
Moderator Discussion/Feedback (Read 744798 times)

Started by Sepp, September 07, 2007, 06:26:52 pm
Moderator Discussion/Feedback
#1  September 07, 2007, 06:26:52 pm
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To get started with this approach, random people have been given moderation powers for this section. Haha. If you're among the candidates but don't want to be, just say so.

This is just meant as an additional small help to perhaps make this section more usable: users who should be able to help out with moderating a bit when and if they feel like it. Doesn't mean they have to run this board or watch over it all the time or anything, and you shouldn't expect them to.

They're not responsible for fulfilling your requests, either! Obviously.

Now, who wants to have nothing to do with it, and--who else want or should be added??
"Several times now, Achamian thought he had glimpsed golden haloes about Kellhus's hands. He found himself envying those, such as Proyas, who claimed to see them all the time."
--R. Scott Bakker
The Thousandfold Thought (2006)
Last Edit: December 08, 2007, 01:28:49 pm by Honkey
Re: The experiment continues...
#2  September 07, 2007, 08:57:22 pm
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Wow... didn't even notice I was a mod for a bit. Cool. Maybe now I can get rid of some of that flaming there.
Imagine a zanguief runing to attack ryu, ryu does a quick+kind of weak fast punch and hit the chest of zanguief, will this punch be enough to zanguief say/think \"oh no, this punch hurted a little, I better stop the attack and put my hand on my chest to help contain the pain while ignoring if ryu is going to make other attacks now"

Cenobite 53 said:
If someone isn't able to get girls laid, why buying this exorcist needing piece of retardet piece of bullshit an not wisiting his local red light district. For that money he could  :hump: tons of hookers.
Re: The experiment continues...
#3  September 07, 2007, 09:02:24 pm
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  • I made it up for a videogame.
I don't think it was that random... All the new mods seem to be people who spent time on the requests without being leecher-like.
What's the good of phenomenal cosmic power if you can't blow something up?
Re: The experiment continues...
#4  September 07, 2007, 09:03:46 pm
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Yeah, that did come to mind when I saw Blue was also a mod.

Granted, it *shouldn't* be that random anyways.
Imagine a zanguief runing to attack ryu, ryu does a quick+kind of weak fast punch and hit the chest of zanguief, will this punch be enough to zanguief say/think \"oh no, this punch hurted a little, I better stop the attack and put my hand on my chest to help contain the pain while ignoring if ryu is going to make other attacks now"

Cenobite 53 said:
If someone isn't able to get girls laid, why buying this exorcist needing piece of retardet piece of bullshit an not wisiting his local red light district. For that money he could  :hump: tons of hookers.
Re: The experiment continues...
#5  September 07, 2007, 10:49:56 pm
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  • MFG's Slowest Character Editor
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I'd be willing to offer my services.  But, I won't be offended if I'm not chosen.
Re: The experiment continues...
#6  September 08, 2007, 12:12:21 am
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  • Let me show you my real personality!
If you want help for clean some shit in the request section...i'm here!  :sugoi:
Re: The experiment continues...
#7  September 08, 2007, 12:54:57 am
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Well, guess I can drop by here and there to help. But never relied on moderation powers really --;
Re: The experiment continues...
#8  September 08, 2007, 01:23:10 am
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  • Am I evil?
Hey kewl I'm a moderator  :D. Didn't notice till...about 2 minutes.

So let me get this straight, we are more of a "free-lance moderators" right? Not obliged to moderate every damn moment the request sections, but to keep an eye on it every know and then ???.

And our main job is to moderate stupid requests, total noobs, rude people, and the likes?

And finally, is the 1-thread-per-user function functioning now? Or not. And when it triggers, we'll have a notice?It's been done.

Oh, I'm SO gonna (ab)use my moderator powah  :mugoi:.

Edit: I fucking need to read more closely.

Sig made by TempesT :)
Last Edit: September 08, 2007, 02:02:26 am by L.o.t.F.
Re: The experiment continues...
#9  September 08, 2007, 01:42:50 am
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  • If only I had my rainbow star back -_-
i wouldn't mind being a moderator either ^_^. I can always spot out the crappy or awkward things in this forum lol. The only thing i'm missing is a cool sig, that's about it haha.
It's true that if you own a PS3 then all arguments made by those who don't have one are invalid.
Re: The experiment continues...
#10  September 08, 2007, 01:52:26 am
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It's official. Sepp's gone batshit insane.
Re: The experiment continues...
#11  September 08, 2007, 01:54:19 am
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Eh, why the hell not?  Sign me up
"With ignorance and arrogance, success is assured."
~Mark Twain
Sig by TempesT
Re: The experiment continues...
#12  September 08, 2007, 02:11:42 am
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Is everyone okay with me editing posts that say "I need someone" to "I want someone"?
Imagine a zanguief runing to attack ryu, ryu does a quick+kind of weak fast punch and hit the chest of zanguief, will this punch be enough to zanguief say/think \"oh no, this punch hurted a little, I better stop the attack and put my hand on my chest to help contain the pain while ignoring if ryu is going to make other attacks now"

Cenobite 53 said:
If someone isn't able to get girls laid, why buying this exorcist needing piece of retardet piece of bullshit an not wisiting his local red light district. For that money he could  :hump: tons of hookers.
Re: The experiment continues...
#13  September 08, 2007, 02:14:15 am
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Is everyone okay with me editing posts that say "I need someone" to "I want someone"?

Absolutely...I think we all should do it, actually...and maybe to be pains in their asses, we should keep telling them they never actually NEED a character until they stop :sugoi:
Re: The experiment continues...
#14  September 08, 2007, 02:17:50 am
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  • Am I evil?
Is everyone okay with me editing posts that say "I need someone" to "I want someone"?
What if they REALLY need it ???. Like, if they don't download that char in x time, their wife/lover/girlfriend/closest woman in life gets it?

Nah, really, suit yourself.

Sig made by TempesT :)
Re: The experiment continues...
#15  September 08, 2007, 02:19:49 am
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Imagine a zanguief runing to attack ryu, ryu does a quick+kind of weak fast punch and hit the chest of zanguief, will this punch be enough to zanguief say/think \"oh no, this punch hurted a little, I better stop the attack and put my hand on my chest to help contain the pain while ignoring if ryu is going to make other attacks now"

Cenobite 53 said:
If someone isn't able to get girls laid, why buying this exorcist needing piece of retardet piece of bullshit an not wisiting his local red light district. For that money he could  :hump: tons of hookers.
Re: The experiment continues...
#16  September 08, 2007, 02:20:43 am
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Re: The experiment continues...
#17  September 08, 2007, 02:27:40 am
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And finally, is the 1-thread-per-user function functioning now? Or not. And when it triggers, we'll have a notice? It's been done.
Don't like this one... it's harder and tiring to spot all. But will do what's possible when around.
Re: The experiment continues...
#18  September 08, 2007, 02:32:44 am
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I'll help with the one thread thing if I can.
Imagine a zanguief runing to attack ryu, ryu does a quick+kind of weak fast punch and hit the chest of zanguief, will this punch be enough to zanguief say/think \"oh no, this punch hurted a little, I better stop the attack and put my hand on my chest to help contain the pain while ignoring if ryu is going to make other attacks now"

Cenobite 53 said:
If someone isn't able to get girls laid, why buying this exorcist needing piece of retardet piece of bullshit an not wisiting his local red light district. For that money he could  :hump: tons of hookers.
Re: The experiment continues...
#19  September 08, 2007, 02:36:58 am
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Re: The experiment continues...
#20  September 08, 2007, 02:48:48 am
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  • Start wearing purple wearing purple ♪
But it wasn't about moderation, was more about being able to answer easily and faster.

And seeing that online stuff was uploaded less...