
TEST RUN - Spritesheet Expansion Thread Addendum - Request thread (Read 1836249 times)

Started by Graphicus, August 09, 2013, 11:41:11 am
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Re: TEST RUN - Spritesheet Expansion Thread Addendum - Request thread
#21  August 10, 2013, 01:58:50 am
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That's some good progress! Added to the list!
Re: TEST RUN - Spritesheet Expansion Thread Addendum - Request thread
#22  August 10, 2013, 01:59:59 am
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That's some good progress! Added to the list!

Thanks man! You need me to send you a sample sprite so you can see the index?
EDIT: Could you add the link to the 2nd post where it says PROJECT THREAD? You know, for good advertising?

Re: TEST RUN - Spritesheet Expansion Thread Addendum - Request thread
#23  August 12, 2013, 08:50:57 pm
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Thanks man! You need me to send you a sample sprite so you can see the index?
EDIT: Could you add the link to the 2nd post where it says PROJECT THREAD? You know, for good advertising?

If you don't think people can get that from one of the pics in your thread, then yeah, post one here and I'll add it in your section.
Regarding the link, I already do that by default whenever there's a project thread in this forum. It helps people know that there's progress on the project. :)

Regarding those Fei Long sprites... I'm done with the lineart but boy... that SFA3 shading for Fei Long is RIDICULOUS... I'll post the second finished frame when I'm done with it...
Last Edit: August 20, 2013, 05:15:22 am by Graphicus
Re: TEST RUN - Spritesheet Expansion Thread Addendum - Request thread
#24  August 20, 2013, 05:15:39 am
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Okay... whew... this didn't come out too bad... I should learn not to volunteer for stuff that's way above my pay-grade :P

ViolinKen, here you go. Hope it helps you finish your character the way you wanted.

Okay, now we need someone to sprite those moves for K'. Any volunteers? I did my part! :D

(By the way... how do I do that thing where you mention a specific user and they get a notification saying they were "mentioned" in a post?)
Re: TEST RUN - Spritesheet Expansion Thread Addendum - Request thread
#25  August 20, 2013, 05:34:35 am
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Sweet. Thank you, Graphicus.  I'll probably edit the sprites a bit further to my liking, but it's a good base to start with. 
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Re: TEST RUN - Spritesheet Expansion Thread Addendum - Request thread
#26  August 20, 2013, 05:44:22 am
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Edit it all you want... I did as good a job as my skills allow, but it's likely there are several things wrong with it :P
Re: TEST RUN - Spritesheet Expansion Thread Addendum - Request thread
#27  August 20, 2013, 08:58:21 am
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(By the way... how do I do that thing where you mention a specific user and they get a notification saying they were "mentioned" in a post?)

@(insert name of the one you want to call): 
@[user id= (check the user id of the one you want to mention)]whatever you want here[/user]

Like this:
Re: TEST RUN - Spritesheet Expansion Thread Addendum - Request thread
#28  August 20, 2013, 04:35:32 pm
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Edit it all you want... I did as good a job as my skills allow, but it's likely there are several things wrong with it :P
There are a few things that could be changed still, but it's a great effort man!

The most glaring issue is the hands. You could use one of SNK's characters animations, to see how they could be open, and not necessarily bend inside, towards the body. drawing that would have been easier than what you did :P

Re: TEST RUN - Spritesheet Expansion Thread Addendum - Request thread
#29  August 20, 2013, 09:24:47 pm
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Yeah, the arms in general don't move too smoothly... I wanted to give them a wide arch, but I also wanted to make sure the animation had a CVS-framecount (6), just in case that's what ViolinKen was going for. I just tried to settle for something close to SFA.

Again... if you guys look at any of the previous sprites I submitted, you'll see most of them are unfinished/uncolored... I need someone to teach me how to do this... tutorials help, but not enough. A lot of them assume that I have way too much intuition, which I don't. :D
Re: TEST RUN - Spritesheet Expansion Thread Addendum - Request thread
#30  August 23, 2013, 01:37:59 am
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Hello guys!!! Hope all of you are fine! So few tie ago i made an edit of Human`s/Chuchoryu`s seth. I added few sprites like run, but this char still missing two animations; the second hit of Shoryuken and the spinning hit of EX Shoryuken. I tried make theese animations but my sprite skills are very limited and the result was terrible!

Can you help me?

The release topic:

Video progress:

Re: TEST RUN - Spritesheet Expansion Thread Addendum - Request thread
#31  August 23, 2013, 04:53:20 am
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Added to the first page.
Re: TEST RUN - Spritesheet Expansion Thread Addendum - Request thread
#32  August 23, 2013, 12:38:22 pm
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Thank you!
Re: TEST RUN - Spritesheet Expansion Thread Addendum - Request thread
#33  August 28, 2013, 05:27:40 pm
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Re: TEST RUN - Spritesheet Expansion Thread Addendum - Request thread
#34  August 28, 2013, 07:49:43 pm
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Added to the list. :)
Re: TEST RUN - Spritesheet Expansion Thread Addendum - Request thread
#35  August 30, 2013, 09:14:56 am
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Time to try this out

Character/Game: Kyo Kusanagi/Capcom vs. SNK
Evidence of progress:
Request: 2k1-XI style Nanase

i.e. this:

here is a very rough CvS version that might be useful:
Re: TEST RUN - Spritesheet Expansion Thread Addendum - Request thread
#36  August 30, 2013, 09:18:02 am
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Re: TEST RUN - Spritesheet Expansion Thread Addendum - Request thread
#37  August 30, 2013, 10:40:21 am
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Jmorphman: I've added your request to the list. That said, your rough animation looks pretty good already. At first glance it just seems to be missing a few frames :)

Nice that Fei-Long run animation looks very smoothly animated.

Thanks... did the best I could... too bad someone else had already made a better one, lol...
Re: TEST RUN - Spritesheet Expansion Thread Addendum - Request thread
#38  August 30, 2013, 11:13:50 am
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That said, your rough animation looks pretty good already.
Not mine, and... no, not really. There's a few frames where everything above his left knee rotates and the lower half of that leg is completely still. It needs tons and tons of work.
Re: TEST RUN - Spritesheet Expansion Thread Addendum - Request thread
#39  September 07, 2013, 06:36:38 am
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Re: TEST RUN - Spritesheet Expansion Thread Addendum - Request thread
#40  September 07, 2013, 10:01:34 am
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found this slightly improved base for that Nanase animation: