
PSX Stage Ripping? (Read 2377 times)

Started by Ricepigeon, August 31, 2007, 10:39:26 am
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PSX Stage Ripping?
#1  August 31, 2007, 10:39:26 am
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Just wondering if theres a tutorial for this, since it doesn't seem that there a way to disable layers, at least not with epsxe. I'm thinking of possibly ripping the background tiles of some PSX games, mostly Inuyasha: a Feudal Fairy Tale, and I'm thinking artmoney is somehow involved.
Re: PSX Stage Ripping?
#2  August 31, 2007, 04:54:39 pm
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you use artmoney to move the characters off the screen; look for the artmoney interactive tutorial topic.
Re: PSX Stage Ripping?
#3  August 31, 2007, 11:00:30 pm
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That works, but sometimes the stage is divided into individual layers for background & foreground and such. Just wondering if there was a way to isolate those layers.
Re: PSX Stage Ripping?
#4  August 31, 2007, 11:12:06 pm
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  • heh i create stages...
you can use PSicture at randomselect to extract the images from the iso or game disk(you can do ps1 and ps2)