
RELEASED - Rorschach (Watchmen) by SeanAltly (Read 52669 times)

Started by Sean Altly, February 04, 2009, 06:33:42 am
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Re: RELEASED - Rorschach (Watchmen) by SeanAltly
#101  March 28, 2009, 03:31:40 am
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superb work done, very good sprite edit and choose base for it, a *q =) cuz this my favorite sf3tr char after oro & 12
he is similar to darkman and i like really stuffz he use, a meat cleaver, pipe, self-constructed flame thrower and also grapple hook
graphic novels are better than comicz nooby heroes, only lobos iz exception =)
Re: RELEASED - Rorschach (Watchmen) by SeanAltly
#102  March 28, 2009, 09:32:10 am
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Q was not the base I used, Seth was. Even then, it wasn't really a base, since it isn't a sprite edit. I just used the animations as reference, along with the hands and feet. Thanks for the compliments though.

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Re: RELEASED - Rorschach (Watchmen) by SeanAltly
#103  March 28, 2009, 05:57:11 pm
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ah i saw ! hes sprites look different than q but there are smiliar looking characters that why mine mistake, il be taken by your vgood skillz of original spriting drawing also i love this char rox cuz he didnt use any trends mugen fashion cvs/mvc2 light hit'sparks which ones suck and look boring =) good job so far now only background =)!
Re: RELEASED - Rorschach (Watchmen) by SeanAltly
#104  March 29, 2009, 01:16:41 am
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Really good char, watchmen rulez, Rorschach even more...
Heaven or Hell?Hard choose after all, live on sin or death on peace?
Re: RELEASED - Rorschach (Watchmen) by SeanAltly
#105  April 09, 2009, 04:06:24 am
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Amazing character.  However, a few things...

I think he should be scaled a bit smaller, as most CVS sized characters are shorter than him.  If I recall, Rorschach is a pretty short dude.  Not only that, but his standing grappling hook misses a LOT of characters, sailing over top of their heads.

Also, once a DVD of the movie comes out, someone should make a new voice for him using movie clips.  Not that the acting for the MUGEN character now is bad, but more options is nice.
Last Edit: April 09, 2009, 06:18:05 am by Oreo
Re: RELEASED - Rorschach (Watchmen) by SeanAltly
#106  April 09, 2009, 06:31:11 am
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Amazing character.  However, a few things...

I think he should be scaled a bit smaller, as most CVS sized characters are shorter than him.  If I recall, Rorschach is a pretty short dude.  Not only that, but his standing grappling hook misses a LOT of characters, sailing over top of their heads.

Also, once a DVD of the movie comes out, someone should make a new voice for him using movie clips.  Not that the acting for the MUGEN character now is bad, but more options is nice.

1. Yes, earlier in this topic the height issue was addressed. I fear this will be what I get to hear people complain about the most, ala the lack of Beard and CQC on Solid Snake. I will reiterate that I didn't realize he was too tall until about a third of the way through spriting, and since original spriting is such an arduous process, I elected to continue as it was, hoping that the rest of the character would over shadow it (his moving mask, faithful specials, Who Killed Edward Blake super, Archie helper, unmasked intro, etc.). Adjusting the scale parameter in the CNS will NOT work, because his explods and helpers will be way off and the character will appear broken/glitchy. If it bugs people that much, please take the time to recode his helpers and explods to match up with the rescaled character. I don't mean this in a snarky or hostile way, I just mean that I can't be bothered with it right now and if someone would like to do that and release a patch, go ahead. Just please don't rape my character.

2. That's why I added the downward pointing version of the Grappling Gun Shot.

3. The voice actor I got for him did a fantastic job and while I loved Haley's voice in the film as much as anyone, I think the voice he has makes him seem more like the graphic novel version of the character, since that's what he's based on, rather than the film version (which is what he would feel like with a recognizable voice like Haley's).

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Re: RELEASED - Rorschach (Watchmen) by SeanAltly
#107  April 09, 2009, 09:14:32 am
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The voice in this version is really, really good!  A compromise would be to make an alternate .snd file, and give the option in the .def.  In fact, a good option for THAT would be for somebody else to make it as an add-on, so that SeanAlty won't have to go through all the work.

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Re: RELEASED - Rorschach (Watchmen) by SeanAltly
#108  April 09, 2009, 04:59:39 pm
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1. Yes, earlier in this topic the height issue was addressed. I fear this will be what I get to hear people complain about the most, ala the lack of Beard and CQC on Solid Snake. I will reiterate that I didn't realize he was too tall until about a third of the way through spriting, and since original spriting is such an arduous process, I elected to continue as it was, hoping that the rest of the character would over shadow it (his moving mask, faithful specials, Who Killed Edward Blake super, Archie helper, unmasked intro, etc.). Adjusting the scale parameter in the CNS will NOT work, because his explods and helpers will be way off and the character will appear broken/glitchy. If it bugs people that much, please take the time to recode his helpers and explods to match up with the rescaled character. I don't mean this in a snarky or hostile way, I just mean that I can't be bothered with it right now and if someone would like to do that and release a patch, go ahead. Just please don't rape my character.

Fair enough.  I understand that it's a lot of work.

3. The voice actor I got for him did a fantastic job and while I loved Haley's voice in the film as much as anyone, I think the voice he has makes him seem more like the graphic novel version of the character, since that's what he's based on, rather than the film version (which is what he would feel like with a recognizable voice like Haley's).

Oh, I totally agree.  I love the voice.  Just saying, if someone reading this thread ever wants to do a patch in the future that changes the voice clips, that would be a cool option to the community.
Re: RELEASED - Rorschach (Watchmen) by SeanAltly
#109  April 09, 2009, 05:18:34 pm
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Yeah, I have no problem with people's patches as long as they're not releases of the whole character, and as I said, as long as they don't completely rape them.

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Re: RELEASED - Rorschach (Watchmen) by SeanAltly
#110  April 10, 2009, 01:08:01 am
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Don't worry about size accuracy.  Heck, I think Juggernaut, Hulk, and Colossus in the Capcom Marvel games aren't the appropriate heights.  Juggernaut's too big and Colossus is too small.
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Re: RELEASED - Rorschach (Watchmen) by SeanAltly
#111  April 10, 2009, 08:45:36 pm
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Couple of questions, Sean: Is this char just the result of sudden inspiration, an idea which came out of timing, convenience and resources; a spark and nothing more? Or is this the catalyst to a chain reaction of surprises from the ultimate graphic novel? Speaking plainly, Do you plan to release any more Watchmen chars?  ;D
Re: RELEASED - Rorschach (Watchmen) by SeanAltly
#112  April 10, 2009, 09:24:11 pm
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Couple of questions, Sean: Is this char just the result of sudden inspiration, an idea which came out of timing, convenience and resources; a spark and nothing more? Or is this the catalyst to a chain reaction of surprises from the ultimate graphic novel? Speaking plainly, Do you plan to release any more Watchmen chars?  ;D
he does not plan to release anymore watchmen characters, i can say that much. 
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Re: RELEASED - Rorschach (Watchmen) by SeanAltly
#113  April 11, 2009, 12:14:16 am
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Not right now, no. If I ever did do another Watchmen character, it would be Nite Owl II.

My next non-original project will probably be Squall from Final Fantasy VIII, but that is still a ways off.

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Re: RELEASED - Rorschach (Watchmen) by SeanAltly
#114  April 12, 2009, 07:46:14 pm
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Wow, you just pick characters from all sorts of various sources.  Keep this up and you'll be able to put together your own Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny.
My MUGEN and Minecraft site.
People need to stop using 4Shared, already.
Re: RELEASED - Rorschach (Watchmen) by SeanAltly
#115  April 13, 2009, 10:04:46 am
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This is a fantastic character but I find his supers incredibly difficult to pull off.  Is there something in the def file I can adjust so that qcf plus button inputs are recognized with a wider chance of hitting the move then there is now?

Re: RELEASED - Rorschach (Watchmen) by SeanAltly
#116  May 11, 2009, 05:38:27 am
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So before anyone says anything about necrobumping or the like, I want you to know I got the go ahead from SeanAltly himself before making this post.

A few of you may know that I have been doing YouTube video reviews of characters as part of a new website that keeps these in a database and allows for community scoring to compare averages.

This database is a WIP itself, but it would never be complete without including the video of one of my favorite characters, Rorschach, which you can see here:

In this video, you will see every single one of his special and hyper attacks in an AI fight against himself first, and then again for a better look in training mode.

Also, there are annotations embedded into the video playback for partial discussion, as well as a more detailed written review in the more info section.

I hope you all enjoy the video.