
Freeza Z2 [Project] (Read 634829 times)

Started by Balthazar, December 27, 2011, 06:59:29 pm
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Freeza Z2 [Project]
#1  December 27, 2011, 06:59:29 pm
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Happy Holidays everone   

As you can see, this character thread is for Frieza/Freeza/Freezer Z2 

I'll have to start by saying;  I did not sprite the character! In fact, it was dear MFG user Chamat 
This cat has been studying my style, and started making a ton of animations for Freezer!
Politely, he asked if I could launch the thread so perhaps it would attract more people 

This is his stand version:

And this is how I'm revamping him:

here is the palette template

Here is an experiment for color seperation/Mecha Freezer he did.

+Color Separation

So congrats Chamat, you are hereby added to team Cybalthazar, making it...
Team CyChamathazar...with ICING on the cake...with a side-dish of WeezyWhipIt... Or we could just call it Team Z2!

Please come at us with your feedback/comments!

Video added 11-7-2013
Last Edit: May 18, 2015, 11:33:40 pm by Balthazar
Re: Freezer Z2
#2  December 27, 2011, 07:06:07 pm
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DUDE KICKASS good job chamat are you planning on making the others as well? piccolo kidbuu cell ect?

You'll fix chuchoryu ? Sounds like a plan. How about you code him from scratch instead ?
Re: Freezer Z2
#3  December 27, 2011, 07:13:44 pm
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That WIP walk back anim looks strange/unnatural, if mostly for the fact that both arms are making the same exact movement.  I'm sure Chamat knows that, though. :)

Re: Freezer Z2
#4  December 27, 2011, 07:14:26 pm
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are you planning on making the others as well? piccolo kidbuu cell ect?
Let's keep it down a notch OK?
Re: Freezer Z2
#5  December 27, 2011, 07:15:35 pm
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  • Mas y Mas Wips XD
I love this! I like this Freeza alot! Great Work Chamat! the mecha-freeza separation is outstanding!  ;P
Re: Freezer Z2
#6  December 27, 2011, 07:15:51 pm
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I'm very impress with the hard work and effort put into these characters. If you guy's ever need a full game or screen pack you can put my name down as a contender. Awesome sauce.
Re: Freezer Z2
#7  December 27, 2011, 07:20:30 pm
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It's not bad, obviously has it's flaws, but who's complaining. I'm not even gonna throw down any criticism or anything, and I certainly plan to enjoy this character when it is released.  :)
Re: Freezer Z2
#8  December 27, 2011, 07:23:24 pm
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I don't like those sprites.  They look very disproportionate compared to your own.  His head is gigantic compared to his body, which looks ridiculously small anyway.
Re: Freezer Z2
#9  December 27, 2011, 07:24:36 pm
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Yeah, this is really great. More work for me, but these graphics are really worth it.
Great work Chamat, can't wait to see more. ;)

Head is a little big, making Frieza almost Super Deformed, and legs are a little large, but the animations are really very smoooth, and I like the shading very much, which is really on spot with Balthazar's style.


Re: Freezer Z2
#10  December 27, 2011, 07:48:21 pm
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Hellyeah to this,lil bit more work and it's gonna be perfect
Re: Freezer Z2
#11  December 27, 2011, 08:08:24 pm
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Good job on those sprites Chamat, I'm loving your animation style bro.  Looking forward to seeing Freezer in action. :)
Re: Freezer Z2
#12  December 27, 2011, 08:08:47 pm
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Great job Chamat! Those sprites came out great.

Trying to make a comeback
Re: Freezer Z2
#13  December 27, 2011, 08:43:38 pm
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His Backwards/Backstep move, well i want to give him some sadistic move, like Vice does, something like a taunt, i did a test as a normal walking loop, he looks like Urien/Gill, didnt like it

Ah, didn't catch the Vice influence.  The first thing I thought was maybe trying for a Urien/Rugal-style backwards walk, but after hearing your explanation, it makes sense now. :)
Re: Freezer Z2
#14  December 27, 2011, 08:52:11 pm
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baalthazar stop playin wit me here 0_o is!! IMMEDIATE SOUNDPATCH BEING MADE LOL
I was the Perfect warrior! Cold and Ruthless! I lived by my strength alone! Uninhibited by foolish emotion!
Re: Freezer Z2
#15  December 27, 2011, 08:58:18 pm
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Repeating what i said to baltha ( with a lil example, do not mind the shading my shading is terribad and i didnt even try )

Freeza animations are smooth which is great, the only thing I think he needs is to thin out the legs to be more femenine and to get rid of that profile head he has on his stance, its at least one or two pixels wider than most of his heads, here is an example where I used the head from crouch with a minor edit to the eye.

All in all a great effort and im glad more spriters are getting into the action. Congratulations Chamat.

edit: forgot to mention, the animated crouches you have have the tail too short, I know you were going for perspective but the tail would look better like in that other crouching attack you have where its trailing to the left.
Re: Freezer Z2
#16  December 27, 2011, 09:03:21 pm
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Oh my, Frieza now? At this rate, the big guys are all gonna be done by you guys x_x. They do look nice, but yeah it could use a bit more work on the head and legs as said already. Really surprised though, but for a minute I thought it was gonna be his brother from the name. Darn names being so close together like that!

Frigida eh? Odd name, but looking at it, I guess there really wouldn't be much else in the way of a female Frieza eh? He's already girly enough as it was IIRC lol.

All in all, great job on this!
Re: Freezer Z2
#17  December 27, 2011, 09:13:51 pm
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Yes, Freeza needs to be skinnier if that's his final form. Less bulk, more tone.  Although, his 100% power does give him huge muscles, but most people are used to skinny final form Freeza. Freeza is my most preferred, so I am pleased to see this is an actuality.

Great job on the sprites, Chamat, you've really done a great job at the replication of style, considering it was Freeza. If it were someone else with baggy clothes or bigger muscles, you probably would have done the sprites close to flawlessly.

My ideas:

1. The walk could possibly be a levitation, considering Freeza is psychic, but as his health gets lower, he begins to walk. I think that's a feature that should be in all of your characters, to be honest, the different stance and walk animations on low power. Would be a nice little Easter eggs that screams "Balthazar and Cybaster made this characters (ignoring the sprites in this case)!"

2. Have him go through all of his transformations as an intro, or at least the one before the final form.

3. Have him maim the planet as an ending.

4. Have him kill somebody before the fight. Someone who makes sense, of course. Lol.

I have some more suggestions, but I'm not going say them yet!

Goodluck, guys. As always.

Re: Freezer Z2
#18  December 27, 2011, 09:46:16 pm
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4. Have him kill somebody before the fight. Someone who makes sense, of course. Lol.

Ah, yes. That would be a Frieza-like nature to do.

For regular intro, have him kill a regular Namekian/Nail.
For Goku, have him kill Vegeta or Krillin.

Anyway, good luck guys!


Re: Freezer Z2
#19  December 27, 2011, 10:48:15 pm
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I kid. This looks awesome aside from the aforementioned proportion issues. Perhaps some ideas from Dormammu/Dr. Strange could be taken?
Re: Freezer Z2
#20  December 27, 2011, 11:22:51 pm
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This is really excellent man. The graphics is decent but Awesome for sure.