
Understand, understand, the concept of fanart (and bad grammar) (Read 875293 times)

Started by Zantetsuken, September 26, 2012, 08:22:47 pm
Understand, understand, the concept of fanart (and bad grammar)
#1  September 26, 2012, 08:22:47 pm
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  • Mugenite
Amazing work, as always! Also, big ups to Garuda for shelling out his hard-earned money for this great contribution! :D

So let me see if I've got this right. Garuda pays to have these sprites made and then it is uploaded so everyone can get them?

That doesn't seem very fair to the guy who paid if thats the case.
I rock

Re: Understand, understand, the concept of fanart (and bad grammar)
#2  September 26, 2012, 08:27:39 pm
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did you read garuda comment?

and graphic" yeah ill get around to that on the weekend. im already working on jin now
Re: Understand, understand, the concept of fanart (and bad grammar)
#3  September 26, 2012, 08:28:39 pm
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That's a commission.

Then Garuda wanted to share them with all. What's wrong with it? It was his decision.

Re: Understand, understand, the concept of fanart (and bad grammar)
#4  September 26, 2012, 09:15:13 pm
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Re: Understand, understand, the concept of fanart (and bad grammar)
#5  September 26, 2012, 09:16:10 pm
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Amazing work, as always! Also, big ups to Garuda for shelling out his hard-earned money for this great contribution! :D

So let me see if I've got this right. Garuda pays to have these sprites made and then it is uploaded so everyone can get them?

That doesn't seem very fair to the guy who paid if thats the case.

It's exactly has you said: I paid for the sprites to be free for everyone.

And I hope to see 100 different kind of Gouken made for Mugen.

What's the meaning to have the sprites and keep them all for me?
This is a community: we have to share if we want to grow!

Re: Understand, understand, the concept of fanart (and bad grammar)
#6  September 26, 2012, 09:49:29 pm
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That's a fine perspective you have there Garuda.  ;)
Re: Understand, understand, the concept of fanart (and bad grammar)
#7  September 27, 2012, 10:11:58 am
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Amazing work, as always! Also, big ups to Garuda for shelling out his hard-earned money for this great contribution! :D

So let me see if I've got this right. Garuda pays to have these sprites made and then it is uploaded so everyone can get them?

That doesn't seem very fair to the guy who paid if thats the case.

It's exactly has you said: I paid for the sprites to be free for everyone.

And I hope to see 100 different kind of Gouken made for Mugen.

What's the meaning to have the sprites and keep them all for me?
This is a community: we have to share if we want to grow!

If your happy to pay all that money out then I suppose it's your decision.

I thought it was against the rules to make stuff for profit though in Mugen.

Infringes copyright.
I rock

Re: Understand, understand, the concept of fanart (and bad grammar)
#8  September 27, 2012, 10:35:59 am
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No it's not against the rules. It's just we prefer it's not done with copyrighted stuff. Preference, not rule.

Also, these are right now, just sprites.

Quite nice sprites and i hope someone does something with them. Something GOOD please.

In M.U.G.E.N there is no magic button

They say a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, but it's not one half so bad as a lot of ignorance.
Re: Understand, understand, the concept of fanart (and bad grammar)
#9  September 27, 2012, 10:39:57 am
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Gouken is copyrighted by Capcom.

The way I see it a bunch of sprites of Gouken were made and sold.

Gouken belongs to Capcom hence copyright infringement.

I read a while back that Capcom agreed that Mugen works could be distributed as fanart as long as no money changed hands. The second money changes they are infringing on copyright laws breaking rules and potentially the law.
I rock

Re: Understand, understand, the concept of fanart (and bad grammar)
#10  September 27, 2012, 10:54:57 am
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If thats true why dont you complain that too all the Artist's who does commissions of just illustration work by selling of copy righted characters on a piece of paper im sure no one making a fuss about em?
 who cares someone paid to get these done cause honestly i dont hear anyone complain about it. this conversation should been dropped when Garuda told u it was okay  for anyone to use these sprites
fan art can be anything from=PIXEL art,Music,Illustration or even more..

not even a big deal at all.

Re: Understand, understand, the concept of fanart (and bad grammar)
#11  September 27, 2012, 10:56:31 am
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I'm just going by what Capcom's official stance was on this.

Because this was often a point of discussion, I emailed Capcom and SNK Playmore early in 2007 for what their take on the legality of fan-made, non-profit games (like M.U.G.E.N) was with respect to their intellectual properties.  Initially, SNKP said that any use of IPs without written consent was prohibited--regardless of whether someone would profit or not from it.  I announced this reply to the community and SNKP was treated to a flurry of responses from angered Mugenites.  SNKP gave "permission" to the M.U.G.E.N community to let chaos reign to release derivative works to the public with the stipulation that no profit will be generated.  Capcom's response was kind of generic and just reused their response they give for fanart.

Despite the fact that we loosely have "permission" to release non-profit, copyright derivative works from these companies, as a community, we don't care about the tired discussion about how M.U.G.E.N is violating copyrights and such.  In any case, we honor the companies' request to keep copyright derivate works free of charge in M.U.G.E.N.  This includes disallowing certain links in the forum that violates this and facilitating the shutdown of eBay auctions selling M.U.G.E.N games.

That pretty much clears it up.
I rock

Last Edit: September 27, 2012, 11:00:25 am by Zantetsuken
Re: Understand, understand, the concept of fanart (and bad grammar)
#12  September 27, 2012, 11:02:39 am
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That only applies if it's a full game or digital code.  These are sprites, which are around the same area as fan artwork, which Capcom acknowledges and even puts in official games.  Should be alright.
Re: Understand, understand, the concept of fanart (and bad grammar)
#13  September 27, 2012, 11:12:09 am
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That only applies if it's a full game or digital code.  These are sprites, which are around the same area as fan artwork, which Capcom acknowledges and even puts in official games.  Should be alright.

If money wasn't changing hands it would be fine but money is changing hands so copyright is infringed according to that post copied from this very site.
I rock

Re: Understand, understand, the concept of fanart (and bad grammar)
#14  September 27, 2012, 11:32:25 am
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at the end of the day its fan art.
Re: Understand, understand, the concept of fanart (and bad grammar)
#15  September 27, 2012, 12:00:46 pm
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Which is only well and done if you are distributing it freely. Your charging which infringes copyright.

If you contact Capcom and ask them they'll tell you to stop charging as your making money from their property which you'll find is illegal.
I rock

Re: Understand, understand, the concept of fanart (and bad grammar)
#16  September 27, 2012, 12:23:03 pm
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okay that's opinion on things not ours, i dont do shit 4 free no more, so dont expect it
Re: Understand, understand, the concept of fanart (and bad grammar)
#17  September 27, 2012, 01:16:57 pm
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Cash was exchanged for the time it took to make the sprites. Not for "Gouken". You can ask for anything to be commissioned. I can ask for Fenny Baker from my comic to be made and it'd cost me $100. She's original. When I went to conventions I charged $5 to draw a picture. Sometimes the pictures were of copyrighted works. Again, I was merely charging people for the time it took to draw. I didn't charge because someone wanted a picture of Naruto. Tattoos are the same way. Original work or copyrighted you are paying for the work to be done. If he charged everyone for each instance they wanted to download the sprites then that'd be making profit from Gouken. But that's not what's happening.
Last Edit: September 27, 2012, 02:14:27 pm by Just No Point
Re: Understand, understand, the concept of fanart (and bad grammar)
#18  September 27, 2012, 02:12:05 pm
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Garuda, I just want to be one of the ones to say thank you for your contribution to the community. I am sure many decent programmers will take advantage of your generous donation.

Again Thanks!
Re: Understand, understand, the concept of fanart (and bad grammar)
#19  September 27, 2012, 02:56:01 pm
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Thank Syn

To Zantetsuken: I don't understand what you want accomplish with your crusade...

Aren't you happy with this new material for Mugen? Aren't you happy it's free for everyone?

Re: Understand, understand, the concept of fanart (and bad grammar)
#20  September 27, 2012, 03:11:20 pm
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Garuda i remember you saying something about for your next commission you wanted a juri =O

Whenever i get 3 commission done u should go for that