In this thread, post notable Quotes Of The Day from chats, people, or this very forum #MUGEN said:<DGJ> and let me be the quote thread master<DGJ> i want to make a rule that if the log it too long or unfunny you get muted for a day
.:185754:. <Kung_Fu_Man> From the looks of things, Val, you, Messatsu, Jared, and Titiln have slit our throats."you" refering to Sepp
"THERE ISN'T FUCKING SUCH A FUCKING THING AS A FUCKING MONSTER!"-Penn from Penn & Teller: Bullshit!And before anyone says anything, I tend to, most times (if I remember), leave things un-fonted when I'm quoting someone.
Azel> i remember the first time i got into mugen <Azel> saw a picture of Nude Psylocke shooting something out of her pooter <Azel> and "Only in mugen!" was all over it
Shinigami Captain Planet said, August 27, 2007, 04:15:47 pmWhy are you posting that stuff? If you make them available to everyone, they will not be RARE anymore, and their value will drop to zero! PUT THOSE LINKS DOWN!
Orochi Gill from MI said:Less new creations to find and try out, less innovation too, since everything's going to be Shin/Orochi/Evil/Holy/God/Violent edits nowNice username, guy.
Mysterious Bob said, August 27, 2007, 12:55:26 pmCybaster said, August 27, 2007, 11:54:21 amThat sounds good. May I suggest adding some spices to the chicken ?Can you send it to me by mail when it's done, I wanna taste it ?Or perhaps you could put it on sendspace. ¯\(º_o)/¯REQUEST: LOL CAN SOMEONE GIVE ME CHICKEN WITH SPICE BY c001357 GIMMIE GIMMIE GIMMIEHeroCorruptor66 said, August 27, 2007, 03:14:02 pmWAREHOUSE THE CHICKEN NOW!!!
Rabite said:Quit MUGEN then kill yourself | Yes we fucking know fucking Guild has fucking gone to fucking hell. Just fucking forget about fucking them, fucking nuke your fucking account if fucking need be, fucking move on with fucking life.I lol'ed
Valodim said, August 27, 2007, 02:07:04 am.:185754:. <Kung_Fu_Man> From the looks of things, Val, you, Messatsu, Jared, and Titiln have slit our throats.Since it's such a bad idea, it'll crash, burn, and work out better for you!!
Luigi356 said, August 28, 2007, 12:19:03 amWhen this is done I'm downloading it and adding the chars to my regular MUGEN.
Sphinxe said, August 28, 2007, 04:35:16 amWhat about this one ? is it the same thing? I was trying to open a pcx i did and it ended up look like this... Gaspsss yes I know.What the hell is going on ?..Any suggestions
Quote[16:12] <aLuCaRd_X> God dammit[16:12] <aLuCaRd_X> I need to get a freaking house.[16:12] <aLuCaRd_X> >-<[16:13] <Jango> buy one from MonopolyI miss Monopoly...
Wujizah Panzermanathod said, August 28, 2007, 03:40:31 pmThere is no standard quality meter (and I'm saying this with "Pico" in mind) I just had too. Oowhap, I miss you.
Satsuma said, August 29, 2007, 02:44:56 amDisplayName="Mugena"versiondate=30/04/2007Whether thats accurate or not I have no idea, I dont think Ive ever even played with this character Exactly.That's not how it's done.You check last version of a character with much wuv, by trying it in Winmugen, checking that all his moves are working properly because you know what's supposed to have, checking sprite count, hitting it with other to see if it doesn't have assert error failure bugs.And not trusting it to be last version because it has bigger file size, cause you know sprites could be cropped and that could make a newer version weight less than an older version.wutversiondate=30/04/2007? But this character was made years back, how could it have that? Back to the future?
shincrow said, August 28, 2007, 02:22:09 pmi reqwest all chars from legondary mugen player sourlucas . now giv them 2 me. ur all ma bitches an u give me ma reqwest or ill fuck u up. Bad spelling makes me LOL.