
Senri Project Progress Thread (Read 31016 times)

Started by CRASHEM8000, March 02, 2016, 04:45:06 pm
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Senri Project Progress Thread
#1  March 02, 2016, 04:45:06 pm
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Hi, everybody. Here in this thread, I'll be putting up works in progress as I continue to create characters for the game.

When something gets completed, be sure to look out for it in the News section, and don't forget to check back here when you can!

To start, here's some Rini stuff that I've just gotten finished:

Walk Forward

Walk Backward


Beneath the spoiler, there's some screenshots of Rini in action!

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Have you tried "Season 2" Kitty yet?
Last Edit: March 02, 2016, 04:49:02 pm by CRASHEM8000
Re: Senri Project Progress Thread
#2  March 10, 2016, 10:25:03 pm
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This just in! With the help of many, many lovely voice actresses, the girls of Senri are gonna get voices! The audition I've been holding will be over around April-ish, after which I'll pick the official voices! No more Street Fighter voices for them. =P
Have you tried "Season 2" Kitty yet?
Re: Senri Project Progress Thread
#3  March 21, 2016, 09:26:00 pm
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What's this? We have a new fighter under development!

The new fighter's name is Raine, and he practices Jeet Kune Do. When more information about him is available, you can bet you'll find it here!

In the meantime, Serina is getting fine-tuned and ready for action, so be sure to look out for news about her.
Have you tried "Season 2" Kitty yet?
Re: Senri Project Progress Thread
#4  March 21, 2016, 10:33:11 pm
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"Hey, c'mon c'mon!"

Re: Senri Project Progress Thread
#5  May 13, 2016, 01:56:28 am
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Whew! It's been a while. I've been really busy getting my life together (new job, starting college, etc.), so I haven't had much energy to create.

Until now, that is.

Just gonna plop some animations here for now; when more concrete stuff comes up, expect to see a character page coming out of the woodwork!
And, as always, thanks for the continued support, even with my lazy busy self being away! Also, the Kickstarter WAS funded, but, unfortunately, I only saw 1/10 of the money. So, in the future, another one will be held. Hope to see you guys behind the project, regardless of whether or not money is involved!

As for the animations, here they are:

Have you tried "Season 2" Kitty yet?
Re: Senri Project Progress Thread (Update Around the Corner)
#6  December 13, 2016, 08:31:03 pm
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Oh boy, oh boy. It's finally that time again!

Senri was down, but it's not out, and now that a lot of shiz and doodoo is out of the way, I can start to comfortably work on the project again.
As for the point of this post, I'm working on the next update to the demo! I'm sure you all know what that means: a list!

What to expect from the next update

First and foremost, from the next update, you guys can expect Lala, Kitty, and Midori to all have completed voice acting! After painstakingly adjusting volume levels and choosing the best takes for the lines in Audacity, I plugged in all the new voices and made sure that they play just right.
There probably won't be any extra characters at first (for that would take quite a while), but Serina will hopefully be more complete. There's also been a balance overhaul! I'll list the changes below in character-specific spoilers.

Upcoming Balance Changes

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

That wraps up what to expect so far, but remember, things can change further in the coming days. As always, thanks for the continued support and interest in the project! I'll be sure to give more updates as they happen.
Have you tried "Season 2" Kitty yet?