

BTW ASP, about AK1, found various Super Skrull to check it out which one would like:
I hope some of them works for you ;)

Re: My Okizeme Taunt option doesn't work consistently, what's wrong with its code?

 August 13, 2024, 01:27:28 am View in topic context

I changed the hitflag to hitflag = FD+. The taunt's length is still inconsistent and sometimes the foe still doesn't get hit when he should.
F is for fall and D is for (lie)down, I recommend you to use LD instead FD, for low and down, maybe that could work

Also, let me translate what Odb and RP said:
I don't see why it wouldn't work. But like PlasmoidThunder mentioned you want to make sure the move CAN hit P2.
Also if you're trying to time a taunt to end based off of P2, I don't see that in your code. You'll need to check P2's state no and maybe anim.

If you're trying to not let P1 do the move a 2nd time while P2 is getting up, you could make a variable to watch when P2 isn't in a hitstate and reset the var to 0. Then the taunt sets it to 1.

But maybe the animation is too short?
I'd make the animation into 2 parts. Extend the hit, and then have the ending animation. You'd change to the end if the move hits or P2 gets up or due to time.
-You'll probably needs to get enemy into a custom state when it's hit to get the effect you need, this can be possible adding p2stateno = [state number]
-If the animation is too short, then make 2 states, one for the hitdef and another for the anim of your char when he hits, basically the same as above but with p1stateno = [state] with the anim, and there making more time and maybe the NotHitBy so can't be hit meanwhile you're making the move

Considering how the only two attacks that can cause a knockdown are both melee attacks, I need to ask: does the character have any projectile attacks?

If not, you should be able to use a targetpoweradd controller (with triggers set up to detect if the enemy is in a liedown state) during the taunt state instead of a hitdef to achieve the intended effect. This has the benefit of not adding additional hitstun or resetting the opponent's hitstates, since you're not using a hitdef. Just make sure you use a variable as a flag that resets when the opponent is not in a knockdown state so you can't continually spam the Taunt to remove more power than intended.
[State TPA]
type = TargetPowerAdd
trigger1 = movehit
value = -100
You can use a var(x) as a trigger in case you want something like reset the move so you don't have to spam over and over

Re: Character of the Month: July 2024 Nominations

 August 06, 2024, 04:41:33 am View in topic context
 Posted by Basara Lapis  in Character of the Month: July 2024 Nominations (Started by Basara Lapis August 03, 2024, 05:45:43 am
 Board: Contributions of the Month

Gran by DigitalJinny
Custom KOF Sakura by jay_ts
King '95 by Adamskie
Yungmie by Manson Rees
Terry_LG by descolor
Bison_LG (Boxer) by descolor
Gordan Bowman by Adamskie
Stephen Stills by Basara-kun
SBRX-2 by valgallah77
Diana Cavendish by Sir Ghostler/GK
Zeta by TornilloOxidado

Black Battler by TornilloOxidado - 1
Lum by brucewayne74 - 1
MvC Solo by Diek Stiekem - 1
Yumetaro by DeluxeGamer705 - 1
Atsuko Kagari by Sir Ghostler/GK - 1

11/20 ready

Re: Character of the Month: July 2024 Nominations

 August 05, 2024, 10:04:23 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Basara Lapis  in Character of the Month: July 2024 Nominations (Started by Basara Lapis August 03, 2024, 05:45:43 am
 Board: Contributions of the Month

Gran by DigitalJinny
Custom KOF Sakura by jay_ts
King '95 by Adamskie
Yungmie by Manson Rees
Terry_LG by descolor

Zeta by TornilloOxidado - 2
Black Battler by TornilloOxidado - 1
Diana Cavendish by Sir Ghostler/GK - 1
Gordan Bowman by Adamskie - 2
Bison_LG (Boxer) by descolor - 2
Stephen Stills by Basara-kun - 2
Lum by brucewayne74 - 1
MvC Solo by Diek Stiekem - 1

5/20 ready

Re: Need assistance with Mugen fonts

 August 03, 2024, 11:21:36 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Basara Lapis  in Need assistance with Mugen fonts (Started by daonlylonely August 02, 2024, 03:19:38 pm
 Board: M.U.G.E.N Development Help

Forget about Fighter Factory... but not forget it about all. The most known tool made by Virtualltek is Fighter Factory, but they also made Font Factory which makes a better job making fonts. The only requisite is this:
You can make the sprite in any other software like Paint, Gimp or Photoshop, then replace the old ones.
You need to make the complete alphabet + signs into one line of image, just like sprites on the SFF: in PCX, 256 colors and with the color 1 as the background color. The rest you can make it in the same program, I made all the fonts of my ClayFighter screenpack for my fullgame without help thanks to Font Factory

Re: Character of the Month: July 2024 Nominations

 August 03, 2024, 07:46:05 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Basara Lapis  in Character of the Month: July 2024 Nominations (Started by Basara Lapis August 03, 2024, 05:45:43 am
 Board: Contributions of the Month

Stephen Stills by Basara-kun - 1
Gordan Bowman by Adamskie - 2
Lum by brucewayne74 - 1
MvC Solo by Diek Stiekem - 1

Gran by DigitalJinny
Custom KOF Sakura by jay_ts
King '95 by Adamskie
Yungmie by Manson Rees

Zeta by TornilloOxidado - 2
Black Battler by TornilloOxidado - 1
Diana Cavendish by Sir Ghostler/GK - 1
Gordan Bowman by Adamskie - 2
Terry_LG by descolor - 2
Bison_LG (Boxer) by descolor - 1
Stephen Stills by Basara-kun - 1
Lum by brucewayne74 - 1
MvC Solo by Diek Stiekem - 1

4/20 ready

Re: bot report 2016 - skynet's invasion has begun

 August 03, 2024, 07:38:46 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Basara Lapis  in bot report 2016 - skynet's invasion has begun (Started by Titiln August 31, 2010, 06:32:38 pm
 Board: Feedback


Character of the Month: July 2024 Nominations

 August 03, 2024, 05:45:43 am View in topic context
 Posted by Basara Lapis  in Character of the Month: July 2024 Nominations (Started by Basara Lapis August 03, 2024, 05:45:43 am
 Board: Contributions of the Month

In this thread you will be nominating characters from the month of July 2024 that you believe are worthy to be recognized as Character of the Month. These nominations last until August 18th.

Read these rules and guidelines.

Every couple of days a list will be created and updated to feature the nominations progress. The list will include: Who's a candidate and how many motions other characters have. If twenty candidates are reached before the 15 days are up, then voting will start early.

- Only nominate up to 4 characters
- Read the thread
- The numbers next to each nomination represent each character's current nominations
- Only 3 nominations are necessary for each character

PLEASE BE AWARE that due to the incessant, absurd number of users who find themselves unable to read and follow the rules of these threads, we have instituted a new feature:

The Speedpreacher Penalty Box

Users who refuse to follow the very simple guidelines that we have set forward will find themselves in the Penalty Box and have their nominations for this month null and void. They will have to wait until next month to nominate anything! So take care, and don't get put in the Penalty Box!

Re: The Talent is here: Stephen Stills has been released!!

 August 02, 2024, 10:02:42 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Basara Lapis  in The Talent is here: Stephen Stills has been released!! (Started by Basara Lapis August 01, 2024, 02:51:36 am
 Board: Your Releases, older Mugen

Don't think so, they're already the other SPvTW chars that have different gameplay (Envy and Robot Chuck), but it's their moves what difference them, Scott has more variety and Stephen is more combo-friendly. Ramona and Kim eventually will be their own thing too ;)

Re: Basara's WIP thread (Working on Ramona and Kim)

 August 01, 2024, 03:50:08 am View in topic context
 Posted by Basara Lapis  in Basara's WIP thread (Working on Ramona and Kim) (Started by Basara Lapis October 12, 2010, 08:33:06 pm
 Board: Projects

Stephen Stills has been released!!
Don't expected he came so fast to finish him eventually, but I'm glad I finally work again on SPvTW chars, I missed it a lot :joy: now back to work on Ramona and Kim, finishing their CS and making their palettes for the SFFs so I can start to code them. Also I've to work on my Street Master stuff (working on Ninja, I hope to get it ready on next month), but also I've seen some of my past works to be updated heavily (mostly Dan, Bishamon and Joe Kusanagi), let's see if I got the time to make them all :)

Meanwhile... here's a new poll for you people n_n

The Talent is here: Stephen Stills has been released!!

 August 01, 2024, 02:51:36 am View in topic context
 Posted by Basara Lapis  in The Talent is here: Stephen Stills has been released!! (Started by Basara Lapis August 01, 2024, 02:51:36 am
 Board: Your Releases, older Mugen

Since I made Scott as a complete character that always wanted to make the rest of Sex Bob-Omb for MUGEN, starting with Kim and later with Stephen. Eventually Kim was frozen for years and last year I just barely started with Stephen. But then, I started this and makes me to restart Stephen, which became easier than the girls and eventually was completed today. Here's the list of stuff you'll find on him:
  • Character based on Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: The Game + some basic ideas I got since I made Scott
  • Various of the same features as Scott: same base, SFA FX, strikers from the game, his voice from the movie (this time by Mark Webber) and of course the Lvl.3 super "We Are Sex-Bob-Omb!!"
  • 12 palettes, 3 intros, 1 taunt and 3 wins
  • 2 throws, 4 command moves, 4 specials, and 5 supers
  • And of course, compatibility with MUGEN1.0+ (choose "stephen-m1.def")
Spoiler: And here're the screenshots (click to see content)

I hope you like this kind of surprise release I made for today, I hope to get you more advances of Ramona and Kim in the next months apart of the other projects I debt to you (Street Master's Ninja and T-Hoppy), as always stay tuned ;)

I was like 'I'm in a band', and he was like 'You're in a band?' and I was like 'Yeah I'm totally in a band'
Chars -> Adaptations -> Scott Pilgrim vs. The World Series

Re: Basara's WIP thread (Working on Ramona and Kim)

 July 22, 2024, 05:37:50 am View in topic context
 Posted by Basara Lapis  in Basara's WIP thread (Working on Ramona and Kim) (Started by Basara Lapis October 12, 2010, 08:33:06 pm
 Board: Projects

You could try asking the creators permission to convert them for MUGEN, most of their chars are IKEMEN only, with only a few, like Roxy, working on 1.1.
I thought in that, but besides I loved the fullgame, I disagree with various of the versions shown there since they're far from my own vision of them, especially the main chars like Ramona. If I would like to convert some of them for normal MUGEN, I'd go for some of the bosses like Mr. Chao or some of the stage enemies converted into chars

And about chars, I got one more I've been prepared recently, here's a preview of it ;)