
V-Zilla (Read 233662 times)

Started by Shamrock, May 19, 2010, 06:08:57 pm
#1  May 19, 2010, 06:08:57 pm
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I woke up all happy. School is out and the economy leaves me with no work, so I just got up and was enjoying a Baileys filled Coffee. My happy ass danced over to my computer while drinking from the mug without spilling it. Then I got a phone call, of should I say a future booty call (Hell yeah it is going to be a good weekend)

In short I was having the perfect morning, but then

Fucking Vozilla sends me this.

you either...

- are comfortable with lying to back your friend rajaa
- forgot what you said regarding gill to me
- twisted the truth to whatever ends

you never said anything about some warning about do not flame gill. what you said was do not post in that thread. for you to say you gave such a warning in the admin thread is as fucked up as rajaa banning due to future intentions.

also, had you said warning to never flame gill i'd have gone off as he is the one always instigating everything. plus, your on drugs if you do not think he did not think he was wanting to take a shot at CVG in that request thread.

i stopped giving a shit about what makes you happy when you showed yourself to be a hypocrit. and its a fact, you posted in the admin board you gave me some warning about flaming gill, when you did not. all you said was don't post in response to gill's flame because darkflare needs some message.

i probably would have to begin with, but rajaa turned off my pm's with that ban. for now, there is no point in appealing as can't go back in time. but that said, due to how things went down, i can think what i want about you and rajaa both.

He is saying I'm lying about something and something, says Rajaa stopped him from sending PMs I tried explaining that we can't do that, it is a forum software issues and that I told Val (Actually Iced) about and now he won't believe me unless Val tells that to him.

I've returned to these PMs in a rather rude manner. I don't take well to being called a liar.

I can no longer ban him or anything at this point though, because I'm to involved.

So Discuss.
Last Edit: May 19, 2010, 06:33:30 pm by Shamrock
Re: Vozilla
#2  May 19, 2010, 08:09:44 pm
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He was banned because he sent me a rude personal message saying that he would not listen to what I say and that he would continue to poke shots at Gill. So, yeah I banned him because of what he said he would do, and if I catch him doing it again I will ban him even longer.

He acts like banning somebody to prevent future disruptions is bad, when it is not.

He's very immature and doesn't know how to handle situations; judging by his behavior during the chess game, the angry pm he sent me because I told him to stop bickering with Gill, and the current user name and signature he has.

Here's the pm, I posted it in the public staff thread earlier.
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

In short, don't take his long personal messages of personal insults too hard. You're not too involved to ban him. He's being a dick because he's accusing people of ridiculous things yet he fails to see the problem, himself. It's common for people to want to blame their faults on other people. He is wrong, he is not in anyway right at this point.
Re: Vozilla
#3  May 19, 2010, 08:15:50 pm
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That reminds me. In a Pm I got on MI from him, said that you banned him because you were upset about a conversation in the chess thread. He basically said it was a way of getting even LOL.

He is pissing me off.

Also no. I can't mod him, because I've reacted badly to his stupid bullshit. Here is an example.

Shut up.

Stop fucking crying to me about Rajaa banning you. Accusing me of lying about anything in a PM is not going to make me happy.

I don't have to justify anything to you. I will, in the hopes that you will shut the fuck up. I did send a warning to gill. I don't work for you. I do not need to tell you everyone I send a Pm to, even Gill.

As far as Rajaa goes, he has a level head and is someone I usually agree with and respect. I no longer respect you, because of your recent behavior and the way you have treated me and my fellow staff.

In short, stop crying like a little girl.
Re: Vozilla
#4  May 19, 2010, 08:20:00 pm
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I don't see why he's still picking at that nonsense. He's still hurt over not getting an undo. And he's still hurt over being banned. He needs to learn to let things that don't really matter go.

Oh wow, yeah, you pretty much hurt his feelings. If you ban him now, you'll be doing it out of personal bias. =D
Re: Vozilla
#5  May 19, 2010, 08:22:39 pm
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I also forgot that when I kept removing his flame, he said that he would let it go, if I gave him Gill's IP address.

I told him that he must have lost his fucking mind.

Someone other than me, babysit this fucking guy. If I have to deal with him anymore, I'm going to get personal with him, and no one wants to see that.
Re: Vozilla
#6  May 19, 2010, 08:25:19 pm
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I also forgot that when I kept removing his flame, he said that he would let it go, if I gave him Gill's IP address.

Wow, seriously? That is going too far for an internet grudge. He wears his heart on his shoulder. Poor boy.
Re: Vozilla
#7  May 19, 2010, 08:29:32 pm
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Re: Vozilla
#8  May 19, 2010, 10:11:18 pm
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For a brief period (following the Tony 3rd "scandal") I placed myself on "Receive PMs from Admins and Friends only" to silence people who were continuing it.

I believe he tried to send ME PMs during that time, because I received one at Renegade MUGEN about his ban (which I don't even visit) asking if his PMs were disabled which may have caused him to think his PMs were disabled, then just now when I ninja checked my account at work, he sent another PM.

Spoiler: PM with my reply attached (click to see content)

That's all I have to say on the subject for now.
you can't mixup a blind man, and you can't out think a brick ~skisonic
Street fighting is all about analysis, prediction, and reaction. That's it.

Re: Vozilla
#9  May 19, 2010, 11:46:39 pm
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tell you what, i will drop everything if you tell me orochi gill's ip. you have no idea how badly i want to add a ban trigger for that at CVG.

What the hell? o_O

This Vozilla person clearly has issues.

Although (if I get this right) he's still banned right now, correct? We can't really do much while he's banned.

His attitude is really... bad (after reading some of his posts). He actually seems to be looking for trouble.

For now I think it'd be best to keep things cool and see what he does. Maybe give him a honest warning when his ban period is over, possibly under the public staff topic and backed up with this discussion.

---   I see.
Last Edit: May 20, 2010, 12:04:56 am by Vans
Re: Vozilla
#10  May 19, 2010, 11:56:35 pm
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nah, he got unbanned, the ban lasted a week.

Spoiler: =O (click to see content)

Banned. One Week. I gave Orochi Gill the same warning and he didn't respond this way at all. All he said was that he has told Volzilla the same thing. Which he has.
Re: Vozilla
#11  May 23, 2010, 03:08:13 pm
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first check out the thread title of the previous one

now read up on this

this is pretty much bullshit how shamrock acts. he's on drugs if he doesn't believe gill wasn't flame baiting. total hypocrite. and this is the 3rd time he's done this.

i'm on permanent warning to where if i say a damn thing to gill i'm in trouble...and you know gill knows this. heck, i even tried to respond to a flame of his and shamrock wouldnt let me...but he sure as hell didnt care that the dickhead flamed me to begin with.

and regarding that incident i just spoke of, shamrock lied in the warning thread saying he warned me about flaming gill. what he said was he did not want me responding to gill's flame because darkflare needed to see some message.

not to mention, i still think its pretty fucked up that rajaa banned me from posting and being able to send pm's for a week due to "future intentions"

now, on to his sig.
The new name means this: Apparently i got banned because Rajaa is so sure I will do something in the future. I'm convicted of something I have not done yet? And did no one take into account I was venting due to who it was from staff giving whatever warnings, since I thought Rajaa=douche before it all.

In short, it's pretty fucked up that I got banned for something I have not done but someone thinks I might do in the future.

I don't know my future intentions until they happen, so for someone else to claim they know them and convict me on what they think will happen already is crazy fucked up.

and some people still think its a graceful powerful thing to act as janitorial staff, sheesh...
Steps towards vollzilla? While  I could try to calm him down this has happened a lot, should we do something about orochi? He keeps attracting negative attention
Re: Vozilla
#12  May 23, 2010, 04:05:00 pm
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I've never seen that thread(split). He has issues. Certainly, he does.

I don't know my future intentions until they happen,

Lol? This makes no sense, and neither does his ranting. I sent Gill the same warning I sent Volzilla. Gill accepted it, and I haven't seen anything since. Then I again, I haven't been keeping an eye out for them like I should. The reason he was banned in the first place was, as I mentioned,  because he said he doesn't care what I say and that he's going to do what he wants, I had to show him that that's not how it's going to go down, ever.

Gill attracts negativity, but he never blows his head like the people who are attracted. It's a amazing, it makes you think if he's even part of the negative attention that he attracts. I personally think it' because he has no emotion and tone in his posts. No smileys or anything, people are intimidated and get his messages taken the wrong way, maybe.

Then there are the times when he is flame baiting, and even still never puts any emotion into it. So you can't be sure. He usually states what I would call "facts," except for the ones that are clearly opinion. I think if he's convinced to not always post even if he has something to say, then a lot of negativity could be avoided. Anyways, everyone has some negativity towards them ;people that hate them. Gills amount of enemies don't exceed any amount from any active user in the community. Some people just don't get a long.

Volzilla, needs to be told his place, and he needs to stay in it. He can't do whatever he wants. he can't say he won't be listening to the moderator who's moderating him. He's not an internet gangsta, and he has problems. If he wants to add a ban trigger to somebody who doesn't even visit his forum, and his way of obtaining the ban trigger is through bribe, he most certainly has issues.
Last Edit: May 23, 2010, 04:09:00 pm by Malisa Persaud
Re: Vozilla
#13  May 23, 2010, 04:08:23 pm
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Volzilla is the MFG terrorist.
Re: Vozilla
#14  May 23, 2010, 08:45:19 pm
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Every time I warn Gill. He listens. What more should be done?

And Vozilla is a freaking drama queen. Frankly I'm tired of his shit. I've been keeping him and gill from flaming each other on this forum for years. Both would back off in the past, but now Vozilla has gone off the deep end.

If I don't mod gill the way Vozilla want him modded (Also known as a permaban) then we are not doing our jobs. Listen Vozilla is not a mod, Rajaa and I are the mods.

So tell Vozilla if he doesn't like the way we run this forum, he is welcome to go to another.

Keep in mind that this Vozilla character used to defend us and say we were the best mods, as soon as we don't take his side or should I say, give into his demands, then we are scum.
Re: Vozilla
#15  May 24, 2010, 11:36:51 pm
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Vollzilla, I have reviewed your case, checked up everything.
Truth is, you and gill have been going at each other far too often, and you went and on top of not accepting when a moderator asked you to step back, you even asked him for Gill Ip. As if you could force them to do something in order to keep you being civil.

There isnt much to say here, except what everyone already said, stop arguing with Gill, everytime you do it, you lose your cool absolutely while he walks off calm and collected, no moderator can do anything when they tell both people to stop, one stops and the other flies off the handle.
Being insultive towards rajaa and shamrock doesnt make you look any better either.

Reconsider if thats the attitude you want to show others.

For your appreciation before I send.
Re: Vozilla
#16  May 24, 2010, 11:49:18 pm
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Re: Vozilla
#17  May 25, 2010, 01:15:41 am
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Change insultive to insulting.

and you went and on top of not accepting when a moderator asked you to step back, you even asked him for Gill Ip.
Needs rewording as well. I think removing "and you went and"

would do it.

In M.U.G.E.N there is no magic button

They say a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, but it's not one half so bad as a lot of ignorance.
Re: Vozilla
#18  May 25, 2010, 01:29:19 am
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Vollzilla, I have reviewed your case, checked up everything.
Truth is, you and gill have been going at each other far too often,  you went and on top of not accepting when a moderator asked you to step back, you even asked him for Gill Ip. As if you could force them to do something in order to keep you being civil.

There isnt much to say here, except what everyone already said, stop arguing with Gill, everytime you do it, you lose your cool absolutely while he walks off calm and collected, no moderator can do anything when they tell both people to stop, one stops and the other flies off the handle.
Being insulting towards rajaa and shamrock doesnt make you look any better either.

Reconsider if thats the attitude you want to show others.
Re: Vozilla
#19  May 25, 2010, 01:32:55 am
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Lets edit this.

Vollzilla, I have reviewed your case and investigated the situation.
Truth is, you and gill have been going at each other far too often. You also failed to accept when a moderator asked you to step back. You even went as far as to ask for Gill's Ip in exchange for your civility.

I have nothing to add to what my Moderators already told you. Stop arguing with Gill. When you argue with him and lose your cool, Gill walks off calm and collected and listens to the moderators. When a moderator tells both people to stop and one stops while the other flies off the handle, the moderator can't do anything to the person who stopped.
Being insulting towards rajaa and shamrock doesnt make you look any better either.

Reconsider if that is the attitude you want to show others.

Re: Vozilla
#20  May 25, 2010, 01:49:42 am
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Vollzilla, The tyrant has reviewed your case and investigated the situation and all pertaining matters to the full extent of its abilities.
Verily, Subject Vollzilla and subject gill have been in discord in far too many occasions. Orders and requests by moderation staff have been ignored when presented and outright denied. There are records of user vollzilla requesting User Gill's Ip in exchange for his civility. A sort of bribe, must investigate further.

There is little to add to what the moderation staff has already informed you.
Stop discord with User Gill. the outcome of the small fights between both users are followed by User gill leaving calm and collected and user vollzilla on a state of mental disarray. When moderation staff issues requests to both persons to stop bouting and one obeys while the other doesnt the staff cant do anything more than process the one that doesnt stop to the full extent of the law.

Being insulting towards rajaa and shamrock is justified, they are ugly.

Reconsider if that is the attitude you want to show others.

Futher Fixed