Posted by Z4kaR1
in Famicom Fighters (Progress Thread) (Started by KingPepe2010 May 26, 2013, 09:08:14 pm
Board: Famicom Fighters
Board: Famicom Fighters
I just wish people would let it die.This.
Ay Dios! No spameen tanto! D:A ver...
Hablemos sobre comida, que comida les gusta?
luigiman, none of the posts here that you responded to were serious, they were all sarcastic. you were completely owned in this topic, no offenseHe is 14 years old.
Needs Moar CarmelldansenPlease, don't ruin this character with overrated and unfunny jokes.
Yo obtuve mi estrellita purpura con un solo stage.QuoteYo tambien quisiera tenerlo. Pero por ahora solo contribuí con un char. Per solo por ahora.Yo tambien solamente contribuí con un cenário, Espero cambiar de statu cuándo lanzar
o outro.
Oh...por cierto que significa "CCI"??...
Card Captor IronCAPTOR de CARTAS de hIERRO
Lemmy now looks retardedHe always looked retarded.
The gravity gun had a blue glow too, during the Citadel chapters.Gravity gun has an orange glow, Physics gun has blue, like in your pic.Physics gun from Garry's Mod?Gravity Gun
Garrys mod is a HL2 mod, which uses the same model